Alien Romance: Surrogate To The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Alien Protectors Book 5)

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Alien Romance: Surrogate To The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Alien Protectors Book 5) Page 4

by Zena Zion

  Instructing herself to calm her responses, at least give the appearance of participation, Avery tried to talk herself through the anticipated event.

  When Errion scooped her into his arms, the cry she released was of fear, though thankfully it sounded more like a gasp of excitement. His mouth returned to hers, but this time she found no pleasure in it.

  He passed through a nearby doorway and entered a darkened bedroom, lit only with the light of a roaring fire. Avery’s heart pounded in her chest and she wondered how it was that he could not hear it.

  He set her upon the bed. Avery forced her mind into autopilot. Robotically allowing Errion to undress them, his fascination with her body was apparent. Avery refused to look at his, staring instead at the tiled ceiling as he lay above her. She felt their bodies press against one another, his erection almost bruising against her pelvis.

  Errion pulled his face away from her neck for long enough to look into her eyes.

  “You are certain that you know what you have agreed to?” He asked, his voice tense with the passion that he was trying to hold back.

  Avery nodded. She knew that she could not back out now. She had agreed. She had signed the contract and traveled to another planet. She could not let her fear overtake her now.

  Again, his mouth closed over hers. He nudged his way between her legs, she forced herself not to clamp them shut as she wished to. As she felt the warmth of him come to rest against her center, and a tear sliped down her cheek. She had lain with a man before, but it was a man she had, at that time, known and cared about. Not some stranger she had just met and barely knew.

  A moment before the final act, Errion’s eyes opened.

  She knew the instant that he caught sight of the rouge tear. His eyes darkened, the lids narrowed, and he forced himself away from her as if scalded.

  “No.” He stated. “You are not prepared for this.”

  Avery sat up amongst the cushions and stared with panic at the man standing at the foot of the bed.

  “I’m sorry.” She wiped the tears that were now flowing freely from her eyes. “I do know. I’m sorry. I promise I can do it.”

  “No.” Errion repeated. “You’ll not be forced to do anything that you aren’t prepared for. Contract or not, I will not take an unwilling partner.”

  “Let me try again.” Avery sobbed. He was not supposed to have seen the tear. She had agreed to the contract, her emotional state was not his issue to deal with.

  “What? So you can attempt to fake interest again?” He raged and tossed a blanket toward her. “I don’t think so.”

  Avery wrapped the blanket around her naked body, pulled her knees to her chest and sobbed.

  She felt the weight of the bed sink beside her and looked up to find Errion, fully clothed, sitting beside her.

  “You weren’t prepared.” He stated in a softer tone. “Tell me why you are so upset. Only then will I decide if we shall proceed.”

  Avery nodded and wiped once more at her eyes. She took a deep, shaky breath before she began to pour her heart out to a complete stranger.

  “I never thought that I would care. I didn’t expect it to bother me so much.” She raised her pleading eyes to his face, begging him to understand that he had done nothing to offend her. “It’s only that… we’ve just met and I expected more time to, I don’t know, get to know you better.”

  Errion sat in silence as he listened. Avery found herself talking to fill the silence, wishing that she could make him understand.

  “On my planet, marriage is about love and choosing to be with someone for the rest of your life.” She raised a hand to stop him when he opened his mouth to speak. “I understand that it is different here. I agreed to the contract willingly, not realizing that it would affect me so much. You have done nothing wrong in terms of our agreement. It’s just all so much faster than I realized.”

  “I understand, I think.” Errion moved to the other side of the room and began to pace in front of the roaring fire. It was clear that he was deep in thought and Avery decided not to interrupt him.

  She watched for what seemed like an eternity before he returned to her side. Sitting beside her, he placed both hands on her shoulder. She tried to conceal the flinch but his narrowed eyes told her that he had felt her shudder at his touch.

  “I will find a way to return you to your planet but it must be done with great care.” He informed her.

  “I know. Runford told me I could go home after one year.”

  “No. Sooner.” He shook his head. “The contract is over. I will not hold you to it.”

  “But,” Avery was confused, “what about your kingdom? What about the royal bloodline?”

  “That is the difficult part.” Errion pursed his lips. “We will have to pretend that you’ve made a full effort to conceive. Only then will they allow for your replacement.”

  “I don’t understand. Why can’t we just tell them that I changed my mind?”

  He laughed, but it was a sardonic sound that let her know that he thought her naïve.

  “You saw how excited our people are at the prospect of true heir.” He explained. “If anyone were to find out that we are not fulfilling the contract, you would be put to death.

  “What you have to realize is that this goes against everything my father has worked for. Our scientists have been searching for a viable mate since I was seven years old, this decision holds the fate of my kingdom in the balance. It’s dangerous, for both of us and we must pretend that every effort is being made.”

  Avery bowed her head in shame. How could she allow her emotions to disrupt the future of an entire planet?

  “I’m so sorry.” She began. “Just give me some time and I’ll…”

  He cut her off with a determined nod.

  “No, Avery.” His tone brooked no argument. “Not this way.” He placed the crumpled pile of her clothing in her lap. “I promise that I will find a way to send you home safely. Until then, we must keep up appearances, especially in front of my father.”

  Before Avery could respond, Errion left the room.

  She found a large cupboard that contained a wide variety of nightgowns. After choosing a knee-length option she lid under the covers and tried to go to sleep.

  Unfortunately, her mind was riddled with thoughts that prevented any sort of restful state. She was confused, as to Errion’s actions. Why would he, a serious and rigid future king, be so thoughtful to a mere surrogate’s feelings? Likewise, she was angry at herself. She had agreed to a task. A task that, if completed, could change her entire life on Earth for the better. But she had failed and now she would return home with no belongings, no job, and no hope for the future.

  It was not until hours later that Errion returned to the room and slipped underneath the covers on the far side of the bed.

  “In the morning,” his low voice was barely audible, “the servants will expect us to be together.”

  Avery shifted slightly to let him know that she had heard. As she curled her arms around her pillow she wondered if she had ever before been so close to a man and yet felt so eons away.

  Chapter 5: The Act

  The sound of movement in the other room woke Avery from a restless sleep. She rolled over and looked at Errion through one eye, not fully willing to commit to being awake.

  He was laying on his back and had the adorably disheveled look of having just awoken himself. A small part of Avery’s mind noted that he seemed much more approachable in his rumpled state.

  He scrunched his face and lifted one arm, indicating that she should slip into the space at his side. She had not realized that his torso was bare. She stared at the tanned skin and defined muscles as if they were the last thing in the world she wanted to approach.

  Cautiously, she slid beside him, aligning her body with his as she laid her head on his shoulder. She felt his arm curl around her side and one hand close over her shoulder.

  From an onlooker’s perspective, they would appear as two lov
er’s cuddling in the early morning hours. The truth was that his hand on her shoulder masked the fearful tremors that were raking her body.

  What if the truth was discovered?

  Avery noticed that Errion was looking at her with a look of dissatisfaction.

  “What?” Her voice was raw and husky from sleep.

  Errion shifted and leaned over her for a moment. His hands untied the braid and allowed her hair to fall freely along her back. Still, he looked dissatisfied.

  “What?” she repeated.

  “You don’t look,” A devious smile crossed his face, “well pleased. I think I’d have done a better job than that.”

  She huffed her annoyance and sat up beside him. With both hands, she rumpled her hair causing a chaotic and tangled look.

  “Better?” She raised her eyebrows with all the attitude she could muster.

  “Much.” He laughed and offered the space beside him once more.

  Avery sunk into the crook of his arm just before the bedroom door swung open to reveal an entire army of servants.

  Seven, to be exact. Seven servants came bustling in as if it were perfectly natural first thing in the morning.

  Avery felt a blush rise on her cheeks, but not before a nearby female cast a knowing eye in her direction.

  She covered her face with one hand and rolled into Errion’s shoulder, the safest place she could hide at the moment.

  The woman laughed.

  “Prince Errion, I believe your Human is bashful.” Avery was surprised at how forthright Lanoxians were, even with their royalty.

  She felt the rumble of his laughter and the deep sound of his response echoed against her ear.

  “I should hope so, Lamana.” His clear implication caused Avery to flush even more. “It might be best if you all leave us. I’m sure we can manage on our own.”

  “Of course, your majesty.” The giggling response was retreating. When the door clicked shut, Avery raised her head to ensure that they were alone.

  With a dramatic flop, she flung herself back onto her own pillow and groaned into it. “I can’t do this.” Her muffled cry was met with laughter.

  “You couldn’t have done any better.” Errion’s amusement with her response was apparent.

  She sat up and looked at him with obvious disbelief.

  “I’m a terrible liar. My cheeks turn red and it gives everything away.” When he continued to laugh she rolled her eyes. “That woman knew! She looked at me like she knew exactly what…”

  “She looked at you like she knew exactly what she THOUGHT had happened last night.” Errion cut her off. “And your red cheeks are what sealed the lie!”

  Avery furrowed her eyebrows. She did not understand.

  “I guarantee that Lamana is currently telling every person in the palace about the blushing human who must have had an excellent union. You looked as if you might have been caught in the act!” His pleasure was contagious. “It was perfect.”

  “Now what?” Avery sighed.

  “Now, we eat and dress, before I give you a tour of the city.” Errion climbed from the bed and moved toward the table of food that he servants had just arranged. “When we’re in public,” He threw the words over his shoulder with nonchalance, “You are going to have to at least pretend to be attracted to me.”

  Avery’s jaw dropped. Is that really what he thought? What woman in her right mind would NOT be attracted to him? Despite her fears and concerns, attraction for the man who was now walking lazily around the room in low-slung linen pants was a non-issue.

  Avery evaluated his physique. He would have no issue finding a replacement once they returned to Earth. Even now, knowing that they would never consummate the arrangement, she could not help but wonder what it would be like to lay with a man so intensely perfect.

  The entire day was spent touring the magnificent city. Each building was a work of art in its own right, though none could compare to the palace itself. Thankfully, though Errion was always nearby, Avery was excused from having to interact with him directly due to the fact that she was honestly intrigued with all that this planet had to offer.

  This did not mean, however, that she was not acutely aware of Errion’s nearby presence. It was as if ever fiber of her body warned her if he so much as moved. She assumed that it was a result of the guilt that she felt for the predicament that she had placed them both in, but a small voice told her that it might be something different.

  Her favorite location, by far, was the menagerie, where she was fascinated with all of the interesting creatures. The most appealing of which was a snake-like creature that was entirely covered in the softest fur.

  Her initial reaction was fear, as dozens of the creatures swarmed to the edge of the cage.

  Errion laughed and reached into the mound of fluffy worms.

  “They are called Amoreens and are much like the dogs of your planet, except they have no teeth.” He informed her. The pale grey creature wound itself around his wrist as his fingers kneaded its head.

  Tentatively, Avery stroked its fur with one shaky hand.

  “Would you like to wear it?” He asked.

  “What?” Avery’s shock was apparent.

  “The women often wear them around their necks. They are warm and comforting creatures.”

  Avery continued to stare at him. The image his statement had conjured was something akin to a mink scarf. Unsure as she was about these animals, she did not want one skinned for her comfort.

  “No.” Avery gasped. “No. Don’t kill it. I thought you said they were harmless?”

  “I meant, alive.” Errion laughed. “The women were them live. Like a pet.”

  “Oh.” She breathed. “I suppose so. But only for a moment.” Her clarification revealed that she had not fully committed to trusting these creatures in close proximity.

  Errion gently laid the exquisite fur against her shoulders. Instantly, the Amoreen curled itself around her neck and raised its pale head to her cheek. With a slow motion, like a cat kneading its paws, the Amoreen pressed its head against her jaw.

  “She likes you!” Errion exclaimed. It was clear that he was shocked at the instant response of the animal. “Shall we buy it?”

  “Oh.” Avery panicked. She unwound the animal from her neck and placed it abruptly back in the cage, where it began to cry out for her attentions. She could not purchase a pet on this planet. Certainly not one that she would have to leave behind once she returned to Earth. “No. I don’t think that is a good idea… considering.”

  Errion got her message but not before the surrounding guards turned toward them with a questioning glance.

  “Of course.” He covered. “Amoreens live much longer than a single year. It would be best to wait to purchase one for the child.”

  Avery nodded her agreement and quickly moved on.

  By the time they returned to the palace for dinner, Avery was exhausted.

  After a full day of feigning attachment to the prince, she did not know if she had enough reserve left to put on a good show for the king.

  Dremena did her Matter Transference thing and fifteen minutes later Avery was clean and ready for the event. She was wearing a silken gold gown, and her hair was adorned with a wreath of local flora. She felt like Athena in all her glory, and Errion’s approving smile at the sight of her told Avery that she did not fall far from the mark.

  Together they entered the dining chamber. On this evening there was only one table that stood in the very center of the enormous room.

  As they approached their hosts, Errion held out his arm and leaned down to whisper in her ear. Their heads hovered close, like lovers telling a secret.

  “Remember, we are supposed to be quite familiar with each other’s bodies at this point. It was acceptable to keep your distance earlier, but now is the time to put on a show.” His voice was both serious, and sultry. It was as if he was challenging her to step far outside of her comfort zone.

  She placed her hand upon his
and plastered on a fake smile.

  “Even if we were a real couple,” she whispered, “I’m not prone to public displays of affection.”

  “Too bad.” Errion laughed. “If you want to disguise the lack of private displays, then you better leave no room for doubt in public. Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind?” Again the challenge in his tone was apparent.

  She almost responded back with a sarcastic quip but they were nearing the table.

  Instead, she turned her face in towards his neck and nipped at the soft skin.

  Errion threw his head back and roared with laughter. He’d gotten the message about her displeasure, and yet, at the same time the look of sheer satisfaction upon his father’s face was enough to prove that Avery had effectively disguised the quarrel as a lover’s embrace.


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