Returning Home (Satan's Sinners MC Book 4)

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Returning Home (Satan's Sinners MC Book 4) Page 4

by Colbie Kay

  In the years I was pining after the little goddess, I still found an appeal towards the whores around the clubhouse. I could get my cock sucked until they swallowed down the last drop of my cum. I could sink into their wet cunts, fuck ‘em until they couldn’t walk straight, and it satisfied me well enough, even if most of the time I was thinking about Chatty instead of whosever hole I was inside of. But now there’s no appeal; my cock doesn’t even twitch at the sight of another woman now, and Chatty is nowhere near outta my system.

  My hand’s been takin’ real good care of my needs late at night when I start thinkin’ about pounding into Chatty’s tight little pussy. Flesh slapping flesh as our bodies grew sweaty, and the way she responded as I fucked her senseless. Her sweet smell, her hot wet tongue, her moans and cries of pleasure as I made her come all around my cock. It doesn’t take long before I’m shooting my load all over the place, but my hand is starting to get a little tired and I’m wanting a second night with my obsession. But…she’s been avoiding me for the last five weeks.

  “Gunner?” Interrupting my thoughts, Hanger stands beside me at the bar.


  “My Ol’ Lady called, said we gotta cut the music and get it quiet in here.” My best friend’s eyes light up at the mention of Crazy Girl, even though his body language is tense.

  “What’s goin’ on?” My brows furrow, thinkin’ we have some bad news comin’.

  “I don’t know. She didn’t sound upset, so I’m keepin’ my cool for now.”

  Taking the shot Drifter gave me, I stand from the bar and walk with Hanger to kill the music. We kick out the hang-arounds and whores so in case this needs to be club business we can deal with it right here, right now.

  The club is eerily quiet as the front door opens and in walks Crazy Girl, Ever, and Writer. Looks like the girls have been crying and Hanger sees it too. His body goes rim-rod straight and he’s at his wife’s side in the next instant. “What’s goin’ on? Why you been cryin’?” Hanger questions.

  The last person I ever expected answers. “She’s happy.” All heads turn to Writer as the shit-eating grin appears on his face. Crazy Girl starts laughin’ as she signs for her sister, who laughs with her.

  “You heard me? How?” Hanger questions Writer.

  “I went and had a surgery done a month ago. I got a cochlear implant and I have my hearing back.” His arm goes around Ever, pulling her close, but her eyes don’t leave her sister’s hands.

  “You didn’t tell us.” I chime in now with my own smile. If anyone deserves to get a happy ending, it would be Writer. He had a shit life and ended up deaf because of his worthless piece-of-shit junkie parents.

  “I didn’t want to get my hopes up unless it worked.” I can understand that. I imagine it would have been devastating for it to not work, especially when he wants to hear that baby growing in Ever’s belly so badly.

  “Congrats, Brother.” Walking over, I throw my arm over his shoulder, giving him a manly hug.

  The rest of the guys stomp their feet, raise their glasses or bottles, and congratulate Writer. The music gets turned back on at a lower volume, and we get rounds from the bar to celebrate.

  A few hours in, I lean against the wall with a bottle in hand as I watch Chatty clean off one of the tables that just got vacated. Walking up to the table, I stand behind yet a little to the side of her. She senses my presence as she shivers, but tenses up at the same time. “You’re gonna have to talk this shit out with me, Chat.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.” She continues to wipe the already clean table. Bent over, her ass looks so tempting in those tight skinny jeans.

  Grabbing the wet cloth out of her hand, I question, “So what’s with the silent treatment then?”

  Chatty spins around, her face at my chest—the black fuck-me heels she has on raises her height, but not enough to be eye level with me. Chatty raises her head to look at me. “I’ve been busy.” She tries to move past me, but I block her way.


  “What do you want from me?” She looks around to see if anyone is paying attention to us. Her voice lowers, “It was just sex.”

  “If it was just fuckin’ then you would still be talkin’ to me, now wouldn’t you?” Gripping her bicep, I continue, “Do you regret it?” I ask the first question that’s been on my mind. Chatty stares at me. So I ask the second question. “Are you sorry it happened?” My eyes plead with hers to say no. Again, she stares without answering. Raising my tone just a little, I tell her, “Answer the fuckin’ questions, Chat.”

  “Yes! I regret it, and yes, I’m sorry it happened.” Nothing else needs to be said. I drop her arm like a bad habit, back away from her like I’ve been slapped in the face, and head back to the bar. Going behind the counter myself, I choose a bottle of Jack and head out the doors of the clubhouse.


  I have left Chatty alone since that day three months ago. Since then, I’ve drowned myself in booze, been helpin’ Hacker at his strip club, and getting caught up with Hanger on my duties as the Vice President. At this point, I don’t really know who is avoiding who more, but when she answered those two little-yet-huge questions with a yes, it damn near destroyed me.

  I know she thinks us fuckin’ was wrong, and maybe in some ways it was. But I’ll tell you, the way she felt against me, the way her mouth moved in perfect sync with mine, and the way her pussy felt stranglin’ my cock…there was nothing wrong about that. To me, it was as close to perfect as one could get. I knew she would second-guess what happened; I figured she would feel bad, and I thought she might close off a bit. But I didn’t expect her to regret or be sorry for that night.

  I still sit back and watch Chatty when I’m in the bar at the clubhouse, just like I did every day for five years. Sometimes I think Ripper knew about my obsession with his Ol’ Lady, but he never mentioned it. I tried to hide it the best I could, so maybe he didn’t know. He loved Chatty more than life itself, but Ripper was older than most of us in the club now, and he had his own ways about shit. The originals, including my pop, always said, “This life isn’t for the faint of hearts; you gotta be strong, your Ol’ Lady gotts to be strong too, and this life is hard. You gonna see a lot of death, so she better be prepared if that call comes in.” Maybe Ripper knew his time would be short and if someone was waitin’ in the wings she’d be taken care of. Hell, I don’t have a clue, but I’ll tell you right now, if she was mine I’d stand toe-to-toe with another motherfucker that even glanced her way. As of right now, though, she’ll continue to be my darkest desire, the sweetest temptation, and the only one who could ever own me.

  Parking Cherry in front of Stilettos, I walk into the dimly-lit strip club. Only a few men sit in the red roll-out chairs watching the naked woman on stage spin around the gold rotating pole. Her leg kicks up and latches around the pole, and as she hangs upside down, her hands seductively run over her body. The men’s eyes stay glued to her fake double Ds.

  I walk over to the bar, order a double barrel bourbon from the pretty little bartender I’ve come to know as Dancer—weird name for someone who doesn’t even dance here. “Hacker in his office?”

  “Yeah,” she simply states. She’s a quiet one, but knows how to do her job real fuckin’ good, and she brings in the tips. She’s short as hell, probably even under five feet tall. A real petite woman with long brown hair that hangs down to her cute little ass. She’s a unique-looking little thing, like a doll or some shit, with porcelain skin, rosy cheeks, and big doe eyes that’re unlike any color I’ve ever seen—they’re yellow, like a cat’s.

  Grabbing the shot that she set in front of me, I tilt my head back and swallow the harsh liquid. Slamming the glass back down on the counter, I walk to Hacker’s office and knock on the closed door. When I hear the, “Yeah,” I open the door and step in.

brother. You doin’ security tonight?” Hacker lifts his eyes from the paperwork on his desk to wait for my reply.

  “Yeah.” He nods and goes back to doing his work. I’ve been doing this enough the last couple months he doesn’t need to explain shit to me.


  2:30 am, and I have finally escorted the last girl out to her car, then watched her get in and drive away safely. I’m exhausted, this place does it to ya’; my night was filled with drunken bastards tryin’ to put their dirty, grubby hands on the girls. This is a no-touching club, so I had to make sure they kept it under control and hands off the dancers. I watched to make sure no fights broke out as the night went on, with how much they were drinkin’. I stood outside the VIP room in case one of the girls needed help, and when the night was over, I escorted each girl out to her car—finally my job is done.

  I want to get back to the clubhouse, get to my room, and not be bothered by another fuckin’ person. Walking back in, I say goodnight to Dancer as she finishes her cleanup, and then I let Hacker know I’m out.

  Hacker always stays behind with Dancer to lock up and he shows her out before he heads to the compound. If he didn’t, I would, because I wouldn’t want any bad shit to go down with her. Even though she is nowhere near my type, I genuinely like the girl as a person.

  Straddling Cherry, I start her up and head back to the clubhouse. The prospect lets me through the gate; I park her in the garage for the night and then head inside. My eyes instantly go to Chatty behind the bar, and just as I look at her, she turns her head away from me and starts actin’ like she’s busy behind the counter. She looks real good in that red leather mini skirt with that black corset she’s wearin’. Half grinning, I continue towards the hallway, ready to get in my room and bury myself in bed.

  “Gunner.” I know that irritating nasally voice, and I don’t want to deal with her, but I stop anyway.

  “What, Lily?” Turning, I see her comin’ down the hall. She’s cute, and all, with her short dark pixie cut, green eyes, and little frame, but she has this expectation that one day she’s gonna become an Ol’ Lady just like most of ‘em do, but it’ll never happen.

  “You seem a little tense.” Now standing in front of me, her hands move to my chest. She leans in close, up on her tippy toes. Her mouth tries reaching my ear, but I lean back, not realizing I was so close to the wall. “I can take care of that for you. I’ll treat you real good.” Deciding to go a different direction, her hands start to move lower, and I place my hands on her hips. I’m about to push her away, when…

  “The least you could do is take you and your cock buffet into a room.” The venom in Chatty’s voice is unmistakable as she spews those words. She stomps right on by us, and when she gets to the storage room door, it slams with a loud thud.


  “She can be such a bitch sometimes,” Lily huffs while rollin’ her eyes.

  “You watch your fuckin’ mouth, got it?” I push her off of me. “Run along and find someone who’s interested, ‘cause it ain’t me.” I start heading for the door Chatty went into and I hear mumbling behind me, but I don’t care about anything except getting to Chatty.

  I quietly open and close the storage room door to see that Chatty stands with her backside facing me, and her knuckles are turning white from the hold she has on that metal shelf. Chatty doesn’t move, tense, shiver, or say a word as I enter the room, so I wonder if she isn’t in her head a little too much.

  Walkin’ up behind her, I run my hands from her shoulders down her arms, and intertwine our fingers. “Gunner.”

  Movin’ my mouth to the crook of her neck, I place my lips on her skin as she shivers. “You jealous?” I question as I lightly kiss her neck and her sweet smell overloads my senses.


  Running my tongue along her shoulder, up her neck, and to the shell of her ear, I whisper, “That’s two.”

  “Two what?” Chatty questions as goosebumps cover her heated flesh.

  “Two times you lied to me.”

  Chatty spins around full-speed and glares at me. “I didn’t lie to you.” She’s trapped, both of my hands holding onto the shelf on either side of her. I’m not lettin’ her go until I have answers.

  “Three.” A grin forms on my face, but Chatty isn’t lookin’ amused with her narrowed eyes. She tries to push me off her, but I’m not budging. “Just admit it.”

  “Admit what?” Her hands on my chest keep pushin’ as her breathing becomes heavy.

  “Admit you were jealous, that you don’t really regret it, and you’re not sorry we fucked.” My eyes bore into hers.

  “Why?” I can see the battle within herself, the pain and the sorrow. But I can also see the want, need, and desire she has for me.

  “Because, Chat. I need to know I’m hangin’ on for somethin’.”

  “What about Lily? The rest of those…”

  I interrupt her with a smile. “Cock buffets?” That earns me a smile as she drops her head onto my shoulder. Letting go of the shelf, I wrap my arms around Chatty and run a hand down her blonde hair. “You think I give two fucks about any of them?”

  “I don’t know,” Chatty mumbles against my chest as her arms wrap around my waist.

  “I don’t, Chat. You matter.” I kiss her hair and rest my chin on her head.

  “Why, Gunner—why me?” Chatty lifts her head so she can look into my eyes as I answer.

  “Because you’re everything.” My hands move to her cheeks and I cup her face. “Every. Fuckin’. Thing.”

  “We shouldn’t be doing this. It’s wrong, Gunner.”

  “Wrong to who, you?” My brows pull down. “Did it feel wrong when we kissed, when I touched you, when I slid inside your tight little cunt, or when you were screaming as I made you come? Did any of that feel fuckin’ wrong to you?” Pushing a few stray hairs behind her ear, I add, “It didn’t feel wrong to me, Chat. It was damn near perfect.”

  “No, it didn’t feel wrong, but that doesn’t make it right. What about the guys? What do you think they would think of me getting into bed with you being Ripper’s brother?”

  “Jesus H. Christ! When have you ever gave a fuck what anyone thought of you?” Her lips lift slightly into a small smile before it disappears as quickly as it came.

  “I’ve been gone.”

  “And so have I, but that doesn’t matter, because we are still part of this club family, and they love you. They’ll want you to do what makes you happy.”

  “Bear. You think he’d be okay with this?” Chatty’s finger moves the short distance between us.

  “I’ll talk to him… After we figure out us, but I’m not givin’ up on somethin’ that feels so goddamn right.”

  “Fine! I admit it. I was jealous, I don’t regret it, and I’m not sorry it happened.” She means it, but the war inside of her is makin’ the guilt too strong. Guess I’ll have to ease that away. It might take time, but I’m a man with patience.

  Moving in closer to her, I press my lips to hers, lightly at first. Chatty moans as our mouths open together and my tongue glides across hers. Bending down a little, I grip her bare thighs and lift so her legs wrap around my waist. Chatty’s arms go around my neck and her hand holds the back of my head to her. My cock grows harder by the second as we devour each other. I’ve never put so much into a kiss before, but everything I feel inside for this woman is in the touch of my lips, the taste of my tongue, and how I hold her body so close to mine without trying to take this too far and fucking it up once again.

  Breaking free all too soon, I pull back as Chatty’s hazy eyes slowly start to open. “I’ll wait for you, Chat. For as long as it takes for you to be ready.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. What if I’m never ready?” The sadness in her voice is almost heartbreaking.

�ve waited a long time for this chance with you. I was waitin’ even when I had no chance at all. One day, you will be ready, and I’ll be there. Until then, I promise you won’t have anything to worry about with me and another woman.” Softly kissin’ her lips once more, I whisper, “It’s your move now, Chat. What’re you gonna do?” I set her back on her feet and kiss her forehead. I don’t wait for a response before I head out of the storage room and to my bed.

  Chapter Three

  Crazy Girl comes into the quiet bar just as I’m finishing with the cleanup and shutting it down for the next couple of days. “Did you get the kids down okay?” The Sinners have gone on a short run for a few days, so the hang-arounds and whores have been kicked out until their return; the women and kids are staying here to ensure their safety while the guys are gone. Writer is the only patched-in member that stayed behind, and that’s because Ever is getting closer to her due date.

  The prospects have stayed, but they know better than to get in our way, so I’m ready for this girls’ night. We haven’t had one in what seems like forever; I think the last time we all got together was when we had lunch about six months ago.

  “Yeah, finally. I swear we need to put a rocking chair in Hanger’s old room. Damien, being such a momma’s boy, thinks I have to rock him to sleep, and it doesn’t go so well when we have to come stay here. Ava and Harper are used to it, so they fell asleep with no issues.” She takes a seat at the bar and runs a hand over her pulled-back pink and blonde hair. I slide a Tennessee Honey Whiskey in front of her.

  Crazy Girl is one of the strongest people I have ever met. She’s been through so much; an abusive ex who left her for dead, being held hostage, miscarrying her and Hanger’s first baby, and being drugged then kidnapped. After losing the first baby, she got pregnant again with their twins girls, Ava and Harper. A couple of years later, she had their son, Damien.


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