
Home > Other > TheBillionairesPilot > Page 13
TheBillionairesPilot Page 13

by Suzanne Graham

  Chapter Twelve

  “You don’t understand… I killed my father.” Evan’s words were spoken softly, but Cassie heard them easily enough. She also heard the devastating pain in his tone.

  At their secluded table in the fancy French restaurant, she leaned closer towards him and whispered, “You said he died from a heart attack. How could you have killed him?” They’d been sharing personal stories about how they’d disappointed their parents in one way or another when Evan had dropped this bomb.

  “I left,” he explained. Under his finely styled suit jacket, his shoulders drooped. “I was off pursuing a stupid dream of racing cars. I left my parents.”

  “That’s what kids are supposed to do.” She quickly reassured him, wanting to reach out to touch him, but she didn’t know how he felt about public displays of affection. Even though they were having a fairly private dinner, they were still surrounded by strangers who could easily take a picture with a cell phone and post it all over the Internet.

  Evan shook his head and avoided making eye contact. “He was waiting for me to get the racing out of my system, so I could join him in the business. The pressure of holding the company together during the recession was killing him. I should have come back years ago and taken the burden off of him.”

  “You’re not responsible for your father’s choices,” she insisted. “He could have found someone else to assist him to alleviate some of the stress, couldn’t he have?”

  “He was waiting for me, and I didn’t return until after he died.” His voice was filled with self-recrimination.

  “Why do you think he was waiting for you?”

  His fingers played with the handle of the knife lying on the table next to his plate. “He always told me the business would be here for me.”

  “And it is.”

  “But he’s not.” He lifted his eyes to meet hers. The anguish etched into the lines of his face stole her breath.

  She couldn’t hold back anymore, regardless of whether or not anyone was watching. She reached out, placed her hand over his, and squeezed gently. “I’m sorry, Evan.”

  He glanced down at their joined hands. The giant ring on her finger sparkled in the candlelight. “Damn, I got all maudlin, and we’re supposed to be celebrating our engagement for all the world to see our joy and happiness.” When he raised his face, he had a plastic smile in place.

  “That’s kind of a scary look for you.” She squeezed his hand harder. “Can’t we postpone the announcement?”

  “No, the sooner the better. It needs to be tonight.” He gestured to her half-eaten veal. “Do you need more time to finish your dinner?”

  Her stomach clenched at the thought of parading around outside in front of the paparazzi, who waited for them to leave the elegant restaurant. Earlier, Evan had ushered Cassie inside with a quick wave and smile to the photographers. He planned to treat whomever remained after their dinner with the breaking news of their engagement.

  “I don’t think I can manage another bite,” she admitted, pressing a hand against her stomach, “but I hate to waste this incredible piece of meat. Do you think it’d be gauche of me to ask for a doggie bag?”

  “Not at all. In fact, I think that’d make the picture more interesting and give the media some insight on who I’ve chosen as my bride.” Evan raised his hand and signaled for their waiter, who stood discretely at the back of the restaurant, waiting to fulfill Evan’s needs.

  “What kind of insight?”

  “My fiancée shows off her huge diamond while holding a doggie bag—what a perfect image of extravagance and frugality.” He grinned like a little boy trying to get away with a prank.

  She couldn’t stop a matching grin from tugging up her lips. “It won’t embarrass you?”

  “Not one bit,” he said.

  And she fell a little more head over tail rotors for him.

  After making sure she had her bag of leftovers, Evan escorted Cassie to the front of the restaurant. He paused with his hand on the small of her back. “Are you ready for this?”

  “Not one bit,” she repeated his words, “but I understand it’s a part of my job.”

  He winced slightly at her words. “I’m sorry to have to put you through this. I really appreciate your efforts.”

  She patted his arm. “It’s okay, Evan. I can handle it.” She turned toward the entrance. “Let’s go face the vultures.”

  He kissed her cheek and pushed open the door.

  The flashing bulbs of a gazillion cameras blinded Cassie. Panic tightened her throat until it was hard to swallow. She froze in the restaurant’s doorway.

  Evan stepped forward with his hand raised. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’d like to introduce you to someone very important to me.”

  He tugged gently on her arm, helping her to get her feet unstuck. “I’m pleased to announce that Ms. Cassie Maynard, formerly an officer in the United States Army and the best helicopter pilot I’ve ever had the privilege to fly with, has agreed to be my wife.”

  His words flowed so smoothly and easily, but she supposed he must have had lots of practice talking with the media if he really was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. Plus, he’d been a race car driver; presumably, he’d had to deal with the media in that role as well.

  She pasted on a smile she hoped didn’t look as bad Evan’s earlier plastic one, as questions were shouted out at her. She sent a pleading look to Evan, totally unprepared to actually speak to this mob of reporters. He wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her in tightly to his side.

  Before she realized what he intended, he settled his mouth over hers. Flashbulbs lit the night with a new frenzy. Evan paused with his lips on hers for a few moments, as if to give the photographers plenty of time to capture a good image while Cassie stood fixed in place, unable to respond to Evan’s embrace. Then he eased away while still maintaining his hold around her waist.

  The reporters closed in on them, shouting rapid-fire questions.

  “How long have you been dating, Mr. Mitchell?”

  “Ms. Maynard, why did you leave the army?”

  “When did you two first meet?”

  “Is it true Cassie traveled with you to San Miguel?”

  “How long has Ms. Maynard been working for you?”

  “Ms. Maynard, what did your father say about your fast engagement?”

  “Evan, what does your family think about your choice?”

  The noise and the flashing bulbs were suffocating. Cassie could barely catch her breath. And how did some of them know about her trip with Evan to San Miguel and then Texas?

  Cripes, this was worse than she’d expected. She didn’t know how she was going to keep doing this several times a week for an indeterminate length of time. She clung to Evan’s arm around her waist, as if he were her anchor.

  “I’m sorry, ladies and gentlemen,” Evan addressed the media representatives in a loud firm voice. “We won’t be answering any questions tonight, but I promise to send out a press release tomorrow.”

  Forcing the mob to part with one arm outstretched, Evan ushered Cassie forward to their waiting limo at the curb. She slipped into the backseat, grateful to have such a quick ending to that chaotic scene on the sidewalk. Evan slid onto the seat next to her and draped his arm around her shoulders.

  “I’m sorry I froze like that,” she apologized as she tucked her doggie bag down by her feet.

  “You did good for your first time in front of the vultures,” he said, using her word. “They can be slightly overwhelming if you’re not used to it.”

  “Slightly overwhelming? I’ve never felt so overexposed in my life.”

  He chuckled softly. “No, that’s when they print pictures of you sunbathing au naturel.”

  “Oh, you didn’t… They didn’t.”

  He laughed deeper this time. “Oh, yeah. I did, and they printed them, but I was much younger at the time. I chalk it up to my rebellious phase.”

>   Her laughter caught in her throat as she imagined what those pictures looked like and wondered where she could find them online.

  He skimmed a finger lightly along her jaw. “Now that we’re finally alone, I can get a proper reaction to my kiss.” He palmed the side of her jaw and drew her face toward him.

  She lifted her lips to his and surrendered herself to the heady scent of his citrusy cologne and to the appealing feel of his solid muscles under her hands as she grabbed his biceps. Her girl parts fluttered with the lust he was building with his deep, penetrating kisses. The gentle touch of his fingers over her cleavage displayed by her halter-top cocktail dress sent goose bumps down her back.

  His kisses chased all rationality from her thoughts, and she was nearly ready to straddle him in the back of the limo. Then the car stopped, and Evan eased away from her mouth.

  “I believe we’ve arrived at your home,” he said. His eyes studied hers intensely. “Will you invite me up for a nightcap?”

  Cassie hesitated. If he came up to her place, she knew exactly in which room they would be drinking their nightcap. Was she ready to break her personal pledge to keep this business arrangement platonic? Well, mostly platonic, when she considered what had happened on the flight back from Texas. She’d certainly been willing to break her vow that night when he’d taken her home, but she’d been overtired and her decision-making had been impaired. But tonight, she was rested and sober.

  “What about Tony?” she asked.

  “I’ll send him home and take a taxi when it’s time for me to leave,” Evan answered smoothly, making her wonder how many other women he’d gone through these same moves with.

  But this was definitely not the time to be thinking about him with other women.

  She ran her fingers up his arms, over his broad shoulders, and into his thick dark hair. “Would you care to join me for a drink upstairs?” Her voice came out low and sultry, like nothing she’d ever heard from herself before.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He flashed her his most confident grin before instructing Tony over the intercom to take the rest of the night off. Then, he jumped out of the limo and grabbed Cassie’s hand.

  Together, they ran like teenagers for the front door of her building. Her fingers shook as she worked the key into the lock, and Evan chuckled softly in her ear. “A little excited?”

  She brushed her hand across the front of his pants. “Like you’re not?” she teased him back.

  Finally, the door was open, and they were headed up the three floors, but Evan didn’t wait until they reached her apartment before he slipped his hands under the hem of her dress and caressed her outer thighs as she preceded him up the stairs.

  She nearly stopped on the second floor and jumped him, but the thought of Mrs. Clive opening her door and catching them had Cassie moving faster up the last flight of stairs.

  She fumbled again with her key in the lock as Evan distracted her with his hands exploring under her skirt. Her knees wobbled when he skimmed across the front of her panties just barely touching her clit through the satin.

  She turned in his arms and reached for the front of his pants as his mouth came down hard on hers. As she unbuckled his belt, they stumbled through the open doorway, and Evan shoved the door shut behind him with his foot.

  Walking backwards, she led him to her bedroom as she unbuttoned his trousers, and he slid her dress up over her hips. Their tongues dueled for dominance as they maintained their lip lock.

  In her bedroom, she broke their kiss in order to lean over and push his pants down past his hips, but he grabbed her wrists, stopping her before she could reveal him.

  “No. You first.” His voice held the same commanding tone he’d used back in Texas, in the limo and on the airplane. “Take off your dress.”

  Damn, her body responded so hotly to his dominance. Her skin flushed and her panties dampened.

  Even though she was willing to submit most eagerly to his demands, she also knew there was power in her compliance. They both knew, due to her combat training, she was perfectly capable of gaining the upper hand physically if she chose. But right now, she chose to follow his instructions.

  Maintaining eye contact with him, she reached behind her neck for the halter-top ties and undid them slowly, hoping to get him as heated as she was. His eyes darkened as his lids lowered slightly. He had the sexiest bedroom eyes she’d ever seen.

  She hadn’t needed a bra under the halter-top, so she was half-naked when she dropped the ties to her sides. Evan looked like a starving man standing before a Las Vegas buffet as he watched her reach behind her back to unzip the bottom half of her dress. She let it fall around her feet and stood before him in just her black satin and lace panties and her heels. For a moment, her nerves jangled as she waited for his approval.

  Then his Adam’s apple jumped as he swallowed hard, and he shuffled his feet to widen his stance, which she assumed meant he was feeling constrained in his pants. She smiled teasingly.

  “Take off the rest.” His voice was deep and gravelly, sending delicious chills skittering down her spine.

  She stepped free of her dress and reached a hand down to remove one shoe at a time while she kept her eyes focused on his face. Then she stood upright, and with slow deliberateness, she traced her thumbs across the top edge of her panties from the center point out to her hips. Again, his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, his gaze locked on her movements.

  She slipped her thumbs under the lacy edge and dragged the satin down past her hips and over her thighs.

  He groaned as he caught sight of her smoothly waxed mound, which made the painful spa treatment oh-so-worth-it.

  She dropped the panties the rest of the way down her legs and stepped out of them. Then she was completely nude, and Evan was completely dressed. The dichotomy heightened her senses, making her hotter. His clothed presence was even more powerful in contrast to the susceptibility of her nakedness.

  He took his time looking at her. His eyes drifted down from her face to her breasts, which tingled under his gaze, her nipples tightening into buds. Then he continued scanning her body down to her cleft, where wet heat gathered.

  She wanted to reach for him, but she forced her hands to stay at her sides, enjoying this exquisite torture part of the power play.

  “Lie on the bed,” he finally said.

  Grateful to move on to the next phase, she climbed on the mattress and lay on her back, keeping her eyes on him, waiting with keen anticipation to watch him undress, knowing from their time together in San Miguel that he possessed some finely sculpted muscles under his suit. She licked her bottom lip with eagerness for her first sight of what was hidden beneath his briefs.

  He raised a single brow as he stared down at her. “You know what we are doing.”

  She studied his expression, wondering how far he wanted to take his dominant role. “I think so.”

  “Then tell me.”

  She squirmed on the bed as she tried to put together the right words. What if she’d misread this whole thing? What if he liked to be in charge, but wasn’t really into the whole BDSM scene? She didn’t want to sound like a freak.

  “I’m waiting,” he said when she still didn’t speak.

  “I’m getting cold,” she pouted. “Are you going to get naked and join me?”

  “Not until you answer my question.” His tone was firm, sending tingles skittering down her back.

  “You like to be in control, and I like to submit,” she admitted.

  “Is that all?”

  “Is there more?” she asked, honestly confused.

  “How far have you gone with your submission?”

  “You mean, like whips and chains and things?”

  He sighed. “I mean with bondage and discipline, sadism and masochism,” he corrected her.

  “My first relationship didn’t go well,” she said in a quiet voice.

  “With Trent?” he growled the name.

  She nodded.
r />   “I’m definitely taking a trip to Chicago soon,” he muttered under his breath. Then he refocused on her face. “Have you ever been with a real Dom?”

  She shook her head, as her mouth grew dry with tension and regret. “I thought I was… Are you a real Dom?”

  He nodded. “I’m a member of an exclusive BDSM club here in the city.” He paused, and she thought he was finished until he surprised her by saying, “But I’ve never had a D/s relationship outside of the club.”

  “Is that what you want now?” Her nipples hardened further, and she became aware of the pulse in her pussy.

  “I don’t ever play with inexperienced subs.”

  “Oh,” she said softly, disappointment weighing heavily on her chest as she dropped her gaze to the bedspread.

  “But this isn’t play,” he said gruffly, drawing her eyes back to his.

  She waited expectantly for his explanation.

  “This is something more. I want you to be mine.”

  “Oh,” she repeated, but now her insides felt light and bubbly. He wanted her. He was claiming her. But she feared she didn’t quite understand the consequences, and for how long did he plan to keep her? She was about to ask him for further clarification, but his movements at the foot of her bed stopped the words in her throat.

  With his gaze fixed on her, he toed off his shoes and bent down to remove his socks. He didn’t rush his movements, and the anticipation increased her arousal, making her wetter. Straightening, he took off his suit jacket. Then he pulled his tie out from under his collar.

  “Give me your wrists,” he ordered.

  She sat up and held her hands toward him. Moist heat pooled between her legs as he wrapped the silky tie firmly around her wrists. She studied the artistry in the knot, recognizing his level of mastery from her Internet browsing. Her breath quickened.

  “Peanut butter,” she whispered.

  Evan leaned down to her eye level. “Peanut butter?”

  She nodded and glanced up at him. “If I need to stop, I’ll say peanut butter, okay?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, but I don’t think you’ll need to say it tonight. We aren’t going that far.”


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