An Unfortunate Beginning

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An Unfortunate Beginning Page 11

by Natasha Brown

  Everyone went silent for the first time since we arrived. They stood around looking at each other until they nodded and Gabe said, “Fine. It’s better than what we’ve come up with.”

  Red rubbed his hands together. “Thanks guys – knew you’d back me up. Time for some uniforms. I guess we only need three since I’ve already got mine. But what about Pepper? She’s dressed like a lady, not a maid. Gabe, take her up to your mom’s room and give her some clothes. Be quick.”

  Gabe led Pepper through the dark home and I started after them when Red said, “She’ll be safe with him. He’s no Elam.”

  “Hey!” Elam said, “I heard that.”

  “I know, it’s no secret.”

  I muffled a laugh and relaxed.

  Gabe came back down and a few minutes after, Pepper followed, wearing a plain long sleeved shirt and a skirt. Her red dress hung limply over her arm. “Can we stuff this in your bag? Mom’ll kill me if she sees it’s missing – it was my great-grandmother’s. I’ve always wanted to wear it.” She grinned wickedly and I quickly slipped my backpack off my shoulders so she could cram it in as best she could.

  “Let’s go.” Red spun around and disappeared through the house.

  By the time we made it out to the street, Red was already two houses down and moving fast. I didn’t want to be caught behind with Gabe or Elam and encouraged Pepper ahead of me.

  It took us a couple minutes to hurry back up near the castle. We passed one set of walls and instead of walking past the battlements, we stopped just outside a large stone building that was probably two or three times the size of my school. Red waited for the others to catch up before he gave instructions. “Okay, most of the men know me in there. Don’t think I’ll have trouble getting back to the armory. Rodrick, go round to the back and I’ll drop the uniforms and some weapons off one of the balconies. Gabe, why don’t you go with your brother. Elam, would you run to my house and get my uniform from the closet floor? Let’s all meet round back to get changed.” Then he faced us and said, “Nim and Pepper, why don’t you go round the side of the barracks and wait for us. Stay out of sight. We’ll find you guys when we’re ready, okay?” He waited for confirmation from everyone before disappearing into the barracks.

  “See you soon,” Elam said to Pepper and jogged through the gates up to the castle. I imagined him falling on his face, getting gravel in his blonde hair and dirt between his perfect teeth, which made me feel a little bit better.

  Pepper grinned after him and I couldn’t understand why. “C’mon, let’s go,” I said over my shoulder to her.

  I followed Rodrick and Gabe around the building and stopped at an inlet of the wall. “Hey guys, we’ll be waiting for you here,” I half-whispered, half-hollered at them. They turned and Rodrick gave me a thumbs-up sign.

  I dropped my backpack to the ground and Pepper and I sat against the wall while we waited. My stomach gurgled noisily, reminding me it was time to have a snack. I pulled out two apples and handed one to Pepper, who accepted it eagerly. Between crunching bites, she stopped and stared into the distance. “Thanks Nim – for coming to help. I know you didn’t want to.”

  I swallowed a mouthful and shrugged. “I came here to take you home.”

  “You know you wouldn’t have gotten me out of here against my will, right?”

  That I believed.

  “What changed your mind?” she asked.

  “Dunno. Maybe it was the guilt, or that I want Red to have a parent since I know what it’s like to be all alone.”

  “Or maybe you discovered you actually have a backbone.” She slipped her hand behind me and felt along my spine. “Yup, it’s there alright – bout time you realized it.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks and I dipped my head down, allowing my hair to cover my face. “Maybe I just wanted to give you the happy ending you wanted.”

  “It’s okay, Nim. I’ll keep it a secret.” She tugged on the collar of my coat and leaned in to whisper, “I know the real you. You’re a hero, and you don’t even know it.”

  At this, I couldn’t contain my laughter. “You’d better eat the rest of that apple cuz I think you’ve gone too long without food. Feeling lightheaded? Seeing spots?”

  “You can pretend I’m crazy, but deep down, you’re afraid I’m right.”


  “Sure. It’s a lot easier to hide away than it is to let the world see you for who you are.”

  This was getting absurd. Who was she to throw stones? My mom died. In my mind, that was a pretty good reason to be depressed. “Whatever, I’m not the only one who’s got problems. What about you? Why do you hide out at my house all the time? Afraid to go home?”

  Pepper blinked. “I’m not afraid of who I am. Julie was the only one who loved me for being me. Now that she’s gone, my parents don’t know how to talk to me. I don’t go home because I’m afraid of not being loved again.”

  She took another bite of her apple and we stared up at the castle in silence. It was quiet except for some muffled sounds coming from nearby. Too many different emotions were tumbling around inside of me, and I felt like I was sinking in quicksand.

  “Sorry, Pepper, I –”

  She scooted down and rested her head on my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, Nim. We have each other.”

  We sat like that until Elam and Red jogged by us, promising only to take a couple minutes to get changed into uniform. Pepper’s eyes trailed after them and I couldn’t help but ask, “You like him?”

  The corners of her mouth curled up and she said, “Why? Jealous?”

  What was she talking about? She was a friend! I only liked her as a friend. Elam was a jerk and I didn’t want to see her getting hurt.

  “Yikes, didn’t mean to stun you into silence. Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I don’t like any of them that way. Just trying to make some allies.”

  I had to admit I was relieved. We sat silently until all four of the guys came into view in their black uniforms. Pepper and I helped each other up and brushed ourselves off.

  “You ready to show Slag what a handful of kids can do?” Rodrick asked and sheathed his sword with a grin.

  Chapter 15 - Last Hope

  “We don’t want to go through town wearing this, so I thought we’d better cover up with something.” Red handed out long cloaks to all the boys including me. We all covered our uniforms with the blue fabric that extended down to our ankles.

  “Time to go,” he said and led us out from alongside the barracks. I hurried after, flanked by Pepper and Rodrick while Gabe and Elam took up the rear. Red’s hair was the most colorful thing around, and was easy to track as he started off ahead of us. Instead of walking past the main gates and into the city, Red led us parallel to the wall and up to a tower. We entered a doorway and wound our way to the top, which provided access to the walkway above the castle walls. From there I could see out across the city and the darkened lands beyond.

  “Come on, keep up,” Red called out to me when I stopped to take in the bleak, yet breathtaking view and I jogged ahead to catch up.

  We didn’t have to go far before Red stopped and lifted up a grate in the walkway. Metal hand holds marked the dark shaft all the way down. Good thing I wasn’t afraid of heights.

  “What’s a castle without secret escape routes? My dad showed me all of them,” Red said and disappeared down the hole.

  I hesitated for a moment before following him down and looked up to see Pepper’s feet reaching for a hold and I almost stepped on top of Red because I was so distracted. He stopped suddenly, and metal clanked before dim light filled the bottom of the shaft. I watched his silhouette move outside before I continued after him.

  We were on a hillside surrounded by sickly looking trees and bushes. They had lost most of their color, like it had drained out the tips of their wilted branches. Pepper bumped into me, causing me to stumble a couple feet down the slope. Hushed voices behind me let me know Red’s friends had joined us.
br />   Elam mumbled, “Don’t know why my dad never showed me all the secret passages.”

  Rodrick mumbled under his breath, “Probably cause he didn’t want you sneaking out to visit all your girlfriends.”

  We cut through the wilderness on a trail and once we arrived in town, we avoided the main streets. I clutched the blue cloak tightly shut as the others had. We needed to hide our uniforms from curious passersby. Soon we left the quiet city behind us.

  I was beginning to wonder how much time had passed. It was hard to determine without a watch or daylight. In Portland, the clouds would occasionally part to let the sun check in on the world below, but not here, where the sky only changed from gray to charcoal.

  The further we distanced ourselves from King Richard’s territory, the wilted plant life diminished, leaving only more rocks and gravel in their place. A tamerac flew overhead as we marched along the dusty road, and I wondered if it was the same one I’d fed along the way.

  I drifted to the back of the pack as I watched the bird-like creature descend above me. I thought I’d test if it was the same one as before, so I grabbed a small stone from the road and held it out in my palm. Pepper and the guys were in the middle of a discussion and didn’t see. The tamerac slowly touched down on my arm and eyed the pebble, clearly hoping for a granola treat. I whispered softly, “Take this rock and drop it on Elam’s head.” To make sure it knew its target, I pointed at his broad shoulders.

  The tamerac snatched up the rock and I felt its wings brush against my arm as it lifted into flight. It flew into position ten feet above Elam and I wished I had my phone so I could take a picture. The stone slapped against his head and tumbled to the ground.

  “Ow!” Elam roared and ducked. “What was that?”

  He looked up into the sky and cursed at the culprit. “Tamerac, up to tricks. If I catch you, I’ll roast you for dinner!”

  Pepper started giggling and the others began to snicker.

  “What a tough guy, Elam. You can take on Slag’s army, but when a little tamerac drops a stone on you, you need your momma.” Rodrick punched his friend’s shoulder playfully.

  “Just surprised me, s’all.”

  The tamerac continued to fly overhead. It had to be the same one as before. It definitely lost points in the snuggly department with those teeth, but it won extra ones for the cool factor.

  I jogged ahead in time to hear Rodrick mutter. “All right, you all clear on our plan?”

  Ahead of us, the dark shape of the gate and guard tower materialized. It was show time. We pulled off our blue cloaks and dropped them at the side of the road.

  “Yes,” Pepper answered and stopped so he could place a pair of iron handcuffs around her wrists.

  “Sorry, Pepper.”

  “No worries. It’s necessary.” She winked at me before hanging her head and continuing to walk, clearly enjoying the performance. Rodrick and I positioned ourselves on either side of her, while Red, Elam and Gabe marched behind us.

  As we neared the gate, a soldier stepped out from the guard tower. It was the same man who was there when I passed through earlier. He recognized me and asked, “Is this the young lady you were looking for?”

  “Yes, we found her trying to hide in an abandoned farm. Prince Braylon will be pleased to have her back to work up at the castle.”

  “Very good.” He gestured for us to walk around the gate and then stopped. “I didn’t see the rest of you come through today. When did she escape?”

  “You’re awfully full of questions for someone who’s forgetful about his own duties. These men were returning from their own mission and met me on the road. They helped me detain the maid, and now we are all due back at the castle. Do you really wish to keep us any longer, Rogen?”

  “No, of course not. My apologies.”

  I couldn’t help myself and asked, “Where’s Kendrick?”

  Rogen shifted his weight as his eyes darted uneasily over all the members of my party. “I gave him orders to keep watch from the tower and sharpen our spare blades – something simple he can’t blunder.”

  Pepper seemed to momentarily forget her part and straightened up. “Oh, he was the one here before? He was so helpful –”

  She stopped talking the second she noticed me grimacing at her. Rodrick gave her a gentle yet sharp tug on her cuffs, which I didn’t think was necessary, but he didn’t seem to care. I could see he was getting into his part. He growled at Rogen. “Is that the fool that let this lass by? He made more work for us when we were eager to get back. Why don’t you bring ‘im down here so we can show him what we think of him?”

  Rogen’s eyes widened as Rodrick placed his hand on the butt of his sword. Rogen stammered. “Oh, no, I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m more than capable to show him the error of his ways. Don’t worry – I will make sure he doesn’t do it again.”

  “Make sure he doesn’t,” Rodrick sneered and winked at me when Rogen wasn’t looking.

  Without another word, we continued on the road and away from the gated tower. Although I had worn my sneakers on this trip, my feet were getting tired from all the walking. I just wanted to complete the mission. We were close. If we followed our plan, then soon enough we’d be back in the dreary Northwest, sipping coffee in the comfort of a temperature controlled home. Pepper would be happy that we helped my story characters and life would move on. Simple. Nothing in my life was ever simple, but I dared to hope.

  The sky went from gray to charcoal and my stomach was growling. The apple I ate while sitting with Pepper had burned off and I was ready for something more substantial – like a steak dinner. Thinking about food made me unhappy so I tried to focus on the tall black spire ahead of us that held the imprisoned princess. The outline of the castle grew larger as we got close to Valen City.

  Sounds from the town reached my ears and the entrance gates loomed before us. I copied Rodrick, Elam and Gabe and nodded at the soldiers we passed who were posted alongside the road. They dipped their chins to their chests as we strode with purpose past the shops and buildings. Men dressed in the same dark uniforms as us stared at Pepper as we marched by. I edged closer to her and held her arm protectively.

  The chill in the air got more frigid as we approached the castle. Like the last time I visited this place, I had the sensation of all happiness and warmth leaving my body. I started to doubt my confidence in the plan. What was I thinking? Pepper and I had passed right by the path to the Elder Tree and our way out of this miserable world. I could have just grabbed her and left.

  She seemed to hear my thoughts or maybe it was the pained expression on my face that gave me away, but Pepper lifted her handcuffed hands and rested them on my own. Her voice came out sure and soft. “Nim, all of this is possible because of you. You had the power to create this place and I know you have the power to fix it. Let’s do this.”

  She was right. There was no going back now. The dark castle keep loomed ahead of us, and I knew the only way for us to go home now was to complete this harebrained mission. It was time to man up and commit one-hundred percent, or it wouldn’t work. I took a deep breath and clenched my jaw.

  Rodrick stopped and unlocked Pepper’s handcuffs. “This is where we split up. You all ready? Know what you have to do?” He looked at each one of us and waited for everyone to give him a nod.

  Red patted me on the back and muttered, “Good luck, Nim.”

  “You, too. Hope you find your dad. See you soon.”

  Red gave me a nervous grin and walked toward the entrance to the lower dungeons with Gabe and Elam. Elam squinted at me and shifted expressions like a scitzo, looking at Pepper with a buttery smile. “Keep those pretty lips safe.”

  “Thanks, I will,” I said. It was enjoyable watching the confused and angry look spread across his face. I waved at him before I turned to look at my friend, completely amazed with myself.

  Pepper smirked and muttered, “Good one.”

  “Ready?” Roderick took his place on
the other side of Pepper and we strode up to the castle gates. We had agreed it was best he do the talking since he was older. He seemed to like taking control, and who was I to question him? I was just an orphaned, twelve-year-old book nerd.

  When we reached the entrance to the castle keep, the guards at the door stopped us. “What is your business?”

  “We are here to deliver the princess’s new maid to her post,” Rodrick said loudly.

  “We were not informed of this activity,” one of the guards replied.

  Rodrick paused for a moment and seemed to think about his answer. “I guess you’ll have to explain to the prince why she’s been delayed. He asked us to personally go and retrieve her, but I guess he doesn’t tell you everything.”

  The guards looked at each other and appeared to be weighing their choices. “Right. Take her through. The maid’s quarters are in the lower levels.” The man stared at Pepper and added, “Be sure to get a uniform before you start work.”

  Pepper kept her eyes to the ground and curtsied. “Yes, sir.”

  Rodrick breezed through the entrance with Pepper and me in tow. During my previous visit to the city I had only entered the dungeons and barracks. The inside reminded me of King Richard’s castle. It seemed like a shadow of something that used to be great and majestic that was now sad and colorless.

  Finding the stairwell into the lower chambers took too long, so Pepper asked a passing servant for directions. Once we were back on the right track we wound our way down and finally arrived at the correct place.

  “Remember to get another uniform for the princess.” I reminded Pepper as she disappeared through the doorway.

  The two of us stood around for what felt like an eternity. While we waited, a maid passed by and Rodrick muttered, “Ah, women. Is it a law they must make you wait as they get ready?”

  Just when I was beginning to consider going in after her, she appeared wearing a long charcoal tunic with a belt cinched around her waist. A black scarf tied her hair back and a she held a lump of cloth under her arm.

  “Ready, boys? Time to go to the kitchen for the princess’s meal.”


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