An Unfortunate Beginning

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An Unfortunate Beginning Page 13

by Natasha Brown

  I pinched my eyes shut and reminded myself all this was necessary. As long as no one knew my plan, it could work. The ends justified the means.

  “Looks like you’ve made some lifelong friends. They don’t seem very happy with you for betraying their trust. Come to rescue the princess and in the end, you’re responsible for killing her. It’s almost poetic.” Slag’s steel eyes fixed on my face and moved to stand inches away. Gray veins traced along his skin, making me wonder if he even had blood pumping through his body or if it was oil.

  I felt everyone’s stares but didn’t want to return them. Their anger toward me was palpable, and I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt it.

  “Search him,” Slag said and two guards removed my backpack and checked my pockets. They pulled out Pepper’s dress from my bag (it could have been worse, but not much), as well as the paper, pencil, socks, bandages and Grandpa’s pocketknife.

  “It’s not mine,” I mumbled about the dress, and the man holding it smirked.

  “This isn’t your day, is it, Nim? Give him his things back. A knife that small couldn’t hurt a wood mouse. Well, looks like we’re going to take a trip to the Elder Tree. A story like this is just too tempting to pass up. If you’re lying to me, I’ll kill everyone in your party, starting with your lady friend.” Slag waved at Pepper. “I have to admit, I’ve been bored with this stalemate. King Richard’s too weak these days to hold off my attack, anyway. For some time I’ve thought about dispensing with you, Amerovia, and now the timing just feels right. Ready the carriages.”

  We were all handcuffed and led outside. I had no idea what time it was, but it was definitely past dinner. At least, that was what my stomach was telling me. Had Aunt Holly noticed I wasn’t home? Would she worry? Would I ever make it back?

  Pepper stood nearby and avoided looking at me. Malick had his hand on Red’s shoulder, but Red hadn’t stopped staring at the ground since he was captured. The only one who didn’t appear devastated was Slag, who climbed into his royal carriage and had Prince Braylon and Princess Amerovia join him.

  A barred carriage drove up and Rodrick, Elam, Gabe, Red, Pepper and I were pushed inside. Several soldiers climbed up front and Malick called out, “This will soon be over. Your new king will find your value and we will be joined once again.”

  Red’s eyes pinched shut as though he wished he were asleep and when he woke things would be happy again. Pepper scooted away from me on the wooden bench and Elam leaned forward and growled, “I could kill you now, but it wouldn’t do us any good. Traitor.”

  “I don’t want no trouble back there, or I’ll chain you behind us and make you walk the whole way,” one of the guards shouted from up front.

  Elam leaned back and stared into the distance, clearly deciding ignoring me was the best choice for now. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to calm my racing heart. I’ve never liked threats of bodily harm, especially from angry teenagers with unbalanced testosterone levels.

  If this didn’t work out, I was dead no matter what. “Pepper –”

  She turned away from me and muttered, “You’re not the person I thought you were. Don’t talk to me.”

  “Oy, I said shut it back there!” The guard banged his fist against the bars and I thought maybe being dragged behind the carriage was better than being ignored by my friend, but I decided it would be best to just shut up and stay quiet.

  The sound of the horses’ hooves on the gravel became my focus instead of how hated I’d become in the period of an hour. But, really, what else was new?

  I pulled my backpack off and dug around until I found a small bit of granola bar crumbled at the bottom of the bag, and pocketed it for later. As hungry as I was, I had a better use for it.

  After a long, bumpy ride, we finally stopped. We had arrived at the gates and entrance to the Elder Tree. The soldiers, holding torches, jumped down from their seats and Malick unlocked the back of our carriage.

  Slag, Prince Braylon and Princess Amerovia stood waiting for us at the side of the road. “After you, Princess,” Slag said, holding his torch out.

  We walked, one by one, down the narrow pathway in the inky dark. Tall crags rose above us, and shadows moved as the light from the flames licked at the air. Icy blue eyes shone down on us and claws scratched on stone perches overhead. I breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted a pair of purple eyes amongst the rest.

  The trail widened and opened up into what I assumed was the large basin. Without the light of the moon or stars, I could only guess where we were, because I couldn’t see more than a few feet ahead of me. We fanned out and I watched Amerovia stumble toward a tall, black shape.

  Chapter 17 - The Elder Tree

  “Well, Princess, I believe your time has come. Do you wish to impart any last words before this world says goodbye to your kind of magic forever?”

  Amerovia walked with her arms outstretched to the Elder Tree, occasionally tripping over stones but never stopping. When she reached it, her sobs could be heard bouncing off the walls of the basin. Her fingers trailed along the trunk and I recalled the feel of its cool, smooth flesh beneath the singed surface.

  “How touching. Crying for a tree that’s been dead for years. Princess? Are you ready?” Slag took two long strides toward her and unsheathed his sword.

  She let go of the tree and turned around. From where I stood I could see soot covering her dirty clothes and skin. “I never stopped hoping that I could save the world from your darkness. I still have hope.”

  Slag boomed with laughter. “You hope even now? What a delusional girl. I wonder why you ever loved her, Prince Braylon.”

  While Slag was distracted, I tried to get Pepper’s attention, which was hard because she was purposefully ignoring me (and she called me a drama queen). I grabbed her hand and she tried to rip it away, but I held on tight and growled in her ear. “Stop it – all of this is part of my plan, okay? We need to move closer – all of us. I need you to create a diversion when I give you the sign. Can you do that for me? Please?”

  She relaxed her arm and looked me in the eye, frowning. After a tense moment, she nodded and moved toward Red to pass along my instructions. Thank goodness he was the one who told Elam, because I didn’t want to get close enough to tell him myself after he threatened my life. The others gave me a curt nod as well and I hoped I could count on them. Slowly, we inched toward Slag, Amerovia and the Elder Tree.

  Prince Braylon walked up to Slag and asked, “Are you sure we should trust the boy? If he’s wrong, you will have to search for the next child born linked to the Tree.”

  “If I knew any better, Prince Braylon, I would say you still love the princess and don’t want to see her die,” Slag retorted, clearly annoyed.

  “No, sire, just thinking of you.”

  I craned my neck and searched the darkness. Two tiny orbs reflected back in the firelight and a blue glow could be seen. Now was the time. I hoped that for once in my life, I would have good luck. Not lotto winner good but, like, not killing everyone good.

  Beyond the blackened shape of the tree was the familiar shimmer of the magical gateway out of this world. If things fell apart, I’d have to grab Pepper and get her out of here, although I didn’t want to leave this place in complete devastation. It was my responsibility to make things right.

  I looked at Pepper, who was an arm’s length away from me and mouthed, “Now.”

  She flashed me one of her brilliant smiles and I knew we were in for a show. She ran over to one of the guards and grabbed his tunic. She said loudly, and with what I thought was a bit too much theatricality, “Are we being watched? Are those torches on the top of that ridge over there? I wonder, did King Richard follow us?”

  “What?” Slag and Prince Braylon turned abruptly to stare at Pepper and then in the distance to squint where she was pointing. Rodrick and Gabe shouted and pointed, as well. While everyone was looking in the opposite direction, I took advantage of the moment and pulled out the piece of granola bar
. I held it out in my open palm and held my breath. The beating of wings came from behind and then the heavy weight of the tamerac pressed down on my arm. Thank God.

  The creature dropped the warm seed into my palm and snapped up its treat. “You kept it safe. Good tamerac,” I muttered under my breath. “Now take it to the girl.” I waved with my free hand toward the disheveled Princess, and the tamerac grasped the Elder Seed in one of its talons. It took to the air, swooping across the expanse, flying straight for Amerovia with the glowing blue pod in its grasp.

  “There’s no army out there, stupid girl. Shut up before I have you killed with the princess.” Slag tipped his sword back with a grin on his face, but before he could take a step toward the tree, a form swept down and landed on Amerovia’s shoulder. The tamerac dipped its head to her hand and let go of the illuminated round shape. She murmured something and rubbed the back of its scaly neck. Then, as quickly as it had come, it flew off and disappeared into the gloom.

  While Slag sputtered in confusion, Amerovia cupped her hands together and the light began to grow. Its blue phosphorescence bloomed into a brilliant glow, brighter than the sun. As she knelt down and placed the orb into the roots of the tree, Slag propelled toward her, his sword ready to strike.

  “No!!” Without thinking, I dug in my feet and rushed forward. There was no way I’d let him hurt the princess.

  Before I could reach her, Braylon beat me to it, his shoulder ramming into Slag’s side, sending him headlong into the rocky terrain. The prince stood with a confused expression and his sword pointed at his opponent. “I, I may be your puppet, but I cannot let you harm her. My love for her is stronger than your evil magic.”

  Slag sputtered and rolled over. It was dark, but even from where I stood I could see the hatred pouring from his eyes. “That is not possible. You are under my control, you pathetic piece of dribble. You will pay for this. You can die with your princess…”

  Shock and surprise transformed his face when he turned his attention to Amerovia and the Elder Tree. The ground began to glow below us in long narrow fissures, and light coursed toward the tree, pulsing up its trunk and out its branches. Its blackened exterior fell off like ashes in the wind, revealing a vibrant, purple stock. Tiny green buds unfurled from the branches, extending into large teardrop shaped leaves. Where the light had touched the ground, a carpet of pale grass sprouted up, covering the rocky earth. Like a crowd doing the wave, it rippled out across the basin, and under my feet.

  The tips of the Elder Tree glimmered and I noticed bright points in the sky. Stars. The constant, bleak cloud cover dissolved, revealing constellations I had never seen before. A large, porous moon glowed blue, and cast soft beams down on the scene below.

  Everyone stood with their eyes wide open, completely spellbound. Everyone, that is, but Slag, who rolled onto his knees and jumped to his feet. Braylon took no notice, too absorbed with the beauty around him.

  “You witch. You really think your magic can reverse time? Since the day my heart was pierced by the stone of Abbarath, it has hardened and turned into the rock it was touched by.” Slag lifted up his staff and its sharp point was aimed at Amerovia. “Every soul that’s touched it is linked to me through its power. Your magic isn’t strong enough to break the bond. Do you think I will let you take everything from me?” Slag said and lunged at Amerovia.

  “Look out!” was all I could say as I watched hopelessly.

  Princess Amerovia didn’t need my shouts of warning. She stood, completely aware of him stumbling toward her, with a calm, unconcerned air. When he got close enough, her hands lifted and a tree branch curled down, wrapping around the staff and pulling it from Slag’s grasp. The staff started to creak from the tension and snapped in two. “No!”

  With his attention elsewhere, she leaned forward and pressed her palms to his chest. I thought I detected a rosy glow seep out from her fingers.

  Slag sank to his knees with a groan. Moments later, Amerovia withdrew and stepped back. “Now you have everything you ever needed – your heart.”

  Slag pulled off his black cloak and stared up at the stars. I was surprised to see that the inky veins that had once traced his face were gone. He sputtered, “Beautiful. I cannot recall how long my heart has been hardened and my soul poisoned.” He clawed open his tunic and stared at his pale chest. His fingers trailed up to his sternum, coming to rest at a single point. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. My pain is gone,” he said, laughing.

  Slag’s soldiers exchanged confused glances and stared at their swords, which were pointed at the captives. They laid them on the ground and stared up at the stars. Prince Braylon leaned down and brushed his fingers through the soft grass beneath his feet and said, “I’d almost forgotten what it felt like.”

  “Braylon…” Amerovia held her hand out to him. Tears shone on her cheeks in the moonlight.

  His attention lifted to her face and he walked slowly to her side. When he stopped, he stared at the ground and muttered, “Will you ever forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive. You weren’t yourself. The Elder Tree has revived us all. As we speak, I see the black magic losing its grip on you, my love.” Amerovia buried her face into his tunic and I looked away when they kissed.

  Pepper started laughing and Gabe joined in. Malick walked over to Red and pulled him into a big bear hug and Elam swatted Rodrick’s shoulder, wearing a suggestive grin. The boys’ fathers rushed to their sons and embraced them roughly.

  “Sir? What are your orders?” one of the soldiers ventured, calling out to Slag.

  “Go home – your real home. Prince Braylon rules this land, as he always should have. We’re done here. We have no purpose any longer. ” Slag touched the Elder Tree’s colorful trunk.

  I took a deep breath and combed my fingers through my hair. It was over. No one had died and my terrible luck seemed to have turned around. I wasn’t sure how it had all worked out, but it had. I wasn’t going to die here, after all.

  “How did the tamerac come to have the seed?” Prince Braylon asked Princess Amerovia, who turned to me with a questioning stare.

  I cleared my throat and spoke up. “When we were captured at the castle I gave it to the tamerac and told it to keep it safe. It followed us here and I lured it over with a treat.”

  Amerovia and Braylon walked over and the princess gave me a hug, completely taking me by surprise. My cheeks flushed with heat and I let my hair fall in my face to cover my embarrassment.

  “Thank you for your help. I would like to know the name of my hero.”

  “Hero? Um, no, I’m no hero. My name’s Nimrod. You sure you aren’t angry with me like everyone else is?” I asked and shot a wary expression to the others who were busy shaking hands and talking.

  “Angry for tricking Slag to bring me to the Elder Tree and giving me the seed? That sounds like something a hero would do, Nimrod,” Amerovia answered. “Thank you for saving me and my people.”

  Prince Braylon squeezed my shoulder and echoed the princess’s appreciation. “Thank you, Nimrod.”

  “I am curious, though, how you found the seed. So many have searched for it without success. You’re just a young man,” Amerovia marveled.

  I remembered the moment I entered this world for the first time. The Elder Tree’s lifeless husk reminded me of my mother in the hospital and my emotions had overtaken me. Tears spilled from my eyes, blinding me, and they had dropped onto the trunk. I didn’t really want to admit my private moment, but I knew some explanation was necessary. “Well, I found the tree by accident, really. I didn’t know it was special or anything, but seeing it all dead and burnt reminded me of someone important to me who’s not around anymore. I was upset and…the roots just sort of opened up. I grabbed the seed, thinking it was a pretty rock.”

  The prince and princess exchanged a surprised expression and Amerovia said, “The tree chooses who to reveal its seed to. Naturally, it trusts its protector, but you are just a boy. You must be very special, Ni
mrod, for it to have faith in you. Clearly, the Elder Tree’s confidence in you was true.”

  Braylon clapped me on the shoulder. “I wish I had more men like you. I’m glad you came here when you did. Not a moment too soon.”

  Someone cleared his throat behind me and a voice said, “If you’d given us a hint of what you were up to, we could have helped and I wouldn’t have thought you were a coward.”

  I turned around and found Elam with his arms crossed and everyone staring at me. At least now I was fairly confident he wasn’t going to hurt me.

  “You helped a lot more by not knowing the plan. And I kinda thought it up on the spot.”

  “Wouldn’t have guessed, but you know, you’re a pretty smart kid. Why didn’t you tell us you had the Elder Seed before we left on the rescue?” Elam asked.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled. For that awesome backward compliment. “I would have told you, but I didn’t know it was the Elder Seed until we got up to the castle and the alarm was raised. I pulled it out of my pocket and it was warm and glowing blue. Up until that point it had been icy and black. I suspected it was the seed when I considered how nearby the princess was. She must have activated the magic in it. I was lucky.”

  The words struck me silent. For so long I’d felt like an unlucky loser. It was strange accepting the fact I had just stepped into my story and filled the hero’s role. I’d actually saved the day. Sure, I was responsible for making a mess of everything, but it was because of me this world had life breathed into it again. Alert the presses.

  “Thank you for saving us all. You’ve helped more people than you know,” Malick said and rested his hand on my shoulder. His friends, along with Elam, Gabe, Rodrick and Red, chimed in their agreement.

  I shook my head. “No. Thank you. Sorry for putting you through all of that, Red and everyone. Um, Princess? I took something from your father’s desk I shouldn’t have, but it was to protect my friends. King Richard has orders to send Malick, his friends and family to the dungeons for being traitors. I know it’s not my place ‘n all, but…”


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