Alexandra’s Legacy

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Alexandra’s Legacy Page 26

by N. J. Walters

  But she was beyond caution. The anger and fear of the past days coalesced in this one moment. She jerked out of Joshua’s hold and stepped out from between the men. “Who else here thinks to challenge for the right to bed me?”

  “Alex?” She could hear the anger in Joshua’s voice as he pulled her around to face him.

  “That’s what this is about, isn’t it? It isn’t about the fact that I didn’t know until a few days ago that I was a werewolf, or at least a half-breed. It isn’t about the fact that the only life I’ve ever known is gone.” The crowd had gone silent. Once again she tugged away from Joshua and faced them. Strangers all, they watched her.

  She saw anger on some faces and shock on others. A few wore expressions of understanding and sympathy, which had tears pricking at the backs of her eyes. She sucked in a breath. She would not let them see her as weak.

  “None of you really want me. You don’t know me.” Several men protested and stepped forward, including the one her father had called Grady. “You want me because of some biological reaction that I can’t control. You want me because I’m in heat.” Her face burned as she spoke the words, but she wouldn’t back down. Not now.

  “See what diluting the blood lines will do. Disrespectful half-breed.” An older man and woman stepped forward and spit on the ground at Alex’s feet.

  Joshua was by her side in a second. “That is my future mate you disrespect, Miles Jenson.”

  Jenson just laughed. “She is weak and will breed weak pups that will probably have to be put down.”

  Joshua was as still as a stone, but Alex could feel the winds of fury raging through him. He glanced over at her father, who had come to stand on her other side. Some silent communication seemed to pass between them and her father nodded. Joshua turned back to the angry couple. “If you do not wish to live among such tainted bloodlines, you are free to leave.”

  The older woman paled. “You would banish us?” Shock was evident in Jenson’s voice. He pointed a trembling finger at her. “She is the one who is disrespectful to our ways.”

  “She doesn’t know our ways,” Joshua pointed out. “Three days ago, she had no idea who and what she truly was.”

  “Her father should have told her.” The man was totally indignant.

  “I hoped to spare her this.” Her father finally spoke. He surveyed the crowd before him. “I knew many of you would hate her, despise her for her human blood. I didn’t even know if she would be werewolf or human, so I waited. Because I knew that just as many of you would want to claim her as a mate. Women of our kind are not so plentiful any longer that a strong, healthy, beautiful one can be overlooked. Even if she is a half-breed.”

  Her father turned back to her and smiled. “So I raised her as best I could. Alone. And she is a strong woman. The kind of mate any man would be proud to call his own.” Her heart ached at the emotion in her father’s voice. She wanted to reach out to him, but knew she had to let this scene play out. She knew instinctively both their futures were on the line.

  “If you find that kind of woman offensive, then you are welcome to leave.” Her father stared at the couple, who seemed to shrink beneath his gaze, and then he swept his eyes over everyone gathered. “And that goes for anyone else who thinks the same. I am alpha here now and she is my blood. Accept her or leave.”

  Alex held her breath. There were rumblings, but no one made any move to leave. Miles Jenson stepped forward and bowed his head low in submission. “My apology.” Alex thought he might choke on it, for it certainly wasn’t sincere, but her father graciously accepted it. She made a mental note to keep an eye on this man and his entire family. There would be more trouble from that corner for sure.

  Joshua stepped forward. “That leaves the business of the challenge for Alex unresolved.” He ignored her gasp of outrage. “She is mine.” His voice was hard and brooked no disagreement. “Any who wish to challenge, do so now.”

  “Don’t I have any say in this?” She faced him, standing so close that the tips of her slippers were touching his boots.


  “No?” She poked him in the chest. “I don’t think so. Mine is the only voice that matters.”

  Whirling around, she faced the crowd once again. “Before you all beat yourselves to a pulp, you’d best know one thing. I’ll accept who I want to accept and no one else. Anyone who thinks they can claim me better be prepared to get a knife in the ribs.”

  “What a woman,” Grady whispered almost soundlessly as he stepped forward.

  “And who do you choose?” Brady Donovan’s face was inscrutable, but she thought she caught a glimpse of some softness in his eyes. She could easily have fallen for him if she’d never met Joshua. But she had met Joshua and there was no accounting for taste when it came to love.

  Turning, she glared at the man who had captured her heart. Joshua was overbearing, infuriating and sexy as hell. The thought of any other man touching her left her feeling cold. She gave him her back again and sensed his growing frustration. “I will have no one but Joshua Striker.” There, let him think about that.

  His large hands came down on her shoulders, turning her to face him. “The challenge must be met,” he gritted out from between clenched teeth.

  Alex had finally reached the limit of her patience and endurance. The adrenaline rush that had carried her through the challenge with her father had petered out. The anger that had sustained her was gone, leaving exhaustion in its wake. She swayed on her feet.

  “You do whatever you have to do. In the meantime, I’m going to bed.” Ignoring all the stares, she walked toward Joshua’s home. “I’ll be waiting,” she called back over her shoulder. “If anyone other than Joshua gets in bed with me, they should be prepared to be castrated.”

  The men all shuddered as they watched her leave. Joshua was torn between laughter and going after her, throwing her over his shoulder and dragging her off to bed. The only reason he didn’t do either was because, like it or not, the issue of the challenge had to be settled.

  He watched the sway of her hips and then growled when he realized that half the men there were watching it too. He’d seen the exhaustion in her face and wanted to go and gather her into his arms and hold her while she slept. He wanted to pamper her, see to her needs and then…then he wanted to make her his.

  Donovan and Grady watched until Alex let herself inside the front door of Joshua’s home. They both grinned when the door slammed shut behind her. “Now that is a woman worth challenging for.” Grady nodded his head in agreement with Donovan.

  Joshua began to strip off his shirt. “Which one of you wishes to challenge first?” A heavy hand on his arm stopped him and he lowered his shirt back down.

  Donovan was staring at him, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “I said she was worth fighting for, not that I wanted to be turned into a eunuch when I beat your sorry ass.”

  Grady chuckled. “I like my parts right where they are, thank you very much.”

  Joshua was astounded. He knew neither man was afraid to challenge him, nor were they afraid of claiming Alex. What they were doing was showing their respect for her and for him in front of the entire pack.

  “You’ve got balls to take on that one, Joshua.” Isaiah slapped him on the back. “But I think she’s exactly what you need.”

  James came to stand before him and all the men fell silent. “You accept her choice?”

  They all nodded. James smiled and turned to Joshua. “She is unconventional and unused to our ways, but she will make you one hell of a mate.”

  “I know.” Joshua had waited long enough. He strode toward his home, ignoring the catcalls and advice being hurtled at him from all quarters. “Isaiah, you’re in charge for the next few days.” Laughter and hooting followed his words. “We’ll have the formal ceremony then.”

  He lengthened his stride, all of his thoughts on finally claiming the woman who was his.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Alex came awak
e in stages. It took her a second to remember where she was and, when she did, she wished she was still asleep. Yesterday’s scene replayed in her head. God, had she really stalked off and left Joshua and the rest of them standing there with their mouths hanging open?

  Burying her face in her pillow, she tried to block the memory. Yes, she had. It had been worth the embarrassment just to see that.

  She had no idea what had happened after she’d made herself scarce. True to her word, she’d stripped down to Joshua’s shirt and climbed into bed. She remembered stirring when someone had climbed in beside her, but since it was Joshua, she’d drifted right back to sleep. If he’d come with the notion of bedding her last night, he’d gotten a surprise. She’d been too exhausted to stay awake.

  Now she really had to go to the bathroom and there was a muscled arm thrown around her waist. Joshua had gathered her close to him when he’d settled next to her and hadn’t loosened his grip the entire night.

  Carefully, she inched over to the edge of the bed, which actually wasn’t that far away. Joshua was sprawled across most of the king-sized mattress. Although, she supposed she couldn’t complain. It was his bed after all.

  His fingers curled around her waist. “Where are you going?” he mumbled.

  “Bathroom,” she whispered, hoping he wouldn’t really wake up. He loosened his grip and she slid out of bed. The wood floor was cool against the soles of her feet and her toes curled as she stood there looking down at him. If she was staying they’d need to get an area rug or two.

  Standing beside the bed, she stared down at Joshua. Most people appeared different when they were asleep—softer, more vulnerable. But not Joshua. Even in sleep there was no softening in his rough-hewn face. If anything all the harsh angles and planes were even more prominent. His shaggy black hair appeared even darker, cushioned against the white pillowcase. The plain white sheet had slipped down to his waist, exposing the long muscular lines of his back. She was pleased to note the wounds on his back were already healing and would probably be gone within another day or two.

  Trying not to make any noise, she padded to the bathroom. When she’d taken care of her most pressing needs, she faced herself in the mirror. Her short hair was tousled, but she looked better than she had in a while. It was amazing what a good night’s sleep could do to restore a person. Her face was still pale, except for where colorful bruises marred her skin. Shadows still smudged the skin beneath her eyes, but overall she thought she looked better than she had yesterday.

  Her skin began to tingle as she stood there. It had been doing that on and off all night, frequently waking her, but she’d been so exhausted, she’d managed to ignore it and fall back to sleep.

  Alex unbuttoned the fastenings at the top of the shirt and shoved the material to one side, letting it slide down her arm. The furrow left by the bullet was still raw and tender, but it was healing. The long scratches from the wolf’s claws would probably leave scars as well, but they too were beginning to heal.

  She slid a few more buttons free and stared at her chest. Bruises were visible from where her seatbelt had restrained her. Her face was still colorful, but considering what she’d been through, she wasn’t feeling too bad. Nothing a week or two of rest and food wouldn’t cure. Even her feet were doing better. The salve Joshua put on her wounds after her bath had worked wonders. Like the rest of her, they were still battered but on the mend.

  Alex started to button the shirt again, but her hands stilled. Her skin began to itch wherever the fabric touched her body. Sliding the shirt down her arms, she let it slip off her body where it pooled around her feet. Her skin was hypersensitive and she moaned when she touched it. Heat began to seep through her like a living, breathing entity. Her breathing had quickened and she began to perspire.

  She buried her face in her hands. What was wrong with her? Maybe she’d picked up an infection or something running around the woods?

  Her womb spasmed and liquid seeped from her core. She raised her head to stare at the woman in the mirror. For a split second, she saw the face of a wolf semi-imposed over her face. Then she knew.

  She was in heat.

  This time there would be no reprieve. Once she took this step forward her life would be changed forever. There would be no going back.

  Her breasts ached and she cupped them to try to ease the riot of sensations rocketing through her. It didn’t help. If anything it made things worse. Her nipples were diamond hard against her palms. She shifted her hands and that slight pressure on her nipples had her groaning. Liquid trickled down the inside of her thigh.

  Stumbling out of the bathroom, she made her way back to the bed. Joshua was wide awake, reclining against the pillows as if he’d been waiting for her. The sheet was pooled around his waist but did nothing to hide his erection, which had tented the fabric. His wide, tanned chest was exposed and Alex growled low in her chest.

  Joshua smiled and opened his arms.

  She didn’t need a second invitation. She knelt on the end of the bed and crawled up his legs until she was sitting on his stomach. He wasn’t the best looking man she’d ever seen, but there was something about him that drew her. She never tired of looking at him and knew she never would. He was sexy as all get out.

  And he was hers.

  Placing her hands flat on his chest, she stroked his skin. Muscles rippled beneath her fingers as she slid them over the magnificent expanse. She loved the crisp mat of hair that spread from nipple to nipple, the way the band of hair narrowed as it bisected his stomach and headed toward his groin.

  He groaned as her fingers brushed his nipples. “Are you certain this is what you want?”

  Poor Joshua. She could feel his erection pressing hard against her bottom, but still he was honorable to the last. It was one of the reasons she loved him.

  In answer, she leaned forward until her breasts brushed against his chest. Oh, that felt lovely. Better than lovely. Then she placed her lips against his, showing him what she wanted.

  His mouth was firm and warm as it pressed against hers. She flicked her tongue over his lips as they parted, inviting her inward. And she went. Unable to resist his lure, she stroked her tongue into his mouth, groaning when he sucked on it. He rested his hands lightly on her hips, his fingers gliding up and down her sides until she thought she’d scream in frustration.

  Her sex was hot and wet and screaming for release. She spread her legs wide and rubbed herself against the hard muscles of his stomach, seeking relief from the constant ache. The movement caused her breasts to skim across his chest and the crisp hair stimulated them further.

  She had to pull her mouth from his when breathing became more difficult. “Joshua?” There was a tinge of fear in her voice. She didn’t quite know what to ask for. Didn’t know what, if anything, could ease the clawing need within her.

  He captured her breasts in his hands, his thumbs stroking her distended nipples. “It’s all perfectly natural, Alex. Just go with it. Feel it. Allow yourself to sink into the heat.”

  She felt his words like a stroke against her skin and arched her back so that her breasts were brought into closer contact with his hands. “It hurts,” she moaned as her vagina contracted again.

  Joshua sat up in bed and lowered his head to her breasts. He flicked one and then the other with his tongue before settling his mouth over one and suckling. Alex threaded her fingers through his hair and held him close. God, that felt incredible. She felt the deep sucking motion between her thighs as if he were touching her there as well. Her hips moved of their own volition, undulating against the hard planes of his stomach.

  She was close. So close. Release was just a caress, a touch, away. Her entire body tightened. Poised. Waiting.

  He stroked his hands down her sides and inserted one of them between her legs. One touch. That’s all it took. His finger brushed her clitoris and she exploded. Tipping her head back, she cried out as heat surged through her. Her body convulsed as pleasure washed over her. She cou
ld feel his lips at her breast, his hand between her thighs as a gush of warm liquid flooded onto his belly.

  When it was over, she slumped against Joshua and he wrapped his arms around her. She felt warm and content as she nuzzled her face against his neck. He always smelled so good, kind of outdoorsy mixed with a musky male heat. She snuggled closer and the heat that had subsided began to build again.

  She groaned. “I thought it would stop.”

  He nipped at her neck, making her gasp even as she tilted her head to one side to give him better access. “The only way to make it stop is if I take you. You need my cock inside you, filling you.”

  His graphic words had her in a state of full-blown arousal as quick as that. “Then do it.” She pushed the sheet down and tried to take him into her, but he stopped her. She growled at him. And then was appalled at herself.

  Joshua gripped her in his arms and rolled until she was beneath him. Planting her feet on the bed, she arched against him, practically purring with delight as his hard length stroked over the swollen folds of her sex.

  Joshua laughed and smiled. She momentarily forgot all about sex in the presence of his happiness. It shone from his eyes, making him appear younger. He leaned down and kissed her nose, her cheeks, her forehead and her mouth. Soft kisses, biting kisses, hard kisses. She wanted them all and he gave them to her.

  His tongue trailed a wet path between her breasts and he playfully lapped at her nipples. She shifted restlessly beneath him, but he trapped her against the mattress using his much larger and stronger body to subdue her movements.

  “Joshua, do something.” She was so close to coming again.

  “I need to claim you in the traditional way of our people.” He lazily sucked on her nipple, released it and then blew gently across it. He pressed his hips harder against her sex and she squirmed, trying to get his erection closer to where she needed it most.

  Alex’s skin was coated in a light sheen of sweat. Overwhelming need pulsed beneath her skin. At this point she didn’t care what he did as long as he was inside her. “Anything,” she panted.


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