Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers)

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Playing His Game (The Reynolds Brothers) Page 1

by Justine Elvira

  Playing His Game

  Justine Elvira

  Edited by: Eileen Proksch

  Cover by: Meredith Blair of Author's Angels

  ©2014 Justine Elvira

  [email protected]

  All rights reserved. This book contains material under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any Unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or any events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

  Cover image used under license from

  Table of Contents


  Note To My Readers


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Coming Soon

  Sneak Peek: In A Heartbeat by Liz King

  About Justine Elvira


  Playing His Game would have never happened without the help and support of so many others. I am truly blessed to have so many amazing people in my life.

  To the ladies of Justine's Joyful Book Jugglers: I love coming into this group every day and just being silly. You make it so much fun to be a writer and I love seeing your random posts or pictures for MCM. Thanks for being a part of my team and for dealing with my Jase obsession.

  Eileen Proksch: Thank you for putting up with me and the fact that I never have anything done by my deadlines. You support me so much and are always there giving me help and tips. I couldn't do it without you.

  Meredith Blair: Thank you for another AMAZING cover. Your work is beautiful and you are such a sweet person. Congrats on the new chapter in your life!!! I'll be praying you get some sleep over the next few months.

  Mayas Sanders: You are the best book pimp around. Thanks for supporting me from the beginning. I love your sense of humor and I know you will be a friend for life.

  Liz King: You're another one who has supported me from the very beginning and it means so much to me. Your own writing is some of my favorite and I know you're going to take off in the literary world.

  Sam Stettner, Stella, Daniella, Sarah and Jessica, Jennifer, S. Moose, Lindsey, Monica, Dawn, Becky, April, Shawndra, Mariela, Ashley, Rene, Kaprii, Lorraine and all of the others that pimped and shared Changing His Game: Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I saw every tag and every post and I am so thankful you loved CHG so much that you wanted to share it with the book community.

  Bloggers: Thank you so much for all that you do. Blogging is such a crazy busy job and you help us indie authors so much with what you do. Every post, every review, every message means so much to me. I truly appreciate all you do. You're the backbone of the writing community. Without your love and support no one would be reading my books so THANK YOU!

  Authors: Thank you for all of your support in messages, emails, and over social media. The indie world is truly a great community and the support we show each other always amazes me.

  To my readers: Whether this is your first book of mine or you've read my others, thank you for trying me out and giving me a chance. A lot of you have stuck by me and loved each of my books and that means the world to me. I'm always so nervous with every release and you tell me exactly how it is with your reviews, emails, tweets and Facebook messages. I'm so grateful for all of you and I hope you enjoy Playing His Game.

  To my kids: I love you more than words can even express. Thank you for all the ways you support me and don't even know it yet.

  If I forgot anyone it was truly an oversight. If you're in my life in any way, shape, or form I am extremely grateful. Love you all!

  Note To My Readers

  I wanted to address the timetable of Playing His Game. We met Winnie and Scott in my book Changing His Game, and while we got a small glimpse at "relationship" in the epilogue, we don't know much about them. Playing His Game starts with their first meeting. Their first meeting occurs sometime between the last chapter and the epilogue of Changing His Game, since they already know each other very well in the epilogue.

  There is over a year covered in that gap and I don't want to confuse anyone who has read Changing His Game. So basically, chapter one of Playing His Game starts way before the epilogue of Changing His Game, so if you are confused by anything that you might have thought already happened, this is why.

  I hope you enjoy Playing His Game as much as I enjoyed writing it and being around these characters. I love Winnie and Scott and I hope you do, too.

  Playing His Game is dedicated to the ladies of Justine's Joyful Book Jugglers.

  Love you all!



  I'm normally not a blubbering, emotional basket case, but the events of today have broken me. The well has burst and I can't seem to get my emotions in check. What was I thinking ever agreeing to this? Am I that much of an idiot to think this would solve his problems?

  I feel like I sold my soul to the devil, and now my life is ruined. Yes, I'm probably being a ginormous drama queen. My life is probably not ruined, just temporarily falling apart... but it feels destroyed. Wrecked and unable to ever be put back together.

  I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. That's right, I wasn't thinking. I never fucking think. Maybe it's because I'm impulsive and never thinking of the repercussions, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. It seemed like the only idea. He needed my help and what am I if not a helpful person?

  I was always the wild child in my family. I never went completely off the hinges, but compared to my goody two shoes sister, I was the black sheep. Coming home drunk at fourteen, getting busted for having a party when my parents were gone at sixteen, a pregnancy scare at seventeen, and being arrested for public intoxication at eighteen. Needless to say, I kept my parents on their toes.

  I guess the only good thing about today is that my family won't be surprised. Disappointed, yes. Surprised, no.

  A voice comes over the intercom, distracting me from my frantic thoughts. A woman is announcing that the rest of the passengers can now board the 747 I'm impatiently waiting to get on, bringing me from Los Angeles to Chicago. Once I'm in Chicago I'll rent a car and drive the few extra hours back home to Michigan, and then I'll have to face my parents.

  I feel like a kid again, nervous about what they will think of me. I'm going to have to admit how stupid I was. That I let the love I have for this man control my decisions and I did something monumentally fucked up because of it, which probably permanently changes the way my family views me. Yes, I saved the man I love from a deadly situation, but at what cost? My dignity? My self-respect? And what do I have to show for it?

  The man that I screwed up my entire life for could give two sh
its about me. He got what he wanted and everything is perfect in his world, while I'm hiding and hoping this all blows over soon.

  The phone in my pocket starts vibrating for what seems like the millionth time and I don't grab it, don't look at the caller ID, and don't have any desire to. I know who it is. While I know Autumn is worried about me, she's not who I need to be on the other end of the phone. She's not the person who can make this all better. Only one person can do that and he's currently letting his inflated ego direct his life, not even blinking an eye over the fact that I left.

  Stupid, motherfucking, egotistical asshole; I can't believe I let him destroy my life.

  Chapter One

  1 1/2 years earlier

  "Can you explain to me again why you had to pretend you forgot Jared's birthday?" I ask my sister as we drive out of the beautiful, plush neighborhood in Beverly Hills that she lives in with her boyfriend.

  This is the third time I've come out to visit my sister since she moved out to Los Angeles almost ten months ago. I was hooked on Southern California from the very first time I visited. The nearly perfect weather all year round, the sun shining and filling me with vitamin D, and my big sister living here, all helped me fall in love with it.

  My sister, Autumn, came to California to get away from her old boyfriend after walking in on him with Lexi Sanders. Lexi went to school with us and is a dirty, man-eating, slut. God, I hate her. I never really liked her, but after what she did to my sweet, innocent sister, I loathe her with a passion.

  I guess I can't really call Autumn innocent anymore. I mean, she is dating a hugely famous porn star, or ex-porn star that still produces porn. I'm not quite sure what his job title is. God, it hurts to look at Jared sometimes. Jared is the ex-porn star my sister is dating. He has a perfect, muscular body and gorgeous tats, and did I mention he has a pierced cock?

  I shouldn't know this, and if Autumn were dating a regular guy then I wouldn't know exactly what his dick looks like. But she's with Brandon Boner... I mean, Jared. Will I ever stop thinking of him as his porn star persona, Brandon Boner? Brandon is dead and gone. He needs to be just Jared to me now.

  It's hard to think of him as just Jared because I saw him naked way before Autumn did. I was a big fan of his films and watched them regularly. Don't judge me for that either. I think everyone should watch a porno or two so that they loosen up in the bedroom. It's true what they say; a man wants a lady in the street, but a freak in the bed.

  I'm starting to look at Jared as a brother, I really am. He and Autumn are in love so that's the only way I can ever look at him. I'm not into him or anything, but when a man has been the star of your wet dreams on several occasions and then you find out he's dating your sister, it fucks with your head. I think I just need to get laid. It's been over a month and that is a dry spell for me.

  Yes. Getting laid will help me in the long run.

  "Earth to Winnie," my sister says, snapping her fingers in front of my face. "You ask me a question and then ignore my answer?"

  "Sorry, sis, I got caught up in my thoughts."

  "What's on your mind?"

  I smirk at her. "Your sexy as fuck boyfriend. I've always wondered... how many times can he get you off before he can't hold off any longer and comes? I'm guessing three, but with how long he goes for in some of his videos, I wouldn't be surprised if he could pull off a solid half-dozen."

  I love teasing her.

  "Winnie!" she gasps, completely shocked at my comment.

  "Autumn!" I gasp back, mocking her. "So you're not going to answer me? I guess I'll just have to let my imagination run wild." Autumn doesn't respond and I know I probably took that too far. "I'm joking, sis, don't get your panties in a bunch. You are wearing panties, right?"

  "Jeez, because we hardly see each other I sometimes forget how crass you can be, Winnie. Try to tone that down at the party."

  "I'll work on it. So why did we lie to Jared again?"

  A huge grin spreads across her face as she quickly glances my way and then looks back to the road. "Jared's family told me he's really into his birthday. They said it's all he can talk about and he loves a day centered around him. This year I guess he's been downplaying it because of me. He doesn't want me to know how important it is to him or something, so I pretended it wasn't important. He thinks his entire family and I forgot all about his birthday this year and now he's bummed. It's perfect! Scott invited him over to go night surfing and when he gets to Scott's place he'll be completely surprised."

  Her grin gets impossibly bigger and I can't help but stare at my beautiful sister. Autumn has always been a natural beauty. Perfect skin, slim with curves, green eyes and natural blond hair. There was a period when we were teenagers that I was so jealous of her. She had Brock, but every guy in our school was attracted to her and just waiting for Brock to mess up. I think it was a mixture of her good looks and innocent outlook on the world, but it made guys want to protect her, save her.

  I am the complete opposite of my sister. I have mossy, brown hair. My blue eyes stand out with yellow around the irises. I love the color of my eyes, but they're farther apart than I'd like. I have great skin like Autumn, too, but my nose is slightly larger than I'd like and my smile is slightly crooked. There were also those few horrible years of bad acne. While I suffered with blemishes, Autumn never had acne issues. Autumn also has the whole innocent look going for her and I've never had innocence on my side. I think the brown hair with light blue eyes scream trouble.

  Thankfully, by fifteen I filled out and learned how to take care of my skin. I started applying my make-up correctly and wearing clothes that accentuated my curves. I wouldn't say I'm overweight by any standards, but I'm a size eight and have a plump ass and tits that should be on a different body. My breasts used to cause me back pain, but I exercised daily and when my back started acting up, I started weight training to strengthen my lower back.

  The biggest thing I've learned was to own my body and be confident. When you're confident, a man knows it. It's chemical or something, and when you give off that vibe, the men will come. I oozed confidence in every aspect of my life, which made finding men easy, and got me a lot of friends. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that my size eight curves remind men of sex, and I learned how to use my curves just right.

  Autumn turns on her blinker and makes a right onto the Pacific Coast Highway. The visual of the ocean on my left and the coast on my right is breathtaking. I watch as we pass sections of the beach with surfers in their wetsuits, the waves crashing against the rocks.

  Lake Michigan can be beautiful in the summer, but the ocean isn't beautiful. It's magnificent. When I see views like this I often wonder why I still live in Michigan. I could move here. I've got no real career to hold me back, just my waitressing and cage dancing. Sure, my parents would be upset because I help them at the shop when the weather is nice, but they'd get over it.

  Who am I kidding? I talk a good game and I even play my part, but Michigan is my security blanket. Moving out here would be going out to the unknown, and that's the only thing I'm actually scared of.

  "So whose house is this again?" I ask Autumn, trying to get out of my own thoughts. Jared has six brothers so it's hard to keep their names straight, especially since I've never met them before.

  "This is Scott's place. It's... a dream house, Winnie. Right on the beach, floor to ceiling windows. It's a several million dollar home."

  That's another reason I could never move to Southern California. I can't afford it.

  "What does he do where he can afford a place like that? Don't tell me he's in the porn industry too? I might be able to pork a porn star after all." I nudge her with my shoulder so she can tell I'm teasing her this time.

  "Pork? Really, Winnie?"

  "Would you prefer a different term? Okay, screw, fuck, bang, hump, ride-"

  "Alright, enough!" she shouts, interrupting my vocabulary lesson. "Scott's a real-estate agent. He makes good money, but not that good of money. One of h
is clients left it to him in his will when he died."


  "A client just left him a multi-million dollar home? I need to get into real-estate."

  "I don't know all the details, Winn, but it's a nice house. We had the party catered and Tawny's been setting up the decorations and making sure to let everyone know to park on the next block over. Kelly's riding over with Jared under the false pretense that she wants to relax on the beach while the boys surf."

  I've met Kelly, Jared's business assistant, a few times. I was suspicious of her at first. She's tall, blond, pretty and can party with the best of them. Quite frankly, I was worried for Autumn, but Kelly has no interest in Jared. That's good.

  Tawny's another story. I've know Tawny since we were kids. She moved out here and became a porn star with Jared's help. He helped her become who she is today. They've also fucked on film several times. I know Tawny has a thing for Jared, she can deny it all she wants, but I know. It's just good she respects Autumn enough to back off. I know Jared would never cheat on Autumn, but it would definitely ruin Tawny and Autumn's friendship, and Autumn needs good friends in her life.

  "We'll be getting there only a few minutes before Jared so we have to hurry. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes we didn't forget his birthday."

  "What did you get the man who's turning?"


  "Twenty-five. What did you get him?"

  Her cheeks blush pink and her smile slowly fades. "It's private. It's... something he'll get to open in the bedroom."

  "You dirty girl," I tease. "Those are the best gifts."

  "Did you have a chance to pick up something for him?" she asks as we drive into Malibu.

  "No. I guess I'll just offer to go in on your gift with you. I bet he's never had a threesome with sisters before."


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