Restoring Garnet's Heart [Elinor's Stronghold 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Restoring Garnet's Heart [Elinor's Stronghold 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Berengaria Brown

  His dick said it didn’t care how sweet or clever she was. It just wanted inside her right now. Byram had kissed her two nights ago, and she’d enjoyed it as much as he had. He’d pressed his aching dick against the front of her skirts, and she had to have known he wanted much more than just a kiss. He knew she was still mourning her soldier husband, but he couldn’t wait any longer to claim her.

  As steward, Byram’s status was very high, almost as high as a noble’s, and no one could compare with him. But he worried that she preferred the refugee, Carlysle—a man who had chosen to enslave himself to save his people. The problem was, Byram couldn’t dislike the other man. He was honest, straight, and true, a worthy husband for any woman, and he had a delicious tight, hard ass Byram wouldn’t have minded fucking either. In fact, Carlysle was exactly the kind of man he may have fucked, and been fucked by, in the past. But now he wanted a wife, so his days of sharing that kind of pleasure were over.

  With the castle under attack, who knew when he’d be free to ask her to marry him, or even if they’d both still be alive at the end of the battle? He’d planned to invite her into his bed this night, and after he’d eased the ache she’d placed in his balls, he’d meant to make her scream with pleasure until she agreed to marry him. Now, he’d be on full alert, needing to be on hand to assist Lady Elinor in every detail of the castle management. Lady Elinor’s time was almost there for the birth of her child, the heir to the stronghold, and it was his duty to support her to his utmost ability.

  He couldn’t have let Lady Elinor down anyway. When Lord Huart and his two sons, Walter and Roderick, had been killed in battle, and Lady Elinor was left alone in the stronghold, she’d taken charge like a man and formed a cunning plan that had kept them all safe thus far. By marrying Lord Rhys, the stronghold was secured. By including Captain of the Guard Hammond in their bed and plans as well, they had expert local advice.

  Byram looked around the great hall. All was quiet and orderly, the young children safely barricaded in a corner, the nursing mothers in another area, and the very old in a third corner. A pile of benches stood near the door, ready to block it, should the castle wall be breached.

  But thus far there had been no main battle. A mere half dozen horsemen had attacked the refugee encampment, but no attempt had been made on the castle yet. It was very strange. Why no attack? The attack should have happened as they rushed to defend their rear, yet so far, not so much as a sortie.

  God’s blood! Life was too short to wait. Battle or no battle, he’d ask Garnet to marry him tonight.

  Chapter Two

  Garnet sat huddled by the fire in one of the refugee huts with the other battle women. They’d been told to return to the castle keep, but they’d all decided to stay in case of a second attack.

  “They may wait until we’re all off-guard again and send a much bigger raiding party,” warned Carlysle.

  The women had spent a long time trying to understand why only six attackers had come. “There were ten at my hamlet alone,” said one.

  “Mine, too,” added another.

  Garnet wanted to think about her future. She was so torn between choices. Roldan had made her happy. He’d been a good husband, had never beaten her, and had treated her well. He’d liked her to suck his cock, and she’d enjoyed doing that almost as much as when he swived her properly and gave her great pleasure. They’d been married such a short time, his life lost in battle as happened to many soldiers. But he was gone. Dead. Never coming back. Never to kiss her or hold her again. He wouldn’t have wanted her to mourn him forever. He was a very practical man, earthy, realistic. He would understand she was ready to move on now, although she’d never forget him.

  Byram wanted her, and she felt sure he’d offer marriage. He wasn’t the type of man to fuck a woman he wasn’t serious about. He had too much status and prestige to risk losing it. When he’d kissed her, she’d enjoyed it immensely. His lips were soft but firm, warm, and welcoming. His tongue in her mouth had demonstrated so clearly what his cock pressing into her pelvis would do. And she wanted that. Wanted to be kissed thoroughly and fucked until she could hardly stand up. Besides, she wanted Byram’s status. She was a sewing woman, a woman of some status, but not a lot. Being the wife of the steward would make her one of the most important people in the castle, the top level under the nobles.

  But the man who made her cunt clench and cream with desire was not Byram. It was Carlysle. A peasant who’d exchanged his land for slavery to Lord Rhys to save the lives of his people. A good man, a lusty man, a man she was sure would give her enormous pleasure, but a man with no status, no property, nothing.

  Round and round and round, all through the night, Garnet’s mind churned over the choice. Byram and status? Carlysle and love? Then, as a cold, gray dawn began to break, Garnet’s mind stilled. Lady Elinor married Lord Rhys, but they both fuck Hammond. Lady Rhyannon married Lord Devon, but Alistair is with them, too. Why can’t I have both? God’s blood, why should only a noble lady get two men? I want them both!

  * * * *

  All night long, watch-fires burned on the castle walls so no invader could approach unseen. But no attack came. At dawn, the sharp-eyed children trained as watchers came to relieve the tired men who’d been on guard all night, and Rhys met with his Captain of the Guard, Hammond, the second in command, Albin, and Wade, a man with only one hand, the other having been lost in battle.

  “What worries me most is the man who turned away and left. Where did he go? Will he bring reinforcements? Why did he leave before there was any sign of defeat?” asked Rhys, running his hands over his aching head.

  “He had to have returned to Lord Jeffrey’s demesne, but why didn’t he bring more men? Why did so few of them come here at all unless it was a diversion for an attack that never happened? What prevented the main attack?” Hammond’s voice was as full of frustration as Rhys’s.

  For an hour or more, the men paced the battlements, trying to understand Lord Jeffrey’s strategy, without success. “There is no other solution. We will attack at dawn tomorrow. Hammond, Albin, divide the men, half to stay and guard here, half to come to battle. The freed men must sleep this afternoon as they will do most of the watching tonight so the guards can be fresh for the attack,” ordered Rhys.

  He wished he could understand Lord Jeffrey. Had the man regained his cunning and ability, and was his strategy about to take the stronghold? Of course Lord Jeffrey himself had died in the attack yesterday evening—the bodies had been recovered from the river and were lying in a storeroom with those his men had killed—but who knew how many noble-born men were with him to take his place. A new attacker, smarter, brighter, with a strategy Rhys couldn’t yet fathom. Or even angry, vicious, Lord Coll. They’d assumed he’d returned to wed his bride, but it was possible he’d stayed with Lord Jeffrey. Rhys had never fully comprehended the connection between the two men.

  And then there was Elinor to worry about. She was close to her time, and he and Hammond lay in bed with her night after night, marveling at her big, round breasts and placing their hands on her huge belly, feeling the heir kick and move. It was a true warrior babe, full of energy and action, a fitting heir whether girl or boy, his child or Hammond’s. It didn’t matter if this child was Hammond’s. He had enormous respect for the Captain of the Guard, and the next child, or the one after that, would be of his blood anyway.

  Leaving her now to attack Lord Jeffrey’s—his own former—demesne was hard, but it was a better option than sitting idle, waiting and wondering when Lord Jeffrey’s second-in-command would attack. Maybe bringing more men, fresh, new soldiers, from somewhere else to add to his force. Besides, he knew his own demesne, knew its strengths and weaknesses, and knew how best to launch an attack there.

  * * * *

  “Garnet.” Byram touched her lightly on the shoulder.

  “Do you need me, Byram?”

  His dark-brown eyes were like wide pools she could fall into and drown in. He licked his lips and
gently rested a hand on each of her shoulders. “Yes, that’s it exactly. I need you. I want you. In my life, in my bed, forever. Marry me, Garnet. Please, today, right now.”


  “Yes, right now. Life’s so uncertain. An attack may come again at any time. Anything could happen. I want you. Together we’ll be so happy, I know it. I can’t bear the thought of not having you.”

  Garnet’s heart almost froze in fear at what she was about to do. Byram would marry her. She would have great status, and he was a good man. That should be more than enough for any woman, especially one such as her, who was already a widow. But now, she was going to try to convince him to accept Carlysle as well—and she’d not spoken to Carlysle either. Perhaps together…

  “Come outside, please, Byram. I need to speak to you and Carlysle together.”

  They walked quickly out of the courtyard and around the side of the castle to the field. Carlysle was watching a group of people plant a row of sharpened pikes near the river where the ice was unbroken to give them some extra protection.

  Garnet copied Byram’s actions, tapping Carlysle on the shoulder and saying, “Come aside, please, Carlysle. I need to talk to both you and Byram.”

  When they were far enough away from people so that no one could overhear, she positioned herself where she could watch both their faces and said, “Byram has asked me to marry him today. I want to do that, but I want you, too, Carlysle. Just as Lady Elinor is married to Lord Rhys, but Hammond is joined to them as well, and Lady Rhyannon is married to Lord Devon, but Alistair is a part of their relationship, too, so I wish to be married to Byram and have you, Carlysle, joined with us as well.”

  She waited, scarcely daring to breathe, wondering what they would say.

  The men stared hard at each other, like two dogs deciding whether or not to fight. Then Carlysle gave a crack of laughter and nodded. “I agree. I want you, Garnet, and with no land anymore, I can never marry you. This way I get to hold you and fuck you, to be part of your life. I may also get some of Byram’s ass as well.”

  Byram nodded. “Your request doesn’t surprise me, Garnet, I also agree. Now, let’s go to Father Augustus and say the words, then go to bed.”

  * * * *

  The ceremony was brief and quickly over, with Lady Elinor standing beside Garnet to give her permission for the wedding. Faster than she could have believed possible, the three of them were in Byram’s little room in the castle, the door barred, and ready for the official consummation to make the marriage legally binding.

  Byram placed a tiny vial of oil on the bed then said, “I propose we double fuck you twice. Me in Garnet’s cunt, you in her ass, then me in her ass, you in her cunt. Do you both agree?”

  Garnet drew in a harsh, quick breath. Both of them in her together right now? She’d been so worried they wouldn’t agree to share her she hadn’t stopped to think about practicalities such as how the swiving would work. Well, she’d been looking forward to a good fucking. It seemed she was about to get it.

  Eagerly she undressed and lay on the bed on her front, opening her legs wide for the men to touch and arouse her. Roldan had taken her in the ass, and, after an initial burning feeling, it had been all right, but she preferred him in her cunt. However, with two men in her together, she thought it might be something special indeed.

  Certainly four hands on her skin was very pleasant. She closed her eyes and relaxed into the feelings, enjoying the gentle touches on the sensitive inner skin of her thighs, the large, rough hands cupping her breasts, pushing around them between her body and the mattress.

  Fingers were pushing into her cunt and into her ass, the ones in her ass slippery with oil, stretching her wide and still wider to fit a cock inside. The oil was a wonderful idea, making the touching even more exciting.

  The men made occasional one-word comments or grunts, and suddenly Garnet realized that this was just as arousing and exciting for them as it was for her. All three were being united in this act, even though by law only she and Byram would be married.

  “It’s time,” gasped Byram, in a hoarse, harsh voice, lying on the bed on his back. “Sit on my sword, woman.”

  Happily Garnet climbed over his hips, pleased to see how long and hard his cock was. Roldan had been well endowed, and she was glad to know her new husband was, too. She slid down over his cock, loving how he stretched and filled her, touching all the places inside her that had missed the touch of a man these past months. When he was as deep as he could get inside her, Garnet lay on his chest, loving how distinctive he was. Byram was not as muscular as Roldan, who fought and trained every day, but he wasn’t soft either. He was a different sort of hard, the firmness of a man against her woman’s softness, but without the ropey muscles of a soldier.

  That was wonderful. Byram was himself, not a replacement for Roldan, but a person in his own right, and because he felt different against her skin, she would never mistake the two of them.

  Carlysle, moving in behind her, felt quite different again. He was lean from months of semi-starvation, but with a tough wiriness and strength that pleased her. What he lacked in bulk, he made up for in skill, teasing and touching her back and sides until she was so aroused she could have screamed.

  His hands left her body briefly. She heard the stopper being replaced in the vial of oil and guessed he’d oiled his cock instead of spitting on it. That was lovely, something special for their first time, and demonstrated both the men caring for her on this their wedding day.

  Carlysle’s cock pressed at her ass, and Garnet remembered to push out, so it would enter more easily. Soon Carlysle had breached the tight ring of muscles and was sliding deep inside her. Garnet felt unbelievably full, so tight, stretched, possessed, claimed. Every bit of her was full to bursting with cock, yet she wanted more. She needed them to move, to take her.

  “Swive me now, please,” she begged.

  “This will most definitely be our pleasure. Move together,” said Byram.

  Byram began to pull out of her cunt, and Carlysle copied him by sliding out of her ass. Then they pushed back in together. Soon they were moving smoothly as if they’d been doing it for years, in and out, thrusting faster, deeper, harder, until the pleasure was rolling through Garnet and her body was rippling and shaking around the men. Her inner muscles clenched around the two cocks, and the men groaned in unison, but they didn’t stop. The more her body responded, the faster and harder they pumped until bursts of seed flooded her fore and aft, and her muscles were shaking so hard she was glad to be lying down, as she was sure she might never sit up again.

  Carlysle climbed off her, and she slid off Byram’s body, collapsing facedown on the mattress, her limbs so weak she couldn’t even turn over.

  But Carlysle pulled her onto her back. “Don’t hide your beautiful body, my sweet. I want to look at, and touch, every little bit of you.”

  “Let’s start by sucking her breasts,” suggested Byram.

  Garnet had no energy. She’d just been fucked extremely intensely by two men, received more pleasure than she could ever recall having before, and was too limp to move. But as soon as they began starting to lick and suck at her breasts, her body woke up again. Carlysle drew wet patterns on her skin. He licked around the globe then up and down, his tongue leaving wet trails that he puffed air over, arousing her once again.

  Meanwhile, Byram concentrated on the nipple. He licked it, sucked it, nibbled on the areola, then took both nipple and areola deep into his mouth. He pushed the nipple against the roof of his mouth, giving her an intense flash of pleasure, then grabbed it gently between his teeth, pulling it, elongating it, and making her cunt cream for a cock deep inside it again.

  Garnet was shocked at herself. Only minutes ago she’d thought she was too well fucked to ever move again, yet already her body was demanding more of their touches and more of their cocks. At least Byram had said they’d swive her twice today. If they kept arousing her like this, she’d need a second turn for sure

  Byram lifted her leg up and slapped her ass. “I want your ass now,” he said.

  Garnet watched as he placed a tiny amount of oil on his cock then sat on the bed, with his back to the wall. “This time, sit on my sword with your ass,” he said.

  It took Garnet a few heartbeats to get organized, her back to his front, her legs spread, she lowered herself until his hand guided his cock into her dark, rear channel. When she was positioned correctly, Byram grabbed her hips in both hands and slammed himself deep inside her, until she was sitting on his lap, his balls pressed hard against her ass.

  Carlysle pulled her legs as wide apart as they’d go, lifting her thighs on top of his as he inched his butt closer and closer, until he was snugged up tight against both of them, his cock deep inside her cunt.

  This time the men went more slowly, savoring the thrusting in and the sliding out. Garnet was able to run her hands along their sides and thighs, their arms and shoulders, learning their similarities and their differences, noticing the little noises they made and the places they liked her to touch them.

  Byram was rougher, liked to slap rather than pat, but never hard enough to hurt, just enough to arouse. Carlysle painted wet stripes on her shoulder and arm with his mouth then puffed air on them as he’d done with her breast, and the resulting tingling was highly exciting.

  But gradually they became more focused, more intense, slammed into her harder, and faster, until they were gripping her between them so tightly she could no longer move except as they dictated.

  Once again the pleasure built inside her, rolling through her cunt and ass, making her entire body shiver and shake, as it came over her in wave after wave like the river when they’d been learning to swim.

  Her inner muscles clenched tightly around both cocks, and hot seed flooded her cunt and ass once more, as both men found their release, too.


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