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Cupid Page 3

by Lucy Felthouse

Carina stopped outside his open bedroom door.

  “Go ahead,” he said, gesturing her inside, “it’s clean and tidy, I promise.”

  She entered, and Cassius turned to flick off the hallway and landing lights, then reached inside his room to switch on that light. He deliberately didn’t look at Carina, who was perched on the end of his bed. Instead, he quickly shut the bedroom door and crossed over to close the curtains. Okay, now he’d got the dull practicalities out of the way, he could enjoy himself.

  Turning to face her, he felt simultaneous lurches in his chest and groin. She really was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. In all his long years, he didn’t think he’d felt quite this strongly about someone, and if he was honest with himself, it scared him. Particularly since he knew it was going to kill him—not literally, of course—when they broke up.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  Cassius shook his head, as though to rid himself of his maudlin thoughts. “Nothing,” he replied, stepping towards her, “I was just thinking about how beautiful you are.”

  She lowered her eyes demurely, and a wash of colour crept across her cheeks. It was totally adorable, and Cassius’s rapidly swelling cock leapt in response. She seemed to get a grip on herself, and looked back up at him. “Thank you. You’re pretty damn gorgeous yourself. Now kiss me.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He leaned down to do just that, but then stopped. “Oh, hang on one moment.”

  A little crease appeared between her eyebrows as he backed off. Then he walked over to his bedside table, removed his glasses and put them down. “Okay, I’m all yours.”

  “Well, thank fuck for that. Come here.” She shuffled back on the bed until she was leaning against the pillows, and patted the space next to her.

  Cassius didn’t hesitate. He noticed she’d already taken off her shoes, and he quickly pulled his off before joining her on the mattress and moving instantly into her open arms. Their lips met, and once more Cassius was astounded by the strength of feeling he had for this woman. It was as though she’d cast some kind of spell on him—almost like the mating bond that some of his kind experienced. But he never expected to feel that—his reindeer colleagues were all spoken for, and he’d never been attracted to any of the girls, anyway. He’d resigned himself to the fact that any attachments he had would be of the human, not supernatural, variety.

  As his tongue slipped sensuously against Carina’s, and their hands wandered across each other’s bodies, he came to the conclusion that was just fine. If this was human love, then he was more than happy with it. Carina was perfect, and for the time being at least, she was his.

  Her hands moved to the top button of his shirt, and she undid it. Cassius leaned back to give her room to manoeuvre, and she made short work of undoing the rest of the buttons, then pushed the material off his shoulders and down his arms. Quickly, he shrugged out of the garment and tossed it onto the floor, before turning back to her.

  Her gaze raked his chest, torso and arms, pausing on each tattoo that adorned him in turn. Then she looked into his eyes. “Those are very nice, Cas, and at some point I’m going to examine them in more detail. But right now, I want you naked.”

  His cock threatened to burst out of his jeans at her words, and he replied, “I will if you will.”

  On some unspoken agreement, they both scrambled to remove their clothes as quickly as possible, and soon Cassius’s bedroom floor was strewn with an assortment of their clothes and underwear.

  They reached for one another once more, and settled onto the mattress in a tangle of limbs. Cassius had one hand cupping Carina’s face as they kissed, and the other caressing her ass cheek. He pulled her closer to him, enjoying the feel of her soft, curvy body pressed against his, and the way she was stroking the fingers of one hand down his back.

  He deepened the kiss, ruled by his passion and the need to show her how much he wanted her. Though he suspected the rock hard cock that was sandwiched between their bodies probably made that pretty damn obvious.

  Their tongues slipped sensuously against one another, battling for space and domination. A moan from Carina sent a fresh rush of hormones rushing through his body, and his cock twitched. He ached to be inside her, and by the way she was rolling her hips towards him, he knew she was having similar thoughts. He psyched himself up to hang on, just a little bit longer. To savour the moment.

  Suddenly, he let out a groan as Carina slipped a hand between their bodies and gripped his cock. It seemed she was done savouring, and wanted to move things on. He pulled away from their kiss with a gasp and rolled onto his back as she pumped his shaft in her tight fist.

  “Fuuuck,” he said, his chest heaving as he struggled for breath, “if you carry on like that, it’ll all be over within minutes.”

  With a soft laugh, she loosened her hold and slowed her movements. “Even if it was,” she murmured, “I’m sure I could get you hard again soon enough.”

  Grinning at her, he replied, “I don’t doubt it. You certainly push all of my buttons.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” With that, she reverted to her previous firm-and-fast stance, and before long, Cassius was gripping the duvet cover until his knuckles went white.

  “Babe,” he said, “I’m gonna...”

  “It’s okay,” she said, picking up her pace further, and reaching her other hand between his legs to cup his balls, “come for me. I want you to.”

  It was just as well she did, because there was no going back now. Cassius felt the delicious tingling at the base of his spine, the tightening of his ball sac, and, milliseconds later, the twitching of his cock as his orgasm hit. A string of unintelligible sounds spilled from his mouth as he came all over Carina’s hand and his own stomach.

  He squeezed his eyes closed as he rode out the waves of his climax. Eventually, he released all the tension in his body, and opened his eyes. He returned the wide smile Carina was giving him, and said, “That. Was. Fucking. Incredible.”

  “Glad to be of service,” she quipped, releasing his softening cock. “You sure look like you needed it.”

  Cassius looked down at the copious amount of come on his body, and shrugged. “What can I say? You get me going.” Sufficiently recovered, he sat up and hopped off the bed. “Bear with me a sec.”

  He went into the en-suite bathroom and grabbed two towels. Emerging, he handed one to Carina and then cleaned himself as best he could before dropping the towel to the floor and re-joining Carina on the bed.

  “Now,” he said, moving in for a kiss, “I think it’s your turn.”

  He tangled his hands in her hair, slipped his tongue between her lips and kissed her until they were both panting. Only then did he pull away. Tugging her hair lightly, he exposed her throat and scraped his beard across the delicate skin. Carina let out a little grunt. Putting his lips close to her ear, he murmured, “Imagine how that’s going to feel between your legs.”

  Peppering her throat with kisses and the occasional nibble, Cassius then pushed Carina down onto the pillows and continued on his route down her sexy body. There were many stops on the way: to stroke and squeeze her ample tits, suck and lick at her nipples, kiss and caress her gently curved stomach, and finally to nibble and nip at her hip bones. By the time he reached her crotch, she was breathing heavily and parted her legs eagerly as he shifted his head between them.

  As promised, he rubbed his face across the skin of her inner thighs, grinning as she yelped, then doing it all over again. Seconds later, Carina’s hands shot down and grabbed his hair, pulling him eagerly to the place where she needed him the most.

  “Please...” her voice was full of need, and Cassius knew exactly how she felt. He could feel the heat emanating from her pussy, and the scent of her arousal was sending more blood rushing to his semi-erect cock.

  He didn’t want to tease her any more. He just wanted to taste her. Using his thumbs to part her swollen labia, he did just that. Their simultaneous groans filled the air as
he touched his tongue to her juice-slicked skin. Cassius closed his eyes in bliss; she tasted just as good as she smelled, and he already knew he would never be able to get enough of her. Flattening out his tongue, Cassius began to lick Carina’s cunt for all he was worth. From perineum to just below her clit; he knew what he was doing. He wanted to get her well and truly horny before hopefully giving her the best orgasm of her life.

  Her grip tightened on his hair, and her hips pumped up to meet his face. Cassius grinned. He was obviously doing something right if she was this eager, and he hadn’t even touched her clit yet!

  Before long, though, he knew it was time to put the poor girl out of her misery. She was writhing on the bed, the odd whimper escaping her lips. Not only that, but his cock was so hard against the mattress that it almost hurt. He couldn’t wait to bury it deep inside her wet, hot cunt.

  “Cas...” she wailed, “please...”

  He couldn’t refuse her any longer. Closing his lips around her distended clit, he sucked gently. A yelp, and Carina went quiet. Looking up at her face, Cassius could see that her eyes were wide, and her lips moved in a silent plea. Returning his attentions to the job at hand, he popped the sensitive bundle of nerve endings from his mouth and began to lick and nibble alternately. Feeling Carina’s fingers tighten in his hair, pulling it, he sensed she was close. He sucked her into his mouth once more and pleasured her until she screamed his name and came apart beneath him. He’d never heard or seen anything so arousing in his life, and not for the first time around her, he felt like a teenage boy unable to control his cock. Only sheer will power and the fact he’d come once already stopped him from spunking on his duvet.

  He released her and shook his head a little, encouraging her to let go of his hair. She did so, and her arms fell to her sides, lifeless, as she came down from her climax. Cassius crawled up her body, bracing his weight on his elbows, and stroked her face. Her eyes fluttered open, and her lips curved into a lazy, satiated smile as he looked at him. He grinned back. “You’re beautiful.”

  “So are you,” she replied, reaching up tenderly to stroke his hair behind his ears. Then, almost as if she’d read his mind, “Make love to me?”

  Cassius said nothing. Instead, he leaned down and captured her mouth in a lingering kiss. He sucked her tongue, then her bottom lip, before tearing himself away with a gasp. “I would like nothing more.”

  Clambering off her, Cassius quickly moved to within reach of his bedside table and yanked open the drawer. Within seconds, he’d located a condom, torn off the wrapper and rolled the rubber down his eager cock. Ensuring it was in place, he then resumed his position between Carina’s legs.

  Reaching down to make sure she was ready for him, he looked up at her, startled, when she grabbed his wrist. “What?”

  “Nothing. Just trust me, I’m wet enough. I want to feel your cock stretching me.”

  Cassius was pretty sure he’d never heard anything so erotic in his life, long as it had been. He was also pretty sure it was the first of many incredibly sexy moments between them. Doing as she asked, he instead grasped his shaft and aimed it towards her entrance. Before he had chance to do anything else, he felt Carina’s legs wrap around his back and with surprising strength, she pulled him into her to the hilt.

  “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” he said, his brain struggling to catch up with the sensations he was experiencing. She was wet, hot, and so fucking tight.

  He looked down at Carina’s face, which held an expression of wonder. He kissed her lightly on the lips, before asking, “Are you all right?”

  She nodded emphatically. “Yes, I’m just... I don’t know. I’ve never had it like this before.”

  He knew what she meant. They’d only just started the main event, and already it had surpassed anything he’d ever experienced before. “Me either. And I’m not just saying that.”

  “I know.” The look in her eyes was soft, adoring, and it became more so as he began to rock his hips. He grunted as she tightened her internal muscles against him.

  “Hey,” he said gently, “stop that. You’re driving me crazy enough without cheating.”

  She giggled, then reached up to pull his face towards hers. Their lips met in a tender, yet bruising kiss which was laden with intent. Carina’s tongue forced its way into his mouth, and she sucked at his tongue, mimicking the actions his cock was making inside her.

  A guttural moan emanated from his throat. This woman would be the death of him. Sexy. Fucking. Wench. His hips thrust in time to the words, and he picked up his pace, deliberately rolling his pubic bone across her clit with every stroke. The noises coming from the beautiful woman beneath him told him that she was enjoying herself just as much as he was, and it was just as well because he was holding back. His need for her was such that he wanted to go faster, harder, to thrust into her until she screamed so loudly the neighbours would hear.

  He pulled away from their kiss, sucking in a huge breath. “Babe, you feel so good. I want to go faster, but I’m afraid I’ll come too soon.”

  Carina’s eyes glinted, and she gave a wicked smile. “Give it all you’ve got, big boy. We’ve got all night.”

  Laughing at her choice of words, he kissed her again—he just couldn’t get enough of those lips—then raised himself up once more and began to fuck her for all he was worth. His job—not to mention his species—meant that he was fit, and he got into an incredibly fast and furious rhythm. His gaze met Carina’s, and they just looked into one another’s eyes in awe and wonder as they allowed their pleasure to wash over them, again and again, until it reached fever pitch.

  “Oh,” he said, gritting his teeth to try and delay the inevitable, “I’m going to...”

  Carina said nothing, instead bobbing her head up and down in agreement.

  Taking extra care to stimulate her clit with each stroke, Cassius continued pounding into Carina’s wetness until his second orgasm hit him, with next to no warning. The shock made him lose control of his voice, and as his cock twitched, spurting release into the condom, he said, “Unnhh... fuck... I fucking love you. I love you.”

  It wasn’t until he opened his eyes and looked into Carina’s wide, stunned ones, that he realised what he’d said. But she didn’t recoil, or laugh at him. Instead, she reached up to stroke his face, and said softly, “Do you mean that, or was it just the heat of the moment?”

  Cassius shook his head. Then, realising that could be misinterpreted, he said, “I meant every word. It’s been on the tip of my tongue for weeks now, but I was worried it was too soon. I didn’t want to frighten you off. I haven’t, have I?”

  Carina’s lips curved into the sweetest smile, and she drew him down to her and gave him the most toe-curling kiss he’d ever had. It was brief, but laden with meaning, and when they broke away, both of them were grinning from ear to ear.

  “No,” she said softly, “you haven’t frightened me off. In fact,” Cassius suddenly realised her eyes shone with unshed tears, “I feel exactly the same. Same as you, I’ve been holding out and holding out, but it looks like you cracked first. But I’m so glad you did, because I wasn’t sure you felt the same. Sometimes you seem so keen, and other times it’s like you disappear inside your head, and you’re somewhere else.”

  Cassius’s smile dimmed. He knew what she was talking about, and it was the very thing that would wreck what they had. Fuck. He thought he’d hidden it from her, but she was obviously more observant than he realised. Holding up a finger to signal her to wait, he pulled out, clambered off the bed and went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

  When he came back, she was sitting up, hugging her knees to her chest. She looked sad. Not exactly the reaction people usually had following declarations of love. When he approached the bed, she gave a small smile and patted the mattress beside her.

  “We have to talk,” she said.

  Shit. He hadn’t been expecting that. Nodding, he crawled up beside her, and looked at her, waiting.

  “I know th
ere’s something you’re hiding from me.” He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand to stop him. “And the reason I know is because I’m hiding something from you, too. It’s nothing to do with us, or our relationship, but it could affect us in the long run, which is why I want to tell you.”

  She moved so she was facing him, and took his hands in hers. “Now, you’re probably going to think I’m completely crazy, but...”

  * * * *

  Later that night, with Carina curled up beside him under the covers, Cassius was as close to heaven as you could possibly be on earth. His mind was still mulling over the events of the past few hours, and in particular, Carina’s revelation, which had prompted his.

  He could hardly believe it. What were the chances? Sure, he’d known there were others out there, of all different species, but he’d never met one before. Well, if he had, he hadn’t realised what they were.

  Now, though, so much made sense. The strength of his feelings for her, and the speed at which they’d come about. Hell, even the way they’d met—any human would have been in agony following the fall on his drive, but although she’d been in discomfort, she’d handled it well. She’d also been absolutely fine the following day, when she’d turned up at his house.

  Then, with a huge smile on his face, he thought about how it had felt when he’d finally made love to her. Looking back, he was sure there had been something supernatural about it. It sounded so sappy, but it had really and truly felt magical, as though a higher power were intervening. Then he’d confessed his feelings, and she hers.

  Now here they were. And things couldn’t possibly be any more perfect.


  Settling into his chair next to the roaring fire, Santa reached out and grabbed the snow globe that sat on the mantelpiece. He waved his hand over it, and waited a couple of seconds until the image began to waver. The reflection of the room around him gradually disappeared, and was replaced with one of Cassius. With Carina. They were in bed, and Santa was very glad that the sheet was pulled up to Cassius’s chest. He liked his friend and employee, but he certainly had no wish to see him naked, particularly in his human form.


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