Forbidden Love

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Forbidden Love Page 7

by Watson, S. R.

  “Who is he?” His eyes are piercingly hard as he walks toward me. Just then Grayson steps out of the bathroom, clad in only a towel. Holy hell. Shit just got real. Droplets of water bead down his chest and he looks like a wet dream. Even Jordan does a double take. The initial confusion on his face indicates that he had been oblivious to the scene unfolding out here in the bedroom. He processes the situation instantly and growls at Liam’s proximity to me. Especially while only a sheet separates my nudity.

  “You’re fucking our professor? You give me shit and you’re banging the god damn professor?” He yanks on his hair as he backs away from me, shaking his head in disgust. “Is that how you earned that A you got in the class, by being his whore?” My jaw drops at the absurdness and venom that is spewing from his mouth. Grayson rushes him and pins him against the door. I squeal in fear that Grayson is going to beat the shit out of him.

  “First off, she’s no longer my student you little fucking punk. Don’t be mad that you couldn’t keep your infinitesimal dick in your pants and she moved on to someone better.” Liam squirms against his grip, but his attempt is futile. “You call my girlfriend a whore and actually think I’m going to let you walk out of here? Apologize now motherfucker before I beat the snot out of you.” Jordan is smiling from ear to ear at Liam’s predicament. Unbelievable. Grayson’s towel is hanging on by a thread now and I know I must step in and do something before his junk makes its debut to these two. I wrap the sheet tight around me and hobble my way to where the two men are posted against the door.

  Liam is intent on being a tough guy. “Get the fuck off me. I will have your job, you predatory sick fuck.” I slide my hand in between the two men and try to pry them apart.

  Grayson is temporarily distracted by my appearance in their scuffle. He glances down at my bootless leg and frowns. This momentary preoccupation that I’m bearing weight on my ankle allows Liam to aim for a sucker punch. I see his intent and try to stop him. What the fuck was I thinking? While Grayson is looking down, I step in the direct path of Liam’s fist— thinking he would halt his attempt. I misjudged the quickness of his swing. A crushing blow lands on the side of my face and I’m falling. It all happens so fast. Jordan is screaming now and is at my side within seconds. Excruciating pain radiates through my jaw, causing tears to fall heavily. There is no saving Liam now. “I’m going to kill you motherfucker!” Grayson booms. He is all fists as he unleashes his fury at Liam. I’m still on the floor, but I plead with Jordan to stop Grayson. Liam is in a ball now taking the punishment Grayson is serving up. Jordan jumps on his back from behind in an effort to still his murderous hands and their assault.

  “Please stop Grayson. You’re scaring her. I know this ass wipe deserves a beat down, but your girl needs you more.” I’m crying harder now because I don’t want him to get in trouble over me. Surely Liam knows that I’m not a whore. He, of all people, knows that. He was speaking from hurt and anger. I know the feeling. I’ve been there. Grayson takes a moment to process Jordan’s words before reluctantly getting off of Liam. He walks over to me and scoops me up before wiping my tears. “I’m sorry baby,” he whispers, still breathing hard.

  Anguish crosses his handsome face as he studies mine. I can feel the bruise starting to form. He glances Liam’s way with contempt and I hug him tighter. I don’t want him to go back and finish the job. Liam finally gains his footing. Sorrow is in the depth of his eyes as he visualizes me literally in the arms of another man.

  “I’m so sorry Shiv,” he says. He dejectedly walks out the door. The alarm on my phone picks this time to ring, signaling I should be getting ready for class. Jordan leaves now to give us privacy. Grayson caresses the lump forming along my jawline and flinches.

  “Grayson, it’s okay. I’ll be alright,” I say reassuringly.

  “But it’s not all right. That little cunt put his hands on you,” he spits.

  “It wasn’t intentional. He was trying to take a swing at you. I know that he wouldn’t purposefully hurt me.”

  “Are you defending him now?” He asks in shock. “If calling you a whore and accusing you of sleeping with me for a grade isn’t purposefully being hurtful, I don’t know what is.”

  He couldn’t be more right. “You’re right baby and no I’m not defending him. I just don’t want you to get into trouble with the university. Truth is, I’ve never seen him behave this way and it’s my fault. I hurt him and I don’t know what he is going to do about it.” Grayson sits us on the bed. He lifts my chin so that I’m looking him in the eyes.

  “You don’t owe him shit. You weren’t his girl. I didn’t steal you away. His lack of realization that he had a gem was his fault, not yours. You gave him a chance over what…five or six years? He blew it. It doesn’t matter what my profession is. We’re two people who were meant to find each other. He left the door open for me baby when he snuck out to play with the unworthy. And for that, I’m grateful.” He kisses my bruise softly before finding my lips. The kiss is tender and nurturing, seeking confirmation that things between us are indeed okay. I return his kiss to show that we are more than okay.

  “I have a class to teach baby, but are you still going in? Maybe you should rest for today.”

  “Nonsense. Nothing a little concealer won’t fix. Besides, I have homework to turn in and quizzes to take,” I smile.

  “Okay, just take it easy. Can I see you tonight?” And just like that, his wicked perversion is back. The gleam in his eyes tells me where his thoughts have wandered.

  “Sure, today is my long day though. Why don’t you come over around seven or eight. I’ll have Jordan cook us something truly gourmet other than my grilled cheese.” He laughs at my offer.

  “I’ll call when I’m on the way. Don’t go through any trouble on my account. I can eat whatever. Especially when you’re going to be the dessert,” he winks.

  I sit here in the cafeteria watching the other students interact. I’ve pushed my uneaten pizza aside, unable to eat. It’s been two weeks since the incident with Liam and he has managed to avoid me like the plague. I don’t like these unsettled feelings between us. I still care about him as a friend. Although, I don’t feel as though I owe him an explanation about my relationship with Grayson, I can’t stand how we left things. Grayson has been away on business for this past last week so I feel alone. I glance at the time and note that I have fifteen minutes before my last class. Since having my boot removed yesterday, I’m able to get around much quicker. I dump my uneaten pizza in the trash, grab my messenger bag, and head to my finance class.

  Professor Gradney is busy writing today’s objectives on the board as I take my seat with three minutes to spare. Little attention is given to my note taking. Instead I doodle Grayson’s name and let my mind wander to what he could be doing at this moment. It must be quite a feat to divide his time between Michaels’ Enterprises and teaching. His dedication to giving back through sharing his business knowledge makes him even hotter. I hold on to this piece of info in my quest to be unselfish when I’m missing him so much. Class ends and I’m determined to find a way to keep my mind busy.

  I’m actually looking forward to margarita Monday. By the time I make it to our arranged meeting spot at the library, Jordan is already sitting on the stairs. She is talking away on her cell, so she doesn’t notice my arrival. She nearly jumps out of her skin when I sit next to her.

  “What the hell Shiv?” She places a hand on her chest in exasperation. “You can’t sneak up on people like that.”

  “I didn’t. You were so wrapped up in your conversation you didn’t see me. Who are you talking to anyway?” As if I can’t guess. She and Trevor have been joined at the hip lately. I’m happy to see that she has someone special. And it doesn’t hurt that she has been open minded about my relationship with Grayson.

  “Whatever,” she blushes. “Trevor, I’ll call you tomorrow. Tonight is girl’s night,” she says ending her call. I tease her for a bit before we make plans to stop at the liquor store o
n the way home.

  I sip on the last of my wine, allowing myself to succumb to my buzz. Life is good. I have a man that I adore, my stalker calls have been non-existent, and I’m in good company. I watch as Meghan and Bailey polish off the last two slices of the pizza and complain about the professors they hate taking this semester. My phone chirps, alerting me that I have an incoming text.

  Grayson: What are you doing sexy?

  Me: Who is this?

  Grayson: Who do you want it to be love?

  Inside, I’m doing a happy dance that he’s contacted me. I decide to play this game a little longer.

  Me: Hmmm. My lover. I miss his cock.

  Grayson: Someone’s been drinking.

  Me: Maybe

  Grayson: It wasn’t a question babe. Margarita Monday right? Why don’t you bring your sexy ass outside? Your lover is waiting in the limo.

  Damn, he knows me well.

  I’m dressed in sweats and a tank, but if I change, I’ll draw attention to me leaving. I make some lame excuse about asking a neighbor to join our booze fest and the girls buy it. Jordan knows better, but simply smiles in understanding. The cool air snips at my exposed arms. My flip-flop clad feet help to quicken my pace as I round the corner looking for the limo. The driver sees me approaching and wastes no time opening the door for me. Grayson frowns when he sees how I’m dressed.

  “Where in the hell are your clothes? It’s too cold for you to be dressed like it’s god damn Summer time,” he barks. I jump at his assertion. Dominance is one thing in the bedroom, but outside of sex, it catches me off guard. “Get in,” he says lowering his voice some.

  “Well, hello to you too. Welcome back.” His eyes lose some of their hardness and he grabs my hands.

  “Sorry for yelling sweetheart. I just don’t want you getting sick trying to see me. That was not my intent. I just wanted to surprise you.”

  His concern is endearing. I want to diffuse any lingering unpleasant vibes. I reach up and bring his face to mine and he rewards me with a sensuous kiss. The remaining goose bumps that weren’t dissipated from the heat circulating in the limo disappear the moment his hands touch me. He pulls me onto his lap and I straddle his muscular thighs. He palms my ass as he thrusts his erection upward. He sucks on my neck and I’m dizzy with desire.

  “I’ve missed you so much baby.” The sound of the privacy screen rising reminds me that we’re not alone. I look in the direction of the driver’s seat, but he is no longer visible. “He can’t see or hear us love,” Grayson says while removing my tank. One flick to the clasp in the front of my bra and my naked breasts are on display for him. The heat in his eyes is unmistakable. Shit this is really happening. I look around the parking lot and I can see people walking to their cars. I instinctively cover my breasts.

  “Grayson, are you sure nobody can see us?” He removes my arms slowly and takes a nipple into his mouth. “Grrrrrayson,” I whimper.

  “I promise nobody can see us baby. Let me fuck you. I can’t wait until this weekend. I miss you too much.” He doesn’t wait for me to respond. He continues his assault on my other nipple. It doesn’t take long for wetness to pool between my legs.

  He lays me down on the limo seat and pulls frantically at my sweats until they’re in a pile on the limo floor with the rest of my clothes. “This is going to be quick baby.” He reaches down to ensure that I’m wet enough. When he is satisfied that I am, he pulls down his own slacks and boxers to his knees. He positions himself at my entrance before he plunges in and holy hell.

  “Oh Grayson,” I moan. My verbalization spurs him on. He throws one of my legs over his shoulder and this new depth has me holding on to his shoulders to brace myself for the pounding he is giving me. He angles his hips in a delicious rhythm as he grinds even deeper.

  “Fuck…so good baby,” he growls. His punishing strokes are relentless. I grab his hair as he pushes me over the edge. I scream his name and a wicked smirks forms on his lips. “Mine,” he claims as he finds his own release inside me. He falls forward to lay on top me. His chest heaves as he works to catch his breath.

  “Damn, I needed that,” I confess, courtesy of the wine. I play with his hair and kiss the side of his face. He flips us over and now I’m resting on top of him.

  “I needed that more than you did. I’ve thought about you nonstop all week.” We did talk on the phone, but between his meetings and my classes, it wasn’t often enough. We talked briefly before turning in each night, but that just made me miss him even more.

  Our post-coital haze is interrupted by a pull of the handles on the limo door. What the hell? “Grayson are you in there?” Bailey’s inquisitive voice penetrates through the door and I’m scrambling to put my clothes back on. The limo driver gets out and tries to diffuse the situation.

  “How does she know that this is your limo Grayson?” I whisper hiss.

  “It has to be the license plate. It’s a custom plate babe. Sorry, I didn’t think about that. I just came here straight from the airport because I needed to see you.” He pulls up his pants, but his shirt is still unbuttoned and his hair has that just fucked look I love so much.

  “Oh. My. God. Please don’t let her in. I didn’t tell her that I was seeing you. Does she know?”

  “Unfortunately not love. She hasn’t seen our parents lately because they’re in Europe for a convention. As far as Vanessa, I made her promise not to spill the beans— I thought it would be better coming from me. I just haven’t had the opportunity to talk to her because of this business trip. I don’t want her to find out I’m seeing her brother like this. We can hear her arguing with the driver.

  “I know he’s in there, Stanley. I could hear moving around in there when I first walked up. Look, I already sent my only ride away rather than have her drive out of her way to take me home. I don’t give a shit who he has in there. I need a ride home.” Her frustration is evident.

  “I have to let her in sweetheart. I can’t have my sister freezing her ass off out there and stranded without a ride. We can do this. It’s only a matter of time before our parents deliver the news anyway. We can tell her together.” He looks at me for reassurance and I nod.

  He opens the limo door and I couldn’t have been prepared for Bailey’s reaction if I tried. She just stands there, slack mouthed, in shock. It takes a moment for her to process my presence. “What the fuck is going on? You’re screwing my brother?” Damn. Grayson didn’t even bother fixing his shirt, although I’m sure it doesn’t take a genius to guess what we’ve been up to. I have no words.

  “Bailey. We didn’t want you to find out like this, but Siobhan and I are dating.” He reaches for her, but she steps back.

  “How long has this been going on? Fuck. This is why Vanessa has been an emotional mess. Shiv is the reason why you cut your friendship off with her,” she accuses.

  “Siobhan and I started seeing each other casually last semester and it’s blossomed into something more. My relationship with Vanessa is complicated,” he attempts to explain. Bailey turns her glare towards me. “You’ve befriended me, yet you sleep with my brother behind my back. I trusted you and you’ve been a lying bitch this whole time.” Her words hurt because I know I should’ve shared that trust she extended and told her sooner.

  “I’m sorry Bailey. I should have—” She cuts me off with a wave of her hand. Grayson tries to stop her ranting, but she talks over him.

  “I don’t want your fucking apology. Day late...dollar short. I no longer trust you. An omission is still a lie. You had a whole semester to come clean. He’s never acknowledged you. How does that make you feel to know you were his dirty little secret?”

  “Bailey, shut the hell up. You don’t have all the information.” He is arguing with her, but I take this moment to sprint back towards the condo. This is the second time I’ve been accused of being a whore. Bailey may not have stated those exact words, but they were implied. I’m just fucking up friendships left and right. I can’t face Jordan right now. I
nstead of heading back to our unit, I head towards the pool. The gates are locked so I take a seat on the ground and lean against them. I let the tears fall freely now for the chaos that is my life. All facets of my life can never line the hell up. As soon as one aspect is going well, something else plunges me pack into misery.

  I smell his expensive cologne without looking up. “Get up baby. You’re going to get sick out here.” I look up at him and he grimaces at my tear-stained face. He pulls me up and kisses my eyelids. “Our road won’t be an easy one sweetheart, especially because of the way we started, but you’re worth it for me. Bailey was out of line. I’ll talk to her once she gets over the initial shock and calms down. For now, I had Stanley take her home. Now come on, let’s get you inside.” He takes his suit jacket off and wraps it around me. I’m hurting so I smart off, “Yeah, let’s get your dirty little secret inside before someone sees you.”

  He steps closer to me until my back is against the gate. “Don’t you dare fucking do that. You already know how I feel about you. Don’t ever let someone else’s words or misconceptions make you doubt the love I have for you. I’m not good at expressing my feelings so I need you to believe in us.” He grabs my hand and starts pulling me along. “I’m taking your ass inside. I need to fuck you into a good mood again. You need my attitude adjuster.”

  “Your attitude adjuster?” I struggle to keep pace with his brisk walking.

  “My cock love. It’s your personal attitude adjuster,” he smirks.

  “Oh. My. God. You are so crass. Your cock is not a fix all smart ass.” I can’t help but smile. His serious intent on making me feel better with his penis is so out there, it’s funny. He has a way of making everything fade in the background except me and him. I can’t stay upset around him. He won’t let me. His cocky ways are endearing and infectious.


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