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Mafia By Blood (Soul of the Sinner)

Page 6

by Rumer Raines

  “How about we go back to my place and learn more about each other?”

  Holy hell! She did just offer and I don’t think I can turn it down.

  “Are you sure about this, Lola? We will still be working together tomorrow morning. Once the lines are crossed, we can’t…” Before I finish my sentence, Lola’s lips are on mine. She has the softest lips I have ever touched. I can taste the beer she drank and before I know it, her lips part and I am sliding my tongue in. I hear a cough in the background. I ignore it. Lola now has her hand in my hair and I hear an annoying cough again. I pull away and Alex is standing in front of us and he is looking pissed. “Can I talk to you for a second, Frank?” I look at him and back to Lola. “In my office now, Frank.” Alex walks away from the bar.

  “I need to find out what he wants, Lola.” She looks at me and touches her lips. She is obviously affected by the kiss too. “I’ll wait for you here.” I nod and head up to Alex’s office. I get to the top of the steps and look back towards Lola. She is watching me and smiles.

  I open the door to Alex’s office and he is inside pacing. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he yells.

  “What are you talking about, Alex?”

  “What am I talking about? Let’s start with your hot partner showing her ass up in my club, then let’s move on to her telling me that the two of you are investigating the fucking mob, then we’ll close with you two practically dry humping and kissing at my fucking bar. I think those are all conflicts of interest.”

  “Alex, this is all complicated but I am not investigating the mob, for obvious reasons. We were put on the case after the Knight incident. I have been throwing her off track. We also weren’t dry humping at the bar. I think she’s just drunk and kissed me.”

  “You need to keep your relationship with her about business.” Alex moves to sit at his desk.

  “I’m sorry, but when did you start running things, Alex? He tilts his head. “I’m sorry. Does this mean you have made your decision, Frankie? If not, one of us must show some type of leadership. Your partner also mentioned being from New York. Maybe you need to start questioning her about New York. I’ve heard talk that the New York mob wants to move into our territory.” I start to pace and look back to Alex.

  “Don’t give me orders, Alex. I will handle this shit.” Alex starts rolling his eyes and leans his head on the back of his chair.

  “Will you make up your fucking mind, Frankie? One minute you’re a cop, the next minute you still need time to decide. Yet when I try to keep shit running, you want to take control. What have you decided? You’re either in or you're out! You can’t stay in the middle!”

  I rub my beard and start to pace. I look over to Alex and give him my answer.

  “I am in Alex. I’m taking over. I can’t quit the force yet. They are investigating the mob and I have to make sure everything points away from us. For now, get as much information that you can on the New York mob. Maybe I can point this Knight shit and the robbery back to them.”

  Alex smiles and moves from around the desk. He extends his hand out to me. “I look forward to working with you. We will own this city.”

  I turn around and walk out of Alex’s office. I can’t believe that I just told him that I was in. Maybe I have had too much to drink. I just couldn’t deal with him barking out orders. I wasn’t about to let him dictate my relationship with Lola. I need to back out there and get her the fuck out of this damn club.


  I could tell that I had pissed Alex off. I wanted to get a reaction out of him by mentioning the mob. I thought he was literally going to explode. I noticed that Frank tensed up too when I mentioned our investigation. I can tell I am really starting to get to Frank. I could see the shock on his face when I showed up at Deluca’s. I also noticed that he liked what he saw. I would have had him out of the bar and half way to his place if Alex hadn’t pull him away. I wonder if they are up there talking mob business. I’ll have to find a way to get the information out of Frank later. I take another beer and look around the club. I am sure Alex can do plenty of money laundering through this place. No one would question how much money is being brought in and out. I wonder if he is the sole owner or if the other families have a stake in the club? I look up just in time to see Frank headed my way and he looks agitated. Things must not have gone well with Alex. I take another sip of my beer and watch as he weaves his way through the crowd. He is really something to look at. He is wearing black trousers and a black button down shirt. The first two buttons are undone. You can see just a peek of his chest hair with the buttons undone. I continue to watch him as he heads straight for me and I notice he is smiling at me. He obviously caught me checking him out, but at this point, I don’t care. My goal now is to seduce him.


  I walk back to the bar and Lola has a new beer. I wish I would have gotten here before the new one. I want to get out of here and I obviously need her to leave with me. There is no way in hell I can leave her here with Alex upstairs. He won’t stay up there and if she says the wrong thing to him, he’ll kill her. I told him that I was taking over, but that doesn’t mean he won’t do stupid shit on behalf of the family. I am going to need to talk to the others and find out who is on our payroll.

  “What are you thinking about?” Lola takes another sip and once again her hand is tugging on my shirt.

  I don’t know why she can’t keep her hands to herself tonight, but I will admit I like it.

  “I think we should get out of here,” I tell her.

  “Your place or mine?” Lola asks and since I don’t live that far, I think it’s best to go to my place.

  “Let’s go to my place. How did you get here? Did you drive?” I ask her.

  “Of course not, I knew I would be drinking and I am a cop, right? I took a taxi.

  I find it odd that Lola planned on getting hammered. “Good, I’ll drive. Let’s get out of here.” I help Lola off her barstool and I lead her through the crowd and out the back door.

  “Wow. You have special parking, huh?”

  “It’s the one perk of being a brother of the owner, I guess.” I go to the passenger side to open Lola’s door. I can’t help but notice she has the sexiest legs as she slides in. I close the door and jog over to my side of the car.

  “This is a really nice car, Frank. It is totally you,” Lola comments.

  I start the car and wonder what she means. I have always loved older cars. I restored this black Mustang and I have to admit she is my baby. I even had black leather seats put in and of course, only the best stereo system was added.

  “How is it totally me?”

  “It screams sexy bad ass, but it’s older so it’s a little mature too.”

  “How much have you had to drink, Lola?”

  Lola laughs and looks at me. “I am relaxed, but I know exactly what I’m doing and saying.”

  We don’t say anything else on the rest of the drive and I pull into my parking space at my condo.

  “Are you sure you want to come in? I can take you home.”

  “I don’t want to go home, Frank. I want to go in.”

  Before I can go around and open Lola’s door, she is already out and walking towards the sidewalk. I take her hand and lead her to my front door.

  Lola walks around the living room, basically just taking in the place. I am a bachelor, but I think I keep a nice place. There aren’t take out cartons all over the place or clothes on the floor. I am a little paranoid as she walks around inspecting the place. I like natural and clean. My living room is in black leather and gray walls. The tables are all natural wood. I also have wood blinds on the windows. I hate curtains. Even my floors are all hardwood.

  “This is really a nice place, Frank. Did you decorate yourself or did Gina help you?”

  Did she really just ask me if Gina helped me decorate? Is this jealousy I am hearing in Lola’s voice?

  “The only female fingerprints in this place would be my mother�
��s and sister’s. Although they would probably like to have more of the female touch to the place.”

  Lola looks at me and starts slowly walking towards me.

  I am not sure what she is about to do, but I have to admit I am instantly hard and I have to adjust myself.

  “Lola…” before I finish my thoughts, her lips are on mine and this time it’s her tongue in my mouth. Lola’s hand is in my hair and she is pulling me closer to her and before I think any of this through I am picking her up and taking her to my bedroom.

  Lola’s legs are wrapped around my waist as I toss her onto the bed. She is looking up at me and I kneel on the bed between her legs. She is so fucking beautiful. I am lying on top of her, practically mauling her and she pushes me from her. She pushes me onto my back and now she is straddling me while I am looking up at her. Lola pulls her dress over her head and stares down at me. She is even more beautiful as she sits on top of me in her red bra and matching panties. She’s so hot; I’m about to rip those pretty panties right off.

  Lola is on her elbows and I have a handful of her ass. I normally prefer to be in control in the bedroom, but if Lola wants to be in charge tonight, I’ll let her take the ride of her fucking life.

  I can feel Lola fumbling with my pants and I have never been patient, so I help her. I rise from the bed and yank my pants off. I don’t have to worry about underwear because I don’t like to wear them. Lola gasps when she notices that I am totally bare. She looks down and starts to palm my dick.

  “Oh, my God, you are so big, Frank.”

  “All the better to fuck you with, Lola,” I tell her.

  I climb back on top of her and hold her arms above her. I open her legs with my knee as I push myself inside her. She lets out a scream as I push my entire length into her repeatedly. Lola kisses me as she meets me thrust for thrust. She is fucking me back just as hard and I won’t last as long as I want it.

  I slow my pace because I am not ready for this to end. She looks at me in the eyes and I lower myself so I can kiss her on the neck. When I am close enough she turns her head to whisper in my ear. “I want you inside me for as long as possible,” she tells me. Oh, hell yeah. I think I’m in love.

  Lola orgasms three times before I finally allow myself to let go. When I finally come, Lola passes out on my chest and I roll us over so she can sleep in my arms.


  That was the best sex ever. I love being dominated in the bedroom. I want him to have an experience he won’t forget and that would bring him back for more. I had no idea how much I would like to be dominated by Frank. He has the biggest dick I have ever had the pleasure of riding. The man is built in all the best ways. Now I am lying in his bed with that perfect dick pressed firmly against my ass and his arm wrapped around me. I want to fall asleep, but I know that I can’t. I need to get up and snoop around his house. I need names and addresses of the Chicago mob and I know there has to be something here. Any information I can get will keep Brandon off my ass and happy. I shift in bed to see if Frank wakes when I move. I shift a little more and Frank moves his arm off me and turns over. This is my chance and I have to take it.

  I noticed when I was perusing Frank’s living room earlier, that there was a desk in the room. I slip on his shirt as I leave the bedroom. In the living room, I head over to the desk, hoping to find something I can use. Frank really isn’t one for leaving anything around. The house looks like a model home instead of a lived-in one. There are no papers or anything on this damned desk. Who has a desk and doesn’t leave anything on it?

  I pull open one of the drawers and there are folders and files. I pull out the leather desk chair and take a seat to find out what exactly he is keeping in the folders.

  “What are you looking for, Lola?” Oh shit! I didn’t even hear him get out of bed.

  “Frank! Shit, you scared me!” Frank squints his eyes and approaches me. I sure wish I would have paid more attention to him when I was taking off his shirt. He is wearing sleep pants that are hanging off his hips. Frank Deluca has the perfect ‘V’ that I have read about in books. He has the perfect twelve pack and that perfect little trail of chest hair that can lead any girl to heaven.

  “Lola, why are you looking in my desk? What are you looking for?” He asks again as he comes closer to me

  “Paper… I am looking for paper, Frank.”

  “What? What kind of paper?” he asks and I can hear the suspicion in his voice.

  “I was going to sneak out, but I wanted to write you a note. I couldn’t find a damn piece of paper because apparently you’re a neat freak and there wasn’t a piece on your perfectly neat desk.”

  Frank looks at the desk and then back to me. “Why were you going to leave?”

  “We have to work in the morning. I need to go home and change my clothes. I can’t go to work wearing that dress.”

  Frank rubs his hand through his beard and looks back at me. “We have a few hours until we have to get up. Come back to bed and you can shower here and I’ll drop you off at your place.”

  I closed the desk drawer and head back to bed with Frank. Unfortunately, we don’t get any sleep.


  We didn’t get any sleep last night. Once I got Lola back in my bed, I took over. Lola fits me like a glove in all the best ways possible. I finally climbed off her and decided we both needed sleep. We do have to work tomorrow. As Lola lies in my arms, I start to wonder what the day will bring. Will we still be able to work together? The department will split us up if they find out something is happening between us. We could just make this a one-time event and forget anything happened. I have to be truthful with myself, this will happen again. It will happen many more times if I have anything to do with it. I don’t know what it is about Lola, but it just feels right. I wanted her from the minute she climbed on that damn treadmill next to me at the gym. I can’t even think of the word climb without getting hard again, especially with Lola all snuggled up next to me. I also have to consider the big picture. I am about to walk into the world of crime. I told Alex that I would take over the family. This isn’t any light shit and I can’t get Lola involved. I am in bed with the woman determined to take me and my family down. I have to figure out how to have both if I want this with her.

  My alarm clock goes off a few hours later. I turn over to stop the alarm before it wakes Lola. Thankfully, she’s still here. I was worried that she was going to sneak out on me. I don’t know why she was going to write a note and leave last night. The worst part is when I first saw her at my desk, I thought she was snooping. I actually felt like Lola knew I was now in the mob. I was relieved that she was just looking for note paper. She is right, I am anal and don’t leave bullshit lying around. She would have had to look in the desk to find something to write on. Even if she did go through the desk, she wouldn’t have found anything. I know better than to leave a paper trail.

  I pull on my pajama bottoms and head to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I am no big cook since Ma loves cooking for her kids, but I can make something simple. I hope Lola likes eggs because she is getting eggs and toast. I want her to have a decent breakfast before I drop her off at her place to change for work. I try to be as quiet as I grab the pan from the cabinet. I don’t spend much time in the kitchen, to be honest. It’s a nice-sized kitchen and Ma made sure I have all the state-of-the-art cooking items that I need, even though I haven’t used a pan in months. Hell, even the fact that I am cooking eggs for Lola says a lot. When Gina stayed over, I would just go get her a bagel. I put four pieces of bread in the toaster and start beating the eggs. I don’t even have to turn around to feel Lola’s eyes on my back.


  I wake up and Frank isn’t in bed. I lie there thinking about the previous night. I can’t believe I actually went through with it and slept with him. The worst part is, I didn’t do it to get information out of him. Well, not entirely. I slept with Frank Deluca because I wanted to. What’s even worse, I enjoyed it and I am tempted to call in
sick and go find him and do it again. Hell, to be honest, I want to do it several more times. Frank Deluca uses a bed like a dangerous weapon. I am getting wet just thinking about it. I need to stop and focus on what I was sent to Chicago to do. Brandon will probably be calling shortly to get updates on what I’ve found. At least I can report that Deluca’s is where the money is flowing through. I’ll even be able to throw out Alex’s name, which will keep everyone content.

  I sit up to get out of bed and I am so sore. I can feel everywhere Frank had been. I notice my dress on the floor and put it on and walk out of the bedroom looking for Frank. As I walk out of the bedroom, I follow the smell of eggs into the kitchen.

  I stop dead in my tracks when I see Frank standing by the stove. I had gotten a good look at the total package from the front, but the backside is just as nice. His pajama pants are hanging perfectly off his hips and he has a tattoo on his right shoulder blade. The tattoo is a cross with sharp edges and in the left section, it has RIP and a date. He obviously jumped right of bed to cook breakfast because his hair is a little messy too. Frank must feel me staring at him like an idiot because he pauses for a moment before he starts to beat the eggs again.

  “Good morning, Lola. Are you just going to stand there watching me?” he finally asks.

  “I might. You know there is nothing a girl finds sexier than a man standing in front of the stove cooking for her.” Frank turns around with a sexy smile and tilts his head.

  “What made you think I was making some for you? I left a few eggs in the fridge.”

  I glare at him and walk over to the stove to make sure there were enough for two and lucky for him there was. I’d hate to eat all he made.

  “Where are your plates?” Frank nods over to the cabinet and I pull out two. “I don’t smell any coffee?”


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