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BIG SHOT Page 14

by Katy Evans

  Kit was right. I regret everything I didn’t say.

  My phone buzzes at my side. I sigh. I don’t want to check the messages. They won’t be anyone I want to hear from. But when my phone rings and I see my father’s name on the screen, I give in. I know he won’t stop until I answer. I pick up the phone irritably.

  “What?” I snap.

  “Watch your tone, son!” Dad says jokingly. “I hope you haven’t forgotten about your date tonight. I’m sending the car to pick her up at half past six.”

  Date? “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t you remember? India and I discussed setting you up on a blind date with her friend. Well, it worked out perfectly—India’s roommate, Montana, has agreed to go. You have a reservation at Alinea at seven.”


  “You can’t cancel on the day—it’s rude. You’ll have to just suck it up.”

  “I don’t want to go on a date with anyone. Especially not India’s friend.”

  Dad sighs. “Look, son, I can tell something went on with India, and I’m sorry for that. But you need to be at that restaurant tonight. I’ll be very disappointed if you don’t show up. I’m sure you’ll have a good time once you’re there.”

  He couldn’t be more wrong, but I’m too beaten down from the day to argue. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.


  “I’ll be there at half past six to look after Rosie. Wear a nice suit.”

  He hangs up on that note. I check my watch. I’ve got only forty minutes to prepare—I’ve been moping for over an hour. I sigh, forcing myself to stand up.

  I guess life has to go on without India here.

  Except now Rosie is having a temper tantrum. I rush to her and when nothing placates her, I decide she misses India. I hold Rosie in one arm and wave one of her favorite toys with the other. She blinks and grabs at it, then wails and throws it to the ground.

  I groan as I carefully hold her to my chest while picking the toy back up. “You could be happy if you decided to play with this. Why so hard to please, Rosie?” I ask as I shake the colorful toy in front of her.

  Rosie sniffles and blinks up at me.

  I notice how miserable she looks and wonder if she knows—can feel—that I’m just as miserable or more. What’s the point of having it all if I won’t allow myself a shred of happiness?

  Just like Rosie rejected her toy, I tossed it all away.

  Now I realize that all of the previous failed attempts I’ve made at relationships don’t really matter. I wanted what others had, including the perfect family to complete my empire. But never once was my heart really in it. My motives were wrong. Everything was...wrong.

  India is another story. I want things to work out with her so much that I can’t think of anything else, nor will I be able to, until I’ve told her everything that needs to be said.

  Realizing that, I calm down, and Rosie calms too, reminding me of how India once explained that trick to me. I set Rosie in the crib in my bedroom with her toy and start getting ready.

  Once my dad arrives to take care of Rosie and I’m set to go, I grab my keys and head to my car. As I get in and check out the collar of my shirt and my clean shave in the rearview mirror, I know I’m dressed to impress. But it’s definitely not to impress India’s friend.

  No. This is for her.

  So instead of heading to the restaurant, I drive straight to India’s apartment. This is the first time in my life I’m not thinking of what’s right or what’s expected of me or the consequences. This is the first time in my life I stand up a woman at a restaurant. Because I’m going after the one I want to be mine.

  I find a parking spot across the street and pull to the curb. I step out of the car, shut the door and quickly cross the street to ring her buzzer.

  I’m nervous about showing up unannounced, but at the same time I’ve never been so certain in my life of what I want. I’m not willing to spend another day without speaking my mind.

  “Yes?” an unfamiliar female voice comes through the intercom.

  “India?” I ask.

  “She’s out. Who is this?”

  “William. William Walker.”

  “Her boss?” the woman on the other end screeches. Suddenly there’s silence. I frown at the intercom, trying to figure out what to do for a minute. Then the front door jerks open and a woman in a silky nightgown opens the door.

  “William Walker?”

  “Who are you?” It’s definitely not India.

  “I’m India’s roommate.”

  “Montana?” I gape. Wasn’t she supposed to be meeting me? At the restaurant? What sort of joke is this? Montana seems to be puzzling over the same thing.

  “You stood India up to come see her at her place...for any reason in particular?” She’s eyeing me cautiously.

  “I didn’t intend to stand India up. I was standing up—”

  “Me, of course,” she drawls, a wry smile on her face. “Because it’s not me you’re interested in?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  She laughs and her gaze softens as she eyes me. “That’s okay, I can take the broken heart. My roomie, however, puts up a brave front, but she has a soft heart under there. Don’t squish it. And I hope you’re not like the bad boss she told me about, but more like the man who’s recently swept her off her feet without knowing it. Go on! She’s at the restaurant.”

  I shake my head, stunned. “So you planned this?”

  She nods, then shrugs. “Not me exactly. It was your dad’s idea. He wanted me to tell India to meet him for dinner at the restaurant to discuss what he was going to do with you. But then he was going to send you instead.”


  “He was convinced you needed a second chance with her but maybe she wouldn’t go if she thought you’d be there. But I didn’t trust you and only went along with his plan on one condition. You had to pass a test.”

  “A test?”

  “Of your loyalty.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You thought you were going on a date with me, but really the one we were planning to go all along was—”

  “Her.” I can barely say the word; my chest feels like it’s just expanded a couple inches with love for my dad and India.

  “Right. By coming here, you proved it’s India who you want—and from the look on your face, you’ve got it bad. But if you’d gone to the restaurant first, thinking you were meeting me, I’d have proof you weren’t right for her. You passed the test. Now go get her before it’s too late.”

  “Thanks. Oh, nice meeting you.” I dash back to my car but hit terrible traffic and ultimately arrive at the restaurant forty-eight minutes late.

  A waiter shows me to my table and I immediately notice there’s an unopened wine bottle, but no India.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” the waiter says. “She waited for about half an hour. She must have left.”

  A low growl of frustration leaves me as I plunge a hand through my hair and stalk out. Dammit. My only chance to take India out on a date and I blow it? I head out and dial her cell phone. No answer.

  Hoping that if she went home, Montana would tell her I’m looking for her, I head home in search of my dad.

  I open the door and walk in, and immediately I spot my father across the living room on the sofa, but he’s too busy laughing with someone.

  When the stunning female figure turns in my direction, I stop cold.

  “India.” I’m stunned. Blown away by how gorgeous she looks. And the fact that she’s here. In my home.


  She smiles at me as she comes to her feet. My damn pupils hurt; she looks so incredible. Her eyes are smoky and sultry, her lips coated in gloss. Her hair is wild and natural, and the dress she’s wearing shows
off her every curve. But it’s her smile that I focus on. I thought I might never see it again.

  “I’ve been calling you.” My voice sounds rougher than I anticipated.

  “Oh.” She glances at her purse. “Sorry, I didn’t hear it ring. Your father has been telling me how he and Montana set us up. After I waited at the restaurant for a while, I called him and he told me to come here. Where did you go?”

  “I went to look for you. At your place. That’s when Montana explained...”

  “Oh!” she says, her eyes glimmering with realization. “You were looking for me there.”

  “That’s right. Then I tried to catch up with you at the restaurant but got into traffic.”

  We both stare at each other in silence. I can barely believe she’s here. No wonder Dad was so desperate for me to go on this date. He didn’t set me up with Montana; it was India he wanted me to be with all along. But he and Montana sure made us work for it.

  Damn, this woman is so perfect, I’m out of breath, out of words. I stand still, not quite knowing what to say or do. I want to take her hands and tell her how I feel, but I also want to rip her clothes off. It’s not a good combination of feelings, but I can’t help it. I’m so happy to see her.

  Ignoring my father’s cheerful, “Well, hello to you too, son,” from somewhere in the living room, I ask her, “Have you had dinner?”

  India shakes her head.

  I cross the room to greet her, set my hands on her shoulders and rub her bare arms. She gazes back at me with warmth as I take a deep breath, trying to get my thoughts in order.

  “I need to talk to you,” I tell her, quietly. She raises her hand to grip my shoulder. Then she leans in and kisses me on the cheek. It doesn’t matter that we’re standing in front of my dad—it’s like we’re the only two people here.

  I pull her closer by her waist, pressing her against me. Her hands fist on my shirt. I kiss her, flat out kiss her lips. Hard. When she pulls away, we’re both a little breathless. We chuckle to ourselves, leaning our foreheads together.

  “Does that sum up what you’re thinking?” she asks.

  I smile. “Pretty much perfectly. But there’s more. Do you have some time?”

  She nods.

  It takes some effort for me to pull my gaze free of India’s and glance at my father. “Dad, would you mind watching over Rosie for another couple of hours?”

  “Hours? I was planning on spending the night.” Dad motions to the small duffel bag at his side, grinning.

  I smile in return, walking up to him to set a hand on his shoulder and give him a grateful squeeze. “How did you manage?”

  “Well—” Dad’s eyes glint as he glances past my shoulder, at India “—I had some help. This would have never worked if I didn’t know who the young lady you were truly interested in was.” He leans closer. “And it would have never worked if she hadn’t stayed when I told her what the real plan was just now.”

  At my surprised look, he chuckles as he slaps my back, lowering his voice. “She’s a keeper, son, as are you. Now go, have some fun, you two. I’m looking forward to quality time—honing my Grandpa Daycare skills with Rosie tonight.”

  “Dad, are you sure you can—”

  “Go! I raised two boys and you’re both fine, aren’t you?” He shoos me away.

  With India waiting for me across the room, I can’t resist the temptation to finally steal her away for the night.



  “Do me the honor of having dinner with me, India Crowley?”

  I nod at William’s request, unable to believe that it’s me to whom William extends his arm to escort out of the house.

  Before leaving earlier today, I battled with telling him how I felt even as I sensed he was waging his own war. I battled with my own insecurities and doubts about being able to be the kind of woman that a man like William Walker, the rich, super-successful big shot, could ever love.

  Now he’s asked me to dinner—and I said yes, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be but with him.

  “We lost our reservation,” he tells me as he drives us to a surprise destination.

  “That’s okay. We can just get takeout—I’m simple. Like I’ve said before.”

  “Takeout? Okay.” He drives us to the nearest fast-food restaurant and orders us two large cheeseburgers with fries and drinks at the drive-through. When we get our food, he takes us to Navy Pier.

  He grabs the bags of food with one hand as I take the drinks. He helps me out of the passenger’s seat with his free hand and never removes it from my arm as he leads me to a place to sit by the water.

  I’m shaking from all of the things I want to say but can’t seem to find the words for. I love him. It’s exhilarating and frightening. I’ve never been in love before. I’m afraid to be in love with him.

  William gazes out at the water, his food untouched. Honestly I haven’t eaten mine either. I just study his profile, noticing the way he suddenly slips his hand in mine and squeezes it to get my attention. My skin tingles on contact.

  “So. I suppose you might be wondering why—”

  “You didn’t go to dinner with Montana,” I interrupt.

  William smiles slowly as his gaze roams my features, a look of expectation in his eyes as an amused smile settles on his lips.

  Tell him, India. Just let your guard down and tell him!

  I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out, and instead I’m feeling my blush creep up my cheeks.

  William seems amused by this. I suppose I always have some retort for him, but there he goes and leaves me speechless today.

  He strokes the pad of his thumb down my jawline. “I’m not, nor have I ever been, interested in your friend, India. Or anyone else since you started working for me. Since day one... I’ve been obsessed, preoccupied, confused and taken with you.”

  I’m shell-shocked by his admission. A moment passes, then another. I inhale a shaky breath even as William laughs softly.

  “The first day I saw you,” he admits, watching me closely for a reaction, “I wanted you. Against my own wishes. Against every instinct that told me to run in the other direction. I ignored it as best as I could. I’ve tried to do what I felt was the right thing, even if it meant pushing you away more rudely than I intended to. But that only feels wrong now, India. Not being with you is wrong. Being scared of the best thing that’s ever come into my life feels wrong—not to mention incredibly foolish.” He grins.

  I laugh disbelievingly. “You’re scared of me?”

  He thinks about it, frowning. “I admire you. I want you. I’m not scared of you. But I’m scared of the way you open me up. And the way I’ve fallen for you...completely.”

  He sounds so apologetic, almost as if he’s not sure his love will be well-received. My throat feels thick with emotion.

  “That’s not enough to stop me anymore. I’m hardworking, India. I will work hard at this—”

  “You don’t need to,” I interrupt. “William, yes, we had a rough start, but I played a part in that. I pushed every single button of yours I could. You scared me too. You still do.”

  He lifts my hand to set a kiss on my knuckles, a playful gleam in his eyes. “Don’t be scared of me. You’ve seen the worst of me—I swear. There’s another side to me you bring out, and I’d love you to meet this man, India.”

  “I already have.” He loves me! He loves me too!

  In some ways I knew. After he made love to me, this whole week—his stolen touches, his glances, every empty space between every spoken word. I knew. I know him.

  In some intuitive way, I know him better than anyone.

  I just can’t resist setting a kiss on his lips and snuggling into his arms, breathing him in as I clutch the lapels of his collar. “Take me somewhere.”

  He strokes his h
and along my back, whispering in my ear, “Where?”

  “Anywhere we can be alone, in private.”

  He uses one fist to pull my head a few inches back and gives me a long, wet, delicious three-minute kiss that leaves my toes curling. We keep stealing kisses on the way to the five-star hotel on the bustling Miracle Mile, where he checks us in.

  “I really don’t need a fancy room. I would have been happy in the back seat of your car and—” He silences me with a finger to my lips as he shuts the door of the suite behind him.

  “I’m not happy with half-assing this. Not this. Not with you. So let me. Okay?” He boosts me up in his arms as he carries me down a long hall, and I know he won’t have me denying him this. William won’t have it any other way. I actually hear myself giggle—I’m so happy—breathless as I wrap my arms around his neck.

  He sets me down on the end of the enormous king-size bed, then unfastens the buttons on my dress and eases it off my shoulders. As he drags the fabric down my arms, he ducks to set a hot kiss on the top swell of my breast. He gives a little lick to my skin. Then he reaches up to my bra and pulls down the lace, exposing the pebbled peaks of my nipples.

  He drinks in the large areolas and the hardened tips, and hungrily flicks out his tongue to lick the left one again in a deliberately slow circle before covering the peak with his mouth and sucking. I groan. William cups my breast and squeezes it between his palm and fingers as he turns his head to my other nipple. He gives it the same treatment, tasting me as if he’s desperate to.

  His hair is in my fists. I’m pulling him closer, my world tilting on its axis as a wave of sizzling hot pleasure shoots through me.

  I’m scared by how intense this is. I pull back and a harsh breath leaves me.

  William jerks back in confusion. A lock of hair falls over his forehead. He looks gorgeous and I want him so much. He narrows his eyes, breathing low and harsh.

  “You’re scared? I am too, but I won’t hurt you. I promise you. If I ever get out of line, you more than anyone, India, know exactly how to tame me.” I bite my lower lip, smiling at the way he teases me, because he’s right. I do know how to handle him, and yet all I want is the chance to love him.


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