Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)

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Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) Page 4

by Julia Mills

  Making her way to the front porch, she took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air, which amazingly cleared her mind. Charlie looked around and it was obvious no one had been paying attention to Sam’s potted garden. The herbs needed weeding, vines needed trimming, and everything needed watered and fertilized.

  Entirely focused on what she was doing along with trying not to think of Aaron for the hundredth time, the sound of footsteps pulled her from her task. Gasping, Charlie spun, bobbling the pot she was working with before dropping it anyway. Of course, then she felt like a total idiot when she realized it was only Sam’s neighbor walking his abnormally large dog.

  Shaking her head at her lack of grace, Charlie shelved her ideas of a photo shoot for Better Homes and Garden and went in search of the broom and dustpan. Stopping in the kitchen for a quick drink of water, she once again heard footsteps, but chalked it up to her imagination and chuckled instead of freaking out.

  With a glass in hand, she had just turned towards the faucet when the little hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Worse than that, the marks on her back tingled, something that hadn’t happened in years. Her heart raced. Her pulse pounded. She turned so quickly the glass she was holding slipped from her fingers. In the blink of an eye, the man she’d worked so hard to ignore was standing mere inches from her, saving the cup from certain death.

  As Aaron stood to his full height of at least six feet four inches, his cerulean eyes held her captive. Tiny wrinkles at the corners of his eyes assured her she would find him grinning if she looked down at his very kissable mouth.

  Staring deep into his eyes, Charlie sighed. She’d forgotten how ruggedly handsome he really was.

  No one would ever accuse Aaron O’Brien of being pretty. His skin seemed to hold a permanent tan, showing just a few signs of years being outside in the sun and wind. No matter what time of day she saw him, he always had a five ‘o’clock shadow, stubble she knew first hand, that tickled when it touched her cheek.

  His shoulders were broad, his waist trim, and her fingers tingled with the need to touch his chest as she’d done the night of their kiss. The longer they stood staring at one another the stronger the tingles in her back became, almost like cold chills running up and down her spine.

  Somehow, his wonderful scent had slipped her mind. Standing this close, his scent filled her senses. It was as crisp as a winter morning after a fresh snowfall and made her think all sorts of thoughts that were better left tucked away.

  Aaron was lethal. He was the epitome of ‘sex on a stick’. The one man that could tie her in knots.

  The tickle in her back reached an all-time high at the same time she realized he had no business in Sam’s home, and more importantly, no business mere inches from her. Taking a step back, Charlie narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and slammed her fists onto her hips.

  The best defense is a good offense.

  “What are you doing here? You scared the hell outta me!”

  His grin faltered for a split second before he cocked his hip against the counter and resumed his usual devil may care appearance. But, she had seen a crack in his veneer. One she would use someday. Then he spoke, derailing her thoughts.

  “I stopped by to…” He cleared his throat, the mesmerizing effect of his deep raspy voice lingering.

  When he began again, his tone had softened and Charlie felt herself sway. Holding fast, she focused on his words instead of his voice. “I came to apologize… and explain. But then I saw the broken pot and the opened door and thought something had happened.”

  “Sam took care of that,” was her retort, but it lacked the force she intended.

  He was worried about me? Steady girl. Don’t let him get the best of you…again.

  “I know she did, but I owe you an apology.”

  “Okay. You could’ve done that over the phone.”

  “I tried several times but you ignored my calls.”

  Knows that trick, does he?

  “Yeah, well, there is such a thing as voicemail. Besides, I needed some time. It’s not every day you see a real live dragon.”

  Aaron snorted and she immediately got the joke. Her attempt at hiding her smile was poor at best, so she gave up.

  “Well, I guess it does happen every day for you. Does it? I mean, I can ask that, right?”

  His snort turned into loud laughter. It was the first time she’d seen him really let go, except for their kiss. If possible, he was even sexier.

  Asshole is gonna be the death of me.

  The glance he gave her through his impossibly thick eyelashes made her think he had heard her thoughts.

  Now, I’ve really lost it.

  Before she could think further, he answered. “Yes, you can ask me anything. And no, it doesn’t happen every day…but it can.”

  She nodded, trying to decide if she should hear what he had to say or throw him out on his butt.

  Curiosity won.

  “Anything, huh?”


  “What does it feel like to fly?” Charlie blurted out. Her cheeks heated and she thanked the Lord that Aaron chose to ignore her embarrassment.

  He moved towards the table, holding out a chair and motioning for her to have a seat. When she sat, he took the chair adjacent to her before answering. “It’s one of the best things about being a dragon. Most think it’s being big and regal, or breathing fire, but flying is like no other feeling on earth. It is freedom, power, and it is life affirming. When I’m soaring across the skies it gives me perspective, helps me think….makes me see my place in the world.”

  “Breathing fire?” she whispered, interrupting what he was about to say.

  “Yeah, probably should’ve saved that for later,” he ran his hand down his face and blew out a long breath. “But it’s a fact…we can breathe fire. Most of the things you’ve read in fairy tales are true.” He paused then quickly added, “Except about us being the bad guys. That’s bullshit! The hunters and wizards made that up so people would rat them out. No dragon ever held a princess hostage in a tower, or attacked a city they weren’t battling. Truth be told, when dragons were just dragons, not shifters, they fought alongside knights to keep the King’s peace. They were the good guys.”

  This has to be the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had.

  No matter her internal conversation, Charlie could feel the pride in his words. Being a dragon was important to him. It was who he was and he loved it. Not many people could say that about themselves. Her respect for the most annoying man on the planet grew exponentially.

  “What else would you like to know?” he interrupted her thoughts.

  She thought for a moment and decided to ask what she really wanted to know. “Sam said each of you has a marking of their dragon, kinda like a tattoo…” Nodding his head and standing before she finished, he fisted the hem of his T-shirt and was suddenly shirtless.

  Charlie sat in stunned silence. Not only was the dragon that covered most of his torso awe-inspiring, the man standing before her was absolutely breathtaking. The beast’s head rested on the top of his right shoulder, the body and wings spread across his chest and abdomen, leaving the tail to wrap around his left hip. Of their own accord, her fingertips touched the tip of the dragon’s wing sitting right above the waistband of his jeans. An electric current shot up her arm, through her body, and landed squarely in her womb.

  She jerked her hand away and squeezed her thighs together. Their eyes met. She knew by the way his pupils dilated, he felt it too.

  Tentatively, never breaking eye contact, she let her fingers touch his dragon. Once again, she felt the spark, but this time was prepared. Her fingers traced the underside of the beast’s wings, moving upward until she had to stand to continue her exploration. The dragon seemed to come alive as her fingers traced the intricate design of a beast she thought only lived in children’s fantasies.

  Charlie knew from her discussion with Sam that Aaron’s dragon was silver, but she’d never imagine
d the tattoo on his skin would be so literal in its depiction. The afternoon sun danced over the glittering scales as it shone through the kitchen window.

  Reaching the beast’s massive body, she laid her hand flat against Aaron’s chest, gently sweeping the length of its back and onto his neck. She felt the intricate design ripple against her palm. The electricity she felt at first contact grew between them the longer her hands caressed his body. Normally, Charlie resorted to her clinical expertise and logic to deal with situations that defied explanation, but standing face to face with a fairy tale come true her imagination took over.

  She saw the majestic warrior soaring across a deep blue sky, wings unfurled, head held high, basking in the glory of being alive. There would be sheer power resonating through his body. This beast knew he was at the top of the food chain, but had the dignity not to lord it over others. He was the epitome of nobility, a true master among the others.

  The definition of the corded muscles in the dragon’s neck was another testament of his tremendous strength. She chuckled that the position of Aaron’s marking had her touching the back of the dragon’s neck while lightly grazing the man’s neck. His quick intake of air drew her eyes to his mouth. She watched longingly as just the tip of his tongue wet his bottom lip.

  Acting on instinct alone, Charlie rose to her toes, leaned in, and laid butterfly kisses along his lip, following the path his tongue had taken. With her palms flat against his chest for support, she felt the thundering of his heart that mirrored her own. Unable to resist the man that filled her every thought, she sealed her lips to his, reveling in the feeling of completion that filled her.

  Aaron groaned deep in his throat, the vibration teasing her hardened nipples as they pressed against his chest. She felt the warmth of his hands on her waist only a second before she was lifted in the air, spun around, and gently placed on the counter with him standing between her thighs.

  Charlie tried to pull back and gather her wits, but Aaron would have none of it. He growled and pulled her tightly to his chest. Slammed his mouth to hers and demanded entry. Unable to do anything but follow where he led, she opened completely.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her legs wrapped around his waist. His erection bumped against her excited clit, making her curse the denim that separated their bodies. Their hips moved in tandem, driving them higher. Aaron’s fingers slid under her ass, lifted her against his body, and he began walking towards the living room.

  The sound of his cowboy boots striking hardwood told her they had reached the hallway and the little voice in the back of her head screamed, “Take me to bed or lose me forever.” Goose was nowhere around, but Aaron could fly and that was all that mattered.

  His mouth left hers; nibbling along her jaw and kissing the little spot behind her ear that he somehow knew would drive her wild. She gulped air, trying to clear her mind, but all she could do was feel. Goose bumps rose all over her body at his whisper at her ear, “Which door is your room?”

  “I’m upstairs, but the guestroom is the door on the right,” she breathed, finding even that a difficult question to answer with her mind lost in the sensual haze the man she was presently wrapped around created.

  Their forward motion stopped and Aaron’s hands moved across her ass and under her shirt. His hands on her bare skin unleashed a flood of sensations and emotions so strong Charlie was sure she would spontaneously combust. He skimmed her ribs, massaging as he went, until his thumbs rubbed the sides of her breasts, and then moved to gently tease the tips of her peaked nipples.

  Charlie arched her back, threw back her head, and moaned. The markings on her back continued to tingle. Nothing had ever felt as good as his hands on her body did in that moment.

  “You are absolutely gorgeous,” he breathed, his low, baritone voice rumbling through her body. “Which makes what I am about to say one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in all my years. I…”

  Aaron’s hands left her breasts. Charlie was unable to stifle her disappointed groan. Just as her lips were about to touch his again, she realized she’d missed the rest of his statement. Her eyes popped open and she said, “What did you say?”


  Before he could continue, Charlie slammed her hands against his chest, unlatched her ankles from behind his back, and struggled to get loose. “Put me down you as…”

  His hands tightened on her ass and he pulled her back until their bodies were flush, touching in every possible way. With an air of authority and between gritted teeth, Aaron rumbled, “Charlene. Stop. Hold still.”

  The strength of his grip and the force of his voice stopped Charlie cold. She looked him square in the eye and said the first thing that popped into her mind, “Did you just call me Charlene?”

  “That’s your name isn’t it?” Any other time she would have laughed at his smartass response, but on the heels of being stopped when she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life, Charlie snarled, “It’s Dr. Gallagher to you. Now put me down.”

  She saw the twinkle return to his eye but couldn’t be bothered with why. She wanted as far away from the biggest asshole she’d ever met in her life and she wanted that to happen immediately. His next remark shocked her into silence. “I will not. And you will listen to me.”

  The grin she loved to hate came to his lips. She thought about slapping it away. He slowly turned, sat on the edge of the bed, and positioned her across his lap without ever breaking eye contact. She could feel his erection against the outside of her thigh, could see his pulse pounding in the vein in his neck, and heard how he struggled to regulate his breathing, so she had no clue why they were sitting and talking instead of getting naked. They sat for the count of five, just looking into one another’s eyes before he spoke.

  “Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I want nothing more than to make love to you. I want it more than I want my next breath. More than I want to feel the sunshine on my skin. More than I want to wake to another day…” She started to interrupt but his fingers magically appeared against her lips, effectively silencing her words. The grin left his face.

  “I have wanted you from the moment I met you, but I promised myself when we were finally together, I would savor every moment. That it would last for days upon days.” He paused and she could feel the importance of what he was saying, but had no idea what he was talking about.

  Something big is happening and I’m clueless…perfect.

  She saw a slew of emotions cross his handsome face before he finally began again. “Sam told you about my younger brother and his…issues?”

  She nodded.

  “Rian has a lead on where he may be hiding. We’re going to find him tonight.”

  He leaned forward until their foreheads almost touched and she could feel his breath on her cheek.

  “Our first time will not be a quickie and I will not leave you when it’s over. I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know that I let it get as far as it did. I truly only came over to apologize and talk.”

  His grin returned and he added, “I will admit, I like this…” he motioned between them, “better than arguing, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.”

  Aaron kissed the tip of her noise, set her feet on the floor, and stood beside her. Her eyes landed on his naked chest and she sighed. “All right, Mr. O’Brien, I’ll let you off the hook this time, but if we’re just gonna talk then we have to get the hell out of the bedroom and you have to put your shirt back on.”

  She patted his chest before turning and heading out of the room. As she crossed the threshold into the hall, she chuckled over her shoulder, “I could use some iced tea. How about you?”

  “And a cold shower,” he grumbled.

  Charlie knew she should be sorry since she was the one that started whatever it was that had just happened between them, but she wasn’t and knew she wouldn’t be. For once in her life, she’d let her heart run the show. Had given her head a rest. And it felt good…really good.

  Tea poured and Aaron’s shirt back on, the two retired to the deck behind the house. Several seconds of companionable silence passed before Charlie asked her first question. “How old are you?”

  As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she wished them back in. Thankfully, he chuckled, lessening her embarrassment.

  Dad always said my mouth was gonna be the death of me.

  “I’ll be a hundred and one in about six weeks.”

  “Holy…seriously?” Charlie spun in her seat to face him.

  “Seriously.” He leaned towards her and laid his hand on hers. “I will always be honest with you. I’m truly sorry we had to keep secrets from you, but that’s all in the past. You ask, I’ll answer.”

  “Cool, but back to your age… Sam said you guys live really long lives and age slowly, but I guess I had no clue you were that much older… I mean you were… Well, hell, there’s no way to say this delicately. I had no clue you were that much older than me.” She stopped and then immediately continued, “Are you the oldest?”

  He smiled and shook his head, obviously enjoying her questions. “No, I’m actually one of the youngest you’ve met. As you know, Aidan and I are twins. I was born first, so technically Aidan’s the youngest of our Force.”

  Charlie slid back into her seat, deep in thought. One of her favorite quotes from freshman English came to mind, there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Nobody said it better than Shakespeare. It was one thing to have Sam tell her how old they were, it was another thing completely to get the information straight from the horse’s… oops… dragon’s mouth.

  Apparently, she was lost in thought, because the next thing she knew Aaron was kneeling next to her chair and asking, “Are you okay? Did I freak you out?”

  “No, not at all. Just thinking,” she quickly answered. “You’re gonna have to excuse me. I’m the daughter of a cop and a doctor, so it may take a beat for me to absorb everything.”

  “I understand.” He stood and held out his hand. “Will you take a walk with me?”


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