Charlie_Northern Grizzlies MC Book 4

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Charlie_Northern Grizzlies MC Book 4 Page 17

by M. Merin

  “Gotta let me hold onto this for a bit, Baby,” Jake says as he pulls Charlie’s Property cut off, getting a pout in return. He usually folds every time her bottom lip extends, so he quickly compromises with her. “Wear it to bed for us?”

  “Of course,” Charlie says, satisfied but is quickly distracted by the surrounding area. “Should I change? Are jeans really ok to meet your Gramps in? Fuck. I know he’s not royalty, Jake, I’m sorr…”

  “Shush.” Jake cups her cheek. “Charlie, he’s gonna love you. Like we do. Now, the rest of the family might be, well, with the wedding and them not knowing I got married. Just know I love you, right?”

  Jake no sooner finishes that statement than the limo stops and the door is being opened by an older man, I’ve met him before and immediately greet him.

  “Mr. Forsythe, nice to see you,” I say, as I exit the car first.

  “Connal, yes. Where is she?” He practically pushes me aside, quickly seeing Charlie behind me. “Oh, Jake. She’s everything you said.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Forsythe.” She replies as he helps her out of the car.

  “How are you a mechanic and not a model?” Forsythe asks her, making her blush and laugh. “Call me Gramps, please? Like Jarrett does? Oh, wait, Jake. Like Jake does.”

  “I can’t believe your home, it’s so beautiful.” She says ignoring his question. He gushes over her, almost oblivious to Jake and I, as he escorts us all through the main entrance and out to the pool where the guest house is off to the side of.

  “The fridge in here has been stocked; if there’s anything else you would like simply dial one on the house phone in the kitchen. Mrs. Donna is my housekeeper and will help you while staying out of your hair. Speaking of hair, there’s a stylist coming two hours before the party tonight and the wedding tomorrow…” Jake’s grandfather rattles on.

  Without thinking, Charlie reaches for my hand as I walk beside her; I quickly sidestep her, making sure Mr. F. didn’t see it. Jake steps up and wraps her arm through his.

  “Now I’ll leave you to get settled. Oh, I haven’t told anyone your news, thought it would be more fun to watch it spread tonight, Jake.” He rubs his hands together in mischievous glee and finally stops talking.

  The three of us groan at the same time.

  “Please tell me Mom is still taking her Prozac?” Jake mutters. Mr. F. is smiling as he leaves us to ourselves.

  “So, no one lives in this house? It just sits here?” Charlie asks, her eyebrows drawn together.

  “Yup,” Jake says walking towards her and reaching for the hem of her shirt. Quickly catching on, I kneel down and take off her shoes. “Later, Baby,” Jake says, kissing her as she starts to ask another question. “I’ll answer one question for each orgasm you have.”

  “Gotta catch me first!” Charlie squeals before darting away from us. We pull our shirts off, letting our wife get a head start.

  “Ready or not, here we come,” I call out to her and fist bumping Jake, we take off in pursuit. The little minx throws us diversions; turning on a shower in one bathroom and closing the door to the master but Jake finally finds her behind the guest room door, her giggles giving her away.

  The next hour finds Jake and me loving or just snuggling our wife; finally settling down for a nap before she has to be ready for the hair and make-up stylist who’s coming to take care of her.


  “Just remember,” I say, waking her gently. “No googolly eyes for me tonight, Baby Girl.”

  “Just remember,” She returns, after snorting. “Any woman touches you too much and I’m smashing her hand with my wrench.”

  “Now, why is that such a fucking turn on?” I ask, picturing it. “Let me be the one to eat your pussy tonight?”

  “Maybe,” She teases, sucking my bottom lip in. Then we both jump as we hear the doorbell. I quickly slip out of the master bedroom, into my own room, as Jake goes to answer the door.


  The stylist has left and Connal is sipping a whiskey while we wait for Charlie to emerge from the bedroom. I can’t stop pacing, my heart and mind are racing at the thought of introducing a wife to my family tonight. My youngest sister, Tabby, will be my strongest ally; she always has been, no matter the time between visits.

  I spin, hearing Connal’s gasp. FUCK.

  “Goddamn, Charlie!” He finally gets out, but I’m still struck mute. She’s in a purple cocktail dress and black stilettos, her hair is pinned up on one side, and her eyes have been seriously made-up. She’s gonna have every woman at the party ready to claw her eyes out. No joke.

  “It’s not too much?” She asks, indicating her eye makeup.

  “Marry me?” I ask, smiling at her.

  “OH SHIT!” She spins back toward the bedroom. “I forgot my ring!” She calls out.

  Connal and I laugh; he’d come out of his room without his ring earlier and I sent him back for it. Don’t give a fuck if catches anyone’s attention.

  “Ok, I’m really ready this time.” Charlie comes back out and we all make our way to the terrace to join Gramps. My parents have already arrived, so holding Charlie’s hand I move forward to introduce them. As soon as they spot us, my father’s jaw drops but mother’s face settles into a frown. Here we go…

  “Father, Mother?” I tilt my head in greeting, I wrap an arm around Charlie. “I’d like you to meet my wife, Charlie. Charlie, this is Rick and Elsbeth.”

  “Wife? Surely you haven’t married this girl!” My mother hisses causing Charlie to stiffen. Her face falls from a shy smile to an expressionless mask, as she sucks in a breath.

  “Els.” My father says, taking her wrist. “Tonight will be pleasant.” Gramps comes up to us at this moment.

  “Charlie, you are a vision!” Gramps announces, moving to warmly kiss her on her cheek.

  “You knew?” Mom turns on him, shifting her simmering wrath onto a new target.

  “Charlie?” My father starts, trying to calm the hostel atmosphere. “We look forward to getting to know you. I hope you can forgive our surprise at Jarrett announcing this now?”

  “Nice to meet you…both,” Charlie replies, reaching her hand out to shake his offered hand. “We had a bit of a whirlwind romance, most days I’m surprised myself.” She says, getting a chuckle from my father and grandfather.

  “I don’t suppose you work, do you, Charlie?” My mother pounces, as though she’s ever worked.

  “Yes, I’m a mechanic. I work for Connal.” She smiles, almost innocently, indicating Connal, who’s standing off to our side with his fists clenched. “What do you do, Elsbeth?”

  “A mechanic?” Mom hisses again. Dad chokes on his drink and Gramps’ laugh seems to echo through the night.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Charlie widens her eyes and looks earnestly at my mother. “I was recently certified and met Jake the day I started working for Connal.”

  “What an interesting profession, Charlie.” My father starts, somehow making ‘profession’ sound dubious. “Are your parents in Rowansville?”

  “No, they died a long time ago. My grandfather was a mechanic, he took care of me for a bit but he died a while back also.”

  “Well, I for one am happy to welcome you to the family, Charlie.” My Gramps cuts in, signaling to the tray of champagne flutes that a server has arrived with.

  “Welcome who to the family?” A high pitched voice cuts in. Turning around, I see my brother ushering in a woman I can only guess is his fiancé. I go to shake his hand and am surprised when he embraces me.

  “Good to see you, Jarrett.” He starts. “It’s been too long.”

  I nod, stepping back I extend my hand to the tall brunette by his side. “Muffy?”

  “Yes! And Guest of Honor tonight, of course!” Fuck me, she’s obnoxious.

  “This is my wife, Charlie,” I say, reaching back for her, ignoring the shocked look on their faces. “Charlie, this is Blaine and Muffy. Blaine, you’ve met Connal before; Muffy, Connal and I served toget

  “Wife?” Muffy looks miffed. I can’t hide my grin.

  “Congrats! That’s great news, Jarrett!” My brother quickly cuts in.

  “Well, that remains to be seen.” My mother says before warmly hugging Muffy. “Muffy is an attorney, in family law.” She throws over her shoulder to Charlie and me; as she draws Muffy towards the bar, whispering furiously.

  “Look at me, Baby,” I murmur, ignoring Blaine and looking down to Charlie. “Look in my eyes and see how much I love you.” Our eyes lock and she leans towards me for a kiss.

  “I’m alright, Jake. I’m just sheathing my claws since they’re your family.” She whispers and winks at me before turning back to make small talk with Blaine.

  Chapter 26


  “Yeah, but there might suddenly be a whole crazy series of ‘accidents’, Jake,” Connal says from behind me. “I mean, there is a pool right here…”

  “Ha! Well, it would serve them right!” Jake laughs into my ear.

  “Accidents?” Jake’s father asks.

  “Yeah, this other guy who works for me offended Charlie on her first day; ever since then he’s…” Connal is just warming up and Jake is chuckling.

  “Please! You know nothing happened on purpose, Connal!” I butt in laughing.

  “Now you have to tell us,” Blaine jumps in, barely concealing the laughter in his voice.

  “Hi, everyone!” A woman can only be Jake’s sister, announces her entrance and that of several other people; saving me as our small group shifts to greet everyone.

  His sister, Tabby, is the closest to Jake in coloring but is just about my height with curves she knows how to accentuate. My eyes flick between her and the rest of their siblings, the other five could easily be clones; all tall, blond, and thin. It doesn’t take me long to realize that Tabby and Jake have similar personalities, other than the fact she barely stops talking.

  “Jake, you really did it!” She laughs gleefully after hearing the news, turning to confide in me: “I always thought I could keep saying ‘Well Jake’s not married’ to mom’s inquiries about my status.”

  Moving over to stand between us, she quickly starts chattering away. A few moments later, I’m stunned to find out she’s an OB/GYN, my jaw drops and Jake starts laughing.

  “She’s the smartest of all of us, but you’d never guess it.” Jake quietly says as I reassess Tabby. “She decided she was going to be a doctor when she was five and never wavered.”

  “Some would say Jake’s the smartest,” She quickly replies, lifting her chin and looking around us. “He got away from this nonsense.”

  “You’re done with school and your residency now, what’s stopping you?” He raises an eyebrow at her.

  “Charlie!” Mr. Forsythe calls out to me and waves, I consider tugging Jake along but decide to excuse myself and join him alone. Jake and Tabby circle the crowd and stay close to us as Mr. Forsythe introduces me to all his guests; proudly informing one and all that the Forsythe’s are now celebrating two marriages in the family.

  Muffy’s glare intensifies after repeatedly hearing the news, which subtracts from the attention she seems to crave.

  Connal stays close to us as the night progresses; his patience is wearing thin as he is constantly asked what type of bike a beginner should purchase. I can see the thought rolling through his mind: Could there be a more annoying question?

  Later when returning from the bathroom, I find Jake and Connal surrounded by a flock of women. I cringe noticing that they are polished in ways I will never be, no matter how much time I spend with Mrs. Riley. After a moment of studying them, I know exactly why Jake left this life and why he married me.

  I never set out to be a non-conformist; looking at the carbon copies standing around my men, I see how miserable they are, but also, how unwilling they are to search for anything outside their realm. Suddenly, the life I’ve had, the pain I’ve lived through; it suddenly hits me for the first time, that it made me stronger, and now happier, than any of these women will ever allow themselves to be.

  “Oh, be a dear and go get me another wine.” Muffy orders when she sees me returning to Jake. I raise my eyebrow at her, brushing past her and the willowy blond beside her.

  Jake flashes both dimples at me and starts to turn on her; closing his mouth when I shake my head. I’ve decided ignoring Muffy’s existence is the best tactic; it has the added bonus of infuriating her. As I’m reaching out for Jake, another towering blond puts her hand on his shoulder.

  “Blaine told Muffy that most of your body is tattooed, I can’t imagine…” Nameless blond number two sighs.

  “Coming to rescue me, Charlie?” Jake speaks up, shrugging her hand off. “You know I have no tolerance for this shit, right?”

  “I was only gone a few minutes?” I smile up at him, ignoring everyone around us and their gasps at his words. I slide my hands up through his hair and pull him down for a kiss.

  Jake doubles down. His hands pull my hips into his body and his tongue plunges into my mouth, roughly at first; until my moans sooth him. With swift and sure movements of his tongue, he perfectly relays what he’s thinking of doing to me when we’re back in bed.

  Opening my eyes when he pulls back, I’m surprised the women haven’t fled; they’re openly gawking at us. Leaning up to his ear I loudly whisper, “Guess what I want you to do tonight?”

  The blond who asked about his ink is close enough to hear me and she finally turns to walk away, the others quickly filing into her wake.

  “This is my wedding and I’m sure it’s a foreign concept to you, but try to control yourselves so you don’t embarrass this family anymore.” Muffy huffs out.

  “Oh, you’ll soon understand how newlyweds are, Buffy!” I turn to smile at her as Jake leans down to nibble at my ear.

  “Keep those fucking twats away from me if you don’t want to be embarrassed,” Jake follows up with a threat of his own. Muffy actually stomps her foot before making a beeline for Blaine.

  “When the fuck can we get outta here, Brother?” Connal growls as he nears us, pulling at his tie and unbuttoning the top button of his shirt.

  “Now,” Jake says. “Head in and we’ll go say goodnight to a few people. Hey, make sure no one from the party wandered into the guesthouse, alright?”

  Jake leads me over to say goodnight to his siblings and grandfather, he throws a wave in the general direction of his parents. Our eagerness to be alone is written all over our faces.

  “Charlie!” His sister, Tabby, calls out as we move towards the guesthouse. She steps forward to hug me.

  “It’ll get easier, alright?” She says, giving me a tight squeeze. “I haven’t ever seen him so happy, and he deserves it. I’m thrilled you found each other.” She kisses me on my cheek before stepping back.

  “Thank you, Tabby,” I respond in kind. “I hope we get a chance to talk more this weekend.”

  “What did she say?” Jake asks as we maneuver around the pool.

  “That I make you happy,” I say softly, smiling up at him.

  “If she only knew how much.” He replies before sweeping me into his arms bridal style.


  Fucking had to hang back all night. Watching the useless party attendees make snide remarks about the gold digger that Jake married. OUR wife handled it all with grace, ignoring all the looks, eye rolls, and comments. The few times I was ready to step forward and handle things my way, Jake’s Gramp was there with a hand on my arm, steering me away.

  “Now, now, son. Wouldn’t do for them to think you have feelings for her.” Mr. Forsythe murmured more than once. “Let them have their day, it will all sort out.” He added, turning away before I could question that statement.

  Finally! I hear them come into the guesthouse and, already naked, I meet them in the hall between the bedrooms. Jake sets her down and I immediately sink to my knees. Lifting her hem and finding her smoothly shaved pussy uncovered, I groan and sink my tongue i
nto her pink folds. Desperate for a taste of her.

  Without a word, Jake un-zippers her dress and pulls it over her head, tossing it aside he immediately reaches for the clasp of her bra; releasing her bounty.

  I shift one hand to her juicy ass, in between the crack; I swipe it down to catch the moisture from her core then start thrusting it into her tightest hole. Her panting tells me how much she loves it, but her next action surprises me. She tenses and relaxes her ass muscles in a rapid pattern, using my now still finger to find her pleasure in her own way.

  “Come for me,” I whisper. “Ride my finger, Baby Girl.” I lean forward again, furiously flicking her clit with my tongue.

  Jake is holding the back of her neck, keeping their eyes locked as she lightly bounces on my finger. Undressing one-handed, his other arm supports most of her weight; he gently pecks her lips until her panting becomes more frantic.

  “Connal! Please!” Charlie begs for release. Our girl hasn’t figured out that she never needs to beg us for anything, especially not to come. I go all in, delivering what she needs. Jake and I support her weight as her knees buckle.

  “Come on, Baby,” Jake gives her a moment before picking her up again. “That was just the warm-up.”

  Depositing her on the bed, he pulls her over his chest, letting her slide down on his dick. I lean back, watching her ride him as I stroke my own cock. Charlie arches back, their fingers intertwined; our girl has gained confidence in her movements and I love watching her come into her own. Tightening my grip on my dick, I almost shoot off when she looks over at me; reaching a hand out to me.

  Standing, I lean into her; cupping her cheek and kissing her lightly. Pulling back, I watch what Jake got to see earlier. Charlie’s face, as she comes; its simply spectacular, Jake and I exchange a quick look as I grab one of her firm ass cheeks in my hand. She rides him harder; his end is close as he’s bucking into her faster and faster.

  Their cries reach a peak together and Charlie falls forward; her hands supporting her weight on Jake’s shoulders. I lightly caress her back, knowing she’s done in. Plucking her from Jake, I carry her to the bathroom.


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