The Summer of Our Love: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 1)

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The Summer of Our Love: A Lesbian Romance (The Jersey Girls Book 1) Page 5

by Lydia Rose

  "I won't make any promises, Joyce. I can't,” Reese insisted.

  "Just follow your heart. That's all I ask." Joyce reached for Reese and squeezed her tight. "Keep in touch."

  "You know I will. Have a safe flight and call me."


  When Jennifer returned from taking Joyce to the airport, she went back to her writing. She heard her front doorbell ring Friday afternoon, and thought for a second of not answering the door. The bell rang again, and she headed for the stairs. Opening the front door, she saw Carol Caldwell standing on the front porch.

  "Hi Carol." Jennifer held the door open, "Come on inside."

  "Hello Jennifer. I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask you something."

  Jennifer motioned Carol over to a chair. "It's no bother. What can I do for you?"

  "Well, Saturday is our annual neighborhood party, and I would like you to come over."

  Jennifer didn't respond immediately, wondering how she could decline without offending this kind woman. "I've been trying to catch up on my writing since Joyce went home."

  Carol looked at Jennifer with a slight grin. "I'm sure you can take a few hours off in the evening."

  Jennifer knew there was nothing she could say that Carol would accept. "Sure. What can I bring?"

  "Just yourself," Carol said, and stood. "I'll let you get back to work."

  "Isn't there anything I can do to help?"

  Carol smiled and touched her arm. "You can help Reese set up the tables Saturday morning if you'd like?"

  Great, Jennifer thought. Reese will just love that. "Thanks. See you tomorrow."

  "Don't work too hard, Jennifer."

  Jennifer chuckled. "Bye.

  Saturday morning, Jennifer saw Reese open her parents’ garage door. Jennifer walked outside and followed Reese into the garage. "Hey," she said to Reese's back.

  Reese jumped and turned to face Jennifer. "You scared the life out me. What the hell are you doing?"

  "I volunteered to help you this morning,” Jennifer said, trying to smile.

  "I don't need any help." Reese didn't try to hide her displeasure in this scenario.

  "I promised your mom, and I won't go back on my word."

  "Why?" Reese's hands went to her hips. "You're very good at breaking promises."

  "The sooner we do this, the sooner you can get rid of me." Jennifer grabbed one of the tables and walked out of the garage.

  Reese knew she was being a bitch, but she couldn't stop herself. As she came out of the garage with another table, she saw Jennifer charming her dad. As she got closer, her dad looked at her.

  "It's great that Jennifer is here to help you this year, isn’t it, honey?" Richard smiled, waiting for his daughter's response.

  "Yeah, it's great," she said between gritted teeth, and went back for another table.

  The two women set up the tables in complete silence. Jennifer knew her coming to the barbecue tonight was going to be an even bigger mistake. She made up her mind to keep writing tonight and pretend the time got away from her.

  "Well, if there's nothing else I can help you with, I'll be going," Jennifer said.

  Reese started to open her mouth when her cell phone rang. She smiled and said, "Hi, Joyce." Jennifer stopped in her tracks. "Yeah, she's right here."

  Jennifer listened to the one-sided conversation.

  "Okay, wait a sec." Reese looked at Jennifer. "She wants me to put the phone on speaker."

  "Let's go inside," Jennifer said, already walking back to her house.

  "We're going over to Jennifer's house so we can both hear you." Reese put the phone down on the table.

  Jennifer went to the refrigerator and removed two bottles of water. She placed one in front of Reese, and took her seat. "Hi Joyce, how's it going?"

  "Reese, are you there, too?" Joyce asked.

  "I'm here, Joyce. So how was the date?" Reese asked, anxious to know.

  "It was great, and Jen you will be happy to know, she's not fat."

  Jennifer spit out the water that was in her mouth and started coughing.

  Reese picked up the phone and wiped the water from the table, and her. "Thanks, Joyce. I just got sprayed with water from your friend."

  "What's going on there?" Joyce asked to a laughing Reese.

  "Don't say things like that when my mouth is full," Jennifer said with a chuckle. "So the magic is still there?"

  Joyce heard the doubt in Jennifer's question. "If you weren't so unromantic, you'd be happy for me."

  "Oh, Joyce, you know I'm only kidding. You deserve all the happiness in the world. So you had a good time?" Jennifer asked, trying to show her enthusiasm.

  "We talked for hours and yes, we both know we have to take this slow," Joyce laughed. "As much as we want to go fast, we're not."

  "So when are you seeing her again?" Reese asked, getting into the conversation.


  "Yeah, slow," Jennifer chuckled.

  Joyce and Reese laughed. "I can't stop thinking about her. Okay, enough about me. I guess you two are getting along since I found you both together."

  Jennifer almost spit out her water again. "Reese's parents are having a barbecue tonight, and I offered to help set up tables, to Reese's disappointment."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Joyce asked.

  "It means that I was a bitch," Reese said with a nervous chuckle.

  "I leave you two alone for a few days, and you're back to that."

  "Hey, it wasn't me," Jennifer quickly said, leaning close to the phone.

  "So now you're thinking about not going to the barbecue?" Joyce asked.

  Jennifer could almost see Joyce's hands on her hips. Why does she know me so well? "I think it would be better if I didn't," she said, with a glance at Reese.

  "Reese, is that what you want?" Joyce asked firmly.

  "No," she hesitated, "I don't know." Her eyes hugged the table unable to meet Jennifer's gaze.

  The silence in the room seemed to go forever, but then Joyce said, "Reese, your mom will come over and get her if she doesn't show up. You both know that."

  "You're right," Reese said quietly.

  "I can't believe you two used to be such good friends. I never saw two people hold such grudges. Suppose I did that with Tina,” she sniffled, "I might not have had this second chance with the woman I am probably supposed to be with."

  "Yeah, real slow," Jennifer said, snickering.

  "Go ahead and make fun, Jen. I don't care. I won't be foolish like you two obviously are being."

  Jennifer and Reese looked at one another. "I'll go to the party. Are you happy?" Jennifer asked.

  "Yes, and don't go there and mope. Have fun."

  "You didn't see the looks she was giving me this morning," Jennifer said, grinning looking at Reese. "I think if I have fun, Reese will shoot me dead." Reese remained quiet. "Joyce, I’m happy for you, but I have work to do." Jennifer stood up, and dropped her empty bottle in the recycling container.

  Reese picked up the phone and put it to her ear. "Hold on a sec, Joyce." Looking at Jennifer, she said. "I'll see you at four, okay?"

  Jennifer nodded and walked toward the den to work.

  "Hi, I'm back,” Reese said to Joyce as she walked out the back door.

  At four thirty, Jennifer walked out of the house. She was wearing a pair of white shorts and an azure tank top. As she walked into the backyard, a tall blond was smiling her way. Suddenly her face broke out in a smile of recognition. "Davey, is that you?" she asked, walking toward the man.

  "What am I ten years old? I go by Dave or David now," he said as he took Jennifer into his arms. "You look good," Dave said, holding her at arm's length.

  "You too, Davey," she said, sticking out her tongue. "You'll always be Davey to me."

  Dave turned, catching the attention of another man. "Pierce, come over and meet the woman who broke my heart."

  Jennifer laughed at his words. "Pierce, this is Jennifer Connelly
. Jennifer, this is my partner, Pierce," he said with a wide smile.

  Jennifer laughed. "Broke your heart," she said with a grunt. "It seems we ended up the same way.”

  "Yeah, but you still broke my heart. We used to spend every summer together until," with a nod of his head, "she came along." Dave indicated Reese. "I thought the two of you would have ended up together. You only had eyes for each other back then."

  Jennifer looked at him surprised. "Well, you were wrong about that one."

  "I guess I was," he said, pulling her into his arms. "I can't believe you are here."

  "Me either. So do you and Pierce live in New Jersey?"

  "No actually, we live in New York. We come to this barbecue every year. Reese's dad makes a great brisket and ribs to die for,” Dave said, licking his lips.

  "We were sorry to hear about your aunt," Pierce said, touching Jennifer's arm. "She was a sweet lady." Dave nodded in agreement.

  Richard and Carol called out for everyone to come to the table and help themselves. Jennifer watched as Reese played host to the guests. She walked over to the buffet table and made up a plate of food. Turning, she watched as Pierce and Dave waved her over to their table.

  "Jennifer, this is Kelly," Dave pointed to the bleached blond sitting across from her.

  "It's nice to meet you Kelly," Jennifer said as she took her seat.

  "The pleasure is all mine,” Kelly said as she checked out Jennifer. "Have some sweet tea," she said, already pouring a tall glass for her.

  "Thanks,” Jennifer said as she pulled the rib from her mouth. "You weren't kidding about the food," Jennifer said, turning to Dave.

  "Best barbecue ever," Dave said, not bothering to take the rib from his mouth. Pierce nodded in agreement.

  The table remained quiet as everyone filled their stomachs with the best barbecue and best sides they had ever eaten. Kelly kept Jennifer's glass filled with tea, and Jennifer kept her plate filled with food. After a half hour, Jennifer sat back and said, "I couldn't eat another thing."

  Dave turned in his seat. "Wait ‘til you taste the desserts."

  Jennifer grabbed her stomach. "Why didn't you tell me that before I stuffed myself with so much food?" Everyone laughed at her comment, and she looked around the yard. She saw Reese walking around the tables making sure everyone was happy. Reese was now at the other end of her table.

  "Anyone need anything?" Reese asked, smiling at the group.

  "Another stomach," Jennifer said. "They tell me the desserts are just as good as the food we just ate."

  Reese laughed along with the rest of the table. "Sorry, can't help you there, Jen."

  "Reese sit down with us a while," Dave said. "We haven't had time to catch up."

  Pierce offered his seat and Reese sat down. "Thanks," she said, taking the vacated seat. Reese turned and watched as Kelly filled Jennifer glass to the top. "You better go easy with that," Reese said, nodding to Jennifer.

  "I know. It's so sweet. I'll have diabetes before the night is done." Everyone laughed at the table. "What?"

  Dave leaned over to her. "Kelly spikes that tea with so much alcohol that if you stand up too fast, you might fall over."

  "Great. Why didn't you warn me before I had, I don't know how many glasses?" Jennifer looked at Kelly, "Do you do this to all the new people at this party?"

  "I didn't do anything,” Kelly said, touching her chest as if she didn't do anything wrong.

  Kelly got up from the table with her plate.

  Dave leaned in again, "She's also married."

  "So?” Jennifer said with a shrug.

  "She's going to make a play for you," Dave chuckled. "Her husband is out of town."

  Jennifer looked at Reese who was also laughing along with Dave. "This is just great." Jennifer stood up and almost fell over.

  Dave grabbed her arm to steady her. "I told you not to get up too fast."

  Jennifer grabbed her head. "I'm going to kill that woman." Her words began to slur.

  "Let me get you a cup of coffee, Jen." Reese offered, already out of her seat.

  "Thanks, Reese." Pierce sat down in Kelly's chair. "So how long have you two been together?" Jennifer sat again looking at Pierce.

  "Ten years now,” Dave answered.

  "That's wonderful,” Jennifer said, touching Dave's arm, "I'm happy for you both."

  "I still don't see why you and Reese aren't together?" Dave asked, looking at Jennifer closely.

  "Have you forgotten she's straight?"

  "I haven't forgotten anything, and I see the way you two look at each other." Dave leaned in closer, "There's something there, Jen.”

  Reese came back to the table with her coffee before she could respond. "Thanks, Reese."

  "So, Reese, you still like living at the Jersey Shore?" Pierce asked.

  "Sure, what's not to love?" Reese asked. "You guys are just jealous because you don't get to spend more time here."

  "That's so true,” Dave offered. "Someday, we're going to buy a house here to spend our summers."

  Reese stood. "My mom is starting to put the desserts out. I'm going to help her,” she said to the table. "Everyone, please help yourselves to the desserts."

  "I think I will pass," Jennifer said softly.

  Everyone else got up from the table and went in search of something sweet. No sooner did the table empty out, Kelly was at her side.

  "I'm sorry I didn't tell you there was alcohol in the tea." Kelly took the seat next to her and touched her hand.

  Jennifer looked Kelly. "I'm not interested, Kelly."

  "We could have some fun." Kelly rubbed Jennifer's knee.

  "I told you, I'm not interested." Jennifer stood and walked over to Pierce and Dave. "Davey, it was good to see you again and Pierce, I was happy to meet you."

  "You're leaving?" they both asked.

  "Yeah, I've got a headache."

  "I imagine you do,” Dave chuckled. "Tomorrow you will feel worse, I'm sure."

  Jennifer walked up to Carol Caldwell. "Thank you for a wonderful meal."

  "Don't you want dessert?"

  "I couldn't eat another thing if I tried, but the food was the best." She looked around the yard. "Where's Reese?"

  "She went inside to make another pot of coffee." Jennifer felt herself swaying. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you about Kelly's tea." She touched Jennifer’s arm. "Can you get home okay?"

  "Sure," Jennifer said with a grin, and headed toward the house to say good night to Reese. Jennifer took the stairs slowly, not wanting to fall on her face in front of all these people. She walked into the kitchen. "Reese, thank you for a nice evening, and the food was great."

  "You're leaving?" Jennifer nodded, and swayed toward Reese. "Yeah, I guess you should get some sleep."

  Jennifer swayed closer to Reese, standing inches from her. Her eyes went to Reese's lips. "Thank you again,” and then she kissed her. The kiss barely made contact. Leaning back, she turned to leave.

  "Let me walk you home, Jen."

  "I'm okay." Reese took her arm and walked her to the door. Jennifer turned again, and her hand reached for Reese's face. This time the kiss was deeper. "Good night, Reese."

  Reese chuckled. "Get some sleep, Jen."

  Jennifer opened the door and almost fell into Carol. "Sorry, Carol. I didn't see you standing there."

  "Come on, honey. Let's get you home."

  Carol took her arm and led her inside the house. In the kitchen, Carol grabbed a bottle of water and they began walking toward the steps.

  "I kissed Reese," Jennifer said with a laugh.

  "I know. I saw you, honey," Carol responded.

  "She was always a good kisser." The two women began climbing the stairs slowly. "I let the best thing in my life slip through my fingers. We didn't trust each other.” Jennifer stopped walking. "She broke my heart in a million pieces. Did you know that?"

  "No, I didn't Jennifer." Carol grabbed Jennifer's elbow and led her to the bedroom.

sat down on the bed, and Carol removed her sandals. "I loved her so much."

  Carol lifted Jennifer legs onto the bed, and asked, “Do you still love her?”

  Carol never did hear her response because Jennifer was asleep before her head hit the pillow.


  The next morning, Jennifer sat at the kitchen table holding her head and nursing a glass of orange juice. The knock on the back door didn't change her position. "Come in," she said softly.

  "Oh, you poor thing," Reese said as she reached the kitchen. "Easy on the juice,” she said, reaching for the glass. "Have you had any water or aspirin?" Jennifer nodded her head. "Where are the aspirin?"

  "The cabinet next to the fridge," Jennifer said, still holding her head.

  Reese took three aspirins and a bottle of water and handed them to Jennifer. "Take these, please." Jennifer looked up and put the pills in her mouth. Reese opened the bottle and handed it to her. "Drink the water." Jennifer took a sip to swallow the pills. "More water."

  Jennifer drank half the bottle, and then looked up. "Okay?"

  "Come on. Let's get you to the couch." Reese lifted her from the seat. Jennifer lay down. "I'm going to go to the store and get you some soup."

  "I'm fine, Reese. Just need the aspirin to kick in." Jennifer put her arm over her eyes.

  "I'll be back," Reese said, touching her arm.

  Reese walked into her own home and found her mother in the kitchen. "Mom, I'm going to pick up some soup for Jen. Do you need anything?"

  "Why don't you sit a minute?" Carol asked, motioning to the table.

  "What's wrong, Mom?" Reese asked, without taking a seat.

  "Nothing important, I just wanted to talk to you,” Carol said quietly.

  “Then, can we talk later?” Carol nodded. “I’ll see you later." Reese grabbed her keys and purse and was out the back door before Carol could say another word.

  By the time Reese returned, Jennifer was just coming down the stairs. Her hair was still damp from the shower she had taken, and she had fresh clothes on her body.


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