Mad About the Boy

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Mad About the Boy Page 9

by Suzan Battah

  “The Augustine can wait for the moment.” He took a seat next to her bed. “I’ll wait as long as you need.”

  “Stop it, go… go… away.” She rubbed her forehead and looked out the window close to tears. “You came back, after I.. after I told you to stay away?”

  “You don’t really want me to go,” he whispered low. “I know it’s not easy.”

  She wanted to scream out, “I don’t want you to care about me.”

  He cleared his throat, straightening. “The food’s terrible, isn’t it? We’ll bring you something in. What do you want? Tell me.”

  She refused to acknowledge the subject. He sighed and kept watching her like a hawk. She wanted him to stay and go, her emotions getting the better of her. The silence stretched for several minutes as he gazed at her and she closed her eyes to avoid the sudden pelt of tears ready to flow.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  The tenderness in his soft tone was all it took for her to start. A tear slid down her cheek, and she brushed it away, annoyed. He leaned over her, closer, a worried look creasing his brow.

  Taking her hand in his, he murmured, “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

  “Nothing.” She sucked in a breath, hiccupping as the rush of tears followed. Chris grabbed some tissues to wipe her eyes, kissing her brow. She knew she looked a mess, bruised and battered, and all because he had come to see her. “I’m…pissed off…I can’t…move. I was not good last time we saw each other. Your apartment, I’m sorry.”

  He hushed her, a warm smile brightening his eyes.

  “I’m so glad to see your green eyes open,” he whispered, sitting down in the armchair without letting her hand go, kissing the tips of her fingers. “It doesn’t matter about what happened before.”

  She was so exhausted and overwhelmed with feelings, she couldn’t respond. As he rested his head on the bed, wrapping his arm across her waist, she was grateful he had come. She began to relax, calming down and enjoying the warmth of his embrace. With all her strength, she ran her hand through his hair and down to his face, tracing his cheek. It felt so good to have him next to her. A rhythmic knock on the door broke them apart. Boric skipped into her hospital room with an overcrowded bunch of get well balloons.


  Julia woke. “So how are you feeling?” Boric looked between the two of them with some surprise.

  Chris got up from his seat. “I’ll be back, don’t go anywhere.”

  Boric called out as Chris left the room. “Don’t leave on my account.” Humming he gave her a wicked smile. “You go girlfriend! He’s hot.”

  Julia’s mouth dropped open. “Boric! Shut up. I’m working for him.”

  He found a spare spot on a table already covered in well wishes and gifts for his balloons. “That shouldn’t stop you.”

  She chatted with Boric for a little while. He had an uncanny knack of making her feel better. They had become much closer since the accident. Both Randy and Boric were like her family now, protective brothers in arms. She trusted Randy completely with her business, but wasn’t sure she could ask more hours from him to help with the Augustine. Boric made her laugh for the next hour before leaving to get back to work and the nurse came to assist her with a shower.

  Just as she was hobbling back to her bed, Chris showed up again, looking cheerful and bright. He came sauntering through the door, a large brown paper bag in his hand. The smell of a hot cappuccino and warm muffins filled her hospital room, brightening up the sterilized atmosphere. Feeling fresh and revived, she was in a much better mood for his second visit.

  “Bonjour.” The husky rhythm of his voice sent warmth all through her body. Julia had just had a shower and was wearing a fresh hospital gown. It barely covered her naked body underneath, and her bright blue panties flashed at him from the open gap.

  She took in a deep sniff of the aromatic smell, feeling her body crave food for the first time in weeks. Her eyes connected with his. She hadn’t expected to see him again today, though she tried to hide how glad she was.

  She held onto the bed railing. When she realized he wasn’t even looking at her, but at her open gown, her face flamed red. With all her strength, she tried in vain to pull the back of the gown together. It became too difficult, as the fabric was stuck on the massive freshly wrapped bandage around her knee. She knew that the bruises and scars all down her body were clearly visible, so she gave up and let the stupid gown hang loosely around her body.

  The perky nurse who’d been assisting her shower came out of the bathroom, quickly tying the loose ends of Julia’s hospital gown. “Julia, where would you like to go? Into bed or sit out for a while?” Then she caught sight of Chris and smiled. “Hello, Mr. Augustine, thank you for the night out.”

  “You’re very welcome. I brought muffins! Let’s eat.” He held up the bag. “I found them at the best Gourmet Bakery in Miami. I’ve tasted a few but these pastries are good. Come on, let’s eat.”

  She glared at him, knowing exactly what he was doing. She wasn’t going to just eat because everyone demanded she eat. Her stomach felt like it was in knots, constantly twisting uncomfortably.

  “I’m not hungry,” Julia grumbled, and turned to the nurse, “Can you help me into that chair, please?”

  Chris put down the paper bag with the cappuccino and moved over to assist Julia into the chair she indicated. She gasped when he touched her.

  “Wow those panties,” he muttered with a grin. When he had finally settled her into the large chair with pillows and crocheted blanket cozy around her, he added, “I like them, so bright they could stop traffic.”

  “Chris!” She cried out when the nurse chuckled. “Everyone will think we’re, you know.”

  “What?” He asked. “Those panties will make a guy stop and look twice. You’ll cause a riot in the hospital. Really Jules, you should choose more appropriate underwear.”

  Julia punched him lightly on the shoulder but that didn’t stop her from turning red. She looked up at the ceiling, anywhere but at him. Ever since she had known him, she had been unable to stop her face from turning red at the slightest suggestive comment. One day, her face would remain permanently red, she was sure of it.

  While he was setting up the trolley next to the bed with a cappuccino and a whole array of mini-muffins, smelling delightfully delicious, she let her gaze settle on him and was really tempted to eat some muffins. Then, once he had arranged the assortment out, he raised a brow at her. “Well?”

  Julia settled herself into the chair. “I don’t want to eat. And stop looking at me like that, I can wear whatever underwear I like.”

  The nurse and Doctor Werona, accompanied by five other doctors, entered the room right at that moment. Covering her face, Julia mumbled, “Oh, God.”

  Chris chuckled, leaning against the freshly made hospital bed in all innocence. Julia glared at him and did her best to ignore his presence, but didn’t succeed.

  “Mr. Augustine I hear you’ve shouted all the emergency staff to a night out. It’s very much the talk of the hospital, thank you,” Doctor Werona said with a bright smile.

  Julia stared back at Doctor Werona, her mouth pursed primly. She decided to cut her off before she continued to flirt with Chris.

  “I want to go home, Doctor.”

  Doctor Werona cleared her throat, getting down to business. “Right, Julia, you may be able to leave us sooner than expected. Your knee will likely not need another reconstructive surgery, you’re doing well. And your hip, how’s it feeling, is there much pain?”

  “No, not really.” She glanced at Chris who was encouraging her to eat one of the muffins with his eyes.

  Doctor Werona continued. “You will have to wear a knee brace for the next few months depending on how well it heals. I think since your mobility has increased, you’ll do well with crutches. If that is too much of a strain, we can arrange a wheelchair, but I’m certain with the support of your family, you’ll do well. We’ll need to see you for physi
cal therapy, also. I’ll get administration to organize the papers for therapy.”

  “I can go?” She waited for the answer with great anticipation, the excitement so much she turned to Chris, grabbing his leg in her excitement.

  Doctor Werona checked her pulse, and without missing a beat, scratched a few more notes on the folder she had in her hand. All this time, she didn’t even look up. “As soon as you start eating properly, you can go. You’ve dropped a lot of weight and it’s only been a couple of weeks since the accident. You don’t seem interested in eating. I believe a counselor may be the next to step.”

  Julia felt her balloon of elation deflate and she glowered as Doctor Werona.

  “El médico loco, qué sabe ella?” Julia snapped.

  Doctor Werona stared hard at her for a moment. “I understood what you said.”

  Julia ignored the doctor’s reference to her insult. “I do eat! When I feel like it.”

  “That’s not enough. So we’ll be able to discharge you once we get the all clear in that area. It’s not uncommon for trauma patients to lose their appetite. So I’ll see you tomorrow.” Doctor Werona finished jotting down her notes, looked up at Chris and flashed him a smile, departing.

  Julia muttered a few unsavory comments about Doctor Werona under her breath. From the corner of her eye, she could see Chris pressing his lips together to stop himself from laughing.

  “It’s not funny.” Finally, Julia focused her attention back on Chris, relaxed comfortably on the pristine crisp new sheets of the hospital bed. “I think she likes you.”

  “Maybe I should have given her my number.”

  She changed the subject. “I’ll be back on the Augustine as soon as I get home. Randy and I will work together on this. I’ll--”

  “No you won’t,” he cut her off. “We’ve already got some challenges. Randy can deal with it.”

  Her eyes widened, she hadn’t even remembered how much work had to be done. “I just spoke to Randy this morning, why didn’t he mention it? Pass me that phone. I have to call Randy. You’d think he’d tell me what’s going on.”

  In her agitation she tried to stand, but couldn’t manage to even lift herself out of the seat, a little exhausted by the effort. Frustrated, she blurted out a string of Spanish swear words.

  Chris sat forward. “Relax, calm down. Randy has got everything under control. You have to concentrate on getting better.”

  She pointed at the phone. “Please pass me the phone.”

  “Get up and get it.” He challenged, knowing full well she was already exhausted. “If you can, you can call Randy. And by the way, I’m not letting you work on the Augustine until you’re out of this hospital. Randy is under instructions not to discuss it with you. I’m your client and don’t think I won’t fire you.”

  “What!” She slammed her hands against the armchair. “That’s my business, I need to know what’s going on.”

  Chris sat back a little surprised at her outburst, a smile slowly forming on his lips. “When you’re out of the hospital, you can consult all you like. So if you start eating, you’ll be out in no time.”

  His eyes flickered in the direction of the muffins, and his smile brightened when she went to reach for a chocolate muffin, taking the smallest bite, she tried to eat, but ended up putting the muffin back. Her mouth twisted and she swallowed with difficulty.

  “You’re such a pain,” she grumbled, dusting off her hands.

  “Right,” he said blandly, leaning back on his elbows. “Why aren’t you eating, Jules?”

  “Leave me alone, you sound like every doctor, my mother and every other person who thinks they know.” She peeked at him. “Can’t you just let it go?”

  Chris nodded his agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. “Alright, I’ll let it go.”

  She turned to him suspiciously. “Why are you smiling?”

  “No reason.” His lips quirked even more and he put up his hands in a defensive manner.

  Julia lifted a brow at his half-innocent expression. She didn’t believe that for a second. But she didn’t press further, not wanting to spoil their pleasant camaraderie.

  “Look, Julia, I’m going to be gone for a few weeks. My father… my father’s…” Chris stopped abruptly, swallowing. “My father’s health isn’t the best. He’s taken a turn for the worse. Now that I know you’re all right, I have to fly out tonight to be next to him. If, and I mean no matter what it is, you need me, call.”

  “Oh, Chris… I had no idea.” Julia pressed her hand in his. She had never known a father in her life and felt for him deeply.

  The nurse came waltzing in, bright and cheery, interrupting them. “Okay, Julia, the doctor has asked me to do some stimuli tests,” she said, crossing over to place a folder down on the table next to the bed.

  Chris hopped off the bed. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Wait!” Julia called out.

  He stopped, waiting for her to say something.

  “Thank you for coming by.”

  He re-entered the room, the nurse stepping back out of the way. Julia took his outstretched hand, sighing when he leaned closer and kissed her cheek. “Remember, anything you need, just call me.”

  Chapter Nine

  It was hard to move her body the same way she used to. Her brain was telling her to go this way, but her legs were cramping, stuck. Her difficulty in eating gave the doctors a reason to keep her in the hospital. She despised them for that. No matter what, no one could pull her out of her depression. Physically, she progressed in stages, mentally she suffered. She missed Chris’ company. He called every now and then but it wasn’t the same as when he was by her side even if only for a moment. He had to be with his father.

  Then one morning, Irene appeared at her hospital door. Julia was glaring at the food in front of her when she arrived. The doctor had threatened to tube her, if she didn’t make more of an effort to eat.

  “Julia,” Irene spoke, voice clipped. She walked into the room.

  “Go away, Irene.” The tears automatically started to spill down her cheeks.

  “Is that what you told your mother to do? She’s sitting outside wondering how she can help her daughter. Look at you! You’re wasting away.”

  Julia took in slow breaths, closing her eyes to Irene, but it didn’t stop her from hearing what she obviously came here to say.

  “Take it from a mother who has watched her child suffer,” Irene spoke softly. “You don’t want to put your mother through the same thing I went through. Why aren’t you eating honey?”

  “I do eat!” Julia knocked the tray away from her as hard as she could.

  Irene stepped back, waving away the nurses, who had rushed in. After the hiccup of sobs subsided, Julia wiped away the tears on her cheek. “Carlos was next to me when that car hit, why didn’t he take me with him?”

  “It’s not your time to go.”

  “When the car hit, I wasn’t thinking of Carlos. I was thinking of someone else.”

  Irene shifted the food tray on the stand and pushed it back toward Julia. “There is no shame, certainly no guilt in thinking of someone other than Carlos.” She settled herself in the armchair next to Julia’s hospital bed. “Carlos used to tell me how much you loved to eat rice and yogurt if you felt unwell. I brought some for you.”

  Irene pulled the small tub from out of her expensive bag. Julia gaped while Irene took the bright blue lid off the freshly made rice. Then she pulled out a mini-tub of Greek yogurt. Her stomach grumbled. Irene took a spoon and scooped a small amount of yogurt onto the rice. It was something Julia had always eaten when she had an upset stomach. Several moments passed. Julia scooped a small amount of rice and yoghurt onto the spoon, bringing it to her mouth and chewing slowly. Irene sat back, satisfied.

  Three weeks later and with two and a half kilos gained, Julia was sent home.


  Without the support of crutches and the brace tight around her mangled knee, she found it difficult to get
anywhere. Back in the real world without nurses to assist at a moment’s notice caused upheaval for Julia’s already fragile emotions. Sweat, tears, and a few Spanish tantrums were popping out of her, making her most vulnerable.

  Physiotherapy was making her cranky. She wasn’t able to move around, which was slowing her mental progress in being able to get back to work. Even her mother was getting a dose of her bad mood. It was the weekend and Julia had decided to order some walking bars for the apartment. She paid a hefty price from Carlos’ money, but it didn’t matter anymore. Irene had always said she could use the money any way she wanted.

  Randy and Boric were quick to assist in setting up the bars. When finished, they encouraged her to hop on. She glared at the bright blue bars for several moments.

  “You know, giving ‘walking bob’ that look isn’t going to do much to help you move any better,” Boric muttered, rolling his eyes and heading for the kitchen.

  Randy came to stand beside her. “Go for it, Jules. I’ll help you along. Here, give me the crutches.”

  When he tried to take the crutches away by gripping her elbow, she pulled back. “Give me a second.”

  Boric was gulping down coke from a large bottle. “Get on the walking bob! We didn’t just put the thing together for you to stare at it.”

  “Boric, be quiet!” Randy pointed for his boyfriend to leave.

  Julia leaned into Randy. “It’s okay, I think I’m ready.”

  “Okay let’s go for it.” Boric started clapping his hands together and stamping his feet for encouragement while hooting a cheer.

  Julia giggled, glad for the support. She took the step to jump on the walking bob. With Randy’s help, she began slow and watched the clock as she began to move her legs. A minute passed, the sweat began to build while a lump in her throat threatened to bring on tears. She had only taken five steps. Her balance was way off, her hip and knee strained with the pain. She stopped, her eyes burning.

  Randy tapped the bar. “Come on, Julia, you can keep going. Another step.”


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