Mad About the Boy

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Mad About the Boy Page 19

by Suzan Battah

  Hastily, she buckled her seatbelt again. “Wait, where are we going?”

  Chris refused to answer her, she would see soon enough. He heard her gasp of shock when he pulled up to her place. Thankfully her roommates were out. He had the key to her house and strode up the steps with determination.

  “Chris?” Julia tried to stop him, but wasn’t quick enough.

  He beat her to the door and headed straight for her bedroom. “I’m going to show you.”

  More than anything, he needed for her to open her eyes and see the seriousness of the situation. He knew about her purple bag full of medicine. One by one, he pulled out unnamed bottles full of pills. Sleeping pills, packets of painkillers, and five medication bottles lined up on her dresser.

  “Can you explain what each medication is meant for? Especially the ones without labels?” he asked, more calmly now.

  She bit her lip. Chris watched her twisting her necklace between her fingers. When she finally looked at him, his heart squeezed at the hurt deep within her eyes.

  “What are each of these meds for?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  “I swear I didn’t do this on purpose. Just for the last few weeks, I’ve been exhausted,” she confessed, relenting. “I’m just so tired. I can’t keep up all the time; with work, with you. The Augustine renovations, I don’t want anything to go wrong. So I’ve been working long hours. I want to be with you too, but I’m just so tired. Working from home isn’t easy. The Augustine contract was mine; I should be working on it. I want to see how everything is going. Why did this have to happen to me? Now, I don’t want this, not anymore.”

  Chris closed his eyes. The revelation was hard to take. His protective instincts came bubbling up to the surface. He reached for her, pulling her close in a hug. If only he had seen more clearly, this wouldn’t have happened. Julia meant everything to him and he had let her down.

  “What did I do?” He needed to know. “Was it the late nights?”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, Chris. I didn’t want to disappoint you,” she confessed, her voice cracking with emotion. “This isn’t about you, it’s me.”

  “You can always ask me for help,” he responded, finally understanding the gravity of what she was feeling. “I want you to be happy. Are you unhappy with me?”

  “No, never.” Feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beating beneath her fingers, she whispered, “I am so glad I met you, and you are too good to me. I feel alive again. You make me feel like a queen. But you’re used to late nights and a hectic lifestyle. These last three weeks in particular have been very exhausting. I’ve been going between Key Biscayne and Miami for close to three weeks. I just need a break… from everything, even you.”

  The stricken look of despair on her face made him hug her closer to him. Yet she was already in the grip of a panic. Her body changed, tensed.

  She was angry, grabbing the medicine bottles, she started throwing them in the waste bin. “I’m not ever going to take pills again. I don’t care how much I need to sleep. Never again. I’m so sorry, Chris.”

  Chris took the bin from her hands. “Julia, if you need a break, it’s okay. Take a break.”

  “I can’t take a break.” Her breathing was short and sharp, gasping air.

  Chris rubbed her arms. “Sure you can.”

  The doctor had warned Chris that Julia may feel depressed or suffer an anxiety attack when she went back home. Even with that knowledge, he was shocked seeing her go through it. Chris tried to ease her agony, kneeling beside her, whispering words of comfort, but she continued to draw each breath as if it were her last.

  “Julia… baby… take slow breaths, slow breaths. You’re okay,” he said, rubbing her back. His heart pounded. A lump formed in his throat as he watched the pained emotions on her face. Her eyes were red and wet as she gasped, shaking. If he didn’t do something now, she would collapse and they would be spending another night in the hospital.

  He jumped up, rushing to the kitchen, rummaging through the kitchen drawers until he found what he was looking for. Busting the bag open, he pulled out a brown paper bag. He swore when his nervous fingers couldn’t get a grip on it, and then the whole packet spilled onto the floor. Swearing some more, he scooped down to pick up a paper bag and ran back into the bedroom.

  Julia her face pale, almost blue, and wet with tears was staring back at him. She was trembling, afraid to look at him.

  He crouched down next to her, holding the bag in front of her mouth for to blow air in and out. “Breathe. Breathe into the bag.”

  She did as he instructed and he watched as color came back into her features. After several frightening minutes, she finally calmed enough. Her breathing came in and out steadily.

  Chris ran a hand down his face. His eyes stung and his heart pumped blood through his body in a rush of adrenaline. Never before had he witnessed someone so distressed. The feelings she evoked in him were painful, but he couldn’t show her how scared he was while she was gasping for breath.

  She was still shivering with anxiety. He knew he had to be her strength. He settled down beside her on the floor and wrapped an arm around her.

  “Take as long as you need.” He kissed her temple. “The Augustine isn’t important.”

  “Yes, it is,” she retorted croakily.

  He looked down at her, frowning, shaking his head. “No, it’s not. The Augustine is not going to collapse if the renovations don’t finish on time.” He tightened his arms around her, smoothing back her hair. He felt completely out of his element. The uncertain feeling didn’t sit well with him.

  She rested her head against his knees while he rubbed circles on her back. They sat like that, crouched on the floor in the darkness of the house. He felt her pain and took it to heart that she had not sought his help. The previous night had been hell. He had watched her shaking and sweating as she drifted in and out of sleep.

  Though he had no understanding of what she was going through, he couldn’t help but take on the burden she felt. Chris needed to show her how much she meant to him.

  “I am here for you, whatever you need. You could have died and I would never have forgiven you for that. Do you understand me?”

  Chris wiped her tears as she nodded, planting a loud smacking kiss on her wet cheek. She laughed huskily.

  He turned serious. “I never want to lose you.”

  She pressed her hands together to stop shaking. “I’m sorry. I should have told you. It’s only been these last few weeks, Chris. I just want to rest. I’m one of those silly workaholics.”

  “Don’t apologize. I should have been there when you needed me. And even workaholics can rest.”

  He caressed her, holding her in his warm embrace, soothing her with tender words and gentle kisses across her brow. “I think you should take a break, away from here for a while. Wherever you want to go, get away and relax, get pampered. Rejuvenate.”

  “Chris, I really can’t drop everything to take time out,” she said after a moment.

  Chris silenced her by pressing a finger to her lips. “There’s no point in arguing. Forget about work and I’ll put you on the plane myself if I have to. Ben’s gone off to Vancouver with the private jet, so we’ll get you on the next flight out tomorrow.”

  Chapter Twenty

  When she arrived on the island the next day, the peaceful atmosphere was a refreshing relaxant. She took a deep breath, remembering the great time she had with Chris on their weekend away. Putting her small tote bag down, she stretched and felt every muscle in her body soften.

  As it was early September, the weather was perfect. The scenery was beautiful, majestic, and peaceful with serenity. The smooth clear water of the ocean rippled with the breeze. She closed the front door, clicking the lock into place, and headed for the bedroom. There was only one thing on her mind. She stripped out of her clothes, changing into an oversized t-shirt of Chris’, savoring the faint scent of him as she crawled into bed.

/>   Finally, she was on her way home. The pleasant two-week break was all she needed and she found the brief absence from Miami excruciating, making her wonder if she had gone crazy. She couldn’t wait to get back into designing and especially seeing Chris. She had been so lost without him at some points, without him lying next to her.

  It was Chris that she missed most. Julia missed everything about him, his smile, his scent, and especially his touch. She missed the relaxing times they would be out on the Augustine balcony, just the two of them. But just as much, she wanted to get back into their hectic lifestyle. Together they had so much fun. She wanted that back. But this time she would make sure she balanced out her time and delegated work. There were so many times that she could have passed the work on. She hadn’t because she was a bit of a perfectionist. Julia enjoyed the little challenges just as much as the big projects. But work would always be there and her health was more important, especially with Chris in her life.

  She couldn’t deny she missed his passionate nature, especially now that she was feeling better. She was glad she had taken time off to recuperate. But now that she was healthy again, more than anything, she couldn’t wait to get back to her over-sexed, hot-blooded boyfriend.

  They had agreed not to speak at all during her break away. They were supposed to call only if there was an emergency. But now that she was on her way home, she couldn’t wait to see him. She missed the sound of his voice.

  Her plane finally landed at Miami Airport and took another half hour to taxi in. She was becoming impatient with the delay. Chris would be waiting for her. Her belly fluttered with anticipation. They had been apart for a couple of weeks, yet her feelings had only grown stronger.

  The perky flight attendant announced brightly, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Miami, the city of surf and sunshine. Enjoy your stay, and if you’re returning home, welcome back.”

  Julia didn’t hear the rest of what was said. She jumped out of her seat to grab her bag and get off the plane. The excited chatter of the people behind her faded into the background as she strode through the terminal, scanning the waiting crowd for Chris.

  There were many people at the concourse entry, but Chris wasn’t anywhere she could see. Deflated, she stopped right there in the middle of the terminal. Other travelers pushed past her, annoyed.

  Then from behind the barriers to keep visitors back, she heard, “Julia?”

  She heard his voice through the noise. Turning to the left, she peered through the crowd but couldn’t see him. Damn! He’s six foot something! Why can’t I see him? “Chris!” She started to push through the crowd, stopped on hearing her name again.


  His voice came from behind her and she spun around. Then she saw him, in fact she couldn’t miss him as he squeezed through and ducked under the flimsy barrier.

  Julia jumped into his arms, throwing him off-balance in his surprise. He smelled so good.

  “I’ve missed you too,” he whispered by her ear. “Welcome home.”

  Julia released him, smiling. He bent to pick up her bag, holding his hand out to her.

  A fresh start.

  A new and exciting beginning.

  They drove through the late afternoon traffic in silence. She had to smile at the effort he was putting in for her as they left the terminal. They didn’t have to say much about the last two weeks. Every time he glanced at her, she felt like he was touching her. They just had to feel the electrifying chemistry between them charging high all the way back home. Julia noted he didn’t take the turn off to head over to the Augustine.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, curious as he made an unexpected detour toward Grand Bay Drive.

  “The condo’s all finished. I want to show you and we’ll spend a good time resting there tonight,” he said. “Randy’s done a great job on the condo.”

  Resting? What is he going on about?

  She shook her head and put his cryptic comment out of her mind. Julia really wanted to see the finished work of her design on his condo.

  They arrived a few moments later. She went straight in, while Chris got her bags out. She switched on the lights to get a good look. Julia had never felt prouder, the change was amazing. The drop sheets, newspapers, and design books had been cleared away. The new fittings made a major difference, very masculine and the whole atmosphere felt like a home. The simplicity in the furniture and change in color palette made a huge impact on the condo. She nodded her head in approval. She had done a good job. Randy must have worked overtime to get it finished for her. She wondered what strings he had to pull with the contractors to get it completed so quickly.

  Chris came to stand beside her, putting her bag down. “You have a real talent, Ms. Mendoza. You’ve changed this condo into a man-friendly home.”

  Julia couldn’t keep the smile away. His compliment really pleased her. She knew no matter what, he wouldn’t live there, but his high appraisal was all she needed.

  “So we’re staying here tonight?”

  He nodded and leaned down. She thought he was about to kiss her, but he scooped up her bags instead. She gritted her teeth in frustration and grabbed his arm, loosening his grip on the bags until he put them back down. Then she pulled him closer, and making her intent absolutely clear, pressed into him with a thorough kiss.

  At first, he was hesitant and about to back away, but she wouldn’t allow it. His enthusiasm took over for a while. They were touching everywhere, embracing close.

  “Are you sure?”

  She grinned. “Absolutely.”

  He lifted her up into his arms and headed straight for the bedroom. Julia loved being secure in his arms once again. He shoved open the bedroom door and headed straight for the bed, but stopped short as a small shriek split the air. The couple in his bed immediately ducked further under the covers.

  Julia couldn’t believe they had just walked in on another couple in the condo. She was bemused, a little embarrassed, but more than anything, she wanted to laugh outright.

  Two glasses, half-full of red wine, and a couple of bottles of empty beer were on the bedside table. A packet of condoms lay open on the dresser next to the bed. She was so shocked to see the couple, she couldn’t even appreciate the change in the room.

  A glance at Chris showed he was going through some shock of his own. He was stunned, his mouth dropping open, and then he was furious. She would never have guessed what would happen next.

  Just as he looked about ready to start abusing the occupants in his bed, his arms loosened around her.

  “Chris!” Julia’s voice rose with alarm just as he let go of her. She bounced off the end of the bed, landing on the floor at his feet.

  It took several seconds for him to register that he had just dropped her, and then he came to her aid. She wanted to laugh. He had never dropped her before.

  “I’m so sorry, Jules. Here, let me help you.” His face now had bright red stains across his cheeks.

  Julia allowed him to help her up. The whole situation was becoming amusing that she couldn’t help it, she burst into hysterical laughter. Chris scowled at her reaction, then turned his focus back on the young couple hiding in his bed.

  He shouted, “Get up, Ben. Now!”

  Julia sobered slightly, but a giggle escaped her lips when she tried to say something. With as much calm as she could muster, she choked out to her furious boyfriend. “Come on, Chris, stay calm. We’re all adults here.”

  He turned his furious glare on her, gritting his teeth. “This isn’t funny, Julia. I know it’s you, Ben. Get out of my bed now!”

  Ben sighed before pulling the covers off his head. “I thought you were staying with Julia at the Augustine tonight. You hate it here. You never come here,” Ben muttered in his defense.

  Chris’ eyes flared and he gave Ben a meaningful look as if a silent message was being sent.

  “Change of plans. I didn’t leave a key for my place so you could have a… a liaison dans mon lit! What’
s wrong with you? Obtenez une clef chez le Augustine la sont des salles pour votre usage special.”

  The young woman elbowed Ben from under the covers. “I want to leave, please. Can you have this conversation later?” her muffled voice protested.

  Ben gave Chris a pointed look. “Give us some privacy, will you?”

  Julia yanked on Chris’ sleeve before his temper exploded. He looked about ready to boil over and she pulled him out of the room.

  As they went into the kitchen, she couldn’t stop laughing. Chris looked so serious, completely furious. From behind the closed door, she could hear Ben trying to placate his partner and the low murmur of his voice eventually had a round of giggles erupting. This interchange had Chris fuming as he glared at his bedroom door.

  She opened the fridge and passed Chris a bottle of water. He opened it, drinking deeply and handing it back to her. She took a small sip, carefully noting the tension in his body. His temper was highly strung. The cool water seemed to ease him a little, but he still was in a bad mood.

  She knew she shouldn’t add to his annoyance, but she said it anyway. “He didn’t know you were coming here tonight. It’s an honest mistake. Everyone knows you hate it here.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He should know better. This is still my condo. I haven’t given him the keys yet.” His jaw set as his cheeks flushed a soft red again.

  A small giggle escaped her lips before she could stop it. Eyes widening at her amusement, he pushed away from the kitchen bench. She reached out to stop him, but he dodged past.

  “Relax, I’m not laughing at you, just the situation.” She tried in vain to hold back the chuckles.

  Chris scoffed and headed for the couch and flopped down, his large body covering most of the seat. Maybe he felt like the night had been ruined. He seemed annoyed, disappointed, and a little embarrassed all at once. She approached him as he kicked his feet hanging over the edge of the couch.


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