Beautiful Music

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Beautiful Music Page 23

by Lisa DeVore

  Chase shoved the phone in his pocket. “They’ve got her.”

  Braden needed no further explanation. “Now what?”

  “We go to the police station, so I can punch Burrows in the face.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  The motor was still humming as Chase and Braden ran into the police department, grabbing the first cop they saw. “Where’s Burrow’s office?” Chase huffed.

  “Second floor, 212,” the officer directed and walked off.

  They took the steps two at a time and quickly found the office and busted in. There were several officers and a woman standing in front of his desk. Chase took a double take at the female dressed in dark pants and wearing a bulletproof vest that said “FBI” on the back. A revolver was holstered at her hip.

  “Mrs. R?” His words were barely audible.

  She turned in his direction.

  He was having difficulty forming a sentence. “I know,” he stammered, “you told me on the phone…but…” he paused to stare at the woman he thought he knew. He couldn’t reconcile this image with the one he’d become familiar with over the past year. “You’re a housekeeper.”

  She smiled. “That’s my day job. Now, let’s find your girls, shall we?”

  “Chase, go home,” Burrows ordered.

  “Go to hell. You’re lucky I don’t go with my original plan and punch you in the face. I’m going to help you, or I look on my own. I don’t have to follow the same rules as you do.”

  “Easy, kid…I don’t want to put you behind bars, but I will if I have to. You’re wasting valuable time. Now get out of here and let us handle this,” Detective Burrows threatened.

  “Your threats mean nothing to me,” Chase growled.

  “Dude, I think he means it,” Braden cautioned.

  “Let him try,” Chase glared at the detective.

  “Addison, hold him for questioning,” Burrows ordered and turned away from him.

  “You son-of-a….”

  Mrs. R. gave Chase a warning glance before interjecting. “John, you’re not going to talk him out of this. You might as well use him to our advantage.”

  Chase dared him to disagree.

  “I’m in, too,” Braden added.

  “Who the hell are you?” Burrows asked.

  “He’s a friend. He’s in my band,” Chase answered impatiently.

  “Just what I need,” the detective grumbled.

  “You never know when you’ll need a guitar player,” Braden challenged.

  Detective Burrows eyed him momentarily without comment, going back to the map and explaining the landmarks Jena mentioned in their phone conversation.

  Chase stood by listening for a couple minutes before announcing to Braden, “Let’s get out of here. I’ve heard enough. I’m not going to stand around here looking at pictures when they’re out there somewhere. Call me if you find her before I do.”

  “You know something, don’t you?” Braden whispered as they retreated down the hall.

  “There’s a mansion off the road near Indian Rocks Beach. It’s isolated and been empty for years.”

  “The old Patterson mansion?”

  “That’s the one. The owner passed with no children. It’s a long shot, but I have to try something.”

  “Maybe you should tell them,” Braden suggested.

  “Why? So they can make me wait for a search warrant? No. No more waiting.”


  As Braden turned over the ignition he asked, “What’s the plan?”

  Chase pulled a picture of the house up on his cell phone. “Every coward has a couple of thugs. You don’t have to do this.”

  Braden chuckled. “Sure I do. Give me a chance to try out my new Ninja moves.”

  “This is serious. It’s not a bar room brawl,” Chase warned.

  Braden took a serious tone. “I’m aware of that. If the situation were reversed you’d have my back. So, you got a plan, right?”

  “I’m making that up as I go along.”

  “Yeah, I figured that.”

  Chase used the twenty-minute commute to study the pictures of the rooms and grounds on his phone. They used the house as a rental for a while, but for some reason it was abandoned. He was grateful for the information that floated around the web.

  Braden cut the engine. “So…now we have a plan, right?”

  “I’m going to knock on the front door,” Chase said evenly.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Very serious.”

  “You know there is a possibility they have guns?”

  “I won’t ask you to go in with me.”

  “You don’t have to ask me. I want to make sure you’ve thought of everything. Let’s go pound some bad guy ass.” Braden shut the door quietly behind him. “I don’t see anyone. You think this is the place?”

  “I know she’s here. I can feel it.”

  Braden pointed to the other side of the house. “There’s an SUV parked on the other side. Do you see it? Behind the gazebo?”

  “That’s Richards’ rental. I’d know it anywhere,” he answered with a growl.

  “Maybe we should call in the troops,” Braden suggested.

  “No…no…they’ll want me to wait. I’m going to handle this my way.” Chase was doing his level best to suppress the fury that was rising up in him. He had to be smart. Jena was in there…Andrea…and possibly Jasmine. He couldn’t operate on emotion only.

  He walked with determination up the driveway with Braden at his side. Reaching the door, Chase knocked forcefully. They only waited moments before a large, muscular man opened the door.

  “What do you want?” the man asked gruffly.

  Braden looked at Chase and said, “This must be the muscle.”

  Chase ignored Braden’s comment. “I’m here to see Richards.”

  Todd walked up with a smug look. “It’s okay, Eddie, I’ll handle this.”

  Eddie walked away, but Chase was sure he was within hearing distance.

  “I’m here for Jena, Andrea, and Jasmine,” he said with fire in his eyes.

  “You must be joking,” he laughed mockingly. “Did you bring someone with you?” he taunted, looking side to side out the front door.

  Chase smiled back. “I was hoping you would say that.” He punched Todd in the face before he could raise his hands in defense. Blood dripped from his nose and his eyes watered. Todd blinked furiously, trying to focus.

  “You’re going to regret that,” he threatened in a low, unsteady tone.

  Chase pushed him into a wall and walked past him, looking from one direction to the other, trying to remember the layout.

  “Dude, how did I know you were going to do that?” Braden replied following close behind.

  They turned the corner to find Eddie standing there, arms folded in front of him. “Going somewhere, fellows?”

  “Actually, we are,” Braden stepped forward. He was every bit as tall as the muscle, but about a hundred pounds less.

  Eddie grinned at him, legs planted wide with an “I dare you” look on his face.

  “Do you need help with this?” Chase offered.

  “No, I think I’m good.” Before the big guy could unfold his arms Braden did a ridge hand to the neck. Eddie fell like a house of cards, unconscious.

  Braden stared in disbelief. “Shit, it worked,” he muttered.

  “Come on!” Chase grabbed Braden by the elbow, pulling him along. “The kitchen is this way. There’s a servant’s stairway. With any luck, no one will be using it.”

  Chase placed his foot on the first step when a piercing siren filled the house. He wasn’t expecting an alarm in a house that had been sitting empty. He was sure it wasn’t to call the police. “That coward son-of-a-bitch.” He hurried up the steps, not taking the time to see Braden behind him.

  They were headed down the center hallway when a scream echoed off the walls.

  “Jena?” he yelled. There was no response. They threw every door open in t
heir path.

  “Chase, in here!” Braden called.

  Chase stood in the doorway with fury in his eyes. Jena was there. Standing behind her was a carbon copy of Richards with a knife to her neck. Chase’s fists itched to lay him out, but the terrified look on Jena’s face brought him back to the moment.

  “Don’t worry, Beautiful. He won’t hurt you.” He stared at her intently, willing her to be calm.

  “Oh, you think I won’t hurt her? She’s nothing to me. But she’s your girlfriend, right?” Trevor taunted Chase as he nuzzled her neck. “You have good taste. She smells so good.” He looked up with a grin.

  Chase lunged forward. Braden caught his arm and stopped him.

  “Your friend is wise.”

  “If you think you’ll get out of here you’re dumber than your brother. By the way,” Chase commented quickly trying to distract Jena’s captor, “he took off down the driveway leaving you to deal with the cops.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Trevor smiled. “I never count Todd into any equation. He’s spineless. I’m not,” he said as he ran the blade sideways across Jena’s neck. “Kindly move aside. I have a boat to catch.”

  The loud commotion downstairs drew their attention, but Chase was careful to keep his eyes on him. One glance away and he knew Richards would make his move. The noise was moving up the steps.

  “It’s the cops,” Chase announced, silently praying he was right. “You’d better let go of her now, Richards. Things will go easier on you.”

  “You’re sure that’s not my people?” he mocked tightening his grip on Jena.

  Chase heard someone coming up behind him. A woman’s voice spoke with authority, “Sorry, you lose.” Standing to his right was Mrs. R, her revolver pointed at Trevor Richards.

  Jena gasped “Mrs. R?” The color left her face.

  “Hello, dear. I guess we have a few things to talk about, but I’m a wee bit busy right now.” Mrs. R. smiled, never taking her eye off her target as Detective Burrows joined them.

  “I hate to break up this lovely reunion,” Trevor commented snidely, “but you have thirty seconds to drop those or I slit her throat. Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, twenty-seven…”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chase tensed up. “I would strongly suggest you think twice about that. I will personally kill you. Count on it.” The muscles in his jaw twitched with fury.

  “Chase, please…” The tears slid down Jena’s face.

  “Twenty-six, twenty-five, twenty-four…”

  The deafening sound of gunfire echoed throughout the room. Chase’s ears rang as he smelled the gunpowder. Everything moved in slow motion as he lunged toward Jena. Someone was pulling at him. He shook them off. “Jena?” He patted her face, trying desperately to get her to wake. Was she shot? He looked for blood, but didn’t see any. “Jena, wake up.” God, No! This couldn’t be happening.

  “We need EMT up here now.” He looked back toward Detective Burrows. What was he missing? She couldn’t be dead. He had so much to say.

  She moved. “Chase?”

  “Right here, Beautiful. Are you hurt?” Relief washed over him at the sound of her voice.

  “No…no, I don’t think so. Andrea. Where’s Andrea?” Jena struggled to stand..

  “Whoa, little lady, take it easy. She’s fine,” Detective Burrows smiled at Jena. “She’s downstairs with her mother, safe and sound.”

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Chase continued to look her over.

  “I’m fine…now…”

  “Can you stand?” She nodded and he helped her to her feet.

  She swayed, closing her eyes and taking a slow, even breath. Chase tightened his grip on her as she spoke. “My sister was involved in this. She’s not right. Something’s wrong with her. She’s so distant.” She paused. “Jasmine’s going to go to jail, Chase…my sister.”

  Before he could respond, Mrs. R. walked back in the room. Chase watched as Jena stared at her in disbelief. He knew the feeling.


  Jena couldn’t take her eyes off the revolver holstered on Mrs. R.’s hip. She shot Trevor…her housekeeper. She realized her mouth was hanging open.

  “I suppose you have a couple of questions for me?”

  “I do. Like why is my housekeeper wearing a bulletproof vest?”

  Mrs. R. turned around, so Jena could read the large letters.

  “F.B.I.? Where did you get that?”

  “She’s an agent, Jen,” Chase answered.

  Jena shook her head in denial. “No, that’s not possible. I would have known.”

  “If you had figured it out, dear, I wouldn’t have been doing my job. I hated lying to you both, but I was undercover.”

  Memories flooded Jena’s mind. She thought back to Mrs. R. in the living room with the shotgun…all the things she said, coaxing her in a certain direction. She was always calm and in control. The chummy relationship with Detective Burrows made perfect sense…now. He knew.

  “Is your name really Mrs. Reynolds?”

  “Yes, Ellen Reynolds. Soon to be Retired Undercover Agent Reynolds.

  “All those times you were visiting family.” Jena’s voice trailed off at the memory. “You weren’t there to help my sister, but to arrest her.” She struggled to hold back tears as Chase wrapped his arm around her protectively. She leaned into him.

  “No, I wasn’t visiting family. I was at the Bureau.” She sighed. “Jena, your sister wasn’t my objective. Trevor Richards was under investigation. He’s been scamming widows for years. This time he took things to another level. In the past, he would gain the confidence of a wealthy widow by flattery and charm. Before they realized what happened, he was gone with their life savings. He had to adjust his plan when he found out your sister was in financial trouble. I had no idea he was planning on faking their deaths. For a short time we weren’t sure what had happened to Jasmine. Then, the phone call came in.”

  “What phone call?” Chase asked before she could.

  “Jasmine called Andrea. She told her she would be joining her soon. That was our break.”

  “So, you knew who she was talking to that night? Why didn’t you tell us? I’ve been out of my mind. I broke up with Chase to protect him!” Jena was furious.

  “You wouldn’t have been a good enough actress to fool that one, Jena. He would have run.”

  “Now, my sister’s going to jail, isn’t she?”

  “I wish I could tell you she wasn’t. That will be up to the prosecutor. Of course, you can count on me to put in a good word for her. Trevor used her. Hopefully, the D.A. will go easy on her. No money from the insurance company has changed hands yet, so there was only intent. That will help her, but not Richards. We have a sheet so long on him the Devil would blush.” Mrs. R. took her hand. “I’m truly sorry, dear, but I’m not sorry about being there to watch over you. There is one thing you must never question. I’m very fond of all of you. I hope someday you will forgive me.”

  Jena didn’t reply. Forgiveness? She wasn’t there yet.

  “Knock, knock.” Detective Burrows poked his head in. “I have someone here to see you.” He stepped aside to allow Andrea around him, running as fast as her little legs could carry her.

  Jena collapsed in grateful tears.

  “Aunt Jen, why are all the police cars here? Mama said to go with Mr. Burrows.” She motioned for Jena to lean down and she whispered, “I saw them carry a dead guy.”

  Jena glanced at Chase in time to see him cover a smile. “He wasn’t dead, honey, only hurt.”

  How was she going to explain all of this?


  “Chase, can I have a minute?” Detective Burrows shot him a look signifying it wasn’t an option.

  He followed him into the hallway. “What’s up?”

  “They’re getting ready to transport your sister-in-law to the station,” he said, sounding apologetic. “You have a lawyer you could call? I’m not sure the little lady is ready to represent her sister.”r />
  Chase hesitated. “Yeah. Sure. Let me think.”

  Braden walked up beside him, resting his hand on his shoulder. “Got it covered, Dude. I put in a phone call to the band attorney and he’s calling a buddy of his. I hung up with him a couple of minutes ago.”

  “I owe you big time, Braden. Thanks.”

  “Yes, you do and I’ve already started composing a list.”

  “I’ll be heading out shortly. Can I give you a lift?” Detective Burrows asked Braden.

  “It’s nice to see you two getting along,” Chase grinned at them.

  “Well, the detective found a guitar player can come in handy.” Braden turned to Burrows. “Man, you should have seen it. I took out that muscle guy with a ridge hand. Totally awesome!”

  “Okay, great.” Burrows rolled his eyes. “Chase, I’d like to stop by the house in a while. Ask a few questions.”

  “We’ll be at my place. How long do you think they’ll keep Jasmine?”

  “Honestly? Depends on if the judge considers her a flight risk and what the D.A. has to say. Sorry I can’t give you an answer.”

  “I understand. The important thing is my girls are all safe. The rest we’ll have to deal with. One more thing…where’s Richards?”

  The detective adjusted his ball cap nervously before responding. “He’s on his way to the hospital with a bullet wound to the arm.”

  “That’s not the Richards I was referring to. I think you know that.”

  “We don’t know where he is. Took off, but I have all my men out there looking for him. We’ll find him.”

  “I hope you find him before I do.” Chase’s eyes narrowed. “Jen’s not safe until he’s out of the picture.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid, kid,” Burrows warned.

  “Me? Wouldn’t think of it. Braden, I’ll call you later.” He opened the door and went back to his family. Jena was doing her best to explain to Andrea why they were taking her mother away. The little girl was crying and it broke his heart.

  Chase cleared his throat and two faces turned in his direction. “Andy, you’re getting to be a big girl,” he said as he sat down beside them. “I’m going to be honest. Your mom’s in some trouble, but we’re going to do our best to help her. We’ll get through this together, okay?”


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