Jason and Medeia

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Jason and Medeia Page 41

by John Gardner

in the street. I got up, dusting my trousers, and hurried

  to the door.

  No one saw me or stopped me. I found, in Medeia’s


  Artemis—enormous in the moonlit bedroom, her bowed


  and shoulders brushing the ceiling beams—stooped at

  the side

  of Medeia’s bed like an eagle to its prey. “Wake up!”

  she whispered.

  “Wake up, victim of the mischief god! Seek out thy


  sweet Jason, life-long heartache! You are betrayed!”


  eyes opened. The goddess vanished. The moonlight


  faded till nothing was left but the glow of the golden


  The slave Agapetika wakened and reached for Medeia’s


  Medeia sat up, startled by the memory of a dream. She


  my eyes; her hand reached vaguely out to cover herself with the fleece. I remembered my solidity and backed


  “Devil!” she whispered. In panic I answered, “No,


  A friend!” She shook her head. “I have no friends but


  And only now understanding that all she’d dreamt was


  as if her own words had power more terrible than

  Jason’s deeds—

  she suddenly burst into tears of rage and helplessness. She tried to rise, but her knees wouldn’t hold her, and

  she fell to the flagstones.

  I said: “I come from the future to warn you—”

  My throat went dry. The room was suddenly filled, crowded like a jungle

  with creatures,

  ravens and owls and slow-coiled snakes, all manner of


  hated by men. In terror of Medeia’s eyes, I fled.


  On the palace wall, in his blood-red cape, the son of


  arms folded, gazed down over the city of Corinth. He knew pretty well—Hera watching at his shoulder,


  that he’d won, for better or worse—that nothing


  or Koprophoros could say would undo the work he’d


  or open the gates of Kreon’s heart or the heart of the


  to any new contender. He smiled. On the palace roof behind him, a raven watched, head cocked, with

  unblinking eyes.

  For reasons he scarcely knew himself, Jason had


  his home today. It was now twilight; the light, sharp


  rising from stubbled fields, dark streams, fat granaries, brought up the scent of approaching winter. There

  would come a time

  when Medeia would rise and insist upon having her

  say. Not yet.

  Though light was failing, the house, lower on the hill,

  was dark

  save one dim lamp, dully blooming—so yellow in the


  of the oaks surrounding that it brought to his mind

  again the fleece

  old Argus wove, and the obscure warning of the seer.

  The vision blurred; I hung unreal. Then, crushed to flesh once


  my swollen hand brought alive again to its drumbeat

  of pain,

  I stood—dishevelled as I was, my poor steel spectacles


  and crooked—in the low-beamed room of the slave


  hearing her moans to the figure of Apollo on the wall.

  Her canes

  of gnarled olive-wood waited on the tiles, her stiff, fat


  painfully bent on the hassock before the shrine.

  She wailed, whether in prayer or lament, I could hardly tell: “O


  would that an old slave’s wish could wind back time

  for Medeia

  and she never beguile those dim, too-trusting daughters

  of Pelias,

  who slaughtered their father; or would that Corinth

  had never received them,

  allowing a measure of joy and peace, pleasure in the


  Medeia still loved and in everything eager to please her


  her will and his will one, as even Jason knew, for all his anger, bitterness of heart. The loss of love makes all surviving it blacker than smoke at sunrise.

  What once

  was sweet is now corrupt and cankered: our Jason plans heartless betrayal of his wife and sons for marriage

  with a princess.

  And now in impotent rage and anguish, Medeia invokes their oaths, their joined right hands, and summons

  the dangerous gods

  to witness the way he’s rewarded her life-long


  Worse yet, she curses old Kreon himself, and Kreon’s


  howling her wild imprecations for all to hear. In

  her rage

  she refuses to eat, sacrificing her body to grief as she sacrificed her home, her kinsmen, her happiness for Jason’s love. She wastes in tears; she cries and cries in such black despair that her sobs come welling too

  fast for Medeia

  to sound them. She lies stretched wailing on the stones

  and refuses to lift

  her eyes or to raise her face from the floor. To all we say she’s deaf as a boulder, an ocean wave. She refuses

  to speak—

  she can only curse her betrayal of her father, murder

  of her brother,

  death of her sister Khalkiope, through Aietes’ rage— for all of which she blames herself alone, as if no one before her had ever betrayed on earth. She takes no joy anymore in her sons: her eyes seem filled

  with hate

  when she looks at them. It shocks me with fear to see it.

  Her mood

  is dangerous. She’ll never submit to this monstrous


  I know her. It makes me sick with fear. Let any man


  Medeia’s hate and hard indeed he’ll find it to escape unmarked by her.”

  Agapetika opened her eyes in alarm, straining—grotesquely fat, feeble—to turn her head for a view of the door at her back. In the hallway,

  the old male slave

  and the children approached, the two boys squealing

  and laughing, the old man

  shushing them. She slued clumsily, inching around on the hassock to watch them pass. The old man

  paused, looked in,

  his lean face drawn and crabbed. The eyebags drooping

  to his cheeks

  were as gray and wrinkled as bark. He whispered,

  “What’s this moaning

  that fills all the house with noise? How could you

  leave your lady?

  Did Medeia consent?”

  She shook her head, lips trembling, tears now brimming afresh. “Old man—old guardian

  of Jason’s sons—

  how can the troubles of masters not soon bring sorrow

  to their slaves?

  I’ve left her alone for a little to grant my own grief


  He turned his head, as if looking through walls to

  Medeia’s room.

  “No change?” he asked. She covered her face.

  “No change,” she said.

  “My poor Medeia’s troubles have scarcely begun.”

  The old man narrowed his eyes. Then, hoarsely: Poor blind fool—

  if slaves

  may say such things of masters. There’s reason more

  than she knows

  for all this woe and rage.”
/>   Agapetika inched around more to stare at the man in fear. “What now?” she exclaimed.

  “Sir, do not

  keep from me what you’ve heard.”

  He shook his head. “No, nothing. Vague speculation. Mere idle talk.” The twins had

  run on—

  romping to their room, indifferent and blind to misery— and his eyes went after them, grudging. The whole

  afternoon they’d kept him

  plodding with hardly a rest. At the crest of every hill his old heart thudded in his throat, and his brains went

  light, so that

  to keep his knees from buckling he would stretch out

  his hands to a tree

  or ivied gatepost, coughing and gulping for air.

  In the park

  high above seacliffs, he’d met with a fellow slave,

  a servant

  in Kreon’s palace, and there, where leafless ramdikes


  past hedges still bright green—where the sky,

  the distant buildings,

  highways and bridges were as drab as in winter

  despite the glow

  of lawns grown rich and lush, deceived by late

  summer rain—

  he’d heard this newest catastrophe. He revealed it now, compelled by the old woman’s eyes. He said: “The

  palace slaves,

  who know the old king’s purposes sooner than

  Kreon himself,

  are certain the contest’s settled already, as though

  no man

  had spoken in all this time but Jason alone.”

  “Then our fears are realized,” the old woman said; “no hope of escape!”

  There’s more,” he said, and avoided her look. “In the

  palace they say

  the king is resolved to expel our mistress and her

  two sons

  from Corinth. He thinks it a generous act, considering

  her powers

  and her sons’ inevitable position as royal pretenders.

  I cannot

  say all this is true. But I fear it may be.”

  “And will our Jason allow such things?” the old woman asked.

  But already

  she saw that he might. She whimpered, Though he and

  Medeia are at odds,

  surely he hasn’t forgotten so soon what pain she


  torn long ago from her homeland and dearest friends!

  Though he needs

  no friends himself, quick to win facile admirers, thanks to that dancing tongue, and at any rate more pleased,

  by nature,

  with work than with love—like Argus, like the

  god Hephaiastos,

  a creature sufficient to himself, his heart all schemes—


  he knows our lady’s needs! She might have been queen,


  of all dark-forested Kolchis, had her fate run otherwise; she might have had no more need than he of enfolding


  shield against darkness and senselessness. He robbed

  her of that—

  became himself her homeland, father, brother and sister, her soul’s one labor and religion. Can he dare make all

  that void?—

  by a fingersnap make all she’s lived an illusion?

  Can he turn

  on his own two children, change them to shadows,

  to nothing, as though

  they’d no more solid flesh than a glimmering

  wizard’s trick?”

  As if to himself, the old man said, “The familiar ties are weaker now. He’s no more a friend to this gloomy,


  house. —Say nothing to Medeia.”

  Just then, beside him at the door, the twins appeared and looked in, curious, no longer


  coming to see what was wrong. The woman cried,

  “Children, behold

  what love your father bears for you! I will not

  curse him—

  my master yet—but no man alive is more treasonous?

  The male slave scowled. “Let the children be, mere


  what have they to do with treasons? As for Jason,

  what man

  is better, old woman? Now that you’re old, look squarely

  at the world.

  All men care for themselves and for nobody else.

  All men

  would joyfully swap away sons for the pleasures of a

  new bride’s bed.”

  She was still, looking at the children. At last, with

  a heavy sigh:

  “Go, boys, play in your room. All will be well.” And then to the attendant: “You, sir, keep them off to themselves,

  I beg you.

  Take them nowhere in range of their mother in

  her present mood.

  Already I’ve seen her glaring at the children savagely,

  threatening mischief. She’ll not leave off this rage,

  I know,

  till she’s struck some victim dead. I pray to the gods

  her wrath

  may light among foes, not friends.”

  From deeper in the house then came a wail deep-throated and wild as the cry of a

  jungle beast.

  My veins ran ice and I jerked up my arm to my face.

  A shock

  of pain flashed through me, innumerable bruises, and

  I nearly revealed

  my hiding place in the shadow of the black oak bed.

  The slaves

  listened to Medeia’s wail as if numbed. When the

  old woman

  could speak, she said: “Go to your room now quickly!

  Be wary!

  Do not provoke that violent heart! Hurry! Go swiftly!

  The soul of her father is alive in her. This gathering


  of tears and wailing will enkindle soon far stormier


  A spirit like hers, headstrong and bitterly stung by


  what wild and reckless deeds may it not dare thunder

  on us?”

  I glanced at the garden, my eyes in flight from the

  anguish of the house,

  and my heart leaped. There stood the goddess Artemis,


  as a stone tower, watching with burning eyes.

  And then the sea-kings were gathered around me, Jason on

  the dais, with Kreon,

  and the princess rigid in her silver chair. The whole

  wide hall,

  so it seemed to me, was a-gleam with the light

  of Artemis.

  Paidoboron spoke, dark-bearded king

  of barren moraine, debris of glaciers, in his gloomy eyes the stillness of tideless seas. The assembled kings

  sat hushed.

  At a dark door far from the dais, the slave Ipnolebes


  his hand on the shoulder of a boy.

  “Think back,” Paidoboron said, “on the days of old.” His voice had nothing alive in it— the voice of a clockwork doll, some old, artificial


  and his slow, mechanical gestures enforced the same


  mockery of life. ‘Think over the years and down

  the ages.”

  He pointed as if to the darkness of endless corridors. “

  Nation on nation the gods have raised up, then

  crushed again.

  Again and again the bow of the mighty the gods have


  and the feeble and oppressed they have girded with

  strength. No law of the stars

  is surer than this: Empires shall rise and fall forever till the day of the earth’s destruction. The cities of the

  strong will burn

  and the bone
s of the master be hurled on the

  smouldering garbage mounds

  beyond the city’s gates. Then he who was weak shall

  be robed

  in zibelline, and in place of his shackles

  the greaves of a warrior king, and his slaves

  shall be splendid nobles of the age just past—

  till he too falls to the jackals.” He paused, looked hard

  at Kreon.

  “Has it not yet struck you, Corinthian king? Though

  you watched Thebes burn

  with your own two eyes—great Thebes whose outer

  walls were oceans,

  whose kingdom’s heart was all Ethiopia and Egypt,

  city of Kadmos the Wanderer, noblest of dragon


  have you never been struck by the deadly regularity with which, like suns, great kingdoms rise and fall?

  Is all this

  accident? To the ends of the world the rubble stretches, the scattered orts of banquets, the fumets of


  fortresses ruined, thrones, the occamy spangles of once-proud concubines. All human tongues record the same in their legendry: the dark agonals of kings. And still man’s heart inclines to power, to the wealth and ease,

  rich art,

  fine food, of the demon city. But I tell you the truth:

  the earth

  at our feet cries out its curse on that tumorous growth.

  In the shade

  of walls, earth dies; it stiffens, trampled by sandals,

  and cracks.

  The city’s wealth cries softly to marauders in the night,

  like a whore

  at the jalousie. Her mounds bring plagues, her discharge


  dry rot, rats. Still the city grows, dark lure of ambition, hunger of the exiled spirit, abandoned forever by

  the stars,

  for the wombsoft slosh of fat. The corpus of law grows


  like a corpse recovered from the sea; and those who

  enforce the law

  grow cynical and rich, foxy, wolfish, beyond inculpation by any man, till all but frampold devils are shackled in chains. Then like a thigh-wound festering, the city


  her battlements and coigns—robs all the land

  surrounding for victuals,

  chops green-forested mountains for timber, quogs out


  to heave up monuments worthy of the devastating

  power of her kings,

  tombs for the slyest of her paracletes, the most


  of her enemy-smashers, deified dragon-men—

  sky-high houses

  staddled on broken-backed slaves. Consumes the land,

  the clouds;

  builds ships for trade, extends her scope; finds conquest


  more durable. And so that hour arrives at last


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