In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) Page 2

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  “Jea is she ok, please?”

  “They’ve had to brake her arm to get her out but she’s ok she must be tough like you.” As the nurse turned around Jeanie jumped in fright.

  “Oh you frightened me! Are you holding?” Jeanie stepped back shaking her head. Looking at herself in the glass she smiled uneasily as the nurse handed the beautiful baby girl over to Ivy. Stroking her sister’s head she smiled sweetly,” I’ll leave you to it…I stink and I think I’ve done my bit.” As she tried to leave the room Ivy extended her arm.

  “Thank you!”

  “You’re turn now.”

  As the screams surrounded the corridor the footsteps of the remaining six sisters could be heard piling into the delivery room. Jeanie sat on the bench opposite the poster board closing her eyes. Taking a moment to reflect she whispered under her breath.

  “Can’t say it’s been boring today what a day.” Not expecting a voice to appear Jeanie sat up straight embarrassed of the fact she had just been caught, “You can say that again!” Recognising that it was the doctor from the delivery room Jeanie’s cheeks flushed crimson.

  “Sorry Doctor force of habit you know,” Blushing more she continued

  “Anyway thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me. I don’t think your sister could have done that without you.” The doctor smiled answering thoughtfully Jeanie embarrassed and still trying to shrug off the compliment blushed again.

  “Smoke?” extending a packet of cigarettes towards Jeanie’s direction he continued, “I know it’s a bad habit and I’m not supposed to offer but in these circumstances I think I can bend the rule?” Still embarrassed that she had been caught talking to herself and half in shock that he hadn’t run for the hills Jeanie politely stood. “I don’t but a little air may be nice.”

  As she strolled back down the grey dimly lit corridor she looked at the doctor’s face with seeming familiarity she couldn’t quite place were she had seen him before but she was certain she knew him.

  The door way had gathered a small congregation of people all trying to light cigarettes from very cold frost bitten hands and before Jeanie had time to speak the doctor had already started his set of questions.

  “Do you remember me?” Jeanie looked puzzled shuddering in the cold and as she shook her head the doctor paused to light his cigarette

  “Maybe it’s this light.” Taking her hand he led Jeanie to an unoccupied doorway at the side of the main entrance.

  “Look closely” as Jeanie stepped a little closer.

  “What about now?” as Jeanie was about to speak the doctor kissed her softly on the lips. Stepping back in shock and unable to comprehend what had just happened she came to her senses rapidly.

  “James, your James Watson… Why did you what I mean What?” unable to string the sentence together James followed with his.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for years and tonight gave me the greatest opportunity, “he paused taking a drag of his cigarette.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it and after the last time I just couldn’t. I couldn’t get you out of my thoughts and with everything that’s going on. I’m sorry this is happening a bit fast. “As the doctor paused Jeanie smiled anxiously.

  “I remember how I can’t forget the last time we spoke cause it was at my father’s funeral.”

  “We didn’t just speak Jeanie I’ve been thinking about that kiss for the last eighteen months. I don’t know whether I should tell you this and I’m sorry it’s so sudden but I asked for a transfer up here so I could find you.”

  As James bent in closer Jeanie was still unsure of his actions. Trying to pull everything that happened at the day of the funeral she started to unravel where James fitted into the equation.

  “I don’t understand why? Why would you do that? I mean nothing happened!”

  James throwing the cigarette into the newly laid snow grabbed her hand and laid it on his chest softly.

  “I’m staying at the Old Cock in town. I finish my shift at midnight tonight and I’m not going to take no for an answer!” Jeanie watched cautiously as his fingers warmed against her skin.

  “You’re very sure of yourself aren’t you?” placing his other hand over the top of hers he pulled her close.

  “I hoped you remember me a little better maybe it meant more…I just want you to hear me out. Please come to the pub tonight even if it’s just to finish off what I need to say. Listen I have to get back. Promise me”

  Jeanie was still dumbstruck at his self assured assault and gathering all the information she remembered the kiss and she had remembered how passionate it had been and the gentleness of his touch. The problem was why now and why had it been only now that he had come to find her.

  “I love you Jeanie I always have done and I’m here to make you mine and I intend to.” As he brushed the straggles of hair away from her forehead she felt the small pulses of electric under her skin. Kissing her softly on the cheek he disappeared in the snow and through the main entrance.

  Ok what the fuck just happened. What was that about?

  Jeanie bit her lip not able to understand how she had been caught up in his sincerity and as her head swam with a thousand thoughts she tried to piece some of the puzzle together. Her sister had just nearly lost her baby and in the same day the doctor who had delivered the baby had just confessed he loved her.

  Sitting on the bench at the front of the hospital Jeanie watched the snow and as the soft crisp white flakes settled on the ground she followed the crystal coloured carpet around her feet.

  “Dad if your watching this you really taught me well you always hear how men don’t get woman. Well guess what I don’t get men.”

  As she walked along the snow covered lanes she transferred her thoughts back to the afternoon in question. James had been very supportive when her father had died and on the plus side he was a very attractive man. Jeanie toyed with whether she should or shouldn’t go. This kiss seemed different to the last. Jeanie touched her lips trying to remember the last time she felt desired or desirable.

  ” Pull yourself together girl. It’s a kiss nothing more and what’s the worse that could happen.” Jeanie went over and over the day that he left and her thoughts always came back to the same conclusion. What did a doctor want with a grease monkey like her?

  He was beautiful and she was not the prettiest pebble on the beach. Why? As she walked she kicked at the snow trying to provide order to her thoughts.

  All of her previous relationships had been disaster’s why should this be any different. She was twenty nine years old single and looking after now a family of nine why did she need to complicate things more. In the back of her mind she was looking for romance a lover or now maybe a husband. She wanted children or just a life outside of her own family and not being able to comprehend the obscurity of the situation had sparked her curiosity.

  The clock seemed to roll around very slowly after the mornings events and as the shift began to change at eighteen hundred Jeanie put on her coat and headed out of the building. Eric had disappeared already after being confused by Jeanie’s sudden incomprehensible mood. The debrief sessions for the evening had started to take place and leaving them in control Jeanie slipped out of the back door leaving the instructions with the floor manager.

  Finding her walk lead back towards the hospital she stood at reception contemplating her next move. She had no flowers or gifts to bring and she was covered in oil and other than thinking she was the maintenance man she looked like and smelt like a tramp mixed with a traction engine. Sneaking past the nursing station she rolled around the corner where she saw Ivy’s beaming face cradling her new child.

  “I didn’t think you would be back tonight?”

  “I know I have had a rather confusing day so far and this morning was the start.” Jeanie looked at the floor as she spoke.

  “Come on chick you know you can tell me anything after this morning I owe you a lot more than I already did.” Jeanie hated complime
nts and felt embarrassed and awkward if anyone mentioned good points about her character.

  “He kissed me. He barely knows me we worked together for nine months before dad died and he was very charming and quite nice to look at but Ivy this is me. Give me an engine or a piece of machinery I know what to do but give me a man who is interested and I fall to pieces, I’m just not cut out for this!”

  Ivy looked at Jeanie and laughed, “Slow this down who kissed you when? Start from the beginning because you have lost me already.”

  Ivy placed the baby in the crib at the side of the bed and seeing Jeanie so confused she stroked her cheek coaxing whatever story she had to tell out of her.

  “Ok I see now. You’ve always been a funny little thing. Jeanie he obviously has a thing for you. Listen to me remember what you said to me when I met George. This time I’m going to say it to you No regrets. Go and see him what’s the worse that could happen. You could even enjoy yourself.” Jeanie started to bite her nails causing Ivy to dig in a little deeper.

  “Jea you’ve worked with him you should know him a little for goodness sake. You spent ten hours a day with him he’s not that much of a stranger. He’s seen me a couple of times today and yes we all remember him how can you not. Rosie nearly passed out cause she had no makeup on. He is a very handsome man and he speaks highly of you and mum can’t be pissed off about a doctor.”

  “But it’s not normal!”

  “Jeanie May Rutherford you’re a beautiful and talented woman any man should be grateful to have you in their life I am. I don’t know what I would do without you some days so stop being a damp squid and go and enjoy the doctor and that’s an order.” Ivy pointed to the door kissing her on the cheek Jeanie giggled. Jeanie knew her sister was right and there was no reason to hold back she had always been a good girl why not.

  As she reached the door of the ward Jeanie smirked, “He was arrogant you know.” Ivy pulled her face and pointed directly back to the corridor, “Go away and don’t forget to tell tomorrow.”

  Disappearing back out of the hospital she hesitated still confused at the unknown prospects he offered. Jeanie had settled into a life of work and responsibility and this was just going to complicate matters further.

  Placing her hands back in her pockets she hid back in her scarf and taking two steps forward and three steps back Jeanie couldn’t make up her mind what to do. Sitting in the bus shelter she started to reminisce about her previous relationship she had been hurt so badly by one man who had promised to love and respect her instead all he did was abuse any trust she had.

  Trying not to generalise Jeanie waited for sign and as the hour rolled past the only thing that greeted her was dirty washed up slush from the side of the road. By this time she knew fate wasn’t going to make this decision. Jumping off her seat she continued to walk to town.

  What am I waiting for a sermon a burning bush? Not every man is the same but you never know. Ivy’s great words of wisdom with what’s the worse that could happen. I can tell you now I could be found dead at the bottom of a field with my knickers round my ankles and strangled by my boot laces!

  Jeanie laughed under her breath knowing her self reasoning wasn’t going to help either. Walking past the old church the snow had started to gather around the graves and a still calmness had fallen over the village. The steps of The Old Cock pub beckoned and as she looked at the clock tower across from the grocery store the town seemed to be at peace unlike Jeanie. Everything had a calm serenity being spotlighted by a silvery moon but inside Jeanie stomach somersaulted and churned. The door to the pub was closed and a dim light from the corner room could be seen through the mock Tudor glass and as her mind flipped from yes to no she started to feel butterflies in her stomach. Turning quickly Jeanie felt she needed more time.

  “Fucking hell Jeanie, you frightened me to death!”

  “I’m sorry Jim,” Jeanie exclaimed sheepishly, “I was asked to meet someone here and I’m a little late.”

  “I know who you’re meeting and he’s been like a hen on hot bricks all night! Get in here or you will have the whole town talking.” Jim closed the door and started again.

  “Right you I’m only going to say this once, and it’s about time. He’s a nice bloke you’re a lovely girl. No funny business in my pub and I’m going to bed. Night Doc!” As he disappeared up the staircase behind the bar he pulled the door shut behind him. Jeanie stood frozen stiff not knowing what was going to happen.

  She could see James sat at the side of the fire and the well assured demeanour of before seemed completely out of sight and with a bottle of beer and book overturned on the table reflecting his inability to concentrate Jeanie felt intrigued. As she peered around the corner wanting to see more she creped further. He looked like an expectant father and as he ran his hands through the thick dark hair into the back of his neck his dark eyes seem to pierce the night as if his answer lay in the cold outside. As he looked at his watched his anxiety increased with each passing second.

  Jeanie hid behind the main bar wall not knowing what to do and as she moved closer the floor creaked marking her position. Seeing him move Jeanie knew she had been heard and as his head rose from his hands he walked over quickly.

  “I thought I’d frightened you away I didn’t think you were going to come I didn’t know what to think. Can I get you anything?”

  Jeanie shook her head half anxious that she had been found.

  “I’m sorry about before. I was too full on please forgive me?

  Come and sit down.” He seemed agitated and uncomfortably and as Jeanie shook his hand he found himself confused by her reaction.

  Finding a spot she sat in the corner next to the fire. James still unsure sat besides her trying to gage her thoughts. Looking at her in the glow of the fire Jeanie’s auburn hair shimmered and as he starred the flames that danced around her shoulders he couldn’t help but want her. She looked at him in silence wanting to look at the floor and feeling more out of place than usual walking closer to the fireplace she looked back wanting to run, “Maybe I should go.”

  “Please don’t I’ve been rehearsing this for months and now that you’re here I’ve forgotten what to say.” He paused nervously grabbing her hand.” I’m sorry I meant what I said outside of the hospital and I’ve not been able to get you out of my head. I wanted to say something before your father died, but it didn’t seem appropriate I mean after everything that that happened.” Jeanie breathed deeply and let go of his hand.

  “It was just a shock and I didn’t I didn’t know what to do and after dad died things where such a mess. I thought you where just being nice, supportive. Listen I’m not good with. Now I don’t know what too say.”

  James led her back to the table but this time he pulled her close before he began to speak, “Jeanie Rutherford, I spent nine months with you and I haven’t been able to think or breathe without you. I’ve missed you, and I know you like honesty so I’m going to tell you. I fell in love with you and if I’m truthful again I have pictured myself making love to you a thousand times? ”

  Jeanie winced “Okay, too much too soon, too quick! This is really a lot for me to take in and I’d really love to be swept of my feet but back off one minute!” Jeanie looked intently at James

  ” I’m sorry you usually. I’m sorry I wanted to tell you eighteen months ago, I thought you felt the same,”

  ” I don’t know what you want me to say James you have waltzed in after all this time and just expected me to jump into bed with you. How do you think I feel?”

  James sat at the table taking another cigarette he rubbed his face with his hands,” I understand how this looks but it isn’t the same. I want to love you, look after you I want to make you happy Jeanie.

  In the time that I have known you…you changed me you changed me for the better and listen for what it’s worth I have this,” Bending down on knee he produced a ring.

  “I love you marry me Jeanie.” Jeanie had never seen a ring like it in her
life. The deep blue sapphire sparkled in the dim light of the bar and even after this Jeanie still did not know whether to stay or go. Excusing herself she moved towards the bar and as she put on her jacket she spun on the spot trying to make a decision

  “You’re asking me to marry you,” James nodded not wanting to say anything else just in case she left.

  ” Please don’t go I beg you just give me a chance.” James stood at the door desperate for her to stay. Jeanie looked back at him as he pleaded for her return. She was the girl who never took risks and always calculated caution, she was always the good one the loyal the one that was always devoted her time to her family. Jeanie was either going to take a chance experiencing life or walk away.

  “You love me” James held out his hand trying to reassure her.

  ” Please come back inside lets talk work things out….please Jeanie” Standing in the cold she tried to sum up her next move. Her deliberation and insecurity seemed to pain him deeply. Taking his hand Jeanie knew she was taking a chance and as she took off her jacket Jeanie felt the little electric tingles again in her spine.

  He wrapped himself around her running his cool hand down her face and neck. This time Jeanie leant into him placing one hand on his chest she kissed him and as he pulled her close she felt him run his fingers down her back.

  ” James I know what I did and I did remember you…” James kissed her neck and as she closed her eyes he ran his thumb over her lips.

  ” I want you to be my wife Jeanie I want you. I always have done all I want you to do now is say yes,” Jeanie placed her fingers into his.

  “I’m scared James. I’m scared because I’ve been here before and I remember what happened that day. I remember how you held me.”

  “Jeanie whatever you want I will give it to you. I left everything just to be with you and all I could think about during my residency was getting back to you. I’ve never been in love like this before and just the fact that you’re here now makes my heart skip a beat. I don’t want a night Jea I want you forever and I will do whatever you want me to do just to make that happen.” James played with the top button of her cardigan wondering what he could do to change her mind and as each one slipped through his fingers he brought her hands to his face.


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