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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

Page 3

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “James why me? Why now?” Closing his fingers around hers he could feel her shake.

  “Please don’t be scared of me. You want to know why and now. I can tell you that quite easy. I can’t live without you near me any longer. The thought of coming back to you is what’s kept me going for months and now I can feel you I never want to let you go.” His eyes sparkled wildly flickering dark in the burning embers of the fire.

  “I’ve never took a chance before James. I’ve always calculated my decisions and weighed up every option. With you I feel it’s not possible. I saw the sunrise with you more than once but always as friends not like this. What I am trying to say is that I have one condition. If this is going to happen you have to give me six month’s before any wedding plans.”

  She couldn’t believe what had just come out of her mouth. Dragging his fingers over her lips he couldn’t believe what had been said.

  “I won’t let you down Jeanie. That I can promise!”

  The fire had begun to burn itself out and as the darkness crept in neither noticed the impending gloom. Drunk on confusion Jeanie starred directly at James, “I said yes didn’t I?” Questioning herself James kissed her on her cheek and held her tightly, “I’m glad you did.” Worrying whether this was a reaction to how lonely she had felt she took James by the hand.

  “In that case I think you better show me your room.” Grabbing his belongings from the fireside table he led Jeanie up the narrow staircase and as they reached the roof of the pub he opened the door to a huge room.

  An arched window looked out into the snow covered street and the big double bed filled the middle of the room. James kissed her again and she had never felt as alive in a long time. It also beat going home feeling helpless and lonely.

  He wanted her and he’d been dreaming about this day for months however feeling her tremble again he stepped back not wanting to frighten her away again. “James I’m dirty, full of oil. I need a bath and also I need to tell you something.”

  “You can tell me anything?” he walked back over to the fireplace and took her hand softly, “You don’t have to do anything tonight if you’re uncomfortable; I just want you with me that’s all I’ve ever wanted. Listen let me run you bath.” Jeanie sat in the bath with her head on her knee’s she wasn’t nervous anymore in fact she felt the opposite she was quite content for the first time in a while and taking a chance and the doctor was surpassing expectations.

  Stepping out of the bath she noticed that he had left his shirt on the rail and having nothing else available she put it on. Beautiful butterflies started to emerge in her stomach and thoughts of him holding her and touching her sent sparks around Jeanie’s body. Checking the corridor she crept back towards the doctor’s bedroom and as she slipped through the door she turned to close it quietly. Standing with her back to the room she felt James’s hands on her. They were warm and smooth as he kissed her softly electric shocks seemed to emanate around every part of her body.

  Moving away Jeanie stood in front of the fire place her hair still dripped with water and as James brought a blanket he wrapped it around her shoulder,” I like your shirt.”

  Sitting down in front of the fire she awaited his next move instead it wasn’t him. Unable to wait Jeanie kissed him feeling she was living in a fantasy. As the water dripped from her hair the white shirt became translucent and the shadow of her body silhouetted through the cloth.

  “I’m sorry. It just felt and I don’t. I’m sorry this is a first for me and I’m just a little nervous.” James didn’t mutter a word he knelt in front of her and pulled her close. As they kissed she felt his hands on her breasts and his breath on her neck.

  Her body gave way to his touch far too easily and every stroke made her react more. Wrapped in his embrace she began to undo his buttons on his shirt and as it slipped off his body she could feel his heart beat. As her fingers rolled over his smooth chest she couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he was. Jeanie started to unbutton her shirt but before she reached the bottom James caught hold of her hand.

  “Is this what you want?” Jeanie felt his hands running over her stomach, the warmth of his touch and understanding in his voice made Jeanie want him without reason. As his fingers reached the opened gap near her breast Jeanie closed her eyes.

  “Please don’t stop,” Her words echoed inside distantly remembering the girl she was. Her cares had disappeared and nothing else but feeling him connect with her mattered. Keeping her eyes closed he ran his hands over her shoulders and as the shirt fell exposing her body to the night Jeanie’s insecurities fell with it.

  No longer self conscious she opened her eyes as James watched as the flames dance along her pale silk like skin. For him the intensity and desire he felt overpowered how he had imagined her. The thought of making love to her beleaguered with the intensity of her presence. Jeanie’s still hand rested on his chest fixated by his heart beat rising and falling with every touch. Picking her up in his arms he carried her to the bed. Sliding her hands down she began to take off the rest of his clothes as they wrapped themselves in each others embrace all the fear she felt before turned to excitement.

  Jeanie arched her body in pleasure and as he kissed her from head to toe feeling his anticipation. His soft kisses connecting with every part of her body made her body flood with the expectation of their union.

  Running her leg down his back he slowly descended creating the connection she had been craving for. As pain engulfed her body Jeanie had never felt this much pleasure and with each slow rise and fall every muscle yearned for more.

  As he gently moved his body with hers she was unable to distinguish where he ended and she began. Quivering he picked her up from beneath him and as he pressed his hands over the curve of her hip he kissed her ardently and as she slowly lowered herself onto him he placed his hands on her back feeling the small beads of sweat expire from her skin. Moving the strands of hair from her face he cupped his hand around her cheek pulling her gently towards him.

  James felt Jeanie arch in pleasure and as he began to climax she held him tight as the movements intensified. Looking into her eye’s he felt the passion between them heighten and as she rested her head on his chest she felt secure in his embrace. Her heartbeat raced in time with his and lying beside him she felt his warm hold and whether it was right or wrong didn’t matter anymore as it was right for now.

  Reaching up she touched his brow following the curve of the perfect line above his eye. His gaze hadn’t faltered and as he caught her hand he kissed it softly.

  “What happens now James,” holding her hand he placed her fingers back on his chest,” You stay forever...”

  Curling up Jeanie felt her eye’s start to close and the security within his arms took away some of emptiness. Today certainly wasn’t another day.

  Chapter 3

  Jeanie opened her eyes and blinked several times to see what the time was “Shit, Fuck late for work again…!” looking blankly at James’s watch she lay back down on the pillow and looked at her new fiancé. He was fast asleep and his clothes still lay on the floor at the side of the bed. It was far too tempting to forget work and with the bed still warm the thought of staying was far too tempting.

  As she pulled back the covers she couldn’t help but take sneak a peak at James. His smooth toned skin welcomed her back to bed and she giggled at the thought of him still undressed.

  Jeanie sighed and slowly moved into the cold. The fire had burnt to nothing and frost had gathered on the inside of the window making any movement out of the warmth painful.

  Jeanie shuddered as the snow had fallen rapidly over night and the street outside was crisp clean and white. Gathering her things quietly she started to dress. She pulled her face in disgust as her clothes felt wet with cold and the smell and grime made Jeanie instantly feel unclean.

  As she moved around the bedroom the floorboards creaked under her weight and Jeanie looked back making
sure she hadn’t disturbed him.

  As she headed towards the door a voice appeared from under the covers, “Sneaking out.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you. I’m late for work again and Eric will think I’ve gone AWOL.” Jeanie blushed as he got out of bed and as he put on his trousers. As he walked to the door he covered himself around her

  “Let me walk you to work at least,” Jeanie smiled as he kissed her.

  “You don’t have to its cold and you must have had a long day yesterday. I just want to say thank you for last night” James looked at her puzzled not quite understanding where thank you fitted in.

  “What’s that for it should be me thanking you. I don’t think anyone has ever made me feel like that before. I was very pleasantly surprised,” Jeanie still blushing bit her lip half embarrassed and half intrigued.

  “I just needed to say it anyway what does pleasantly surprised mean,” James took her hand and kissed her as he pressed her against the door Jeanie really wanted to stay.

  ” Please don’t your making this really difficult for me to go,” folding her hands around his waist James kissed her neck.

  ” I know you have work….but just stay for a little bit longer,” she couldn’t help but want him as his touch had been so gentle and now he was lavishing her with kisses her body had started to betray her once again. Taking time to caress every part of her body resisting him proved very difficult.

  “I’ve got to go.......I really have to go, I don’t want to but my family and Eric,” James pulled away and stood in the middle of the room.

  “Ok keeping my hands to myself.” Jeanie coiled her hair around the back of her ears and bit her lip again.

  As the sun streamed behind him extenuated his physic and Jeanie caught her breath thinking she was in her own fantasy.

  ” Are you ok.” Jeanie still starring broke her glance.

  ” I’m sorry….sorry…..Just you are really attractive and it seemed like a perfect moment I’m babbling…ok time to go.”

  Before she turned the handle his warm smooth hands caressed her back and shoulders again. Gulping the air down quickly she counted to ten unable to move.

  “Stay. Let’s stay in bed and forget about the world.” Jeanie closed her eyes as every touch created an image in her mind. In a tempting thought her jacket fell to the floor and his hands circled the nape of her neck. As his kisses penetrated her skin every cell set alight.

  Pressing her against the door he lifted her hands and placed them into his forcing them against the door. As he gentle caressed her skin with his mouth Jeanie felt lost again in his embrace.

  “Let me make love to you.”

  “I should have gone when I said.”

  “You’re late anyway what’s another hour.” His soft tone rumbled down her spine and with his body pressed firmly against hers she could feel how much he wanted her.

  Spinning her around he cupped her fingers again still pressing her firmly into the door. His lips grazed over hers gently wetting hers with his tongue as he delved deeper. Jeanie breathlessly responded to every request not ever wanting to leave the room.

  “James please stop. I can’t” keeping her hands pressed against the door he stepped back halting at her request.

  “I know you have to go. I understand doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.”

  Grabbing her coat Jeanie opened and quickly slipped through and as she leant on the opposite side she wished she was still there.

  “I love you.” Hearing his whisper through the door Jeanie set off for work.

  With both hands still firmly planted on the frame he could still feel her. As his thoughts betrayed him along with having her with him last night the anticipation of what was next was enough.

  Taking a cigarette off the bedside table he made his to the window on hearing the side door of the pub open he watched Jeanie cross the street following the tracks she made in the newly laden snow.

  “I love you!” his voice echoed around the silent street.

  “You’ll freeze.” She could feel his eyes and his hands still on her body and as she moved and further away she felt the intensity of last night melt the snow beneath her feet.

  The embers of his cigarette looked like small clouds floating around the window gathering speed in the frosty air and as he watched her attentively he couldn’t help but hold his breath.

  Desperately wishing he had followed he tried to occupy his mind elsewhere. The problem was he could still smell the vague oily residue around the room and the smell of her skin on the bed.

  Taking the last drag he breathed the smoke out longingly nothing else was going to be able to take his mind away from her today. Standing at the fireplace he stubbed his cigarette out and in doing so the room seemed cold and vacant and without question he missed her.

  Unable to shake himself he sat on the bed reminiscent of the events from last night. As he smoothed his hand against her pillow he started to imagine Jeanie’s soft skin pressed against his body. Every moment ran through his memory as if he was sat watching a replay and he couldn’t help but feel pleasure as every inch of him pricked with excitement.

  He had dreamed of this moment for so long that now it didn’t seem real. She was the one.

  She had to be.

  He had walked away from a life that he had known just to be with her and his family had begged him not to go but they didn’t know Jeanie like he did. He had also walked away from a six year relationship and when she had begged him to reconsider he felt nothing. Catherine had never felt like Jeanie.

  Catherine had met James at medical school and she had supported him unquestionably even through his many infidelities. Lying on the bed he could never imagine being with another woman but with Catherine any other woman who took his fancy was his game. The only woman to truly see him was Jeanie.

  Starring at the ceiling he remembered how sex felt with Catherine however that was it, it was just sex. For the first time in six years he had made love. Catherine had never made him react the way Jeanie did and what he couldn’t comprehend was that even now she played on his mind. No other woman had done that.

  Every other woman up to this point had been a conquest an assurance of his dominance and virility. Catherine was never enough to satisfy him however he liked her beauty and how she looked on his arm but that’s all she was a parade pleaser. His father used to scold him regularly telling him woman were not his toys and one day his looks would fade and he would be left empty broken and alone.

  With Jeanie he had met his match. No matter how hard he tried to win her over she was always one step ahead. She knew the game he was playing and never cowered when he tried to exert his dominance. Instead she taunted him and scorned him deeply exposing some of the inner insecurities he felt and in all of this she had somehow become his equal. She was the first and last thing he thought about.

  Standing in the bathroom he looked into the mirror examining his reflection and in a way everything felt different. He felt complete.

  Reaching for his shirt the damp collar smelt of her and as he breathed it in he felt alive, free and she had liberated him.

  Putting on his jacket he made his way downstairs and as he reached the old doorway he looked back not wanting to leave his memories behind. She was the gateway to his happiness and all he had to do now was open the door.

  Jim bumbled around the bar busying himself with the morning duties and on noticing Jeanie’s scarf he picked it up waiting for the doctors arrival.

  ” Good night was it. You know Doc she’s a good girl. You don’t lead girls like that astray.”

  James took hold of his hand and shook it firmly knowing he meant well. Seeing the scarf he took hold of it and wrapped it around him. ” I know Jim that’s why I’m marrying her....” Jim still holding onto his hand smiled happy that hopefully this time she had met a good one.

  “Good she deserves a good bloke that one she’s a big presence around here. Heart of solid gold that one like her dad.” Ja
mes smiled back on hearing Jim’s words. His sentiment seemed to echo his own thoughts.

  She definitely was the one.

  Chapter 4

  Jeanie arrived at the front gate of the factory and as she slid through she bit her lip and smiled ambiguously about her evening’s activities. Sneaking through reception she tried to quietly pass the downstairs office without anyone spotting her. Seeing her antics Eric finished his conversation and started at her almost right away.

  “Half past four you were due in young lady it’s quarter past six and you’re due to service the General’s car this morning!” his thick Glaswegian accent made any statement sound like a telling off.

  “You’re up to something, I can tell!” with the passing statement he turned and made his way into the downstairs office.

  “Fucking great just what I need a poxy service to start my day with a smile!” Jeanie caught her words as she turned towards the workshop as her morning had been glorious but it was nice to pretend for a change.

  Turning to her toolbox she started to throw things around taking out any unnecessary items she didn’t need. Jeanie’s distaste services began when she was forced to do them by her father the only reason why she continued to do them was because her dad had got the trust of the base and she couldn’t let him down. He had worked so hard for the extra money Jeanie felt obliged to continue just out of courtesy.

  Sitting down on the rickety stool which lay beside an old filing cabinet in the workshop made it easy for the memories to come back. Her dad used to stand pretending to tinker with bits and pieces just so they could talk. They used to spend days locked away perfecting small pieces of equipment so they worked beautifully and in some way it made Jeanie feel warm inside.


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