In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) Page 19

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  Jeanie gracious as ever offered refreshments and compelled not to leave her on her own he followed.

  “Let me help you.” James fussed over her and Jeanie knew it was his unrequited need to help and his way of loving her

  “James is everything ok. I have this feeling you need to tell me something. I mean you know I’m getting better now I’m home.” Jeanie stood side by side and James couldn’t help but look at her every move. “James is there something you need to say,”

  “I went to see John about what’s been happening. I know you said not to but I couldn’t help myself. I needed him to realise that I’m not going to let this go Jea……” Picking up the tray Jeanie paused before exiting the door. “Take these for me…..” seeing him disappear she realised his guilt of that night ran deeper than expected. Jeanie picked up her wedding photo and sitting at the kitchen table James saw Jeanie smile.

  “You where the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, when you walked up to the alter I felt like the luckiest man on the planet.”

  Jeanie ran her fingers over the picture. “Fred Tetherington he said speak to him?”

  “How do you know?”

  “He doesn’t exist. James….John…John knows that this will never be resolved not now and the war has to be priority and a scandal now will undermine everything and I’m a scandal…..I’m front page news,”

  James tried to interrupt.

  “Please just listen I think it’s the most admirable and honourable thing you have tried to do for me and I love you for trying to protect me. I also appreciate what your trying to do but please don’t. All I want to do now is live my life with you…” James stood at the table unable to understand how she knew.

  “I see you every day coping with the pain I’m a man Jeanie I needed to feel like I could solve this. I obviously took it for granted that you wouldn’t know.”

  “I’m smarter than you think. Plus it helps having lots of sisters with boyfriends on the base….” James smiled seeing how her resolve shone through.

  “So you have a sophisticated set of spy’s watching my every move...” Still stroking his hand Jeanie mischievously couldn’t wait to respond.

  “Depends whether you’re in the shower then I only have photo’s….”

  Her cheeky response made him blush and Jeanie couldn’t help but smile.

  The radio played softly in the background and as she stood he took her by the hand. “You know Mrs Watson I think we’ve only danced once and I can’t recall every finishing it.” Taking her hand he softly placed his hands on her back and as he pulled her close she rested her head on his chest. The soft swing of the music dipped and glided as they met together.

  “What time do you leave?” James had rested his head on hers indulging himself in the brief moment of calm. “Doesn’t matter now…just being here now is all I need…”

  Jeanie sat in the chair brushing her hair and as she watched James disappear back to the base it seemed to pain her more than ever.

  Taking his bath robe she smothered it around her body surrounded by his smell and as it engulfed her senses flushed at the brief moments they had.

  Watching out of the window Robert sat beside her, “You know I remember Flori James’s mother looking out of the window like that to me.” Jeanie turned her head and smiled in kindness.

  “You know my Son was a brilliant doctor before he met you but he was just too cold and forceful in his opinions. I thought it was a bad idea coming to work with you but the Surgeon insisted he had to.

  You know James had already spent time in France that’s when he met the surgeon you know the one that told him he had no people skills.” Robert paused to dip his biscuit in his tea and Jeanie fixated by the conversation listened intently as this part of James life seemed to be a closely guarded secret.

  “He spent around nine months with you and at Silloth Bay military hospital still as a soldier you know he had to keep that part secret of course but you know that. He was with Catherine then oh been with her for years promised to marry her when the war was over.

  Do you know he never visited once when he was working for you and your father? He talked about you insistently… we didn’t know it was you then but he was different. Flori didn’t understand him at all and Catherine. Catherine was so upset in fact furious I knew my son hadn’t been faithful with her….I always thought he would come to his senses sooner rather than later. Catherine had been on the seen so long we had made her part of the family, so when he said he’d met someone else we thought it was another whim. The thing is I noticed he’d grown compassion and he started to understand fear and loss something he had never had to experience before. You did that…he told your mother the day after your fathers funeral that he was going to Marry you…..what where the words he use. Oh yes…I’m the man I want to be when I’m with her….. Or something like that. I knew then Catherine didn’t have a chance.”

  Jeanie sat in silence as Robert spoke, her heart felt as if it was going to burst as everything that James had said had been the truth. Jeanie had always felt his feelings where something out of fantasy but hearing it from his father’s mouth made Jeanie believe even more that James actually loved her.

  Chapter 20

  John sat in his office clutching a large bottle of whiskey and as he poured a large scotch he glanced at the advancement paperwork on his desk.

  Daylight hovered over the distant hills and knowing that every member of staff under his remit would soon be shipped out elevated the level of responsibility he felt.

  The cloud which had been hovering over the base since the Signthorpe attack had raised questions about his intensions and Jeanie’s involvement in the whole affair.

  The hundreds of vehicles lining up outside reminded John everyday that she had been such an integral part of everything he had ever done.

  The fact he couldn’t defend her innocence frustrated him more than anything and with questions surrounding his involvement and the fact that he was pushing for the authorities to release a statement he knew the pressure on his side of the desk had escalated three fold.

  John threw his glass into the fire place. Leaning into the flames he placed both hands formally above the mantel, She was in his heart, his head and his life and like it or not she was his grief. Staring into the flames he knew he had to try to win her back. His life was tearing apart and thinking of her with James only made the feelings stronger.

  Leaving his office he needed air he needed her family on his side but his relationship with her family was already fraught. The hours of negotiation and investigation had created distance and Irene had told him outright that he was to blame. The only empathy he had received was from Ivy.

  He felt isolated, angry and not being able to talk to Jeanie about his grief was driving him insane. Heading out into the night the thunder of aircraft over head drowned his screams. A job needed to be done and a war needed to be won. Duty bound he continued ahead to complete his 06:00 brief regardless of how he felt he now had his job to do.

  Still slightly drunk John stood in front of his mirror, his usual calm professional and well groomed exterior looked haggard and dishevelled in comparison.

  Standing at the back James faced the clock knowing this was countdown and as John entered the room the tension between them was obvious. As the men congregated into the room Mike poked his head around the door.

  “Pst….Pst….James.” James looked across at the signalling Mike, moving towards the doorway and shuffling around as not to cause an obvious disturbance he shuffled across to the door. Mike unfolded a piece of paper and passed it towards James. Opening the note he smiled and thanked Mike and as he made his way back John made it obvious that he had seen the exchange, “Doctor nice to know you’re taking this seriously. Private shut the door please…Can I now proceed…”

  James nodded and instead of making a scene he leant on the back wall and lit another cigarette. Clutching at the paper in his pocket, he knew he would need John’s a
ssistance and now was the last chance to show Jeanie once and for all that he was the right choice.

  John packed up his papers trying to give the impression the next advancement was on his mind and as the last body disappeared James moved forward.

  “I need your help…” John glared at him knowing full well he had bent over backwards giving James additional leave for Jeanie.

  “What else would you like me to do Doctor because I’m hanging myself as it is…”

  “I need her John.” John slammed the door shut trying to cool down his temper, “You don’t know what she needs. I’m listening but your going to have to make this quick...” James knew John was hurting, and he knew the fight for her had just begun.

  “I’m shipping out John….I will be going for I don’t know how long you are going to get your time I’m asking for now to let me have mine.” “How long….”

  “A few days four tops. At that point you will be throwing me on a plane.” John stepped closer to James infuriated that he was asking the impossible again.

  “I know she loves you I’m just not sure she’s in love with you yet soldier. Let me see what I can do….” James smiled unconvincingly annoyed by John he tried to understand his pain.

  “Thank you...”

  “Don’t fucking ask for anything again I have nothing left to give.” John slammed the door shut and with that James waited for his answer.

  Two days later John paid James a visit and on handing over an envelope John walked directly past ignoring any signs of making amends. Looking inside James found he had been given a four day pass.

  Running to the medical wing he changed his uniform and took the car John had left him. Arriving at the cottage he ran upstairs and routed around for a bag. Finding practically nothing he grabbed a few things and threw them in the boot of the car.

  Hearing the commotion May ran into the hall, “James why are you here?” James still agitated he looked frantically for Jeanie, “Where is she?”

  “She’s outside with Flora and Rose.” James flew out of the back door to find Jeanie huddled in a blanket, “Why are you here?” Jeanie looked as perplexed as her sister.

  James was acting irrationally not knowing what was going on it scared her a little and as he shouted at her sisters he picked her up off the floor, “It’s to cold for you to be sat outside. Tell your mum…she knows anyway but we will be back in four days.” James raced to the car and dropped Jeanie carefully into the passenger seat. He seemed rattled, excited and zealous all at the same time. Jeanie smiled in amusement she hadn’t seen him for nearly eight weeks and the fact that he was so pleased to see her thrilled her too. “Where are we going?” James leant over and kissed he on the cheek. The mystery of the situation made Jeanie’s natural curiosity go into overdrive.

  Jeanie fell asleep as the night drew in. The cold days and early evenings made her sleepy and the gentle rocking of the car seem to caress her to sleep without too much difficulty.

  Hearing the engine stop she woke up to find they where parked at the back of a beautiful stone cottage. The picturesque double fronted windows and the small quaint doors made Jeanie gasp in delight.

  James ran around to the passenger side and carefully picked her up out of the seat, “You know I haven’t lost my ability to walk!” James smiled; as he opened the small green door. Carrying Jeanie over the threshold Jeanie surprised by his actions and in awe at how beautiful the cottage was delved into her curiosity, “What is this for?”

  James twirled her around and smiled uncontrollably, “This is my confession I asked my parents to come up not just because they wanted to see you but because I needed them to help me get this.”

  Jeanie clasped her hands together and smiled back looking in every cupboard, “How long are we here for?”

  “It’s yours Jeanie this is my wedding present to you. Here are the keys and your name is on the deed. I love you and I want my life to be here with you!” Jeanie stumbled and placed her hands on the kitchen table tucked in the corner next to the aga.

  “You bought me a house. You bought us a house, why….when….James” as she sat on the chair unable to comprehend what had happened James planted himself in front of her on bended knee.

  “This is for us. Our home our life. I wanted….No I needed to show you Jeanie and this house has been my dream for you for as long as I have loved you.”

  “Can I go and look around,” James nodded as he started to fill the kettle.

  There where two corridors running off the kitchen and one to the front porch. To the right hand side of the kitchen Jeanie wondered into the living room. The beautiful stone fire place set as a grand feature in the idle of the room and the double fronted windows lit up as the full moon streamed through the glass.

  Jeanie noticed small details as their wedding photo had been placed pride of place on the mantel and pictures of Irene and the girls had been placed on the oak side board. The settee had been put in the centre of the room and Jeanie had to catch her breath at the realisation that this was her new home.

  Closing the door Jeanie ventured out into the stone floor hallway, the stain glass window on the front porch streamed multi coloured pictures and Jeanie felt like Alice in wonderland.

  Poking her head around into the kitchen James stood at the back door cigarette in hand, tiptoeing past she crept down into the other corridor, switching on the light Jeanie saw three rooms.

  Wondering into the bedroom she immediately knew this was their room. The same fire placed greeted her and the huge oak bed practically filled the room. Standing at the door Jeanie bit her nails as the same double fronted windows with seats looked out into the garden.

  Wanting to pinch herself James disturbed her. His warm hands wrapped around her waist. “Is it ok….I asked them to leave the furniture as we had nothing did I do the right thing.”

  “James It’s such a surprise it’s more than I ever imagined. Just a quick question though where does that door go?” James took her hand and smiled, “This is just for you I had to make sure it was completed before you arrived.”

  As he opened the door Jeanie bit her lip too scared to speak but to inquisitive not to go, looking into the room she held her breath.

  “I have my own bathroom. I still don’t know what can I say? I love all of it. I have a slight problem though what about clothes...”

  “I’m sure we can figure something out.” Hearing the kettle boil James disappeared out of the door whilst Jeanie continued her journey around her new home.

  The bathroom intrigued Jeanie as another door led into another room, “Ok bedroom number two,” her excitement increased with every door, this time it led her back into the dark corridor. Jeanie by this time had become very observant and as she came across a small hallway with yet another door she couldn’t wait to look in. The door was ajar and the room seemed to be filled with boxes. Creeping inside the third room Jeanie saw it was much smaller and the window looked out over the vegetable patch at the rear of the house, Jeanie smiled and whispered under her breath,

  “My little project.”

  Sitting at the table in the kitchen she couldn’t help but smile as James passed her a mug and winked.

  “You knew I would love this didn’t you.” Placing her mug on her lap James lovingly gazed at her amazement and felt content and relieved at how happy she was.

  Starting the fire in the bedroom Jeanie pulled the two small arm chairs together and as she curled her feet up underneath her Jeanie and James sat and talked. After a while Jeanie rested her head on the wing of the chair, leaning over he took her cup “Come on bed….you need your rest…” Jeanie didn’t need any persuasion the excitement of the day had worn her out.

  “James I have nothing to wear for bed.”

  “And that’s a problem because…”

  “You know what I mean.” Jeanie shook her head not minding James response and enjoying his company was something she missed.

  “I’ve found this in one of the boxes in t
he spare room…..” James held up an embroidered crisp white night dress, “I think it’s a bit old but….. Better than nothing….”

  Taking the dress she disappeared into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror Jeanie sighed as the nighty looked hideous.

  Shutting down the light and closing the door James was already in bed, “Jean I forgot to close the other curtain.” As she stretched over the window seat the moonlight streamed down over her and as the clear light glimmered through the dress it silhouetted every curve. The dark areola of her breast emphasised by the white material outlined Jeanie’s elegant figure.

  James couldn’t help but stare as a few weeks before she was dying in a hospital bed and seeing her as his wife for the first time after that experience made him realise how lucky he was to have her back in his life.

  Sliding between the sheets Jeanie rested her head on the pillow, taking hold of James’s hand; she pulled it close to her chest

  “You surprised me today thank you...” James moved her hair away and ran his other hand down her face and neck, “All…all I want to do is make you happy.”

  Tightly wrapping himself around her body she felt his breath on her back and as he kissed her at the side of her ear and again on her neck tingles started to appear again. Feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace Jeanie fell fast asleep.

  Seeing how tranquil and peaceful she looked he slid his hand over her stomach, “I love you more than you know.”

  Jeanie awoke to James’s head on her shoulder and his arm draped across her stomach. Seeing daylight she couldn’t wait to see the outside of the house and the new surroundings. Sneaking out of bed Jeanie opened the curtains trying to take a glimpse at where she was.

  Noticing she was missing he sat up and rubbed his eyes,

  “Jea I really love you in that nighty and the dreams it’s given me are the best I have had in years.” Wondering what he was talking about Jeanie looked down seeing her own naked silhouette. Grabbing James’s jacket off the back of the chair her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.


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