In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1)

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In any ordinary life (In any oridnary Book 1) Page 25

by Clare Stanley Midgley

  Mike turned around and walked into the office sitting in front of the wood burner he contemplated his thoughts as Jeanie followed.

  “I need to go and gather my things,” he didn’t speak he didn’t even gesture at her leaving. The cheeky spark, wit and the glib bullshit he used to annoy her with had all but disappeared, “Meet you at St Mary’s tonight, I’ll bring Iris she’s about your type and you’re buying.”

  Another teary episode would have sent her over the edge and right now she needed to keep her wits about her. Gathering her uniform and belongings together, Jeanie pulled out a picture of James, changing into her uniform Eric appeared from nowhere, “Who’s this?”

  “It’s - It’s my brother James he was a doctor lost in action...” Eric turned the picture over, “Has writing on the back of this. To my beloved Jeanie I’m sorry for leaving you at this time, remember me always your loving husband James” Jeanie swallowed deeply as she hated lying and she wasn’t good at it but unfortunately in the circumstances she had to get accustomed to doing it.

  “She gave it to me they where having problems she didn’t want it so I took it with me only thing I have left of him now.” Jeanie started to stuff her bag quicker, “Just seems odd that’s all anyway where you going?” Jeanie rolled her eyes as she threw the sack on her back; “On Leave for a few days” Jeanie shook Eric’s hand wished him all the best, disappearing before he had anymore questions.

  The lane was swamped with mud and as Jeanie jiggled the pack on her back it reminded her of the night she ended up looking like something out a horror film. The rain started to pour again and Jeanie pulled the jacket around her for comfort.

  That night had so many repercussions, Jeanie thought maybe if she had never ventured out the whole Signthorpe saga might never have happened.

  Knowing that she was deluding herself, she found herself outside the pub. Looking up she could still she James at the arched window and she could still feel his hands running over her soft skin with the kisses hanging in the air as the passion intensified. It felt like a lifetime away from where she needed to be.

  A million thoughts raced through her mind at a million miles an hour and as she ventured closer to the cottage the experience had now just become very real and knowing she would be soon on a ship going to Burma made her nausea return. As Jeanie heaved on the side of the road, she knew she had to pull it together as bring this home to her family was just going to make her departure worse. Being brave and stubborn wasn’t going to keep her alive.

  Walking down the garden path she knocked on the door as Irene appeared there was no gesture, no big welcome home. This was going to be the last time she walked though the door as a woman and this was the last time she was going to be able to be herself until the truth could be revealed.

  Jeanie knew the next time she would step out of the cottage door she had to be Private Jack Rutherford, a soldier on the verge of war.

  Chapter 27

  John sat quietly waiting for Matthew.

  Looking at the fire he rocked back and forth on his chair. The anxiety and tension of the situation was unbearable and no longer able to sit he paced up and down passing his desk and occasionally looking at the items which had been scattered. Tentatively he scratched his brow.

  “For fuck sake….Matthew hurry up,”

  Unable to be patient John started to rummage in the top hand corner of his desk drawer, grabbing a pair of tweezers he began to sift through the blooded tangled hair and fingernails. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath before turning over the photo.

  “What are you doing?” John fell to the floor in shock

  “Don’t fucking do that, “Matthew threw his coat over the corner of the table bemused at why he had been called out in such strange circumstances?

  “So the three or four word conversion has made me turn up here at some god awful time because you feel that Signthorpe had an accomplice” John dragging himself off the floor handed the tweezers over.

  “Well Matt you tell me what you think?” unaffected by John’s anxiety he took the tweezers and placed himself in front of the desk.

  “John you have full fingernails on your desk…have you touched any of this?”

  “I was just about to look at the photo I just don’t think…I don’t know.” Matthew now taking John’s complaint seriously delved further into the envelope. “John I think you need to look at this……..”

  Turning to face the desk he saw the photo and the note which was attached, “Do you know this woman?”

  “Yes…Yes I do in fact I’d just had a conversation with my secretary about her not an hour ago she’s an office girl…what’s her fucking name…..Mary Conaghan…shit”

  Delving further and trying not to touch the package Matt unpicked a note which had been attached to the bottom corner of the photo.

  “Well sir I think you may be right with your conclusion. I also think you need to be worried as this is addressed to you do you want me to read?” John poured himself a large scotch and lit a cigarette, taking a drag he he flicked his wrist at Matt “Be my guest.”

  Taking a pen out of his top pocket unfolded the note. “Here we go…”

  “John I’m sure by now you’ve realised that Jeanie is going to be a long way from your reach and before now I thought all bitches only had one reason in life……but I think her purpose has changed she’s more important to me alive at the moment.

  Signthorpe was merely a puppet he was psychotic and ready to kill for a cause but a puppet. We had a pact but he became impatient and executed it before we where ready but now it shows me that we could have all three of you.

  You see John you where a hick up and I understand that now even I have made mistakes. I thought you should know she wasn’t the only one and she won’t be the last.

  So I thought I’d send you a reminder of what we can do to you. If you’re lucky you might be able to save that fucking whore from a fate worse than death.

  Mind you fucking her to death wouldn’t be anything like Jeanie. So John you will have to pay as well. And when her cock sucking husband is dead she will run to me with open arms. And you you will die with her husband.

  Just as a reminder I’ve sent you Jeanie’s finger nails. I watched her claw at the ground to get away from death and as her nails ripped off I collected them one by one as a reminder.

  John I’m in control not you and certainly not this war me. You’ve got 48 hours John what are you going to do. Save Jeanie or save this insignificant little bitch clock is ticking!”

  Matt laughed nervously, “I think that’s probably not just proved your theory but shot it to conclusive John…John.”

  John poured himself another scotch and threw it back. The thought of Jeanie dragging herself to save herself was too much to bear again.

  “He’s American…he’s another American.”

  “You can’t jump to that conclusion John, your going to have to set up interviews movements, times date you know the procedure,” Slamming his glass down on the desk John didn’t have the patience to listen. “Matt I’d love to indulge you but just take this from me that he’s American and the reason why I know is that in forty eight hours he’s off my fucking base and on his way to war.

  That of which is fucking classified. You can’t……he will know if you start interrupting those procedures it will put Jeanie at risk and I can’t permit that. We will have to be subtle.”

  “I understand your concerns my friend but it’s not just Jeanie he wants your involved with this. Listen I know……ask Anne some more questions but I need to take this it has to be formalised she could be dead and this is a potential murder enquiry. John you understand don’t you?” “Yes…I do.”

  As Matt packed up the evidence John took hold of the photo. “Matt there is something attached to the back let me lay it straight. Look at the corner.” Matt peered closely and grabbed the tweezers out of John’s hand. “Hold on…Fuck John look at this...” As john looked over his shoulder a
lump appeared in his throat.

  “That’s Jeanie…Matt that was the night she nearly died.” John threw the glass at the wall. The fragments of glass exploded into shatters crumbling as they hit the floor. Standing in silence he didn’t know which way to turn. Shuffling the extra photo and the papers into a folder Matt left without saying a word.

  That night haunted him; he was living in a real life horror film. He lost her, he lost his baby and that night he lost hope. He was a broken man and this person knew it. Closing his eyes he raised his head to the ceiling in hopes the images of the photo would dissipate. The real in his mind replayed over and over again. The flashes of Jeanie being dragged under the vehicle blooded frightened with her hand outstretched dragging along the floor desperate disturbed his memory. It was meant to hurt, it was meant for him to take revenge, it was meant to mock.

  “Anne Croston please.” If he was going to start somewhere he had to start with Mary’s friend.

  As Anne entered the office John smiled politely, “Anne take a seat don’t be worried I just need to know a few things about Mary just to see if I can help.” Anne clutched at her bag as the earlier encounter had left her shaken. “Ok Sir…..I don’t know what I can help with but I will try.”

  John took out his note book and opened his jotter he noticed that not all the fragments of hair had been taken. Brushing them away uncomfortably he tried to put Anne at ease.

  ” Ok. Would you like a drink?” Anne shook her head and clenched her bag even closer to her chest. John poured himself another scotch.

  “Right Anne when was the last time you saw Mary?”

  “Around ten days ago. I made her a cup of tea in the canteen and we talked for a while.” John shuffled his chair forward and started to make some notes, “What did you chat about?” Anne still playing with the hem tentatively responded, “Well Sir it was ladies talk.” Anne seemed coy. “Anne if I’m going to find her I need to know a little bit more than that.” Anne lifted her gaze and pursed her lips together. “I’m sorry Sir it was rather frightening before…..,” Pausing to gather her thoughts Anne continued anxiously, “Mary knew I was your secretary and she thought you where very handsome and that kind of conversation.”

  As much as John didn’t want to admit Anne had pandered to his diminishing ego and as he raised his hand to cover his smile he felt a small spark of confidence return with her words.

  “Anyway she said one of the soldiers had been sending her gifts and she had met him at a dance. She never said his name only that he was American and ten days ago they where supposed to meet. Sir” John snapped the pencil unable to keep his frustration within his cool exterior. “American……did she say anything else?”

  “I don’t know Sir. I didn’t think anything of it really I mean so many girls meet soldiers these days I didn’t.”

  “Anne I’m sorry to drag you back up here but thank you. Why don’t you take the morning off tomorrow? If there is anything you remember that you think may be important please just let me know.”

  “Sir sorry I’ve just remembered something. I don’t know whether it’s important but she said he was part of Ryland’s men something like that….”

  John escorted Anne to a car, scanning around the base John’s concerns heightened. Watching for any unusual movements John knew if this man was still on the base anyone who had information could be targeted. Waving her off he lit a cigarette at the door he repeated the name. “Ryland I know Ryland…Ryland.” Breathing in the smoke he stood to attention, “Ripley’s unit!”

  Throwing the cigarette he stormed upstairs and sieved through the filing cabinet. “Fuck Jack…Jack…Jack. There you are. Where’s the fucking recommendation.” Dropping the paperwork to the floor he found the signature George Ripley 1103 Engineer’s division.

  John backed up against the wall, he had signed off and recommended her to this brigade and he felt like he had just signed her death warrant. Underneath the recommendation was Jeanie’s signature as Private J Rutherford.

  He wanted to run, he wanted to get into the car and drive to her tell, plead, beg her not to go, but he knew if he did he would put all of them in danger. Helpless he screamed into the night as he knew the only way to save her was to find Mary and fast.

  John watched from his chair as the daylight streamed through the window. The morning beckoned him out of his office and the uneasy helpless feeling of last night wandered around his body like lice. As the early morning noise filled the corridors he knew he had to start somewhere, the only place he knew of which was accessible to him onsite was Mary Conaghan typing desk.

  John made his way to an empty desk, “Is this Mary Conaghan’s desk?” the girl sat across nodded her head and continued to type. John started to tear at the desk, looking for anything he could. Reaching under the papers in the desk he realised he had found not just a clue but something that made his heart sink. Opening the box he knew exactly what it was it was Jeanie’s St Christopher. John had taken it off her placing it in his pocket as she was lay on the floor. He had sent it to be cleaned and now it was in front of him sat in a box. As he turned it in his fingers he could see the blood had stained the back of the necklace and underneath the pocket of the box laid a note.

  “From old friends come new beginnings, you will be part of my dream and the realisation of my future. Yours Truly COW x x”

  John sat on the chair reading the note over and over again; these must have been musical, enchanting and even charming to Mary a man that was trying to sweep her off her feet.

  Knowing differently the vile distaste of what laid in store for her made John’s blood run cold. Leaning on Mary’s desk he contemplated his next move and the complicated trilogy played out in his mind.

  Looking blankly at the desk he longed for inspiration and as the air filled with smoke and the smell of ink the volume tapped precariously away in his mind.

  “Anne said she was so methodical and reliable,” John urged for any inspiration. The girl sat at the typewriter glanced over hearing the helplessness, “Anything I can help with?” John trying to be the picture of a perfect gentleman smiled politely, “Thank you. I’m just looking for a few of Mary’s things.” The girl lit a cigarette and offered one to John, “Mary was lovely we’ve all been wondering what happened to her…you know she painted that picture hanging on the wall you know something nice for us ladies to look at other than the soldiers.”

  “Sorry. Apologies that picture over there?”

  “Yeah she painted it quite recently something about special time with her new bow.” Racing over he took the painting off the wall and after excusing himself he ran back along the corridor to his office.

  “Give me something I can work with Mary.” The picture was beautiful it looked like a dense forest with streams of bluebells flooding the woodland floor and on the back it wrote “Special place near home.”

  John needed to know where this wood was and fast. Taking hold of Anne’s arm he paraded her down the winding close boarded corridor.

  “I just need a minute…’s important.”

  “Sir sorry if you don’t mind me saying you seem…….distracted?” John directing the orchestra of chairs ushered people out of a small side office, “I have a picture which Mary painted do you know where this is?”

  “Wherever it is its beautiful but how has this got anything to do with Mary?” John exasperated started to loose his patience.

  “Anne please just concentrate it says on the back near home do you know where that is?”

  “Sir I think she said something about playing near the Solway as a child so maybe somewhere up there. I’m sorry.”

  “Anne can you get a map of the area around the Solway?” Anne still perplexed at John’s manor nodded and quickened her pace.

  “What does this have to do with Mary sir?”

  “Just making sure she’s not in trouble Anne that’s all.”

  Maps, graphs and charts scattered around John’s office in no particular order. He
felt as if he was being mocked and the person involved had taken great care to do so. Taking his notes and the painting he needed help and the only friend he could turn too was Matt.

  Arriving at the police station John caught a glimpse of himself in the black glass; he looked like a man on the edge. Trying not to draw attention John entered the station.

  “I need to see Superintendent Matthew Lineage please.”

  The officer on reception raised one eye brow at a dishevelled John and how his obvious desperation had assaulted his cool charming façade that should have befitted his station. Instead his body was rigid with the anxiety that painstakingly ran through every contorted muscle and the constable felt the intensity within his presence.

  Agreeing to the request he mumbled lightly down the telephone.

  “Sir I know it’s not my place but you don’t look at all well.”

  John straightened his jacket and ran his fingers through his hair trying to smarten himself, “I’m fine thank you for asking.”

  John slipped back into his character trying to ease the situation and trying not to draw attention to the urgency he felt and as Matthew entered reception with an open hand John followed timidly.

  “Through here please.” Matt closed the door and ushered John into a small poky corridor.

  “I told you I would come to you.”

  “Have you got something?” John pulled the picture out of his coat looking more like a dodgy salesman than a Lieutenant Colonel.

  “I have this. I also have Jeanie’s St Christopher but the picture. I’ve looked on all the local maps. Anne said she played on the Solway and the nearest place I found remotely close would be Kirkcudbright. The moor’s are vast over their but the girl I spoke to said this picture is recent though look.” John pointed to the back of the picture and to a faint pen mark situated at the bottom right of the picture. Matthew removed his glasses and put them closer to the picture.


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