Rise of the Fallen: Ascensionis

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Rise of the Fallen: Ascensionis Page 33

by Danny R Negron

  As he gazes at the tank's FLIR on the display, Frank laughingly says, “So it's safe to assume that I can't have target practice right now.”

  Victor's voice can be heard from the MS4's communications system saying, “That's right, Mr. Garrison. Oh, and I'm waiting outside. I need to brief you as well as record your voice into Sasha's voice recognition software in order for you to be able to arm her weapons.”

  Frank hops off of the tank and lands next to Victor. Shortly afterwards, Sasha materializes next to him. Victor looks at her and asks, “Are you ready, Sasha?”

  She nods and prepares to listen. Victor explains to Frank, “You need to choose a security password to activate the weapons systems.”

  He shakes his head and says after a chuckle, “This is too much.”

  Frank's lips get very close to Sasha's ear and he says in a low voice, “Gonzo.”

  This causes her to take a step back and hold her ear with her hand. His breath caused a strange sensation that she has never felt before. She then says while blushing and clearing her throat, “Password has been saved.”

  Victor gives him a puzzled expression and raises his eyebrow. This makes Frank shrug his shoulders and reply, “Come on. Hunter.” Victor waves his hand and tells him seriously, “Follow me to the briefing room. Thank you for showing Mr. Garrison that small tour, Sasha.”

  “Of course, Mr. Frankenstein.”

  While listening to the both of them walk away, Sasha turns around and leans on the tank. She touches her ear again and whispers to herself, “That was strange.”

  Frank and Victor are walking down the long hallway side by side. Victor says, “I am grateful that you have decided to help us, Mr. Garrison.”

  “No problem. I should be grateful to you for getting me back into action. I was getting bored with that whole retirement bullshit.”

  Victor stops walking and begins to become preoccupied. Frank also stops walking and asks, “What's wrong?”

  Victor looks at him and says, “There is something that you need to know about Sasha. I'm sure that you're aware that she is a prototype. There doesn't exist another like her.”

  Frank replies sarcastically, “With that attitude, maybe that's a good thing.”

  After seeing that Victor is not amused, he asks in all seriousness, “You think she might have a few bugs?”

  Victor pauses for a moment and replies, “Sasha has never experienced a real battle. Sure, she has viewed clips on the Internet and has scored well on all of the simulations.”

  Frank takes a deep breath and says, “So she's green. She's pretty gung-ho so I think she'll do fine.”

  Victor takes a step closer and tells him, “Just...take care of her. You are her driver which means that she is going to need you as much as you will need her.”


  Victor nods and they both continue walking down the hallway. The door of the briefing room hisses as it slides open allowing the two men to enter. Frank sits down on one the office chairs while Victor uses a remote to activate a three-dimensional hologram of Earth. Victor begins the briefing by saying, “Miss Garrison has already constructed camps where the capitals of each state were previously located.”

  The holographic image zooms into the area of North America and glowing red tents appear indicating the locations of each camp. He continues by saying, “Chances are high that the survivors have been given a choice to fend for themselves or live in the camps. Your mission is to invade the camps and rescue as many prisoners as possible.”

  Frank tells him honestly, “You are aware that there is the possibility most of them will prefer to stay.”

  “Yes, Mr. Garrison. In those particular cases, you are to leave them behind.”

  Suddenly, yellow markers appear a short distance away from each of the camps. Victor explains, “Once you have rescued the prisoners, you will lead them to these designated areas to have them transported here. This is an important detail, Mr Garrison. Our teleportation device is designed for only a group of ten, maybe twenty. We have made successful modifications but the energy cells require quite some time afterwards to recharge. If you fail to get them through, the waiting time will be twenty-four hours for another chance.”

  Frank cracks his knuckles and asks, “When do I start?”

  The hologram disappears and the lights turn on. Victor says, “Tomorrow at four o'clock in the morning. I suggest that you get some much needed rest.”

  Hours later, Frank enters his room and turns on his lights. He decides to watch a movie before going to bed and looks over the available DVD collection. His finger pulls one out and he says to himself, “Apocalypse Now. Seems fitting.”

  Frank pushes the play button and begins watching. He can't help but think of his daughter while looking at the opening credits because she used to love watching this movie with him.

  Meanwhile, Sasha is deeply involved in a battle simulation. She finally finishes it and says to herself, “Another perfect score.”

  Her systems completely shut down and the lights slowly dim until it gets dark. A few minutes later, Sasha's main screen turns on and she begins searching the military database for Hunter S. Thompson.

  At three-thirty in the morning, Frank arrives at the teleportation area deep within the research station on Mars. As he takes a sip of his freshly brewed coffee, he looks at the scientists below giving Sasha one final weapons check and a complete system diagnosis. Victor stands next to him and says, “She's almost ready. Oh, and I have a surprise for you.”

  Frank is expecting him to give him another impressive weapon but instead is given a smart watch along with a black leather glove. Victor explains to him, “Put on the watch first, Mr. Garrison.”

  Frank prepares to fasten the watch but is shocked to see that it turns on by itself and tightens around his wrist. He looks up at Victor and asks, “What the hell?”

  Victor hands him the glove and tells him, “Now put this on.”

  He hesitates for a moment. Victor reassures him by saying, “Don't worry. It's harmless. As a matter of fact, I think you'll like it.”

  Frank slips his hand into the glove and it attaches itself to the smart watch. Victor steps closer and points to the smart watch while saying, “You push there to activate it.”

  Frank touches the screen and is amazed to see that the glove has returned to him the use of his previously missing fingers. He clenches his fist tightly and says, “I do like it. I won't even ask how you did it.”

  Victor chuckles and replies, “I couldn't let you go with your hand looking like that. Let's get ready.”

  Frank follows him down the steps while touching his fingers still in state of disbelief. Sasha sees them approaching and shouts, “Hey, Frank! Ready to kick some ass?”

  He shakes her hand and then replies while raising both hands, “Ready and willing, soldier...with both hands.”

  She touches the fingers of his left hand and says, “Nice! Did you make this, Mr. Frankenstein?”

  “Yes. Mr. Garrison refused surgery so I figured this was the next logical solution.”

  Sasha nods her head repeatedly and says, “Good call.”

  Victor looks at his watch and tells them, “It's almost time.”

  He extends his hand to Frank and says, “Good luck to you, Mr. Garrison.”

  Frank shakes his hand firmly and replies, “Thanks for everything.” He looks at Sasha and barks out, “Get ready to move out!”

  She salutes him and fades away from sight. Frank makes his way into the MS4 and the hatch slides shut. He walks toward the cockpit while asking, “Nervous?”

  “Huh? No, I'm not nervous. It's my first time but I'll be okay.”

  He sits down on the chair and, while fastening the seat belts, says, “We're partners now, kid. I got your back.”

  After a moment of silence, she replies, “Thanks. I got your back too, partner.”

  Victor's face appears on the main screen and he says, “The portal will open in approxim
ately ten minutes. I have already transferred the geographical data to your hard drive, Sasha.”

  “Yup. I have it here.”

  “Excellent. Godspeed.”

  The chat window disappears and Frank begins to take deep breaths. The sound of the air conditioner turning on is heard which makes him close his eyes and say, “Thanks.”

  “No problem. I saw the rise in your body temperature. Oh, and I read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas last night. Good book.”

  He opens his eyes and asks, “What? You read the whole novel last night?”

  “It took me seconds to read so it's not like I was up all night. I am a computer, after all. It's time...here we go.”

  Sasha's caterpillar tracks start moving until she reaches the edge of the platform. A portal opens below showing the Earth's atmosphere. Frank gazes at the circular opening on the monitor and asks, “Afraid of heights?”

  Sasha thinks for a moment and replies, “Not really.”

  A magnetic force lifts the MS4 into the air and gradually moves it toward the center of the portal. Victor is standing next to one of the scientists and says loudly, “Now!”

  The magnetic force deactivates resulting in the tank dropping down and disappearing into the portal. As the portal closes, Victor places both of his hands on his cane and closes his eyes as if to pray for their safe return.

  The MS4 is seen plummeting toward the Earth at a high rate of speed. Sasha yells in a state of euphoria, “Woo-hoo!”

  Frank advises her, “If we hit the ocean at this speed, it'll be like hitting the concrete. The least they could've done was put us closer to the ground.”

  She sighs in frustration and replies, “Stop crying, Frank. They did it like this to conserve power. And don't you worry about the ocean. Watch this.”

  Frank notices Sasha navigating through the SMI on the monitor until she activates the front and rear thrusters. He asks out of curiosity, “You can fly?”

  “Keep watching.”

  The lower front and lower rear of the MS4 open to reveal plasma powered ion thrusters. The electrical field in the engines light up and release a powerful burst of kinetic energy which makes the tank hover in the air for a few minutes. Frank feels the vibration inside caused by the engines and says in a fired up tone, “Good job!”

  Sasha replies proudly, “I know. I'm the only Ripsaw tank with ion thrusters, by the way.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Focus on the mission and not your ego, kid.”

  After the burst, the tank continues its descent. It finally makes a huge splash into the Gulf of Mexico in close proximity of Tate's Hell State Forest.

  As they drift down toward the ocean floor, Sasha accesses the geographical data and shows it to Frank on the main screen. He touches the screen with his fingers and expands in order to zoom into the area where they have landed. Sasha says, “We'll get to the Tate's Hell State Forest in about an hour or so.”

  “Our first target is the camp in Tallahassee. Shit. Judging by the satellite imagery, it looks like a complex military installation right at Governor's Park. This is not going to be easy.”

  The MS4 finally reaches land and the caterpillar tracks stop moving just outside of the forest. Sasha says confidently, “We can reach the installation in two hours. Two and a half max...taking into consideration obstacles we might run into.”

  Frank scratches his chin while he considers his options. To go in guns blazing would not be a wise move...even with a top of the line tank like the MS4. She asks in a low tone, “Frank? Did you hear me?”

  “Yeah, kid. Just thinking.”

  “Oh, okay. Mr. Frankenstein recorded something for you regarding the mission, by the way.”

  Frank becomes startled by Victor saying loudly behind him, “Greetings to both of you.”

  He spins around to look at the holographic projection and says, “Jesus, kid. Give this old man some kind of warning before doing something like that.”


  Victor continues, “We have prepared several identities in order to facilitate your infiltration into the military installations, Mr. Garrison. Upon injecting yourself with the serum, the average wendigo soldier will detect you as being one of his/her kind and will also alter your physical appearance by modifying your facial structure.”

  Sasha advises Frank, “It’s all located in your locker, Frank.”

  Victor takes a step forward and says, “Each identity will also possess their own distinct voice in the form a chip that gets injected into your throat thus effectively altering your vocal cords.”

  Frank can’t help but think of all of the CIA operatives that may have used some, if not all, of this technology during their black ops. Impossible for all of this to be newly created just for this mission.

  Victor nods and says, “I have the utmost confidence in the both of you. Good luck.”

  The holographic image of Victor Frankenstein fades away and Frank leans forward to rest his chin on his folded hands.

  After drudging through the forest for forty minutes, Frank studies his reflection in the mirror and is astounded by the remarkable transformation. Sasha stands beside him and says while grinning, “Looking sharp, Major Ryan Pierce.”

  “Thanks, kid. Inject me with the voice chip.”

  Sasha picks up the syringe with her right hand and uses her other to gently raise his chin. She asks him, “Ready?”

  Frank hesitates for a moment and eventually nods. He squints as he feels the needle puncture his skin. Sasha explains, “The effect will last twenty-four hours. The chip will then dissolve into your bloodstream and will expel itself with your urine.”

  Frank holds his neck as soon as Sasha removes the syringe and cringes at the bitter taste in his mouth. She takes a step back, places the syringe back into the case and says, “My turn.”

  Frank observes as Sasha’s force fields shift and contort in rather disturbing ways. Her transformation finally completes into Military Police Officer Geraldine Braddock.

  Frank says in a different voice, “Whoa, shit.”

  Sasha smirks and replies, “We’re arriving.”

  Minutes later, Frank sits down in front of the main screen and notices an airport ahead. A long line of people are walking across the abandoned airstrip toward a group of buses. Sasha says softly, “Those must be the uninfected. They're taking them to the military camp.”

  Frank doesn’t reply and instead witnesses the horrific sight of cattle being led to their slaughter. He whispers to himself, “Diana. They’re innocent.”

  While traveling east on West Orange Avenue, Frank observes the complete desertion of Florida State University. Sasha places her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He quickly glances at her and says in a low tone, “Hard to imagine that this place was filled with youngsters excited about their future opportunities. Now look at it.”

  Sasha always found herself fantasizing about being a college student and having fun with a group of friends. She first began having these thoughts a year after becoming self-aware. She would develop online friendships with many humans but there was always something missing.

  The two guards at the front entrance of the Tallahassee military installation notices an approaching tank with its headlights on. One of them steps in front of the gate and raises his hand as a gesture for the driver to apply the brake. Frank takes a deep breath and says, “Here we go, kid.”

  Chapter XXI

  Meanwhile, in the city of Atlantis, a funeral is being held for Ryu Miyazaki. Haruka is wearing one of the queen's elegant evening gowns and is staring coldly at her father's body in the open casket. She kisses him on his forehead and whispers in Japanese, “Rest in peace, father.”

  She nods her head at the Atlantean and walks away to sit next to Rikki. They hold hands and Rikki wipes the tears from Haruka’s eyes with her free hand. Queen Thessalonike watches as her servants close the casket and carry it away to have the body cremated as Haruka requested. Dr. Frankenstein is sitting ne
xt to her and whispers, “May he rest in peace.”

  “Yes, Ludwig. I have not had the pleasure of meeting him...and yet I feel very saddened by this loss.”

  Later that evening, Haruka places the urn containing Ryu Miyazaki's ashes on a circular table next to a picture frame showing his face. She takes a step back into Rikki's warm embrace and asks, “What do you think?”

  Rikki kisses her neck and replies softly, “It looks perfect there.”

  Dr. Frankenstein is sitting in his office analyzing the results of the most recent findings of the ocean life in this mysterious new world. Indrid is sitting next to him and begins to stare. He looks at her and asks, “What's wrong, Indrid?”

  “The funeral of Ryu Miyazaki has made me think about how I would react when your time comes.”

  He squeezes her hand tightly and tells her, “Don't worry about the future. Enjoy what you have now.”

  These words make Indrid think about Alexandria. She can feel her unbearable pain whenever she thinks about Joshua Garrison. She then says, “Joshua Garrison comes to mind, Ludwig.”

  Dr. Frankenstein sits back in his chair and takes a moment to think. He says with a sense of pity, “Poor girl. I wish there was more that we could do for her.”

  In her bedroom, Alexandria opens her Facebook account and notices, much to her disappointment, that Joshua still has not posted anything since the day that they were separated. Anne Gee becomes puzzled and at a loss of what to say. She then detects a presence standing in front of the closed bedroom door and says, “Brenda Echevarria is at the...”

  “Let her in.”

  Brenda slowly steps inside seconds after the door opens. She immediately sees Alexandria’s head buried in her pillow. It never ceases to amaze her whenever she witnesses someone express such a profound sense of loss when separated from their significant other. At times, amazement turns into jealousy. Brenda sits on the edge of the bed and says softly, “Hey, princess.”


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