American Science Fiction Four Classic Novels 1953-56

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American Science Fiction Four Classic Novels 1953-56 Page 29

by Gary K. Wolfe

  “All right.”

  He waited, then said quietly, “In the library. You told her about the other kids.”

  I told her about . . . and then she said . . . and something happened, and I screamed. She comforted me and I cussed at her.

  But we’re not thinking about that now. We’re going on.

  In the library. The leather, the table, and whether I’m able to do with Miss Kew what Lone said.

  What Lone said was, “There’s a woman lives up on the top of the hill in the Heights section, name of Kew. She’ll have to take care of you. You got to get her to do that. Do everything she tells you, only stay together. Don’t you ever let any one of you get away from the others, hear? Aside from that, just you keep Miss Kew happy and she’ll keep you happy. Now you do what I say.” That’s what Lone said. Between every word there was a link like steel cable, and the whole thing made something that couldn’t be broken. Not by me it couldn’t.

  Miss Kew said, “Where are your sisters and the baby?”

  “I’ll bring ’em.”

  “Is it near here?”

  “Near enough.” She didn’t say anything to that, so I got up. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Wait,” she said. “I—really, I haven’t had time to think. I mean—I’ve got to get things ready, you know.”

  I said, “You don’t need to think and you are ready. So long.”

  From the door I heard her saying, louder and louder as I walked away, “Young man, if you’re to live in this house, you’ll learn to be a good deal better-mannered—” and a lot more of the same.

  I yelled back at her, “Okay, okay!” and went out.

  The sun was warm and the sky was good, and pretty soon I got back to Lone’s house. The fire was out and Baby stunk. Janie had knocked over her easel and was sitting on the floor by the door with her head in her hands. Bonnie and Beanie were on a stool with their arms around each other, pulled up together as close as they could get, as if it was cold in there, although it wasn’t.

  I hit Janie in the arm to snap her out of it. She raised her head. She had gray eyes—or maybe it was more a kind of green —but now they had a funny look about them, like water in a glass that had some milk left in the bottom of it.

  I said, “What’s the matter around here?”

  “What’s the matter with what?” she wanted to know.

  “All of yez,” I said.

  She said, “We don’t give a damn, that’s all.”

  “Well, all right,” I said, “but we got to do what Lone said. Come on.”

  “No.” I looked at the twins. They turned their backs on me. Janie said, “They’re hungry.”

  “Well, why not give ’em something?”

  She just shrugged. I sat down. What did Lone have to go get himself squashed for?

  “We can’t blesh no more,” said Janie. It seemed to explain everything.

  “Look,” I said, “I’ve got to be Lone now.”

  Janie thought about that and Baby kicked his feet. Janie looked at him. “You can’t,” she said.

  “I know where to get the heavy food and the turpentine,” I said. “I can find that springy moss to stuff in the logs, and cut wood, and all.”

  But I couldn’t call Bonnie and Beanie from miles away to unlock doors. I couldn’t just say a word to Janie and make her get water and blow up the fire and fix the battery. I couldn’t make us blesh.

  We all stayed like that for a long time. Then I heard the bassinet creak. I looked up. Janie was staring into it.

  “All right,” she said. “Let’s go.”

  “Who says so?”


  “Who’s running things now?” I said, mad. “Me or Baby?”

  “Baby,” Janie said.

  I got up and went over to bust her one in the mouth, and then I stopped. If Baby could make them do what Lone wanted, then it would get done. If I started pushing them all around, it wouldn’t. So I didn’t say anything. Janie got up and walked out the door. The twins watched her go. Then Bonnie disappeared. Beanie picked up Bonnie’s clothes and walked out. I got Baby out of the bassinet and draped him over my shoulders.

  It was better when we were all outside. It was getting late in the day and the air was warm. The twins flitted in and out of the trees like a couple of flying squirrels, and Janie and I walked along like we were going swimming or something. Baby started to kick, and Janie looked at him a while and got him fed, and he was quiet again.

  When we came close to town, I wanted to get everybody close together, but I was afraid to say anything. Baby must of said it instead. The twins came back to us and Janie gave them their clothes and they walked ahead of us, good as you please. I don’t know how Baby did it. They sure hated to travel that way.

  We didn’t have no trouble except one guy we met on the street near Miss Kew’s place. He stopped in his tracks and gaped at us, and Janie looked at him and made his hat go so far down over his eyes that he like to pull his neck apart getting it back up again.

  What do you know, when we got to the house somebody had washed off all the dirt I’d put on the door. I had one hand on Baby’s arm and one on his ankle and him draped over my neck, so I kicked the door and left some more dirt.

  “There’s a woman here name of Miriam,” I told Janie. “She says anything, tell her to go to hell.”

  The door opened and there was Miriam. She took one look and jumped back six feet. We all trailed inside. Miriam got her wind and screamed, “Miss Kew! Miss Kew!”

  “Go to hell,” said Janie, and looked at me. I didn’t know what to do. It was the first time Janie ever did anything I told her to.

  Miss Kew came down the stairs. She was wearing a different dress, but it was just as stupid and had just as much lace. She opened her mouth and nothing came out, so she just left it open until something happened. Finally she said, “Dear gentle Lord preserve us!”

  The twins lined up and gawked at her. Miriam sidled over to the wall and sort of slid along it, keeping away from us, until she could get to the door and close it. She said, “Miss Kew, if those are the children you said were going to live here, I quit.”

  Janie said, “Go to hell.”

  Just then Bonnie squatted down on the rug. Miriam squawked and jumped at her. She grabbed hold of Bonnie’s arm and went to snatch her up. Bonnie disappeared, leaving Miriam with one small dress and the damnedest expression on her face. Beanie grinned enough to split her head in two and started to wave like mad. I looked where she was waving, and there was Bonnie, naked as a jaybird, up on the banister at the top of the stairs.

  Miss Kew turned around and saw her and sat down plump on the steps. Miriam went down, too, like she’d been slugged. Beanie picked up Bonnie’s dress and walked up the steps past Miss Kew and handed it over. Bonnie put it on. Miss Kew sort of lolled around and looked up. Bonnie and Beanie came back down the stairs hand in hand to where I was. Then they lined up and gaped at Miss Kew.

  “What’s the matter with her?” Janie asked me.

  “She gets sick every once in a while.”

  “Let’s go back home.”

  “No,” I told her.

  Miss Kew grabbed the banister and pulled herself up. She stood there hanging on to it for a while with her eyes closed. All of a sudden she stiffened herself. She looked about four inches taller. She came marching over to us.

  “Gerard,” she honked.

  I think she was going to say something different. But she sort of checked herself and pointed. “What in heaven’s name is that? ” And she aimed her finger at me.

  I didn’t get it right away, so I turned around to look behind me. “What?”

  “That! That!”

  “Oh!” I said. “That’s Baby.”

  I slung him down off my back and held him up for her to look at. She made a sort of moaning noise and jumped over and took him away from me. She held him out in front of her and moaned again and called him a poor little thing, and ran and put him down on
a long bench, with cushions under the colored-glass window. She bent over him and put her knuckle in her mouth and bit on it and moaned some more. Then she turned to me.

  “How long has he been like this?”

  I looked at Janie and she looked at me. I said, “He’s always been like he is.”

  She made a sort of cough and ran to where Miriam was lying flaked out on the floor. She slapped Miriam’s face a couple of times back and forth. Miriam sat up and looked us over. She closed her eyes and shivered and sort of climbed up Miss Kew hand over hand until she was on her feet.

  “Pull yourself together,” said Miss Kew between her teeth. “Get a basin with some hot water and soap. Washcloth. Towels. Hurry!” She gave Miriam a big push. Miriam staggered and grabbed at the wall, and then ran out.

  Miss Kew went back to Baby and hung over him, titchtitching with her lips all tight.

  “Don’t mess with him,” I said. “There’s nothin’ wrong with him. We’re hungry.”

  She gave me a look like I’d punched her. “Don’t speak to me!”

  “Look,” I said, “we don’t like this any more’n you do. If Lone hadn’t told us to, we wouldn’t never have come. We were doing all right where we were.”

  “Don’t say ‘wouldn’t never,’ ” said Miss Kew. She looked at all of us, one by one. Then she took that silly little hunk of handkerchief and pushed it against her mouth.

  “See?” I said to Janie. “All the time gettin’ sick.”

  “Ho-ho,” said Bonnie.

  Miss Kew gave her a long look. “Gerard,” she said in a choked sort of voice, “I understood you to say that these children were your sisters.”


  She looked at me as if I was real stupid. “We don’t have little colored girls for sisters, Gerard.”

  Janie said, “We do.”

  Miss Kew walked up and back, real fast. “We have a great deal to do,” she said, talking to herself.

  Miriam came in with a big oval pan and towels and stuff on her arm. She put it down on the bench thing and Miss Kew stuck the back of her hand in the water, then picked up Baby and dunked him right in it. Baby started to kick.

  I stepped forward and said, “Wait a minute. Hold on now. What do you think you’re doing?”

  Janie said, “Shut up, Gerry. He says it’s all right.”

  “All right? She’ll drown him.”

  “No, she won’t. Just shut up.”

  Working up a froth with the soap, Miss Kew smeared it on Baby and turned him over a couple of times and scrubbed at his head and like to smothered him in a big white towel. Miriam stood gawking while Miss Kew lashed up a dishcloth around him so it come out pants. When she was done, you wouldn’t of known it was the same baby. And by the time Miss Kew finished with the job, she seemed to have a better hold on herself. She was breathing hard and her mouth was even tighter. She held out the baby to Miriam.

  “Take this poor thing,” she said, “and put him—”

  But Miriam backed away. “I’m sorry, Miss Kew, but I am leaving here and I don’t care.”

  Miss Kew got her honk out. “You can’t leave me in a predicament like this! These children need help. Can’t you see that for yourself?”

  Miriam looked me and Janie over. She was trembling. “You ain’t safe, Miss Alicia. They ain’t just dirty. They’re crazy!”

  “They’re victims of neglect, and probably no worse than you or I would be if we’d been neglected. And don’t say ‘ain’t.’ Gerard!”


  “Don’t say—oh, dear, we have so much to do. Gerard, if you and your—these other children are going to live here, you shall have to make a great many changes. You cannot live under this roof and behave as you have so far. Do you understand that?”

  “Oh, sure. Lone said we was to do whatever you say and keep you happy.”

  “Will you do whatever I say?”

  “That’s what I just said, isn’t it?”

  “Gerard, you shall have to learn not to speak to me in that tone. Now, young man, if I told you to do what Miriam says, too, would you do it?”

  I said to Janie, “What about that?”

  “I’ll ask Baby.” Janie looked at Baby and Baby wobbled his hands and drooled some. She said, “It’s okay.”

  Miss Kew said, “Gerard, I asked you a question.”

  “Keep your pants on,” I said. “I got to find out, don’t I? Yes, if that’s what you want, we’ll listen to Miriam too.”

  Miss Kew turned to Miriam. “You hear that, Miriam?”

  Miriam looked at Miss Kew and at us and shook her head. Then she held out her hands a bit to Bonnie and Beanie.

  They went right to her. Each one took hold of a hand. They looked up at her and grinned. They were probably planning some sort of hellishness, but I guess they looked sort of cute. Miriam’s mouth twitched and I thought for a second she was going to look human. She said, “All right, Miss Alicia.”

  Miss Kew walked over and handed her the baby and she started upstairs with him. Miss Kew herded us along after Miriam. We all went upstairs.

  They went to work on us then and for three years they never stopped.

  “That was hell,” I said to Stern.

  “They had their work cut out.”

  “Yeah, I s’pose they did. So did we. Look, we were going to do exactly what Lone said. Nothing on earth could of stopped us from doing it. We were tied and bound to doing every last little thing Miss Kew said to do. But she and Miriam never seemed to understand that. I guess they felt they had to push every inch of the way. All they had to do was make us understand what they wanted, and we’d of done it. That’s okay when it’s something like telling me not to climb into bed with Janie. Miss Kew raised holy hell over that. You’d of thought I’d robbed the Crown Jewels, the way she acted.

  “But when it’s something like, ‘You must behave like little ladies and gentlemen,’ it just doesn’t mean a thing. And two out of three orders she gave us were like that. ‘Ah-ah!’ she’d say. ‘Language, language!’ For the longest time I didn’t dig that at all. I finally asked her what the hell she meant, and then she finally came out with it. But you see what I mean.”

  “I certainly do,” Stern said. “Did it get easier as time went on?”

  “We only had real trouble twice, once about the twins and once about Baby. That one was real bad.”

  “What happened?”

  “About the twins? Well, when we’d been there about a week or so we began to notice something that sort of stunk. Janie and me, I mean. We began to notice that we almost never got to see Bonnie and Beanie. It was like that house was two houses, one part for Miss Kew and Janie and me, and the other part for Miriam and the twins. I guess we’d have noticed it sooner if things hadn’t been such a hassle at first, getting us into new clothes and making us sleep all the time at night, and all that. But here was the thing: We’d all get turned out in the side yard to play, and then along comes lunch, and the twins got herded off to eat with Miriam while we ate with Miss Kew. So Janie said, ‘Why don’t the twins eat with us?’

  “ ‘Miriam’s taking care of them, dear,’ Miss Kew says.

  “Janie looked at her with those eyes. ‘I know that. Let ’em eat here and I’ll take care of ’em.’

  “Miss Kew’s mouth got all tight again and she said, ‘They’re little colored girls, Jane. Now eat your lunch.’

  “But that didn’t explain anything to Janie or me, either. I said, ‘I want ’em to eat with us. Lone said we should stay together.’

  “ ‘But you are together,’ she says. ‘We all live in the same house. We all eat the same food. Now let us not discuss the matter.’

  “I looked at Janie and she looked at me and she said, ‘So why can’t we all do this livin’ and eatin’ right here?’

  “Miss Kew put down her fork and looked hard. ‘I have explained it to you and I have said that there will be no further discussion.’

  “Well, I thought that was r
eal nowhere. So I just rocked back my head and bellowed, ‘Bonnie! Beanie!’ And bing, there they were.

  “So all hell broke loose. Miss Kew ordered them out and they wouldn’t go, and Miriam come steaming in with their clothes, and she couldn’t catch them, and Miss Kew got to honking at them and finally at me. She said this was too much. Well, maybe she’d had a hard week, but so had we. So Miss Kew ordered us to leave.

  “I went and got Baby and started out, and along came Janie and the twins. Miss Kew waited till we were all out the door and next thing you know she ran out after us. She passed us and got in front of me and made me stop. So we all stopped.

  “ ‘Is this how you follow Lone’s wishes?’ she asked.

  “I told her yes. She said she understood Lone wanted us to stay with her. And I said, ‘Yeah, but he wanted us to stay together more.’

  “She said come back in, we’d have a talk. Janie asked Baby and Baby said okay, so we went back. We had a compromise. We didn’t eat in the dining room no more. There was a side porch, a sort of verandah thing with glass windows, with a door to the dining room and a door to the kitchen, and we all ate out there after that. Miss Kew ate by herself.

  “But something funny happened because of that whole cockeyed hassle.”

  “What was that?” Stern asked me.

  I laughed. “Miriam. She looked and sounded like always but she started slipping us cookies between meals. You know, it took me years to figure out what all that was about. I mean it. From what I’ve learned about people, there seems to be two armies fightin’ about race. One’s fightin’ to keep ’em apart, and one’s fightin’ to get ’em together. But I don’t see why both sides are so worried about it! Why don’t they just forget it?”

  “They can’t. You see, Gerry, it’s necessary for people to believe they are superior in some fashion. You and Lone and the kids—you were a pretty tight unit. Didn’t you feel you were a little better than all of the rest of the world?”

  “Better? How could we be better?”


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