Azure's Warriors [Beyond the Veil 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Azure's Warriors [Beyond the Veil 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Honor James

  Rolling his eyes at her, Volos grinned and moved the table to accommodate her shorter reach. He tugged up a chair and collapsed into it on the other side of the table. All the food was before her and Drake, she noticed.

  “He only eats twice a week,” Drake said softly when she started to frown.

  “Human foods are hard on a Vhampire’s system,” Volos explained. “We can either eat two full meals a week or several small snacks throughout. I tend to just eat the two meals. Since blood is our primary dietary need, I just use the meals to help maintain the muscle mass I’ve managed to pack on over the years.”

  Drake snorted at that and then snickered. He didn’t say anything, though, just poured three cups of coffee and nudged one toward Volos with the carafe.

  “And how do you get blood? I have to admit, when you bit into me and I felt you taking blood from me, it was a serious turn-on. So if you need blood, can you take it from me, or do you have to take it from bags or whatever?” She knew that it was different for different Vhampires.

  “I always have a supply kicking around,” Volos said. “Because I’m relatively young compared to others of my Race, I have to ingest it three to four times a week at a couple pints a go. I can take some from you, but not all. I’d still need to supplement for the next few decades until the next growth-spurt period, as it were.”

  “Okay. Well, if you ever want to take from me, too, I would enjoy that. Just putting it out on the table and all of that.” She reached out and took one of the large, red fruits from the tray and began to peel it, revealing the white meat inside. A sweet and tasty fruit, to be sure. Taking a wedge slice, she popped it into her mouth and sighed. “Love this stuff.”

  Drake rubbed his hand over her arm as Volos grinned at her. “I’ll always keep it in mind, sweetheart,” Volos said. “But I also need to keep in control so that I don’t take too much. I’ll probably take a sip or two here and there, especially when we are making love.”

  “I like that idea. A lot. Knowing that you are filling my body full, and I am giving you back something in the process.” She was teasing with him. “I will just have to be sure that my diet is taken care of and I’m able to give to you when you need and want it.” There was something that was so erotic about feeding him, ensuring that he had the sustenance that he needed.

  He looked interested and then made a face. “Yeah, doubt you’re going to want to do that,” he said. “The easiest way to up your blood, because you’re one of the Races, is with red meat. Relatively raw red meat. Basically, what Drake eats, which would be the same if you happen to have a Vhampire child. Your intake would need to increase to support the growing life.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Well, that just kind of sucks. I love when you nip and bite at me, but I have to be honest in telling you that I don’t think I would be very happy eating raw meat. Sorry. I think you will have to keep taking the bagged blood and just nip me from time to time when we make love.”

  “Yeah,” he drawled with a lopsided grin. “Kind of figured you’d say that. Sorry, sweetheart,” he said with a shrug.

  Drake was chuckling as he sipped his coffee. “I somehow saw that one going that way. Given I know for a fact many others have to do the same for their Vhampire mates. Though, the meat doesn’t have to be raw. Just still juicy,” he said. “You’d have to eat more of it the more you cook it, but there is that option.”

  “I could eat a bit more meat, just not bloody.” Her nose wrinkled again. “And to be able to do that with and for Volos, I could do it, and I would do it. Mostly because I would be doing it for me, as well. I happen to really, really like the feeling of having him biting me. Feeding from me.”

  “Then you just need to decide how uncooked you can manage. They definitely do not need to be as close to raw as mine normally are. But pink and juicy would likely work all right for the situation and would allow him a little more leeway on taking blood. Drink a lot of water as well, and keep up with these.” He reached out and snagged a dark-green fruit to hand to her. “They aren’t as effective as red meat, but you’ll likely handle eating them better.”

  “Yes, this is a very good point. I do love these fruits.” She leaned back against Drake once more. “We will figure out what kinds of meat I can handle, okay? Only after we are certain that I’m able to handle things, then we will as a threesome-unit make the decision. Deal?”

  “Works for me,” Volos said. “I honestly don’t mind taking the bags. You get used to it pretty quick actually. Though, I will admit, the ones without the nasty preservatives are the best ones, in my humble opinion, anyway.”

  “Well, we will do whatever it is that we can in order to ensure that you are happy with our bonding and mating as well. I know that I would love to be able to have you feeding from me as well.” Which was the honest truth. “So we will do whatever it is that we have to do in order to ensure that we are all happy, right?”

  “Right.” He nodded with a smile. Winking at her, he sipped from his cup and closed his eyes with a soft and happy-sounding sigh.

  “Eat, Azy,” Drake said quietly. “You need to keep your strength up, given how ferocious your sexual appetites appear to be. If you are going to have the energy to keep up with us in bed, then you need to ensure you eat a lot of food at each sitting.”

  Azy snickered. “Are you complaining about my sexual appetites? If I recall correctly, you, too, were participating every bit as much as I was. There is more than one person needed when we all love together, you know.”

  “I’m not complaining in the least, little one,” he said softly. Brushing the hair off her neck, he brushed a kiss to her skin. “But the Draygon is very hungry for his mate and I have centuries of sexual needs to burn off. Centuries,” he repeated in a low whisper against her ear. “I need you strong and there as we work some of that off, not passed out from hunger. Are you understanding this situation now, my sweet and tasty little mate?”

  “Oh my goodness, yes, I do.” She fanned herself and took another bite. “Any food that will give me lots of energy is good. After this, I think we should all go and take a shower. Thoughts?”

  “A shower’s a very good idea,” Volos said with a smirk. He’d obviously heard Drake. Not that hard to imagine, given his Vhampire hearing. “Give you a chance to cool down. You are looking a little flushed over there, Azy. Feeling okay?”

  “Oh, I’m feeling very, very good. I will be feeling even better when I’m able to have you both holding me again. Feel the press of skin against mine once more. Yep, that’s the way to go. Just sayin’ is all.”

  “I’m sure you are feeling good, thinking that way,” he said with a chuckle. “But I do like how your mind works. Especially with how soft and lovely your skin is. Being able to stroke it is a true pleasure.”

  “See, exactly. We both receive mutual satisfaction from this bonding. For now, though, I really need to finish eating, or else I very well might pass out from our loving.” They both knew she was teasing. The small laugh she gave before speaking giving her away.

  “No passing out,” Drake said softly. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he reached out and grabbed her another fruit. “Eat lots. But not too much. No food comas, either, because that will get you harassed, by us.”

  “Nope, no passing out. That is not allowed.” She snickered at the idea that she would eat enough to put her into a food coma when they all knew she was the one ready to jump right back into the bed with them. Or the shower. Or the floor. Or hell, the chair, even. She wasn’t picky right now.

  “Quit squirming around, Azy,” Drake said with a growl. “Eat your meal before I say to hell with it and throw you down so I can fuck you. You’re driving me insane with all that wiggling you’re doing.”

  “I’m not trying to squirm, but good heavens, you say things like that and you make me want to part this robe and ride your cock right here in this chair instead of eating. So I think we should eat and then we will shower so that you can both fuck me again. I like that
plan. A lot.”

  “I like the idea of just pushing that robe off you and watching you ride my cock. But since it appears to be the part of my anatomy in charge currently, you may want to not pay me any mind. Eat, but quickly, for the love of all the Gods and Goddesses.”

  “Oh, believe me, I will be quick about it,” she assured him. She turned from him slightly—it was the only way she wouldn’t give into temptation—and began to eat, laughing when Volos began to feed her as well and loving both of their need and impatience.

  “You have a little something…” Volos grinned at her as he waved a finger at his chin. “No, lower,” he said when she went to wipe at it. “Got it, much better. Food goes into your mouth, Azy, not down onto your luscious and lickable breasts.”

  Okay, so she had enough. Parting her robe, she took the next piece of fruit and let the juices slide over her breasts, gasping in delight when the cold juice from one of them clung to the tips of her rock-hard nipples. “And if I want you to lick it off?” Her tone was husky, needy, as she spoke.

  She felt Drake’s cock leap under her ass as Volos seemed to glaze over. Shaking his head hard, he blinked at her and then glared. “You can’t do that without giving a guy warning. Holy hell, woman, I about had a heart attack. But”—he grinned in the next moment—“I’m more than willing to lick you clean. So very clean.”

  “I would like that a great deal.” She leaned back and watched her Dragyon. “So, lick me,” she teased. “And then when Volos rejoins us, he can carry me to the bathing chamber while you grab the lube, and while he’s fucking me, you can get my ass ready for your cock. I want you both. Again. I’m a needy mate, I know.”

  “You are our mate. ‘Needy’ doesn’t come into the equation,” Drake said softly. He shifted her slightly to the side and leaned over. Slowly, so very slowly, he slid his tongue over her breasts. He cleaned up every drop she’d put there and even went over everything a second time, likely to be sure. Volos watched the entire time, shifting in his chair now and again and not looking at all comfortable.

  “Take me to the bathroom. Let’s get our shower started?” she asked with a grin. “Maybe Volos should be the one getting the lube and taking my ass since he seems to simply just be sitting there with his mouth open and that glazed expression on his face. Do you think that I’ve broken him?”

  “No, I think that he’s simply a little overloaded. But, in this, I want your sweet little ass,” Drake said softly. “I want to feel you clamping down around my cock, hard, as I spill into you over and over.”

  “Good, because I want to feel you inside of my ass again as well.” She’d had him there earlier, when she had sucked Volos off, and she wanted it again. The feeling of the swelling of the Draygon cock was simple perfection that made her come without even trying.

  He chuckled as he scooped her up, somehow ditching the robe in the process, and carried her to the bathroom. “I can smell your arousal. You are close to coming and we haven’t even done a thing yet. I like how sensitive you are to mere suggestion, Azy.”

  “I’m glad that you are happy with that, darling, because I am as well. I happen to dearly love the fact that you can make me come with only licking my nipples, that just the thought of you inside of my ass has me wet. Now, if only we could get Volos with the program.”

  “He is coming. I think he just needed to be away from the presence of your lovely, pink nipples to regain his senses. I hear him collecting what I hope is the lube so that I don’t hurt you as I take your tight little ass,” Drake said with a grin. Setting her down in the shower stall, he stepped in and turned the water on.

  “Oh, I’m very sure that he will be collecting it, because he wouldn’t want to have to go back for it, you know. I also don’t want you hurting me, because that would make for a very difficult explanation to the medical facilities on your world, and we do not want them getting their hands on my blood. I would worry far too much that my secrets would be revealed if they did so.”

  Drake growled at that and turned, the warm water hitting her briefly before his body fully blocked it again. “No one will ever get the chance to cause you harm. I would kill them first,” he said. “And I will never, ever do anything to put you in such a tenuous situation as having to deal with the medics here. Your secret is ours, and we will do whatever it takes to protect it, always.”

  “I know.” She lifted her hands to his face and cupped his cheeks. “Now, what do you say to you fucking me against the shower stall wall while we wait for Volos?” She wanted—no, she needed to be filled. It was a burning and desperate need.

  “With great pleasure,” he said. Spinning her around, he lifted her up to the wall and pressed his cock to her pussy. “Legs around me, princess,” he told her as he slowly pressed into her wet sheath.

  She did just that. Wrapping her legs around Drake’s hips, Azure tipped her head back and whimpered, “Damn.” She had heard that term more than once, and right now, it made sense. “I swear, you fill me to capacity and beyond each time.” And it was perfect. The mating with her men seemed to always be just that, perfect.

  His laugh vibrated through her body, tightening her nipples and causing another moan to escape. “You are so sensitive,” he commented with amusement in his voice. He began to thrust slowly, taking his time to draw out to the head of his cock before sliding all the way into her body.

  “Only because I can feel every single inch of your flesh inside of me. I can feel the heat of your cock and I know that when you come, it will be like hot liquid spilling inside of me. And before you ask, that feels utterly amazing. I love the slight burn. It’s delicious.” Her legs tightened. “Then again, it could be that we are newly mated and everything is in overdrive.” She snorted at her own lie. Yeah, they both knew the truth. She seemed to be insatiable.

  “It is rumored to happen to all of the newly mated,” he said, leaning in to nip at her neck lightly. “It is also rumored to build until the point of near insanity, one of the reasons a two-week period is mandatory for all the newly mated to just be together as much as possible. It seems to level out everything so that they are capable of functioning.”

  That had Azure frowning. “Drake, I don’t think we have two weeks. I hate it, but there are too many of the Races that need our help.” Although, now that she thought about it, she didn’t feel any of the Races’ ghosts pressing in on her. When they were touching her, she couldn’t feel the press of death that she knew was around them. Odd and wonderful at the same time.

  “I know that, princess,” he said with a sigh. “But we are going to take what time we can, where we can and whenever we can. No arguments, either. We need the time to cement the bond, but I also know that we can’t leave those of the Races trapped in facilities to suffer. So we will find another one, do what’s needed, and then take a couple days for you to fully recover.”

  “I wouldn’t argue that at all. We will take the time that we need when we need it. We will be very sure to take every single moment that we can, when we can.” Any stolen moment with the two men would be wonderful. “Perhaps, soon, however, we will be able to have that time?”

  “Hopefully,” he said softly. Kissing her gently, he thrust into her, rocking his hips forward and back, taking his time to love her as he drove her crazy at the same time. He nibbled on her lips before moving his mouth to continue his little nips over her jaw and down her throat.

  He knew just how to touch her, how to drive her crazy with his body. Lifting a leg higher, she pulled him closer, deeper. “More,” she then growled. She did need more. She needed them both to collapse together with their climax, later. Now, she wanted hard, fast, and deep.

  Drake’s chuckle was followed by the kiss of sharp teeth on her throat. Just a hint, but what a delicious shiver it sent through her. “So demanding,” he whispered. Catching her hands, he pressed them up and over her head in one of his, holding her there and captive. “You really should learn some patience, princess,” he told her. Then he began t
o fuck her, hard and deep, his free hand cupping her breast to toy with her nipple with sharp tugs and flicks of his fingers.

  “I know I should, but…” She arched back and shuddered. “Holy gods, that feels so good.” She moaned. “Again.” It wasn’t a request. It was a demand, pure and simple.

  He pinched the tight bud and rolled it between his fingers before pulling on it and letting it go. Lowering his head, he caught it in his mouth and sucked hard, rolling it and nibbling on it with his teeth. Drake ground his hips into hers and then slowly withdrew, only to slam back into her. From there, he seemed to decide to move faster because she couldn’t quite catch her breath as he suckled her breast and slammed his cock into her pussy.

  The water that cascaded down and around them, the heat of his body, and the ultimate possession of her body by his were enough to have Azure gasping, and then when she added him tasting her nipples she was mindless in his arms. “Drake” Her legs were tight around his hips, she was slick with water, and she was desperate. She was never going to walk straight again, but she was fine with that!

  He let out a growl and scraped his teeth lightly over her nipple as he lifted his head. “Come for me, little mate. Scream,” he told her. Nibbling on her throat, he slammed his cock into her even faster. It shouldn’t have been possible, but he did it.

  Azure did just that. She screamed as her head fell back and slightly to the side to allow him full access to her neck. When he nipped at her neck and then bit her, she screamed again. Another sob tore through her as she felt him coming right along with her.

  His big body shuddered as he loosened his grip on her wrists. Catching her head, he tipped it back and pressed a kiss to her lips gently. “I love you, princess,” he whispered softly. Smiling, he dropped another kiss to her lips. “Volos, quit tapping your fucking foot and get your ass in here.”

  Azure’s hand touched Drake’s cheek gently and then she grinned. “He could have joined us at any time at all. I wouldn’t have minded in the least, you know.” She pulled back and when Drake lifted her off of his cock, she shuddered. “Gods, I hate that part,” she whispered. “When we disconnect like that.”


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