Figuring out what to do on my first official date with Cameron was easy. We were watching a documentary a few days ago, and they showed some park rangers on horseback. Cameron casually mentioned that he would love to learn how to ride. That, I can arrange, and even better, I can combine it with another invitation that was still outstanding.
"So where are we going today?" Cameron asks as we’re in his old, beat-up car.
It's freaking miracle this thing still runs. I guess I could splurge some of my first paychecks on a car of my own, but so far, I've been doing just fine taking Ubers. It's not like driving is a lot of fun in this city. Cameron is following the instructions I give him, based on the navigation app on my phone. I don't want him to see our final destination just yet.
"You'll see when we get there," I tease him.
He shoots me a look sideways, then focuses back on the road. "Your outfit doesn't tell me anything either. You're dressed in the same jeans and boots you always wear. Hell, you even have your hat on."
"You have a problem with the way I dress?" I feign insult.
He grins. "Oh, I have no problem at all with the way those jeans hug your ass," he assures me. "I like those jeans just fine. And the boots kinda go with the whole cowboy thing you've got going."
"I've been debating whether I should stop wearing them," I say, sobering after chuckling over his remarks. "I got recognized a few times already, and it's making me stand out."
Cameron sighs. "I get it, but I would hate for you to have to change something that is such a part of who you are."
"Yeah. I guess dreams come true at a price, you know?"
We chat during the hour drive until my app tells me we've reached our destination, and I tell Cameron to take a right turn into the driveway.
"Where are we?" he asks, frowning.
There's a gated entrance, and Cameron stops the car. "There’s a keypad," I tell him, repeating the instructions Ethan gave me. "The code is 65908."
With an adorable frown of concentration, Cameron punches in the numbers and the gate slides open. I've never been here before either, and I can't hold back a gasp as the driveway bends around the corner, opening up the view to a fantastic ranch. It sprawls amid a gentle rolling landscape, a pool and a tennis court already visible. I can see the horses Ethan gushed about as well, lazily grazing in a field surrounded by a white fence.
Ethan told me to park right next to the house, and by the time Cameron has switched off the engine, Ethan’s already waiting for us, Rick by his side. Cameron spots them, then smiles at me.
"You could've just told me we’re hanging out with some Hollywood superstar," he says, but I can tell he's excited. And he doesn't even know what else I have planned for him.
"We’re so excited to have you guys over," Ethan says, and it hits me again how genuinely nice this man is. He's a star, but you would never guess from the way he treats us.
"Well, if I had known we were coming here, I could've maybe brought a present or something," Cameron says, and I realize he's a little nervous.
Rick elbows me. "He still has no idea?"
I shake my head, smiling.
"No idea about what?" Cameron asks.
I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. "Rick is gonna throw us a Texan barbecue, which is the best thing you'll ever eat, but before we eat, you and I are going to do something else. Ethan and Rick have a number of horses, and they’ve given me permission to teach you how to ride on one of them."
His mouth drops open a little before he recovers himself. "Are you serious?" he asks, excitement bubbling over in his voice.
"Yes, sir,” I say, and I’ve barely finished speaking when his arms wrap around me and he pulls me in a tight hug.
“Thank you,” he whispers into my ear. “Best date ever and it hasn’t even started yet.”
My heart is singing with joy that I got this right, and with reluctance, I let go of him.
“One of their horses is a very meek one, perfect for beginners,” I tell Cameron. “So all you have to do is decide whether you want to learn how to ride English or Western style."
He takes a look at me and does a slow perusal of my body, stopping at my boots. "Like you even have to ask."
Rick and Ethan take us to their barn, where they have stables for their five horses. Four are outside in the meadow, but one is inside, a gentle mare called Sunshine, Rick explains. He thinks she would be a perfect fit for Cameron.
Cameron walks up to her without any hesitation, allowing her to sniff his hand, then nuzzle him. She lets out a little whinny, and it shouldn't surprise me how easily she accepts him. This man loves animals, so it makes sense that animals will love him as well.
Rick hands him some snacks he can feed her so they can get acquainted a little better, and then he leads her out of her stable by her holster. She's a beautiful, rich chestnut color, with gorgeous white markings on her nose.
I show Cameron how to put her bit in, and she takes it with ease, clearly used to this routine. Saddling her is a walk in the park as well. She doesn't even try to blow up her belly to avoid the saddle from getting too tight, like my horse Star would always do.
Together, we lead Sunshine outside where Rick and Ethan have a small paddock I can use with Cameron. Sunshine waits patiently as I show Cameron how to get on her back. It's takes him a few tries to get it right, but he's patient with himself as well, checking with me on what he does wrong.
And then he's on her, sitting high on her back with an intoxicating smile. "How do you feel?" I check in with him.
He beams at me, his whole face radiating joy. "This is so cool. I can't believe you arranged this."
I smile right back at him, my heart dancing with joy at his pleasure. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. Want me to show you how to use the reins?"
Sunshine really is perfect for him, as she shows no impatience while I teach Cameron the absolute basics of horseback riding. He's a fast learner, I have to give him that. After fifteen minutes or so, he's comfortable enough on Sunshine's back for me to let him go, and the look on his face as he rides around the paddock by himself is priceless. He’s gentle with Sunshine, not pulling the reins too hard, and she responds with eagerness.
"Want to try to go a little faster?" I ask him, and he nods. "Okay. Let go of the reins a little. I'll take them so you can focus on having a good posture. Try to sit as deep and low in the saddle as you can. The most important part is that you don't pull on the reins, because that will confuse Sunshine."
Two clicks of my tongue and Sunshine obediently speeds up into a little trot, and I run right alongside her. I keep a close eye on Cameron to see how he's faring. It takes him a little while to get the hang of what to do with his body, and the concentration on his face is super adorable. After a few minutes, I’m panting, because I have to keep up with Sunshine, and I let her slow down.
"That was awesome," Cameron says. Then he chuckles. "How much am I gonna feel this in my ass tomorrow?"
I laugh in between sucking in deep pulls of air. "Let's just say you won't be bottoming tomorrow. Or the day after."
He laughs. “Thank fuck you’re vers, then.”
After another fifteen minutes or so, I can tell Cameron is getting tired. No wonder, you use muscles with horseback riding that you don't use otherwise. With a little grunt, he climbs off Sunshine's back. "Holy fuck, I'm going to feel this tomorrow," he says, rubbing his ass. "But it was totally worth it."
"Yeah?" I ask as I affectionately rub Sunshine to thank her for being such a perfect learning partner for Cam.
"Totally." Then he cocks his head and looks at me. "Show me how you ride."
"This wasn't about me," I say, shaking my head.
He steps closer, then reaches up for a kiss, and of course I oblige. "Indulge me," he says. "I want to see my cowboy ride an actual horse."
"You should ride Rocket," Rick says, who's been watching the whole time. "He's my horse, and if you're as goo
d a rider as I think you are, the two of you will be amazing together."
With the two of them ganging up on me, there’s no use in saying no, so fifteen minutes later, I find myself on horseback for the first time in months. It feels so familiar, as if I'd never been gone from home.
Rocket is perfect for me, indeed, the classic Texas quarter horse. He’s well-trained, Rick assured me, but I guess I’ll test that for myself soon enough. I take him out of the paddock and into an empty field where we have a little more space. All I do is click my tongue and off he goes, eager to please me by stretching his legs into a beautiful, steady gallop.
Within a minute, I've forgotten Rick and Cameron are even there. Rocket responds to my every signal. I don't even have to use the reins, a simple change in pressure from my calves makes him change the direction, just like that. He's fast, maneuvers like a quarter horse should, trained to herd cattle.
And as I ride him, lifting my face up to the sun, my hat tightened on my head so it doesn't get knocked off by the wind, I realize how much I've missed this. As much as I appreciate LA and the chances it’s brought me, I’m not a city boy. I belong out here, in the fields, with the sun on my face. It feels like home.
The pure joy on Jackson’s face as he rides makes my heart swell. It’s been a week since the night of my panic attack and the sex that followed. Also known as The Best Sex of My Life. Intellectually, I’ve always known filming with the guys wasn’t the same as sex, but to actually feel it was a world of difference. The way Jackson touched me with so much awe and passion set my skin on fire. And the way it felt to have him inside me was in a completely different category than what happens on set.
He may not have much experience, but he certainly doesn’t lack skill. In the week since, we haven’t had much time together between both our schedules, but every spare minute has found us with our hands and mouths all over each other.
Pixie had a field day when he saw the fading hickey on my neck yesterday and I’d been forced to admit that he was right. When he demanded details about Jackson in bed, I sidestepped the question, not wanting to make that night less special by turning it into tawdry gossip.
“You’re crazy about him, aren’t you?” Ethan says, startling me out of my thoughts.
“Probably too crazy about him, honestly,” I admit.
“Is there such a thing?” he laughs.
“He can do better than me. I’m sure he’ll figure that out all on his own, though.” The words make me feel ill as soon as I say them. Jackson deserves better than a porn star living a double life who has to spend all his income taking care of his mother. And, there’s still the issue of what associating with me could do to his career, which neither of us have brought up again since the pilot party. I know Jackson doesn’t think it matters, but it does. He’s a good man, if a little too starry-eyed about the world.
“He’s a good man,” Ethan says, echoing my thoughts. “Don’t hurt him, okay?”
“I’ll do my best.”
Jackson trots the horse back toward us, skillfully dismounting with a huge smile on his face.
“I forgot how much I love this.”
“Not going to leave us and head back to Texas, are you?” Ethan jokes.
“Not on your life. If the show renews, I may have to get me a nice little ranch like this, though, and a couple of horses of my own.” Jackson casts a quick glance in my direction, as if he’s checking my reaction to this idea. It sounds like heaven to me. Too bad I’ll never be able to afford anything similar.
“You guys ready to eat?” Rick checks.
“I’m starving,” I volunteer.
“Me too,” Jackson agrees.
“Great, I’ll fire up the grill.”
Jackson leads Rocket back to the barn to take his tack off and I follow.
“This really was a great idea for a first date, thank you,” I tell him as I help by removing the bit while he takes off the saddle.
“I thought you’d like it.” He gives me that sweet, crooked smile I can’t get enough of, and just because I can now, I grab the front of his shirt and pull him into a kiss.
Jackson sighs into my mouth, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close as our lips move in tandem. The taste of sweat and dirt on his mouth makes me even hotter for him, imagining what it would be like to spend the day together sweating in the sun, taking care of a whole ranch full of animals, and then fucking in the barn. I know, I know, I’m sounding like I’m in a regency romance with fantasies of getting it on with the stable boy, but damn if it doesn’t sound good.
Rocket paws at the ground and snorts impatiently, forcing us to part with a laugh.
“I think we’ll have to hold that thought for later.”
“Trust me, I won’t forget,” I promise with a wink.
Dinner with Rick and Ethan is wonderful and the food is even better than billed. Rick and I talk about animals while Ethan and Jackson talk about the show. It’s comfortable and nice. I can almost imagine doing this for years to come, the two of us making time to spend with couple friends like Rick and Ethan. The two of us making a life together.
That thought makes my heart pound and my throat dry. Since my mom’s diagnosis, I haven’t dared to wish for something like that, but Jackson makes it all too easy. I meant what I said to Ethan though. Jackson can do so much better than me.
After dinner and another hour of conversation, we decide we’d better call it a night. But as soon as we get in my car, the last thing I want to do is head right back to the city.
“Mind if we take a detour?” I ask.
“Sure, where to?”
“Somewhere we can look at the stars?” I suggest, a wistful feeling in my chest.
Jackson types out something on his phone and then smiles at me. “We’re not far from a state park. It’s closed so we should be the only ones in the parking lot. We can sit and look at the stars as long as you want.”
“Perfect, lead the way.”
I start the car and let Jackson direct me until we reach our destination. We both climb out and get up on the hood of the car, scooting close and linking our hands together as we lean back to look up at the vast night sky.
“It takes your breath away, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Jackson agrees. “It reminds me of home.”
“Do you miss it?”
“Some things,” he concedes, squeezing my hand and turning his head to look at me. Our eyes meet and my heart stutters. “I’m glad I came to LA though. I think I just need to find the right balance to keep my head on straight.”
The thoughtful look on his face does something funny to my insides. Maybe that’s what I like so much about Jackson: he’s the opposite of me, he’s what I wish I could be— honest and real.
I lean over and steal a kiss, only meaning for it to be a quick peck, but as soon as our lips touch it’s like adding gasoline to a flame.
Jackson tangles his fingers in my hair, his tongue thrusting between my lips as he drags me onto his lap. I can feel him already getting hard, and I’m not far behind. It strikes me again just how different this is from filming. I don’t have to try to get excited, I couldn’t stop myself from getting hard right now if my life depended on it. Our hands wander and grope, tugging at each other’s clothes and hair, sneaking over each other’s skin as our tongues tease.
“Will you top me, Cameron?” Jackson pants into my mouth.
I pull back and look at him to gauge how serious he is. “Now? Out in the open?”
It’s hard to tell if the blush on his cheeks is from embarrassment or arousal but either way he nods enthusiastically.
“We’re all alone out here,” he points out.
“Okay, but do you have condoms or lube?”
“Of course, I was a Boy Scout in my day,” he smirks, shifting so he can reach into his back pocket to pull out a little lube packet and a condom to hand to me.
I slide off his lap and grab
his hand to bring him with me.
“Drop your pants and lean over the hood.”
Jackson unbuttons his pants slowly, holding my gaze with a little smirk, and then wiggles them down to his ankles, along with his boxers, and turns around to bend over the hood.
His gorgeous, round ass on display just for me makes my cock throb and my brain short-circuit.
“How do you feel about rimming?” I ask, stepping behind him and taking his ass cheeks in my hands, parting them so I can see his tight pucker. Sure, it’s not all waxed and tidy like the guys on set, but somehow that makes it even hotter.
“No one has before.”
“Can I?” I check, squeezing his globes in my hands, my mouth watering to taste him, to make him moan.
“Yeah,” he agrees breathlessly.
Dropping to my knees behind him, I drag my tongue from his taint, all the way up his crack, over his entrance, eliciting a surprised gasp from him.
I do it again and he moans deep in his chest, pushing his ass back toward me. I flick my tongue over his hole, licking in long, slow strokes that have Jackson’s legs quaking and his hips twitching as I work him over with my tongue until my spit is dripping down to his balls.
With my hands still on his ass cheeks, I brush my thumbs over his pucker, working them in tandem with my tongue and drawing more frantic moans from him. I slip one inside and feel the heat of his channel and the tight grip of his inner muscles wrap around it.
“Oh, Cameron, fuck,” he gasps. I smile to myself. Apparently the key to unlocking Jackson’s potty mouth is to get him so worked up he can barely think straight. “Please, ungh.”
I work my second thumb inside, still licking around his rim and taint as I use my thumbs to stretch and relax his hole. When he softens again, I pull my thumbs apart and shove my tongue between them, licking inside him until he’s all but riding my face, begging for more.
Jackson makes a strangled noise when I pull my thumbs out and reach for the condom and lube I set on the ground. It only takes me a second to get my pants open and ready to go before I get to my feet behind him.
Campy: A Ballsy Boys Production Book 4 Page 18