Amy's Redemption

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Amy's Redemption Page 1

by B J Wane

  Amy’s Redemption

  by BJ Wane

  A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

  Copyright © 2010 by BJ Wane, All rights reserved

  For information contact:

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI49083


  Cover Image © Viktoriya Kirillova

  Email Comments: [email protected]

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.

  Chapter One

  Amy pulled her old, battered Escort into the gravel parking lot of the roadside bar and pool hall. Turning off the ignition, she leaned her head wearily against the headrest and watched disinterestedly as patrons came and went from the noisy establishment. Roughly ten miles outside Wyoming’s big metropolis, Cheyenne, the parking lot was filled with pickup trucks and cowboys and not for the first time she wondered how the hell a big city girl such as herself ended up in the middle of nowhere. At twenty four, her life had never been easy, but the past two years, ever since she had been on the run, had been the loneliest time of her life. Growing up in New York City, first as a child in foster care, then as a runaway on the streets, there had always been people around and she simply hadn’t adjusted to the wide open emptiness of the Midwest. Still, she thought with her usual optimism, she could adjust to anything, as she had proven to herself over and over again.

  A large black truck pulled into the lot, drawing her attention. Everything about the vehicle was enormous from the tires to the cab to the man getting out from behind the wheel. Amy sat up, her exhaustion from being on the road for ten hours a day the last three days forgotten as her pussy dampened with instant lust. Broad shoulders filled out a black tee shirt tucked into tight jeans that hugged an incredible ass. As the tall stranger walked towards the entrance, the lights picked up the sun streaked strands in his brown, wavy hair and showed a rugged, handsome profile. It had been over a year since she had been with a man, but, since she had never climaxed with a lover before, that didn’t necessarily mean anything to her. It was her body’s instant response to the stranger that had her weaving fantasies that only heightened her lustful awareness, making her wonder what it would be like to spend an hour between the sheets with a man like that.

  Another truck pulled into the spot next to his and when the driver joined him it was obvious they knew each other. Through her open window, Amy could hear their deep voices and smell the pungent odor of the cigars they had lit up. The second man didn’t entice her nearly as much as the first. Her nipples stiffened as she heard him chuckle, his voice deep and friendly. The muscles in his arm bulged with the simple movement of bringing the cigar to his mouth making her wonder what it would be like to be held against, under or over such a large, hard body.

  There were occasional times while living on the streets, that she had been reduced to trading sexual favors to avoid eviction or to get food. They consisted of quick blowjobs or clumsy couplings with older men who drank too much and could barely sustain an erection, let alone give her an orgasm. The rare incidents were over quickly and just as quickly forgotten. If she had ever been lucky enough to snag a john that looked like this man, she knew the memory would have been with her to this day.

  Raucous laughter spilled out of the doorway as the two tossed their smokes and entered the bar, leaving her frustrated in more ways than one. She had intended to just stop and grab a quick bite to eat before heading in to Cheyenne and finding a room, but now she desperately needed to relieve the ache between her legs, something she was very good at. Luckily, she was parked at the far end of the lot, in the dark. Undoing her jeans, she scooted down in the seat and with practiced ease slid two fingers into her sopping cunt. She couldn’t remember ever being this wet over a guy, especially one she had only eyed briefly. Her invading fingers made a loud sucking noise, which only excited her further. Arching into her hand, she reveled in the warm, slick feel of her inner walls as her thumb grazed her swollen clit. Reaching under her shirt with her other hand, she rubbed her naked, unbound breasts before pinching her nipples hard. The slight pain set her off and she cried out as she thrust against her pumping fingers. The feel of her pussy clenching tightly around them, trying to hold them in, left her gasping as the orgasm burst upon her. Her body shook with the pleasure as she withdrew from her pussy slowly, rubbing her juices over her bare lips as she soothed herself while continuing to lightly rub her now aching nipples. She smiled to herself as she caught her breath. She always did tend to pinch them too hard during climax, leaving them sore and aching for hours, a constant reminder of her pleasure.

  Usually she spent hours lying around naked and stroking her body, but she didn’t have that luxury sitting in a parking lot. Reluctantly, she righted her clothing and checked herself in the rearview mirror. Other than her rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes, there was nothing to reveal she had just given herself an explosive orgasm in her car, so she felt safe at not drawing any unwanted attention. It was already past seven and she was now even hungrier than before she had let herself get swept away by a fine looking ass and broad shoulders. Heading inside, she wondered if she would be able to find her cowboy and if seeing him again would have the same effect on her. Somehow she doubted it. She chalked up her quick and unusual attraction to being horny, tired and hungry. She had taken care of the first problem, now to see to the other two.

  The bar was crowded, noisy and smoky, yet people were friendly and polite as she made her way to a small corner table. In New York, bars and clubs were filled on Friday nights, such as this one, but the people weren’t nearly as open and friendly.

  “What can I get ya?” a bleached blond waitress asked as she placed a menu in front of her with three entrees listed.

  Amy smiled. She had struggled to put herself through eighteen months of culinary school and had been a chef at one of New York’s finest restaurants, but her personal tastes ran towards greasy, throw on the grill foods such as the burger, ribs and chicken listed in front of her. “A double cheeseburger, fries and coke please,” she ordered, her stomach rumbling loudly in anticipation.

  Slim eyebrows rose in surprise. “Where do you put it, honey?”

  Amy laughed, having heard that comment numerous times. “I must have a great metabolism.”

  Shaking her head ruefully, the waitress left to put in Amy’s order, her swaying hips and short black skirt getting a lot of attention and more than a few compliments. Her back against the wall, Amy had a good view of the bar and eagerly searched for her cowboy. It only took seconds to find him at the far end standing several inches taller than his friends and wielding a pool stick. She was surprised to discover her reaction was as immediate and intense as before. Her pussy seemed to have forgotten the nice orgasm she had just indulged in. Smiling inwardly, she enjoyed again the feel of damp juices coating her slick lips and wetting her panties. Her still tender nipples hardened as she watched him run a large hand slowly down the cue stick, imagining it caressing her bare skin in the same way.

  “Got your eye on one already?” the perky waitress asked as she plunked down her meal.

  “It’s always fun to fantasize, isn’t it?”

  “Reality is just as much fun.”

  Amy wrinkled her nose in disagreement. “Not in my experience. This looks and smells wonderful. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. And, honey, if your experience is that lacking, try one of these boys. They’ll treat you right and give you a ride you won’t soon forget.”

  Amy laughed,
wishing that were true. “My days of picking up strange men are long over,” she admitted before taking a big bite of her burger. At least she would be able to sate one appetite, she thought as she savored the surprisingly tasty meat.

  “I can vouch for most of these guys. Which one you eyeballin?”

  Amy nodded towards the corner. “The tall one, black shirt and killer smile.”

  The waitress smiled knowingly. “You sure do aim high. That’s RJ. Him and Gary, his foreman, are in town for the livestock auction. If you get up the nerve to go after that one, you won’t be sorry. Nice guy, great to look at and, from what I’ve heard, he can go all night.”

  “You don’t have firsthand knowledge?” Amy asked, nibbling on a thick, hot fry.

  “Don’t I wish. But I have my own great guy at home and I don’t stray. Strictly heresy, but I’ve heard it from several women over the past few years.” Someone hollered from the bar, getting her attention. “Duty calls. Enjoy your meal.”

  Amy ate her meal and watched RJ as he beat several opponents at pool. She couldn’t believe she was actually contemplating approaching him. For someone who had a juvenile record for both shoplifting and solicitation, she was reluctant to approach a stranger for anything. She had never considered her actions as a teenager as wrong, they were simply necessary to survive. Once she finished school and landed the chef’s job, she had stayed on the moral straight and narrow, and even doing that, she had ended up with the wrong person and fleeing another crime she had been forced to commit in order to survive. Come Monday, she would be stuck on a ranch in the middle of bumfuck Wyoming for at least a year, according to her contract. She wanted, needed, some excitement, some release, before that.

  Amy left payment for her meal with the ticket, and shored up her resolve as she slowly made her way through the crowd. Her waitress saw her and gave her a thumbs up, giving her the encouragement she needed to approach RJ.

  Rand Kincaid straightened from sinking the eight ball just in time to have his breath taken away and his cock stiffening at the sight of a petite brunette entering the pool hall. Not more than five two or three with thick curly hair that framed a face that would have otherwise been unremarkable if it hadn’t been dominated by two large dark eyes. Unlike the other women that frequented the bars during auction weekends, this one wasn’t dressed to catch a man’s eye. Loose jeans, tennis shoes and a pink plaid shirt covered everything, which only made him want to see what lay underneath all that much more. As she headed towards a corner table, he revised his assessment of her jeans. Even loose, they hugged a very round, tempting ass, his biggest weakness.

  “Hey, RJ, you gonna rack em again?”

  Rand turned his attention back to his foreman and their game. He had come into town this evening instead of early tomorrow morning just so he could hang out here at Rusty’s and unwind until the auction tomorrow. He was bidding on a couple new horses for his breeding program and another bull to service his growing herd and his free time was limited. An evening spent shooting some pool and drinking beer followed by a night of hard fucking was what he needed. The pool and beer were a given, and past experience told him he could have his choice of bed partners for the night. But his eyes and libido only had one woman in mind for that pleasure. He was finding it difficult to concentrate on his game as he watched her eat.

  Whoever would have thought watching someone eat a large, greasy hamburger could be sensuous? The way she closed her eyes with each bite and seemed to sigh as she licked her lips was causing his dick to harden even more, making it extremely difficult to bend over for his shots. When she started licking the salt from her fries before nibbling on them with small white teeth he almost came in his jeans. His reaction astounded and irritated the hell out of him. He was too old to be responding like an adolescent at the sight of a pretty face and tight body. A clumsy shot cost him the game, but he couldn’t seem to care as he saw her making her way towards him.

  Amy had to look up, way up, when she stopped in front of the man named RJ. His size made her feel small and feminine. And safe, which was odd because that was something she hadn’t felt since she had been a child, if then. “Hi,” she smiled nervously as he stared down at her out of moss green eyes. “Is this game open?”

  Violet, her eyes were fucking violet and he was lost in them. Large, wary with a touch of defiance, and he couldn’t wait to see them glazed with lust and crying with release. “It is. Do you play?”

  A cheeky grin showed a slightly crooked front tooth that made him long to run his tongue over. “Mister, I grew up on the streets of New York City. You didn’t survive if you didn’t learn how to sink an eight ball in two shots.”

  One dark brow lifted at her challenge. “Gary, grab a stick for…?”

  “Amy,” she supplied, deliberately omitting her last name.

  “My friends call me RJ, Amy.”

  It only took her a couple of shots to show RJ the girl knew how to shoot pool. He toyed with her the first game, enjoying her flirtations and obvious ploys of distraction. Bending low enough to let him know she was braless, moving her ass just so to draw his attention and that sassy grin when she hit a lucky shot hardened his cock and his resolve to get her into bed. She won the first game, barely, but he was good at pay back.

  “Best two out of three?” he asked.

  Amy was feeling confident after her win. She knew she wasn’t overtly sexy. She was short, small and ordinary. But men were men. Flash a pair of braless tits and shake your butt and they were toast. “Sure. You can buy me a beer when I win.”

  RJ moved close to her, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered, “Surely we can come up with something more enticing than a beer?” He allowed his hand to run lightly over her ass before lifting his head to stare into glazed dark eyes. Damn, he couldn’t wait to get her naked. He was dying to see that round backside turn red and hot by his hand and hear her cries of excitement as the pleasure/pain took her over.

  Amy’s original intention had been to have fun flirting, maybe necking in the parking lot, before heading into the city and getting a room where she could play out her fantasies by herself. But the thought of spending another night alone was too depressing and she really, really wanted to get naked with this man, something she had never desired to this extent before.

  Licking her lips nervously, she asked, “What’d you have in mind?”

  “If I win, you’re mine for the night, in my room, naked, doing whatever I want.”

  Amy’s pussy clenched in need. The thought of submitting to him all night, a complete stranger, excited her and frightened her. “I’d be a fool to agree to that. I don’t know you.”

  “Anyone here can vouch for me, I’m staying at The Carleton in downtown Cheyenne, where I’m well known. I’ll make sure we’re seen checking in together and even call the manager to vouch for me.”

  “You make it sound so easy. What will I get if I win?” she asked already knowing she was going to agree no matter what he came up with.

  His cocky grin revealed a dimple in his left cheek. “Then I’m yours for the night, in my room, naked, doing whatever you want.”

  “Well, then, I can’t lose because I want that bet.”

  Since Rand was always the one in control when it came to sex, and just about everything else, he had no intentions of loosing either. But, she was good, so he was going to have to play dirty. With the women siding with Amy and the men rooting for him, the next game went to him, but it had been too close. As Amy bent over, lining her cue to break for the last game, Rand moved behind her and cupped her crotch. Amy yelped, blushed and looked to see who had seen him, but he was too smart for that. No one had been at that end of the table or close enough to see where his hand was, not that he would have been bothered if they had.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart? You seem to have lost your knack.”

  “Just remember, RJ, two can play that game.”

  Her eyes sparkled with mirth and her cheeks were pink with eithe
r embarrassment or pleasure. “I believe it’s still your shot,” he answered, ignoring her threat.

  This time when she bent over and he moved subtly behind her, she pulled her stick back in a quick jab, barely missing his balls before letting it go and sinking three balls in one lucky shot. When she grinned saucily back over her shoulder saying oops, he almost shot his wad right then and there. He couldn’t remember the last time he wanted a woman as much as he wanted this slip of a girl.

  “How old are you?” he asked abruptly, fearing he was playing with fire.

  “Twenty four, why?”

  Rand grabbed her nape and hauled her mouth up to his. “Old enough for me to turn over my knee without getting my own ass in trouble.” Before she could answer, his mouth swooped down on hers, his lips taking hers in a hard, fast kiss.

  Amy had never been kissed with such ruthless passion, kissed so hard by such soft lips nor thrown into instant meltdown so quickly. Clinging to his hard biceps, she moaned into his mouth. Eagerly accepting his tongue, she kissed him back, her lips clinging to his, her small frame clutched tightly against his much larger one. His hard cock pressed into her stomach, leaving no doubt to his desire. The image of herself draped across his thighs, her ass bare and vulnerable, left her curious and hungry for something she had no name to put to.

  “Yo, boss, you gonna finish this game with the lady or start a new one?”

  The taunting voice from Rory, one of his ranch hands, brought him back to reluctant awareness. Scowling at the gang watching them with lewd, avid interest, his glare was returned with impertinent grins and chuckles. His gaze landed on Amy’s upturned face, her eyes wide and dilated. “It’s still your turn, sweetheart.”

  Thank God she was unable to climax with a man, she thought as she lined up her next move, otherwise, she’d be stripping and spreading herself on the pool table, begging him to finish what he had started. Having spent two years stripping for a living left her immune to embarrassment over public displays, and having a penchant for exhibitionism had made her very good at her job. Her thoughts caused her to miss the next shot and frustrate her for her lack of control


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