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Amy's Redemption

Page 13

by B J Wane

  His eyes narrowed beneath the brim of his hat. “Bad girls get their bare butts spanked,” he warned her.

  Amy laughed at his wasted threat. “I get spanked whether I’m bad or good, so what does it matter?

  “True,” he agreed without remorse. “Be right back.

  Amy settled into the seat looking forward to the weekend. She hadn’t been back to Cheyenne with RJ since first meeting him at Rusty’s. The trips she had made into town in the last two months had either been by herself or with Maddy whom she had become fast friends with the past few weeks. RJ was taking her to a rodeo, then an auction to pick out a mare to replace Daisy who was now obviously in a motherly way. After the auction, they were spending the night at the Carleton again before returning to the ranch in the morning. Tomorrow was Sunday, and since she didn’t cook on Sundays, they could take their time returning.

  Amy watched RJ converse with Gary, his foreman. RJ stood an inch or two taller than Gary, but Gary was just as muscular as RJ and was a very good looking man. He had always been nice and polite to her. She always thought him to be a little shy until he had stumbled upon RJ butt fucking her in the stables last week and had simply stayed to watch and jack off. Then he hadn’t seemed shy at all. She was now used to RJ taking her wherever and whenever he pleased and had to admit she loved the spontaneity and the exhibitionism. Being outdoors half the time was an added stimulant and she knew she would miss that aspect of their sex life come winter.

  Rory and Mike joined RJ and Gary for a minute then both boys climbed into another truck that had a horse trailer attached as RJ walked back over to his. Climbing in, he asked, “Ready?”

  “Yes. Are Rory and Mike bringing your new horse back?”

  “It’ll be your horse, Amy, and yes they are. They’re both off this weekend and want to do some partying tonight, so we’ll wait and go to the auction tomorrow.”

  “I told you I have no use for a horse of my own. What am I supposed to do with it when I leave?” His constant insistence on buying her things, expensive things such as cars and horses, irritated her. His gestures, though thoughtful and kind, made her feel too obligated to him. A horse f her own would be easy for her to become attached to and difficult to leave, just as RJ was becoming. Happily ever after was not for her and this fantasy she had been living with him was going to end someday. That was about the only thing she was sure of.

  “Okay, how about this,” RJ said, making an effort to tamp down his irritation. “She’ll be yours as long as you’re at the ranch. When and if you leave, after your contract is fulfilled, she stays with me.”

  “You don’t have to be so obvious, RJ. I know what my contract says and what my obligations are.” She could tell by the way he was gripping the steering column that he was getting pissed at her. Trying to lighten the mood, she reached over and kissed his cheek as he drove away from the house. “This is your fault you know. If you hadn’t let one of your boys stick it to my sweet little Daisy, I could’ve just kept riding her.”

  “Yeah, well get used to it, sweetheart. That’s what we do around here. The boys stick it to the girls whenever they can.”

  “Yeah, I’m learning that real quick, boss,” she returned dryly, glad he was smiling again.

  When they arrived at the rodeo over an hour later, Amy saw nothing but a field of pickup trucks and trailers. Across the field that substituted for a parking lot, she could make out several tiers of bleachers around a couple of different fenced corrals.

  “I take it we have to walk through this sea of trucks to get to the entertainment,” she said, glad she had decided to wear her comfortable tennis shoes with her jean skirt. The day was hot and the wind would feel good against her bare legs.

  “It’s not as far as it looks. You walk twice that every day at home.” When she started to open her door, RJ reached across and pinned her in her seat with his arm across her hips and his lips clinging to hers. When he pulled away from her soft, damp lips, he ran his hand up under her skirt slowly. “What’re you wearing under here?”

  “Just a thong,” she answered breathlessly as she anticipated where his hand was headed. Mike and Rory had pulled in next to them, but they had already headed off in the direction of the crowds.

  He smiled knowingly as his hand cupped her already damp crotch. “Take it off.”

  Amy’s eyes widened with refusal which quickly changed to excitement as he slipped a finger beneath the silky triangle. “RJ, I can’t walk around all afternoon with nothing on,” she moaned even as she was spreading her thighs to give him easier access.

  Slipping his finger smoothly between her plump lips, he kissed her again lightly. “Sure you can, sweetheart. Your skirt comes almost to your knees and covers everything. Only you and I will know how bare you are under it, how wet you are, how aroused you’ll be.”

  Amy gasped as he ran his damp finger over her clit, back and forth repeatedly until she was lifting against his hand and crying out in pleasure.

  “Fuck, Amy,” he breathed harshly as she soaked his hand with her release. “You can come faster than a jack rabbit.” Without giving her a chance to refuse, he quickly yanked her thong down her legs and stuffed it into his glove compartment.

  Amy watched him with a bemused expression, her senses still clouded from her quick, satisfying climax. “I guess I’ll go commando today,” she said and was rewarded with another one of his quick, know it all grins.

  “You’ll love it. I know I will.” RJ came around and lifted her from the cab, then grabbed her hand and led her towards the cheering crowds.

  Amy found the rodeo crowded, noisy and dusty. RJ led her from one event to another, explaining each one, pointing out men and women who were shooting for titles in barrel racing and bronco and bull riding. He introduced her to neighboring ranchers and friends, but she didn’t even try to remember names as the faces all blended together. The men tipped their hats, called her ‘ma’am’ or ‘miss’ and the women’s smiles were friendly but their eyes were envious and spent more time on RJ than they did on her. It was obvious RJ was well known and well liked.

  Amy was having a good time stuffing herself with junk food and socializing for the first time. She had a few friends when living on the streets and had met and gone out with a few people in her culinary classes on rare occasions, but she had never actually socialized with a large crowd such as this. When RJ bought her a dark purple cowboy hat and plopped it on her head, she smiled up at him with sparkling eyes.


  “It matches your eyes. You’re having a good time,” he stated as he wiped some mustard from her hotdog off the corner of her mouth.

  “I am and, I’ll have you know, my teacher in chef’s class 101 would have my hide if he knew I was eating hotdogs.”

  RJ loved seeing her so relaxed and happy. He had a feeling she rarely let her guard down enough to really enjoy herself. Drawing her against him, ignoring the people milling around, he cupped one large hand over her right buttock. “I’ve got your hide now, so his opinion no longer matters.”

  Amy felt his hand through her skirt and wished they were someplace where he could caress, or slap, her bare flesh. “Yes, you do,” she answered breathlessly as she leaned against his hard strength.

  “Hey, brother, why don’t you introduce me to your little gal.”

  RJ kept his arm around Amy as he turned to greet the man who had got his attention by slapping him on the back. “Mitch, I didn’t think you could get here today.”

  “I switched with someone so I could catch you. This must be the new cook that has all your hands and your livestock eating out of her hands.”

  “Amy, meet my brother, Mitch,” RJ said, pulling her forward.

  Amy smiled up at Mitch, noticing his eyes were as green as RJ’s and his smile just as sensually promising. “It’s nice to meet you.” Holding out her hand, she felt it engulfed in another large, calloused palm. The two of them were of the same height and muscular build, and their family resem
blance was noticeable now that she had a moment to really look at him. Though Mitch’s hair was a shade darker than RJ’s sun streaked brown, the two of them looked almost identical.

  “Amy, RJ’s done nothing but rave about your cooking for weeks. I apologize for taking so long to get around to meeting you.”

  “He’s told me about you also,” she replied, remembering the stories RJ had regaled her with of their childhood exploits and wondering what else his brother had told him. She had heard the love and pride in his voice when he spoke of his brother and it had been obvious the two of them were close.

  “We’re headed to the bull riding. Want to tag along?” JR asked, taking Amy’s hand.

  “That’s what I’m here for,” he said, taking Amy’s other hand.

  When RJ made no comment, she curled her fingers around Mitch’s and enjoyed the attentions of both men for the next two hours. RJ didn’t let the crowds or his brother’s presence stop him from running his hand over her buttocks as they walked, or casually cupping an unfettered breast when they were seated. When Mitch noticed, he just smiled and watched openly, which only made her nipples tighten even more, her pussy dampen further.

  When they were seated in the bleachers, her hands filled with popcorn, RJ rested his hand on her thigh, just under the hem of her skirt. She held her breath, her desire to feel that hard palm on her naked folds warring with what little modesty she had left. Public displays on his private property were one thing, but at a public event was a different scenario.

  “A move like that’ll get you arrested, bro, especially as I suspect your girl isn’t wearing anything under that pretty skirt,” Mitch commented when RJ started to move his hand upward, his remark making Amy choke on her popcorn.

  Both men patted her on the back before RJ offered her a sip of his coke. “Can I help it if I know what’s under there and can’t keep my hands off her?” he complained, but removed his hand.

  “This shindig’s winding down. You two going to the bonfire?”

  “If Amy wants to.”

  “Sure,” she quickly agreed as both men looked at her expectantly and she tried to ignore the fact that Mitch knew about her going panty less. When they both got shit eating grins on their faces, she wondered exactly what she had just agreed to.

  “I’ll meet you two there shortly. I’m going to go talk to a few guys before heading out.”

  Amy watched Mitch climb down the bleachers, glad he was giving her some time alone with RJ before joining them again. Between RJ’s constant touches and Mitch’s knowing observance, she was in a heightened state of arousal, one she wanted RJ to do something about.

  Leaning into him, she pressed her breast against his arm and said cajolingly, “Let’s go back to your truck and finish what you started, cowboy.”

  RJ grinned down at her, noticing the lust shimmering in her eyes, feeling the hard pointed tip of her nipple against his arm. She was right where he wanted her to be. “Save it for the bonfire, sweetheart. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Amy spent the next thirty minutes cursing him as he kept her senses on edge while the last event winded down. “What the hell do you mean they tie up their balls? That’s cheating!” she exclaimed in outrage as they walked back to his truck.

  “How else are they going to get them to buck when they need to?” he asked, laughing at her indignity on behalf of the bulls and horses who had a strap tied around their balls right before an event to ensure they put on a good show.

  “Maybe I should tie your balls and watch you buck around for my entertainment,” she said as he lifted her into the cab.

  Wincing, he shut the door and joined her on the other side. “That would put a damper on our fun. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

  “I don’t know, RJ. I just might be tempted if you don’t let me have some of that fun pretty damn soon. Why do we have to go to this bonfire?”

  “Because it’ll be fun and that’s where I’m going to fuck you.”

  That seemed to quiet her outrage he thought when she looked at him out of rounded, lust filled eyes. Reaching over as he deftly pulled out of the field onto the road, he slid up her skirt, exposing her pussy. “Does that idea make you wet?”

  “I was already wet,” she grumbled, but spread her thighs willingly when he cupped her mound. “It just made me wetter.”

  “Yes, I can feel that,” he said as he ran his fingers lightly over her damp folds.

  Thankfully, the area cleared for the bonfire was only a few miles up the road and by the time they arrived, the field held over twenty vehicles and the area was strewn with hay bales, picnic tables, grills being fired up and over forty people mingling about.

  Amy wasn’t sure what to expect after RJ’s comment about fucking her here, but as they mingled with some of the same people who attended the rodeo, she soon realized that the exhibitionism that went on at the Kincaid Ranch also went on at these get-togethers.

  “Are you hungry?” RJ escorted her over to a small spot near a grill.

  “Not in the least,” she answered as he pulled her onto his lap after sitting down on a bale of hay. At least, not for food, she thought when she spied Rick and Maddy a few feet away clutched in a heated embrace. When Rick sat on a camp chair and pulled his wife onto his lap, casually unbuttoned her blouse, exposing a plump breast, her breath caught on a gasp of instant arousal and excitement.

  RJ leaned back on the make shift seat of hay, pulling her back against his chest as he gauged her reaction to the public displays of nudity. Her eyes, always very expressive, widened with surprise and her breath became shallow as she stared openly. “Like what you see, sweetheart?” he whispered in her ear as another woman got down on her knees, exposed her man’s cock and eagerly went down on him while he continued to casually sip his beer and converse with the guy next to him.

  “Yes,” she admitted, shifting on his lap, her buttocks rolling over his hard cock. Amy’s lust, already at a low simmer, skyrocketed into a full boil as people all around laughed and conversed while exposing themselves or their partners to plain view and openly engaging in a variety of sexual acts. When Mike strode over to join Rick and Maddy, casually leaning over to suckle the nipple of the breast Rick was casually holding up and offering to him, her pussy gushed fluidly and she couldn’t pull her eyes away from the erotic sight.

  When RJ moved his hands to her top and slowly lifted it, she made no move to stop him. On the contrary, she anxiously lifted her arms for him to pull it over her head, leaving her completely bare from the waist up. As his large, hard hands cupped her soft mounds, she turned her face up to his, seeking his mouth.

  He kissed her hard as his hands tightened on her breasts, loving the way they filled his hands, the way her small pink nipples stabbed his palms. He still marveled at how he never tired of touching her, how her small body turned him inside out with lust and gave him so much pleasure. Or maybe it was her eager acceptance of his open lifestyle and the unadulterated pleasure she got from it. He had had many women in his thirty-six years, but very few accepted his constant need for open, casual sex, his desire to have a woman ready, willing and able to indulge his lust whenever and however he wanted it. When Amy had finally returned to his bed, she had done so with no reservations, an open acceptance and eagerness that constantly amazed him and kept him hard and aching for her.

  Now, watching as her breathing quickened and she shifted restlessly on his lap, her buttocks moving arousingly on his cock, he couldn’t wait to have her again. When Rick flipped Maddy over his lap, pushed up her skirt and shoved down her panties, Amy gasped and unconsciously spread her thighs. They both watched as Rick smacked her upturned buttocks while Mike moved in front of her, grabbed her head with both hands and shoved his cock into her eager mouth.

  “RJ?” Amy croaked, so turned on she couldn’t stand to wait a moment longer to feel him on her, against her, in her. The sight of Maddy’s ass turning bright red while she sucked Mike’s cock was the sexiest thi
ng she had ever seen and made her long to experience that very same thing.

  “I know sweetheart,” he said harshly as he turned her over his lap and pushed up her skirt. “I know exactly what you need, what you want. It’s the same for me.”

  Amy cried out when he smacked her hard, giving her no quarter as he peppered her buttocks with fast, hard slaps that raised a fiery hue, instant heat and arousal. Other couples were openly fucking while neighbors casually ate a hamburger or hotdog and watched. Amy ground her pussy against RJ’s hard thighs as his swats and the sights of carnality aroused her to a feverish pitch. The hay scratched her sensitive nipples as she shifted against it, her hips lifted for more abuse as she continued to seek release against his thighs.

  Her world exploded in a myriad of sensation as she climaxed, her throbbing cheeks, sensitive nipples and spasming cunt all working in tandem to send her spinning out of control. When she finally collapsed against him, it was to open her eyes and see Mitch standing next to them, his hand wrapped around his stiff cock, his hot eyes on her abused buttocks that RJ was now rubbing lightly

  Amy looked from Mitch’s seeping cock back to RJ’s face. “RJ?”

  Hearing both excitement and the hesitation in her voice, RJ moved her off his lap and onto her knees as he stood behind her. “Brace your arms, sweetheart,” he instructed while bunching her skirt around her waist, leaving her bare above and below it. Releasing his cock, he leaned over her, wedging his cock between her splayed knees as he kissed her damp neck.

  “Do you want this? Do you want to suck his cock while I fuck you?” Amy’s enthusiastic response to the goings on around him was everything he could have hoped for and made him more sure that she would be agreeable to inviting another to join them.

  Amy did want Mitch’s cock in her mouth while RJ took her from behind, so much so it scared her. She had been used countless times by men in the past, was nothing to them but a mouth or pussy to fuck, a vessel to be used for their pleasure then discarded. She couldn’t bear to go through that again, to be treated so callously again, especially by JR, whom she knew already held a piece of her heart.


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