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The Breakup Mix

Page 37

by Carter, TK

  Chance shook her head. “That’s when she’s at her best. Look at her go.”

  “I didn’t bring anything suitable for marrying the woman of my dreams, so I need to find a place to get slicked up,” Tony said with a grimace on his face.

  From across the house Alissa shouted, “Hot damn, there’s no waiting period for out-of-state residents! Tony, I’ll text you the address so you can get the marriage license while you’re out.”

  “Thank you!” Tony said, “I’m all over it.”

  “We need to go dress shopping.” Katie smiled at me before throwing herself on the couch and sighing. “Best vacation ever.”

  I looked at Dani. “What do we do?”

  Dani shrugged. “You can be the flower girl.”

  I leaned against the island and laughed. “All we really need for a wedding like this is the bride, groom, minister, and wine. Lots and lots of wine.”

  “Yes, wine.” Dani said. “You and I will work on the area where they get married. We’ll do something to make it pretty.”

  The bride-to-be had something to say about that. “No, I just want it to be us on the beach with the sunset in the background.” She blushed. She actually blushed.

  I nodded. “I love it.”

  Tony excused himself from the house and went to start his whirlwind expedition. I bellied up to the mimosa bar and helped myself to the remainder of Chance and Tony’s bottle. I stared at my friends all bustling around giggling and wondered which one of us was getting ready to win the lottery. It seemed like a natural progression to this dream-filled day. I just hoped it would be me.

  Chance is getting married tomorrow at sunset. Chance, my Chance, our Chance, the eternal bachelorette, the woman scared shitless of permanent commitment is tying the knot. While I’d always hoped to see the day, I never thought I’d actually see the day. Everything in the universe seemed to be righting itself just as it should be. Dani and the baby, Chance and Tony, my marriage to Brandon . . . well, let’s not get too carried away. He’s still a troublesome little peckerhead, but I love him anyway.

  Alissa stood. “Okay, we’ve got some shopping to do. Load up, ladies.”

  I linked arms with Katie. “Didn’t we just do this?”

  She smiled at me. “Leave it to us to go from baby shopping to wedding dress shopping within four hours.”

  “I know I’ll sleep well tonight.”

  We walked into the first dress shop we saw and were greeted by a gaunt though elegant woman who seemed to float in her three-inch heels and pencil skirt. She had teeth big enough to write a week’s worth of groceries on and eyes that disappeared when she smiled. I had to stifle the giggle bubbling in my throat. Every time I looked at her, I envisioned an awkward county fair caricature. The harder I tried to stop it, the bigger the giggle grew. I locked eyes with Alissa who widened her eyes and bit her lip as she shared my thoughts. The woman reached for Dani’s hand. “You must be Alissa. I’m Beatrice. We spoke on the phone.”

  Dani shook her hand and pointed at Alissa. “Actually, she’s Alissa. I’m Dani Miscato. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Beatrice glanced at Alissa’s pregnant belly and blinked forty times in a row. “Oh, well, Alissa, it’s nice to meet you.”

  Alissa smiled and shook her head. “Relax, Beatrice. Allow me to introduce you to Chance Bradley, the bride-to-be.”

  Beatrice exhaled and smiled at Chance. “Congratulations, Ms. Bradley. You’ve come to the right place. Let’s see, you’re about a size eight, right?”

  Chance’s head snapped back. “Wow, you’re good.”

  Beatrice smiled. “It’s my job to know women’s bodies. What kind of dress would you like for your special day?”

  Alissa leaned in my ear and whispered, “Did she just sound like a pimp, or was it just me?”

  The giggle I’d tried to stifle erupted in a hearty guffaw that echoed through the elegant showroom. Beatrice eyed me then guided Chance to an area of dresses on display. I looked at Alissa. “You got me in trouble.”

  Alissa grinned. “I wish I had popcorn and a soda right now. Watching Chance get fondled by the dress drill sergeant is going to be epic.”

  I pointed at Katie who was two steps behind Beatrice hanging on her every word. “I’m pretty sure Katie was a cat in a former life.”

  Alissa considered it then said, “Nah, I’d always figured her for a Labrador retriever.”

  “Want me to throw my phone and see if she fetches?”

  Alissa laughed into her hands to soften the sound and shook her head. “No, but I think we should stir up Beatrice a little.” She sauntered toward them and asked, “Do you have anything backless, strapless, and perhaps cut above the knee?”

  Beatrice did the fast blink thing and offered the thinnest line of a smile. “Alissa, if that’s the kind of dress you desire, I’d recommend a bath towel. It would offer much more class than that style of wedding dress.”

  Alissa winked. “See Michelle? That’s what I said, too, but I wanted to hear it from the best.”

  Beatrice turned her attention to Chance. “Why don’t I bring you a few dresses that sound like what you’re looking for, and you can try them on.”

  Chance nodded. “Yes, that’s fine.”

  Beatrice excused herself, and Alissa took her turn on the showroom floor. She walked, or should I say waddled, and imitated Beatrice’s deep, slow speech when she said, “Now, Ms. Bradley, would you like to wear something that makes you look elegant or fuckable?”

  Chance threw her shoulders back and responded, “Oh, Ms. Franklin, I’d like to try on the bath towel, please.”

  Chance was summoned to the dressing room, but we were instructed to stay in the half-circle sitting area in front of a string of mirrors. Alissa stood on the platform and admired her figure from all angles. She looked at Katie. “What do you think, Katie? Does this belly make me look pregnant?”

  Katie said, “Oh, not at all. In fact, I think you’ve lost weight since I saw you last.”

  Alissa spun around and whispered, “How pissed off do you think Beatrice would be if I tried on dresses?”

  Dani laughed and shook her head. “Will you stop it?”

  “Well, damn, did you see the scathing look she gave me when I dared bring my eight-month-pregnant belly up in her store looking for a wedding dress?”

  Dani shrugged. “I doubt it has anything to do with your condition.”

  “It’s cool,” I said. “I told her you two were married already, so you weren’t living in sin.”

  Dani rolled her eyes. “You would say that.”

  I giggled. “Not really, but I wish I had, now.” I looked around. “Think she’s got drinks here? I wish I’d brought my mimosa.”

  Katie set down the bride magazine she’d flipped through. “Yeah, we should be drinking right now. So like, technically, this is the night for the bachelorette party, right?”

  Dani wagged a finger. “Am I the only one that remembers you nearly having to stop halfway down the aisle to vomit in your cousin’s purse?”

  “Oh god, that was completely awful.” Katie sat back and sighed. “At least Chance is getting married in the evening.”

  “Am I the only one having a hard time wrapping my brain around that sentence?” I giggled.

  They all raised their hands.

  “While I always figured one day she’d get married,” Alissa said, “I just never thought she’d ever really get married. It’s weird.”

  Chance appeared in a floor-length white flowing gown with exaggerated, loose sleeves and the saddest looking bustle I’d ever seen. The boatneck style slid just below her collarbones making them look like completely stunned protruding, hairless eyebrows. She said, “I look ridiculous.”

  Alissa’s hand flew to her mouth then she bit her lips. She gestured for Chance to take her place on the platform so we could get the full affect. Alissa said, “This is an . . . interesting choice.”

  Chance scowled. “I look like fucking Princess

  We laughed and agreed.

  “Go take that thing off. I can’t let you do this. Run.” Alissa pointed in the direction of the dressing room.

  The next dress was even better. It was a sleeveless white dress that hugged her hourglass figure and had elaborate, puffy stuff around her breasts and ankles.

  “Are you going as a Q-tip for Halloween?” Alissa said between giggles.

  Chance laughed until tears shown in her eyes. “Um, I don’t think we’re going to find anything here that matches my taste. You should see what else is in the dressing room. It’s awful.”

  Beatrice appeared and clapped her hands together. “Oh, that’s exquisite. Like that dress was tailored just for you.” She beamed. “I think that’s a keeper.”

  Chance offered a tight smile. “No, ma’am, I disagree. While I’m grateful for your time, I believe we’re late for another appointment.” She looked at Alissa. “Unzip me. Get me out of this thing.”

  The next two dress shops were more of the same and I was half-expecting Chance to ask for a new bath towel. And that’s when she saw it in the window of the fourth boutique. She pressed her face against the glass and whispered, “That’s it. That one right there.”

  I smiled and nodded. “It’s beautiful, Chance. Let’s go try it on.”

  The boutique was more relaxed and less expensive than the three we’d visited. The showroom attendant was more than happy to assist but didn’t try to wrap herself around Chance’s legs while purring. We were chatting about lunch options when Chance appeared wearing the most beautiful smile and elegant dress I’d ever seen on her. She sashayed to the platform and admired herself while the rest of us sat in awe. The pearl-white dress had two-inch straps that draped across her tanned shoulders and led to a draped neckline that provided plenty of coverage but accented her cleavage. The rest of the dress fell to the top of her feet. Nothing ornate, nothing extravagant, but on Chance, it looked like a masterpiece.

  Chance turned to face us. “What do you think, ladies?” No one spoke. We stared at her and took turns wiping the trickling tears that snuck out of the corners of our eyes. A satisfied grin spread across her face. “That’s enough for me. That was exactly the reaction I wanted.” She looked at the attendant. “I’ll take it.”

  The woman asked, “Would you like to see a few jewelry options that accentuate this dress and really make it pop?”

  Alissa shook her head. “No. I have the perfect earrings, and a necklace isn’t necessary. She is perfect just in the dress.”

  “Thanks, sister.” Chance beamed.

  “I’d marry you.” Alissa winked at her.

  I looked at Dani and Katie, mesmerized by the vision in front of them. I tried to imagine the look on Tony’s face when he saw her and made a split decision. I said, “We need a photographer.”

  Alissa’s jaw dropped and she gasped. “God, you’re right. There’s no way any of us will remember to take one picture.”

  The attendant shyly said, “When is the wedding? I, uh . . . I have a photography business on the side. Nothing big. Just something I like to do.”

  Alissa grinned. “Do you have a tripod and a friend? We need pictures and video. No pictures of me, though.”

  “Absolutely there will be pictures of you.” Chance put her hands on her hips.

  “No, Chance.” Alissa pointed to her stomach and shook her head.

  “It will just be for me, anyway.” Chance frowned.

  “No, Chance.” Alissa shook her head sadly.

  “Fine. We’ll do headshots only, but I will have pictures of us together on my wedding day.” Her face flinched and eyes widened. All of the color drained from her face as her eyes dropped to the floor.

  I jumped to my feet and grabbed her hands. “Chance, look at me.” Her eyes slid to mine as her chin quivered. “It’s Tony. It’s your Tony. He flew halfway across the United States to search twelve different houses just to find you and make damn sure he never loses you again. You love him more than I’ve ever seen anyone love a man and you’re going to be happier than you’ve ever imagined. Marriage can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be, Chance. It doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t label you like you think it does. Just remember that you and Tony will be together forever. You won’t ever have to wonder again if he’s thinking of you, longing for you, missing you, wanting you. You will know. The mind fuck is over, Chance. You win.”

  “I win.” Her face softened and a smile spread across her face.

  “Yeah.” I blinked back the tears brimming my eyes. “No more misery, no more day-ones, no more pretending. Just happy with Tony. Just be happy with Tony forever, okay?”

  She nodded. “Don’t think, just feel, right?”

  “For now, yes. As for this dress, I can’t wait for Tony to hit his knees in disbelief when you walk down that boardwalk.”

  Alissa whispered to the attendant, “You’re hired. I’ll give you the address. Can you be there tomorrow around three?”

  “Tomorrow?” she gasped. “You’re getting married tomorrow?”

  “It was a spur of the moment decision.”

  The attendant laughed. “I’ll say. Do you need shoes?”

  “No, we’re all barefoot tomorrow. The ceremony is on the beach in front of our house.”

  She sighed. “I’ve always wanted to shoot a wedding on the beach.”

  Alissa pointed at Chance. “Well here’s your chance. No pun intended.”

  While we waited for Chance to change, Alissa came up to me and threw her arm around my shoulders. “Great speech. I admit I felt that ‘holy shit, what do I say’ moment when her face fell, but you scooted right on up there and took care of business. Good job.”

  I smiled and shrugged. “She was about to crash and burn.”

  “You might have just saved the day. I owe you one.”

  I laughed. “I think we’ve got a long way to go before you ever start owing me anything.”

  “Still . . .” She smiled.

  Katie walked up with her nose crinkled and her bottom lip pinched between her teeth. “Um, I hate to state the disgusting obvious, but . . . do you think they’re going to stay with us the night of their wedding? Like . . . you know. Do you think . . .”

  I cut her off. “Do you mean are they going to go at it like wild monkeys? Well, I’d say that’s likely.”

  “I was afraid of that. Like seriously thinking about getting a hotel room somewhere.”

  Dani shook her head. “Do you honestly think Tony’s going to travel all this way to have a sleepover with us on his wedding night? I guarantee he’s making arrangements for their honeymoon while he’s out.”

  “I bet you’re right.” Alissa nodded. “If I was a good friend, I’d offer to vacate the premises so they can have some privacy, but I’m paying through the nose for that house. He can go get his own.”

  “Plus, he’s loaded,” Katie pointed out. “It’s not like he can’t afford a freaking hotel room. He’s so romantic. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next. Like, I bet it’s a glass house on a private island. Something crazy extravagant like that.”

  “He’d have to make arrangements months in advance for something like that. But who knows. He’s surprised the shit out of me today.” Alissa chuckled.

  “It’s definitely been a day of surprises.” Dani grinned.

  I nudged her with my elbow. “First you blow up at breakfast, then the baby shower, then an oceanfront proposal, a wedding tomorrow.”

  Katie pointed at Alissa. “Do not go into labor tonight, got it? I’ve had all the excitement I can handle.”

  “Nope. No premature birthing this weekend.” Alissa laughed and rubbed her belly. “We’ve still got six weeks ‘til baby day.”

  “Are you doing birthing classes?” I asked her.

  But Dani answered. “Well, we thought about it, but um . . .”

  “But it doesn’t matter, because at the first sign of discomfort, I’m getting the epidural. I’m not tr
ying to be a hero.”

  Dani gestured to Alissa. “And there you have it.”

  “Don’t be a hero. Get the good drugs,” I laughed.

  Chance rounded the corner with her gown bag draped across her arm. “Ladies, I’m starving, and my buzz is wearing off. Let’s go wine and dine.” We followed her out of the store and walked toward the car.

  “We may have one more stop to make.” I couldn’t believe we’d almost forgotten this.

  “For what?” She frowned.

  “Um, a ring for Tony?” I laughed.

  “Shit! Yes, one more stop. But, I don’t have any idea what size ring he wears.”

  “That could be a problem,” Alissa said. “Text him and ask.”

  “Oh that’s romantic.” Chance smirked.

  Alissa punched her on the shoulder. “It’s not like you’re asking condom sizes. Just text and ask.”

  “They come in sizes?” My eyebrows shot to the sky.

  “Are you serious?” Alissa blinked twice.

  I put my hands on my hips. “What do I know about condoms? I’ve been with the same man since I was seventeen. Why would I need to know about condom sizes?”

  “Well, you have a good point, but yes, condom sizes are important.” Alissa grinned. “It’s not like you can wrap chapstick in a sausage casing and expect it to work.”

  Chance turned to me. “Ever tried to put on panty hose two sizes too small? What happens?’

  “They rip.”

  “There ya go. Now you know the importance of condom sizes and that I’ve also been much more fortunate with my sexual experiences than Alissa, here.” Chance patted Alissa on the shoulder.

  “Do you remember that guy I dated before Dirk? That was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Alissa reached in her purse, pulled out a tube of chapstick, and held it up. “See this? I’m not even kidding.”

  Chance giggled then doubled over with laughter. “She . . . she called me all pissed off.”


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