by Chris Ryan
Lot 42 - "Four Wise Monkeys'. Netsuke, Thirteenth Century This is a highly rare and important piece, in that it shows four wise monkeys, rather than the more coventional three. The monkeys were introduced into Japan from China in the eighth century AD by a Buddhist monk of the Tendai sect, and are believed to have been associated with the blue-faced god Vajra.
Originally there were four monkeys, namely Mizaru (see no evil), Mazaru (speak no evil), Mikazaru (hear no evil) and Iwazaru (know no evil). As in this piece, Iwazaru was always represented with his hands placed over his heart. By the fourteenth century, however, the fourth monkey was absent from most representations, as he is from the best-known example, the seventeenth-century carving over the doorway of the Sacred Stable in Nikko, Japan. The presence in this early piece of the fourth monkey emphasises the essentially ambiguous nature of the traditional instruction. For while at one level the refusal to see, hear and speak evil will afford spiritual protection, at another level it lays the postulant open to charges of moral disengagement of a closing of the heart.
Alex read the sheet and handed it back to Dawn.
"Four monkeys, then," he muttered.
"Do we reckon that our Watchman knows about the fourth?"
"It took me less than a minute to find this on the web."
"I guess you're right," said Alex.
"And there's another thing," Dawn went on.
"Do you remember the pictures of Meehan you saw in Thames House?"
Alex nodded.
"Do you remember the one in the kitchen of their house in Derry? The one with both his parents in it? Well, if you enlarge it you can see that there are some brass ornaments on the shelf. There's a bell shaped like a Dutch girl, and a miniature camel, and a little square thing that I'd bet a month's salary is a statuette of the wise monkeys."
Alex nodded.
"Well, that does seem to wrap it up," he said.
"And to put your Miss Fenwick squarely in the frame as the fourth monkey."
"That's rather what we feared."
"You might have mentioned it," said Alex.
"Like I said before, anything that helps me to know him better will help me to deal with him."
"We were rather hoping you might deal with him before the projected number of his victims became .. . an issue.
That evening he was changing into a tracksuit in the Pimlico safe house, preparing to go for a run, when his mobile rang. It was Dawn, although she didn't announce her name.
"You've got what you wanted," she said peremptorily.
"Our friend returns to his house in Hampshire the day after tomorrow."
"Do I get any of my people?" asked Alex.
"No. You either use ours or you go without."
"Understood." He frowned.
"Look, you don't fancy a drink or something, do you?"
"Didn't the roses work, then? I forgot to ask." Her tone was amused.
He paused. Took a deep breath.
"Do you fancy a drink or not?"
But the phone had already gone dead.
"So," said George Widdowes.
"You're really sure about this? You're sure that you'll be able to tackle Meehan when he comes?"
"Yes," said Alex.
"I am. So far he's had everything his own way. He's been able to pick the time and the place. Now we re going to force his hand."
The MI-5 desk officer and the SAS captain were sitting in the ante-room to Angela Fenwick's office in Thames House.
"Tell me," said Widdowes.
"Basically," explained Alex, 'we bait a trap. As you know, there's a For Sale sign outside your house. What's going to happen is that you're going to move back there for a few days and in three days' time you're going to supervise the loading of all your stuff into a removals van. Is the place very full?"
Widdowes shook his head tiredly.
"Not very. This is strictly necessary, is it, all this house-moving routine?"
"We've got to do it properly. And it'll make sense to Meehan. You're afraid and you feel isolated out there by yourself, so you're moving back to London.
Maybe you've even been ordered to move back to London. Whichever, you're going to miss the place and, given that there are a couple of armed policemen patrolling the property, you decide it'll be safe to stay there for the last few nights."
"You reckon that'll bounce him into having a go?"
Alex nodded.
"I reckon it will. And if he doesn't come in the next forty-eight hours he certainly will after he sees the furniture van being filled. He'll know that this is his last chance that if he doesn't take you now all his surveillance has gone to waste and he'll have to start from scratch again."
"You think we can set the whole thing up without spooking him?"
"Well, that's the question. Anything smells funny and he won't come he's PIRA-trained, after all. If you just moved back into the place without any security, for example, he'd be very suspicious indeed and let the whole thing go. My guess, though, is that when he sees those armed cops he'll think that you reckon you're safe."
"The armed police won't put him off?"
Alex smiled and shook his head.
"So why won't he just wait until that evening and follow the furniture van?
Follow it to my supposed new house or flat?"
"Because it won't be going anywhere. The loading'll finish about six, and then the van will be driven a couple of hundred yards down the road and parked up in a lay-by to wait for the next morning. Local removal firms often do that so that they don't have to pay their crews overtime."
"Why not wait until the next day and then follow the van?"
"Because it might go anywhere a storage facility, for example and then he'll have to start searching for your new place from scratch. Besides, he'll know that wherever you go will be ultra secure in comparison with your present place. He'll know that the Hampshire house offers by far the best chance he's likely to get."
"And you'll be waiting for him?" said Widdowes doubtfully.
"Basically, yes. I'll hide up by the river and when he comes I'll shoot him at short range with a silenced weapon.
"How will you make sure he doesn't know you're there waiting for him?"
"He won't know," said Alex quietly.
"Count on that. I've set up ambushes before."
In the car park beneath Thames House, a little over twenty-four hours later, Alex squeezed into the boot of the car that was to masquerade as Widdowes'. The BMW saloon had been customised with a boot-fitted surveillance lens and bulletproof windows.
"Are you going to be all right in there?" Widdowes asked.
"Yeah, I'll be OK. Hand us in my kit, could you, and put your own stuff on the back seat."
The drive took an hour and a half in total and by the end of it Alex was feeling light-headed and nauseated from the exhaust fumes. When Widdowes finally sprang the boot open, it was in the near darkness of the garage at Longwater Lodge. Illuminating his watch, Alex saw that it was a few minutes before 5 p.m.
"Right," he said, when he had stretched his legs for a moment or two.
"This door leads directly into the house?"
"And is there a room without any windows?"
"There's a cellar, yes.
"Perfect. I'll set up my stuff down there. Can you get me there without leading me past too many windows?"
Widdowes nodded and opened the door to the house. Alex, feeling slightly ridiculous, followed the tall Barbour-coated figure on his hands and knees. They reached a door, which Widdowes opened. Alex swung himself on to a descending staircase and took his bag from the older man, who then flicked a light switch and followed him down into the cellar.
It was a decent-sized place, and not too damp. In front of him was a large Potterton boiler, switched off. Against the other walls stood a wine-rack, a carpentry workbench, several bundles of magazines bound with baler twine, a case of Eley shotgun cartridges
and a battered travelling trunk.
"I've got a camp bed," said Widdowes.
"I'll bring it down for you.
While he was upstairs, Alex unpacked his case. He left the clothes inside, and arranged the weaponry and kit on the carpentry workbench. There was the Glock 34, its silencer, the laser dot-marker sight on its factory-fitted slide, a spare lithium battery for the laser sight, two boxes of twenty-five hollowpoint 9mm rounds and the Recon knife. There were also a sleeping bag and a tin of black waterproof cam-cream from a survival shop in Euston, a pair of fisherman's felt soled boots from Farlow's of Pall Mall, and an all-black Rip Curl wet suit,
weight belt and jet fins from a diving equipment store in Fulham. For Alex, not usually an enthusiastic shopper, the knowledge that he'd been spending MI-5's money had made for a pleasant morning.
When he reappeared with the camp bed Widdowes appeared disconcerted by this array. In fact, he looked badly scared. His features were flushed and his eyes flickered uneasily about him. Hardly surprising, thought Alex. It couldn't be anything but terrifying to know that you were next on the list of a proven psycho like Meehan.
"Are you OK?" Alex asked.
Widdowes nodded.
"Yes, I'm OK." He laughed nervously.
"You've certainly brought the full armoury with you.
"I'm not taking any chances with this bastard," said Alex.
"He's going straight in the fucking ground. Have you got your own weapon?"
Widdowes reached inside his jacket, withdrew a Colt .38 revolver, spun the chamber and returned it to the shoulder holster.
Alex nodded. Privately he thought that if it ever came to a one-on-one between Widdowes and Meehan the MI-5 man was as good as dead, but he guessed that the heft and weight of the Colt were a good confidence booster. He turned to Widdowes.
"Look, I know you're an experienced field agent and I don't want to get your back up, but a handful of rules for the duration, yeah?"
Widdowes nodded.
"Avoid windows. I doubt he'd try and shoot you but better to be safe than sorry, so if you must go past a window keep moving. Whether inside or outside the house, don't ever present a static target and don't whatever you do speak or shout out to me don't worry about warnings, if he comes anywhere near here I'll see him before you do. I'll have him covered. Behave at all times as if you were alone in the house. Have you met up with the two police guys?"
"Yes. They're MI-5 people, in fact, in police uniforms."
"That's fine. Basically what we need them to do is mooch around the front of the house. Just wander about between there and the road, and stick their necks into the back garden every so often. They should stay together most of the time, smoke the odd fag, that sort of thing. They've got to look like lazy and incompetent jobs worths out to grass and no threat to anyone. Can you make sure they understand that?"
Widdowes nodded again.
"Otherwise, just observe your usual routine. It might help if you put an empty bottle or two out each night give the impression you're hitting the old vino.
That'll encourage him to think..."
"Yeah, I know what you're saying. Nerves shot, soft target..." Alex looked at Widdowes. His darting glances, uneven colour and paper-dry bps confirmed that he was very frightened indeed. He put a hand on the older man's shoulder.
"George, mate, we re in this together and I'm fully aware that your part is the harder one. Honestly. If you can think of a better way of nailing this fucker I'm on for it, believe me.
Widdowes pursed his lips and nodded.
"I'm also sorry to put you through a non-existent house move, but again..."
"That's OK," said Widdowes, forcing an unconvincing smile.
"I've been meaning to sort through all this junk. Get my life into some sort of order. What do you want to do about eating?"
"Well, it gets dark at about eight o'clock and I want to get into position about then. So if we have a feed at sevenish
"I'll knock something up. You're going to wait for him in the river, aren't you?"
"That's the idea."
"Have you considered how you're going to get into position without him seeing you? I mean, we have to assume he's watching the area around the house. Quite possibly from close up.
"You're going to have to drive me downstream to somewhere I can get into the river and work my way back here. Somewhere he won't see me get out of the car.
"That's no problem. I can take you up to the next road bridge and you can get back through the grounds of Longwater House. There's no one there at the moment, the place is closed up." Widdowes frowned.
"But how do you know Meehan won't be down there? How do you know you won't run into him?"
"Because he won't want to go in blind. He'll come from the direction he can watch the house and the guards from, which is upstream. You can't see anything at all from where I'm going, except trees."
Widdowes slowly nodded.
"Right. Got you.
"Is there a pub in the downstream direction? Some reason you might be going that way?"
"There's an off-licence in Martyr Worthy. If I come back ten minutes later with a Thresher's bag..
"Good enough. Now I'd suggest you get upstairs. Maybe take a cup of tea to the two cops give you an excuse to brief them about looking useless."
"What will you do?"
"I'll be OK, don't worry. See you at seven.
Widdowes nodded and smiled wryly.
"I'll tell you one thing," he said.
"If this guy Meehan succeeds in taking me out there are going to be some long faces at Thames House."
Alex looked at him.
"Angela Fenwick, for a start," continued Widdowes.
"She's in line for the directorship, that's why the deaths of Fenn and Gidley have pissed her off so royally. If she loses any more of her desk officers it's going to start looking very much like carelessness. Her star and that of her familiar could well start to decline."
"Her familiar?" asked Alex, surprised by the bitterness and vehemence of his tone.
"Dawn Bloody Harding. Zulu Dawn. Dawn of the Living Dead. From the moment she joined the service she hitched her wagon to Angela's that's why her progress has been so meteoric. For as long as Angela's riding high, Dawn's up there with her. But if Angela falls, then Dawn goes down too. Don't overlook the political side of all this, chum. You've been brought in to safeguard the upward mobility of a political cabal."
"I'm here to safeguard you, George. The rest doesn't interest me.
Widdowes nodded philosophically and shrugged.
"I'm sorry. You're right it's not your worry. Getting cynical in my old age, that's all."
When he had gone Alex unrolled his sleeping bag on the camp bed, lay down and stared at the cellar's plasterboard ceiling. Eventually he closed his eyes. It was going to be a long night and he would do well to get some rest. In his pocket, his mobile throbbed.
"It's Dawn Harding."
"Zulu Dawn!"
There was a silence.
"Where did you get that name?" she asked accusingly.
"Have you been ..
"It's one of my favourite films," said Alex breezily.
"How are you?"
"Fine," she said curtly.
"Is everything OK down there?"
"So far, yes.
"How's George holding up?"
"He's under a bit of stress but he's keeping it all together."
"You think Meehan will come tonight?"
"Might. Bird in the hand and so on."
There was a pause.
"Are you ... OK?" she enquired.
"Do I detect a note of concern?" asked Alex, unable to keep the smile from his voice.
"No, you don't!" she snapped.
"I simply need to know you're in good shape. I don't want any more corpses on the pathologist's slab."
"Don't worry," said Alex, the vision of Dawn suspended high above the ground in her scarl
et underwear flashing past his eyes.
"I'll keep myself in good shape for you."
She disconnected. Alex returned his gaze to the ceiling and his smile faded. He had ninety minutes in which to rest up. He closed his eyes.
Shortly after seven Widdowes woke him. The MI-5 officer was carrying a plateful of cheese and ham sandwiches, a Granny Smith apple, a Mars bar and a two-litre bottle of still mineral water.
"Sorry," he said.
"It's not quite up to Gordon Ramsay standard. I assumed you'd want mustard on the ham?"
"Yeah. Great."
"I meant to ask. What do you want to do about washing?"
"I don't," said Alex.
"You can smell toothpaste and soap on the air. I won't be using either until Meehan's dead. And hopefully I won't be needing a crap till then, either. As far as pissing's concerned, well, from time to time you'll find this Evian bottle on the stairs."
"Got you," said Widdowes without enthusiasm.
Alex ate and drank for five minutes in silence, then loaded the Glock's magazine with nineteen rounds and slapped it into the butt. Pointing the handgun at the wall, he pressed the button activating the laser sight. A small red dot appeared on the wall, scribbling fine lines of light as Alex moved the weapon. Satisfied, he thumbed the system off again. Then he stripped, pulled on the wet suit and buckled the sheathed Recon knife round his calf. The Glock went into a plastic thigh holster on a lanyard. Blackening his face and hands with the cam-cream, he pulled up the neoprene hood of the wet suit. The clothes that he had just been wearing went into the waterproof stuff sack that had previously held the wet suit. The boots and fins went into a carrier bag.
"OK," said Alex.
"Let's do it. What's the light like outside?"
"Going fast," said Widdowes.
They made their way back to the garage, Alex climbed into the boot and Widdowes drove off, stopping briefly to converse with the uniformed men at the gate. The ensuing drive took no more than three minutes, but took them well out of the sight of anyone who had been observing the house. Quickly, watching out for other cars, Widdowes let Alex out of the boot, handed him the stuff sack and drove on. The whole operation had taken no more than ten seconds.
Crouching in the cow-parsley on the river bank, Alex peered around him in the fading evening light. Above him was the road, which was narrow and unlikely to see too much traffic between now and tomorrow morning. To his left was the road bridge. He could just make out a narrow walkway beneath this, but access to it was largely obscured by nettles, elder and other roadside vegetation. Sliding down the bank, Alex pushed through undergrowth into the darkness beneath the bridge and cached the stuff sack of clothing there. Attaching the weight belt round his waist, he undid the Farlow's boots and tied them to the belt by the laces, then pulled on the jet fins and lowered himself into the water.