All Hell Breaks Loose (Hellscourge Book 9)

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All Hell Breaks Loose (Hellscourge Book 9) Page 4

by Diem, J. C.

  She studied me for a long moment. “How long will you need to be punished with holy fire for it to work?”

  “I don’t know. Hag will have to keep it up until black essence is expelled from me. When the warrior materializes, I’m hoping you guys will be able to kill him.”

  Nodding thoughtfully, she turned our conversation back to her partner. “Do you have a plan to rescue Leo?”

  “Nope. I’m going to have to wing it.” Her lips pressed together in annoyance at my answer. “Do you know where Hag is keeping Nathan’s grace?” I asked.

  “She keeps it in her pocket,” she replied with a grimace. “She likes to take it out and gloat about how she stripped a mighty Seraph of his essence.”

  My wrath stirred, but I clamped down on it. There was no use allowing my rage to take over. It would only sap me of my strength when it ran its course. “Saving Leo and getting Nathan’s grace back are my main priorities,” I told her. “I’ll figure out a way to do both.”

  Brie didn’t seem convinced, but she’d run out of time. “I will warn Domiel and Jeduthun that you will be arriving later tonight. We will do what we can to aid you.”

  They wouldn’t be able to do much or they’d risk being caught. “Just make sure you’re there when I’m being purged. Try not to let Hagith kill me, but don’t let her stop until you see the Wraith Warrior’s essence spilling out.”

  “I will do my best,” she responded then disappeared.

  Glancing at the note on the table, I saw that she hadn’t written much before we’d arrived. Her concern for Leo had driven her to take a risk by leaving her base, but I knew who was really behind it. Fate was yet again manipulating us all to be where she needed us. It wasn’t a coincidence that Brie had turned up just when we’d returned from our meeting with Reynolds.

  Nathan shared my sentiment. “I feel Fate’s hand guiding us again,” he said.

  “Brie might not like you much,” Sophia said to me, “but I am relieved that she will be present when you are being punished again. She will ensure that Hagith will not go too far.”

  “She’s remained loyal to her duties,” Elijah said. “She won’t let humankind down.”

  Brie knew how close Leo and I were. It was more likely that she didn’t want to let him down by allowing me to be killed. I kept my thoughts to myself. I’d become more cynical since learning that demons were real. I’d seen their thoughts and memories every time I’d ingested their evil essence. It was inevitable that they’d rub off on me eventually. I was now at the point where I carried a seed of darkness inside me. If I didn’t do something to scour it from me, I’d be in danger of turning to the dark side permanently.


  Chapter Seven

  Knowing the agony I’d suffer once I was caught by my enemies, I found it hard to remain still. I was pacing the floor of the front room when Reynolds finally called. I’d left my cell phone sitting on the table. Nathan reached out and picked it up. He handed it to me and I almost snatched it out of his hand.

  “Hi,” I said, trying to sound casual rather than as if my heart was pounding a thousand miles a minute.

  “I’m on my way,” Reynolds replied. “Tell Nathan I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Will do,” I replied and we hung up. The detective had sounded as nervous as I was. I’d eaten dinner an hour ago and felt as if it was going to come back up at any second.

  My tension grew when Nathan stood up a few minutes later. He’d heard the conversation and I hadn’t needed to pass the message on. “It would be wise for me to wait for Reynolds outside,” he said. “I want to make sure we are not being watched.”

  “Okay,” I said and it came out as a croak. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Be careful, Nathan,” I said softly as he stroked a hand down my hair.

  “I will,” he promised. “We will be back before you know it.” He kissed my forehead and let his lips linger on my skin for a few seconds. Then he pulled away and Sophia stepped up to embrace him. Elijah shook his hand solemnly, then my guardian headed for the exit in the kitchen.

  “He will be fine,” Sophia assured me and slipped her arm around my waist.

  Elijah put his hand on my shoulder in reassurance. “Calvin and Nathan are intelligent, resourceful men,” he said. “I’m sure they can steal a couple of cars without any trouble.”

  “I guess drug dealers aren’t much of a threat compared to demons,” I joked weakly. The criminals might be human, but they’d have guns to defend their property. It didn’t surprise me that Reynolds knew where some bad guys lived. He had contacts in the human underworld who had probably ratted the drug dealers out. I didn’t know why they hadn’t been busted yet and I didn’t really care. Taking down hell spawn was my job, not policing the illegal activities of humans.

  A car came to a stop right outside a couple of minutes later. It drove off before I could check to see if it was Reynolds. I crossed to the front door and shifted the purple curtain aside just in time to see its taillights disappear. When it was gone from my view, my tension ratcheted up a few notches.

  “I think we could all use some tea,” Sophia said.

  “I’ll help you,” Elijah offered. They left the front room and I was left alone to brood.

  Three hours later, I was still pacing the floor when my phone beeped to notify me I’d received a text message. Leaping over to the table, I snatched it up. My blood ran cold when I saw who the message was from.

  “What is wrong?” Sophia asked in concern when she saw the color drain out of my face. “Have Calvin and Nathan run into trouble?”

  “The message isn’t from them,” I replied. “It’s from Zach.”

  “What does it say?”

  “That he knows I’m back in New York and he’s going to make me pay for killing his father.”

  Sophia sucked in a breath and Elijah’s brow furrowed in worry. “This building has been sanctified by God and it is also warded by your spells,” he said. “He can’t enter here. You are safe from him.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t stay here forever. I have to stick to the plan if I want to get rid of the Wraith Warrior.”

  Sophia’s hand shook as she picked up her cup to cradle it. “If the angels still have an alliance with the demons, they could hand you over to him,” she said.

  I’d already come to that conclusion and nodded in agreement. “We can’t tell Nathan about this,” I said as I deleted the message without responding to it. “He won’t let me go through with our plan if he finds out.”

  “It’s too risky,” Elijah protested. “Zach is going to want revenge on you. From what you’ve told us about his actions, he is as evil as the creature that spawned him.”

  “It’s a risk I’ll have to take,” I said with a shrug. Replying to the message would confirm that I was back. I’d rather keep Zach guessing for as long as possible. With luck, I could rescue Leo, retrieve Nathan’s grace and escape before Zach even found out I’d been captured by the angels at all.

  I flinched slightly when I received another message a few minutes later. This time, it was from Reynolds. “The guys were successful,” I reported. “They’re on their way back now.” I sent a quick reply urging them to hurry.

  “Thank goodness,” Elijah said and sagged in relief. Reynolds was more than just a parishioner to him, he was also a close friend. “I should prepare the Molotov cocktails.”

  Curious about the process, I followed him into the kitchen. I’d watched Sophia cut out fabric and hand sew four balaclavas while we were waiting for Reynolds to finish his shift. Nathan and Elijah had dutifully tried them on to make sure the fit was good. She tried hers on as well to make sure the eyeholes were in the correct position. She had to guess at Reynolds’ mask, but I was sure it would suffice.

  Elijah had left the six pack of beer sitting on the counter. Opening one, he poured half of it down the sink then took a piece of fabric that Sophia had given him. He stuffed it into the bottle until it was f
loating in the beer. The rest of the fabric hung down the side of the bottle. Once it was set alight, it would become a small, but effective firebomb.

  I helped him prepare the other five bottles then he split them into two groups. “I hope this works,” he said almost to himself.

  “It will,” I replied. It felt strange to reassure someone who was old enough to be my grandfather. He gave me a grateful smile then looked over his shoulder to make sure Sophia wasn’t watching us. He took a cookie out of the jar that was on the counter and offered it to me. I waved it away. Food was the last thing I wanted right now. “I’m good, thanks,” I said.

  “I know I should be watching my weight, but these cookies are hard to resist,” he admitted.

  Sophia might not need to eat, but she was a pretty good cook. If my plan worked, my appetite would be restored once the warrior was purged from my system. Hopefully, the toxin would be destroyed as soon as he was gone.

  My nerves were jittery when a knock sounded at the backdoor. Sophia let Nathan and Reynolds in and relocked it again. I was relieved that they’d made it back before either the angels or the demons arrived. Vepar would surely tell them I was back in town soon and the angels could very well hand over our location to them.

  “We need to go,” I said as Reynolds inspected the firebombs.

  He looked at me in surprise. “I was planning on waiting until after midnight before we attack the warehouse.”

  “That’s fine, we just need to leave here now,” I insisted.

  “What is wrong?” Nathan asked in concern.

  “I have a feeling that our base has been compromised. We need to get out now before we become trapped.” Opening the fridge, I grabbed a container of demon blood. I was going to need it to ward our cars. I hurried into the front room to take a paintbrush out of a drawer behind the counter.

  They all knew to trust my instincts and leaped into action. Elijah and Reynolds grabbed the bottles of beer, while Sophia gathered up the balaclavas. We didn’t have time to pack and just left our belongings behind. We exited through the backdoor and made our way to the parking lot.

  Feeling a tingle at the back of my head, I stopped and looked back over my shoulder. The store was hidden from my sight behind a building that backed up next to our base. I couldn’t see our enemies, but I knew they were here.

  “What is it?” Sophia asked in a whisper.

  “I can feel demon magic,” I replied just as quietly. Vepar and her minions had arrived moments after we’d left and were attempting to break in.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Reynolds said and headed for two cars that were parked side by side. They were nondescript sedans rather than the flashy vehicles I’d expected from drug dealers. He climbed inside the one on the left to start it, then exited it and left it running. Nathan took the driver’s seat. Sophia sat next to him while I slid into the back.

  “Meet us in the lot behind my church,” Elijah said then hurried to climb into the second stolen vehicle.

  I kept a close watch through the back window as Nathan drove out of the lot, but I didn’t see any demons or angels chasing after us.

  During the drive to the Upper East Side, I took the time to paint a pair of runes on the doors and activate them. Both Nathan and Sophia pricked their fingers with my dagger so I could add their blood to the mixture. Only we three would be able to enter or exit the car. No one else would be able to get inside, either by the doors or by teleportation.

  “Your instincts have become finely tuned,” Nathan said as we pulled into the small lot behind the church. “Your timing could not have been better.”

  Zach’s childish need to taunt me had been responsible. He’d stupidly given me enough warning for us to get out before we could be trapped. “I guess Fate is still looking out for me,” I replied. I didn’t want to take credit when it wasn’t due.

  “We will have to find a new base,” Sophia said with a tired sigh. Her home had been invaded and she was understandably upset about it.

  “They probably weren’t able to get inside,” I reminded her. “But they know where we live now, thanks to Hag.”

  “I am surprised it took her this long to divulge our location to her allies,” Nathan said grimly.

  We all turned when Reynolds pulled in beside us. The cop and the priest both looked spooked at how close we’d come to being captured. It was a sign of their bravery and dedication to keeping mankind safe that they were willing to help us despite they danger they were in.


  Chapter Eight

  Since none of our enemies were aware of Elijah yet, we would be safe inside his church. His replacement could have bunked on the small cot that was set up in a back room, but he’d chosen to take lodgings elsewhere.

  Reynolds showed Nathan how to hotwire the car while I painted the runes in the second stolen vehicle. Elijah and the detective both donated their blood so they’d be able to enter and exit it.

  When we were done, Elijah let us into the church to wait. Sophia made tea to calm her nerves. I drank mine to be polite. Nathan watched me as I paced up and down. We were all worried about the operation we would soon embark on. I was terrified that I would end up in Vepar’s or Zach’s hands once the angels were finished punishing me.

  I didn’t want to risk losing any of my favorite belongings, so I handed them over to Sophia. “Can you look after these for me until I get back?” I asked. I pointedly looked at the cell phone before giving it to her.

  She flicked a look at Nathan, understanding my unspoken request for him not to see any further messages that might come from my ex. “Of course,” she replied and took my dagger in its sheath, scarlet bracelet, angel carving, sapphire rune stone and phone from me.

  When it was time for us to leave, I took a quick trip to the bathroom first. A knock came at the door when I finished drying my hands. When I opened the door, Nathan was waiting on the other side. He drew me into his arms and I went to him willingly. I went up to my tippy toes as he bent down. He kissed me and bliss instantly swept through me. It wasn’t the fire I’d felt with Zach, but it was something far better.

  I’d always thought his angelic essence was the reason I felt so much joy when we kissed. I now knew that it wasn’t magic that drew me to him. It was something far more precious than that. It was the love we both felt for each other, but could never fully express.

  Someone cleared their throat noisily and we finally drew apart. “I thought I was going to have to throw a bucket of cold water on you for a moment there,” Sophia said dryly.

  I blushed bright red, but not even my embarrassment at being busted could diminish my happiness. Now I’d have a fond memory to cling to when I fell into my enemies’ hands again. Nathan looked flustered and crimson rose on his cheeks. “I did not intend to get so carried away,” he apologized. “I just wanted to bid Violet goodbye.”

  “Mission accomplished,” I said with a grin. I’d been lost in his kiss, but he hadn’t been in danger of me draining him of his energy. For a moment, we’d just been two almost normal people who loved each other. It was as close to having a normal relationship as I’d ever get. What I’d had with Zach had just been a lie. Nothing about it had been normal.

  Reynolds appeared behind Sophia. “It’s nearly midnight,” he warned us. “We should get going.”

  I nodded and we fell in behind him as we headed for the backdoor. Elijah locked it behind us then we split up and climbed into the cars. Reynolds had finetuned our plan down to the smallest detail and we all knew what we had to do.

  We drove in tense silence towards the angels’ base. Sophia held the three bottles of beer on her lap gingerly. A lighter was clutched in her hand. Nathan stopped to let me out when we were a block away from our destination. I leaned forward to give them both a quick hug before I climbed out. “I’ll see you guys soon,” I said and hoped I wasn’t lying.

  “That you will,” Nathan agreed.

  “Try not to set yourself on fire,”
I said to Sophia and she gave me a tremulous smile. Then they took off and I was on my own.

  Taking a deep breath, I started walking. The neighborhood was mainly industrial, which meant pedestrians were few and far between at this time of night. We were away from the main streets and I had the road to myself. A lone taxi rumbled towards me and I stepped into a doorway to avoid notice.

  When it was gone, I continued to the end of the block and rounded the corner. Sweat gathered on my brow and my legs were shaking as I made my way to the next corner. I was standing beside the building that Leo and I had used as our lair. This time, I wouldn’t be hiding safely on the second floor.

  Checking my watch, I hid in the shadows and peeked around the corner at the warehouse that would soon become my prison. I ducked back when I saw several angels patrolling the grounds. To anyone else, they looked like ordinary people. To me, they were inhumanly beautiful. Or they would have been if I’d been close enough to see their faces.

  Taking another peek, I could faintly make out the blue spells that warded the property. They lined the low concrete wall and hung in the air. One of the angels came closer and I recognized his short, stocky physique. If Dom was out on patrol, it was likely Jed was as well. Brie had used her influence to make sure my allies would be the ones to bring me in.

  I stepped out just far enough for Dom to see me. He missed a step, then kept on going when I shook my head. I held four fingers up and he surreptitiously saluted me to show he understood.

  It was the longest four minutes of my life as I waited for my friends to launch their offensive. Right on time, Elijah drove towards me. The car slowed down and Reynolds tossed a Molotov cocktail at the warehouse. It smashed through a window and fire flared brightly. The flames were quickly extinguished by angelic magic.


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