The Gilded Curse: Will the young heiress be the next victim of her family's curse?

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The Gilded Curse: Will the young heiress be the next victim of her family's curse? Page 14

by Marilyn Turk

  “Because they wanted you to come here and find it for them, lead them to it.” He pulled himself up as he focused on her face.

  Lexie’s hands flew to her mouth, her heart thumping. “How do you know that?”

  “They sent you a telegram so you’d come.”

  “So they must be following me … or watching me.” Lexie whispered the words as she glanced around, trembling.

  Russell put his arms around her and pulled her close. “It’s okay. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  She felt the tears forming but forced them back. She couldn’t fall apart and make Russell think she was helpless. But his arms strengthened her and his commitment reinforced her resolve. Much as she wanted to collapse, she fought for control. She pushed back and raised her eyes to peer up at him. “I’ll be all right. Thank you for being here.”

  “Looks like you’re stuck with me now.” The warmth of his smile radiated through her. “Are you ready to go?”

  She shook her head. “No. I wanted to go to the third floor, too, remember?”

  “That’s right.” He nodded. “I almost forgot there was a third floor. I think Robert and I only went up there a few times to hide.”

  They passed by the room that had the leaky window and Lexie pointed it out while Russell jotted down a note. The only stairs to the third floor were around the corner in the servants’ quarters. The children’s nannies stayed in the second-floor quarters so they could be near the children. The other servants were on the third floor, which was only accessible by the back staircase which came up from the kitchen.

  As Lexie and Russell climbed the stairs, Lexie sensed that someone had been there recently. She sniffed the air, which wasn’t as musty as other parts of the house, a sign that the doors had been opened recently, allowing fresh air to flow through. They climbed the creaky, narrow stairs to the top then stepped out into a small hallway with doors on either side. Lexie and Russell peeked in each of the six small bedrooms, which were much smaller than Lexie remembered with a single bed, tiny table, and short dresser taking up most of the space in each.

  Lexie halted in front of one of them and pointed to the window. “That’s the one I saw from outside that looks like someone threw a rock at it.”

  “That or they shot a gun at it.”

  Lexie drew back and looked up at him. “A gun?”

  “Those are fairly small holes, and it’s a pretty far distance to throw a rock that high.”

  “Oh my. Someone could’ve been hurt if they’d been standing by the window.”

  “Maybe. But they’d have to be standing close to it, since the bullets would go straight up.” He glanced at the ceiling. “See?” He reached up and pulled a bullet from the ceiling. “But Lexie, no one’s been here, so no one’s been shot. It was just a stupid prank.”

  Lexie scanned the room, trying to figure out what bothered her. A whiff of cigarette smoke invaded her nostrils.

  “Russell! Someone’s been in here recently.”

  “Sure they have. The maids probably came up here to clean.”

  “That was several days ago. But I smell cigarette smoke, like someone smoked in here not long ago.”

  He looked at her askance. “I don’t smell anything.”

  “Of course you don’t because you smoke too.” Lexie faced him with her hands on her hips. “I know you smoke when I’m not around to see you. I can smell it on your clothes, your breath.”

  “I confess. I still have the habit. Are you saying I was in here?”

  Lexie shook her head. “No, of course not. But someone has been here recently and smoked in this room.”

  “The maids know better than to smoke inside while they’re cleaning.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t a maid.” She studied the floor as she walked around the small room.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “A cigarette butt, ashes, anything.”

  “Do you think someone would put that on the floor?”

  She looked up at him and cocked her head. “Maybe not, but I bet there’s some around here somewhere.”

  Her eyes traveled to the window pierced by holes. “Out there. I bet we’ll find a cigarette butt outside below the window.” She turned and ran out the door.

  “Hey, wait for me!” Russell yelled behind her.

  She ran to the servant staircase door, opened it, and ran down the steps. The cigarette smell was even stronger in the stairwell, confirming her suspicion. She ran out the back door and around to the lawn below the third-floor window. Russell joined her, and together, they studied the grass and ground below the shrubs by the house.

  “Russell, does Abner smoke?” Lexie kept her head down as she asked.

  “Probably. Everybody smokes.”

  She stopped to glare at him. “I don’t.”

  “All right. Everybody else smokes. But honestly Lexie, as fastidious as Abner is about the lawn, I don’t think he’d litter it with cigarette butts. What if this ‘smoker’ put out the cigarette, then put it in his pocket?”

  She hadn’t thought of that. But they didn’t see any sign of cigarettes, so maybe that’s exactly what happened.

  “Of course, it could’ve been one of the maids when they were here.”

  “Maybe, but they haven’t been here in a couple of days, and the odor was recent, like even today.”

  After scrutinizing the ground, they still found no sign of cigarettes. She was about to give up when a glint from the top of the bushes caught her eye. She reached across a shrub and grabbed an object stuck between two leaves.

  It was a cigarette butt, a silver stripe around the filter revealing its location. She held it up for Russell to see. He took the item from her, turning it around to examine.

  “Looks new,” he said. “So someone’s been in the house recently and they smoke. What does that mean?”

  Lexie put her finger to her chin. “They must have been looking out the window.” She spun around and ran to the back door, with Russell following. She ran up the stairs to the third floor and back to the bedroom with the broken window. She crossed the room and gazed out, no longer looking at the window, but beyond. When Russell caught up with her, he was breathless.

  “Look.” Lexie pointed out the window.

  “Look at what?”

  “What can you see from here?”

  “The yard, the trees, the river.”

  “That’s right. Russell, this is the only room on the third floor that has a view of the river!”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes! The thought crossed my mind when we looked at the other rooms that they had no view because they looked straight into the trees. But this room is between the trees, so there’s a good view of the water.”

  He gave her a quizzical expression. “So somebody came up here to look at the water?”

  “I think so. Maybe he expected someone, someone who was coming up the river.”

  “So why not wait for them at the boat dock?”

  Lexie’s heart stilled. “Maybe they weren’t going to the dock. Maybe they were coming ashore here. Russell, do you think someone on the island is working with the Germans and is helping them get on our island?”

  Chapter 22

  Russell wanted to tell her the idea was absurd, but he couldn’t discount the remote possibility. Should he mention it to the Coast Guard? What if it was nothing, just a maid throwing a cigarette out the window? He’d look pretty ridiculous if that’s all it was. Still, he had to calm Lexie down and not let her imagination get carried away.

  “Lexie, I sincerely doubt Germans would want to invade the island. What good would it do since they’d still have to get to the mainland?”

  Her widened eyes told him she still worried about the scenario she’d proposed.

  “I don’t know, Russell. Maybe use the island as a base to signal their subs? It’s a pretty big island and there aren’t many of us here.”

  He shook his head. What she didn’t know was that Presi
dent Roosevelt was already concerned about the wealthy club members on the island, many of whom were his friends.

  “If it’ll make you feel better, we’ll have our guards patrol the river bank too. But we know most of the people here pretty well and know they’re on our side, not our enemy’s.”

  Her shoulders relaxed. “Okay. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions.”

  “I need to get back to the clubhouse. Are you ready to go?”

  She nodded, and they started walking back.

  “I’ll get the window fixed right away.” At least he could do that much. Perhaps if he took care of the repairs quickly, Lexie wouldn’t be so spooked about the cottage. Still, he couldn’t make sense of the situation. Maybe she had blown things out of proportion, but these days, he had to be more alert to any possibility. Was there a chance someone on the island was aiding the enemy? If so, who?

  “Thank you.” Lexie’s face was set with determination. She thought she was on to something, and he could tell she was eager to find out what it was.

  “Lexie, I just don’t see a connection between damaged drawers and a person looking out the third-floor window.”

  “I don’t either, Russell. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what’s going on. I suppose there’s a chance neither has anything to do with the other.”

  As they approached the clubhouse, Lexie glanced over at the lawn bowlers again. Floyd was still there, watching another man take his turn as smoke curled up from the cigarette in his hand.

  “So Floyd smokes too.” Lexie nodded in Floyd’s direction.

  “Do you see a man out here that doesn’t?”

  He watched her scan the group, frowning as she shook her head.

  “No. I guess you’re right. Most men smoke.”

  “Looks like you haven’t narrowed down your list of suspects.”

  “No, but there’s only one man I’ve seen around the cottage.” She leveled her gaze at him.

  “Abner.” Why did she insist on pointing the finger at the old yardman?

  “Yes, Abner,” she said, crossing her arms. “You don’t think he’s the one, though, do you?”

  “No, I don’t. Abner watches over the property. He wouldn’t damage it.”

  “Hey, Alexandra!”

  They paused and turned to see Floyd striding across the lawn toward them.

  “Alexandra, I had hoped to see you today.” Floyd glanced at Russell. “Hello, Russell.” If that was a hint for him to leave, Russell wasn’t taking it.

  Russell nodded. “Floyd.” Besides, Lexie would kill him if he abandoned her to Floyd.

  Floyd moved around to Lexie’s side in an effort to speak with her privately. Russell planted himself firmly, curious to see what the old boy was up to.

  “Are you busy for lunch? Moth … I mean, I’d love for you to join us.”

  Lexie gave Russell a pleading look as if begging him to give her an excuse. He sneaked her a wink and watched her face fire up.

  “Sorry, Floyd, old chap.” Russell grabbed Lexie’s elbow. “Alexandra already has plans for lunch.” He pulled her toward the clubhouse while she looked over her shoulder at Floyd and gave him an apologetic smile.

  When they were out of earshot, Lexie said, “Thanks, Russell. I owe you one.”

  “And don’t you forget it.” As they entered the dining room, the Maurice sisters waved them over.

  Russell waved back and escorted Lexie over to the table where the women welcomed with warm smiles.

  “Hello, ladies. Welcome back. Did you arrive this morning?” The Maurice sisters were among Russell’s favorite club members and were always very cordial.

  “Yes, we did. And it’s so nice to see Hollybourne again.” Margaret Maurice beamed.

  “Who is this young lady, Russell?” Marian Maurice tilted her head, studying Lexie.

  “Excuse my manners, please. This is Alexandra Smithfield. I’m sure you remember her family.”

  The two sisters exchanged glances before turning back to Lexie. “My goodness, you must be the little girl. Well, of course, not a little girl anymore!” Margaret looked Lexie up and down.

  “Please join us,” Marian said. “We want to hear all about you.” The woman gestured to a chair across the table. “You, too, Russell.”

  Lexie glanced at Russell, who nodded. “Thank you.”

  Russell pulled out her chair, then sat beside her. “I’m afraid I can’t stay long, ladies, but I do want to catch up with you. You’re both looking well.”

  “Oh, Russell, you’re such a gentleman and a delight for these old eyes.” Margaret batted her eyelashes at him.

  The conversation revolved around the Maurice sisters and their visits around the country to various relatives and friends. Russell enjoyed the sisters from Pennsylvania and looked forward to their return to the island each season. Lexie’s shoulders relaxed, a good sign she was comfortable with the sisters.

  “I have a wonderful idea, Peg,” Marian spoke to her sister, using Margaret’s nickname, and turned to Lexie. “Alexandra, do you play bridge?”

  “Why, yes, I’ve played before, but…” Russell watched Lexie search for an excuse.

  “Of course, Marian.” Peg turned to Lexie. “Dear, we need a fourth for bridge. Our sister Emily won’t be here until next month. Would you please join us for bridge and tea?”

  Russell kept quiet, watching Lexie’s response. He wouldn’t offer any reason for her to get out of this invitation. What harm could come from spending time with the sisters? At least she’d be safe with them.

  “When do you play?”

  “Every Tuesday afternoon, so tomorrow. All right? Come to Hollybourne at 3:00. Oh, what fun! It’s been so long since we’ve had a Smithfield join us. Your mother and grandmother were wonderful bridge players and we so enjoyed their company.”

  “Thank you. I look forward to it,” Lexie said, surprising Russell.

  “Well, if you ladies will excuse me, I need to get back to my office.”

  “I’m afraid I must go too.” Lexie laid her napkin down and Russell stood to pull her chair. “See you ladies tomorrow.”

  They walked out of the dining room where Russell paused before going back to his office.

  “Lexie, I’m pleased that you accepted their invitation. They’re very nice ladies.”

  “I’m not sure why I did. I remember going to Hollybourne with my mother and grandmother when I was a little girl and enjoyed acting like a grown-up having tea with the other ladies. I guess I just want to know what it feels like to actually participate as an adult.”

  “You won’t regret that decision, I’m sure.” Russell looked at his watch. “I must get to work now. I’ll have someone get started on the repairs at Destiny.”

  They parted company, and Russell hurried up the stairs to his office. He made a list of available men for guard duty and arranged a schedule for each man to follow. He’d tell George to have the horses ready for each shift. The Coast Guard used foot patrols, but since the club had horses, it would be much more efficient to use them, plus it wouldn’t tire out his men too much so they could perform their other duties.

  He bowed his head and sighed. Lord, give me wisdom in handling Lexie and her situation. Show me the truth—what’s real and what’s not, and help me help her deal with it. As he lifted his head, the word “truth” hovered over him. Did God want him to tell Lexie the truth about her father? About the accident? But what about his promise to Robert? He shook his head. He just couldn’t justify breaking his promise when it had nothing to do with the present.

  He pushed back from his desk and stood, looking out the tower window. The panorama gave him a view across the great lawn to the trees and a glimpse of the boat dock behind them. He followed the river north to the mouth where it emptied into the Saint Simons Sound. He could just barely make out the rooftop of Destiny through the old oak trees that enclosed it. No, it didn’t seem realistic for the Germans to enter the Sound to get to the back side of the island
. Surely someone in the St. Simons lighthouse would spot them if they passed the north end of Jekyll.

  It didn’t seem probable, but it wasn’t impossible either. At one time, he might’ve scoffed at the idea that German submarines could torpedo American ships so close to the United States coast, but he now knew the possibility existed. The men who were on the tanker that sank knew the grim reality. Poor guys.

  Hard as it was for Mr. Prentice to accept, the war hovered at their doorstep. It just didn’t seem right for the club to carry on business as usual while men like Robert were dying for their country. What gave the islanders the right to be so frivolous during such a serious time?

  Russell shook his head and picked up the guard schedule from his desk. He would take one of the shifts himself. Maybe he wasn’t fit for the military, but he could do his part to protect the people on the island. He grabbed his hat and coat before heading out the door. First, he planned to visit the stables, talk to George, and get him to spread the word about tomorrow’s meeting with the men. Before he went home, though, he wanted to stop by the chapel. He and God needed to spend some time together, and he did his best communicating with the piano.

  Chapter 23

  Lexie strolled down Old Plantation Road to the Maurice cottage, Hollybourne. As the house came into view, Lexie noticed the difference between it and the other cottages as the only cottage built of tabby—native shells and sand. Why weren’t any of the others made out of the same material? It must be pretty sturdy, based on the ruins of the 18th century Horton House.

  Many years ago, she had ridden up the circular driveway bordered by manicured hedges with her mother and grandmother. The house still looked the same, but the palm trees in the yard were much bigger than she recalled. They had grown, as had she.

  “Now mind your manners, Alexandra. Act like a little lady,” Grandmother had said in an effort to restrain her granddaughter from her tomboy tendencies.

  “Lexie will behave, won’t you dear?” Mother had given her a warning glance.

  “Yes, ma’am.” The highlight of the visit was the wonderful treats the Maurice family chef prepared for the ladies, and Lexie could control herself long enough to enjoy them. Of course, learning the game of bridge presented a new challenge, and Lexie had looked forward to beating her brother as soon as she mastered the game.


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