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A Risk Worth Taking

Page 2

by Zoe Mullins

  Soon the band was getting close to the end of their set and he was determined that they would take that moment to escape, but first he wanted to feel her come. He quickened the pace of his fingers, twisting to pinch her clit as he pressed down. She fisted his jacket in her hand.

  As the band came to the bridge of the last song in the set, Matt continued to circle her hard nub. He felt the muscles of her thighs twitch, and felt the gush of heat as the orgasm rolled through her. She turned to him, her eyes glittering but unclear. Her lips were dark red from where she had bitten them to keep from crying out. He needed to fuck her.

  Barely taking the time to make their goodbyes, he cursed how long it took to get them home. Throwing a twenty-dollar bill to the cab driver, he pushed her ahead of him into the building. In the elevator, he had her up against the back wall, his hands roaming under the short skirt, palming her ass, as he pressed his hips hard against her. Massaging his aching cock against her pubic bone. “I need you so fucking bad,” he whispered as he pulled her lower lip between his.

  “I need your cock in me,” she confessed. “You only make me want you more when you play with me like that.”

  With a growl, they finally got into their condo. He kicked the door shut with his foot, as he fumbled with his belt and zipper, then he was pressing Fi back against the door of the closet, lifting her as she wrapped her thighs around his waist. His hands beneath her ass, he pulled the thong out of the way. “This isn’t going to be gentle.”

  “Just fuck me,” she begged as she tried to shift her hips down to take him. He held her above his erection, the head rubbing against her smooth, wet slit.

  She gasped, and he groaned as he impaled her on his cock. She was always so tight but her arousal allowed for swift, violent penetration. He pressed her hard against the door, forcing his cock deeper inside her. She was holding onto him, her fingers digging into his shoulders. His girl always took everything he could give her.

  “Please,” she panted, as he ground against her, his pelvis grinding against her clit as he thrust.

  “I want to feel you come, baby,” he told her as he lifted her and slammed into her again. Her muscles clamped down on him like a vise as the orgasm ripped a cry from her throat. Heat and pleasure suffused his veins. This was where he needed to be. Inside her. His arms tightened around her as his cock swelled. He couldn’t stop the orgasm as it raced up his cock. He continued to pound into her as her pussy milked him.

  Once he could think again, he pressed a kiss to her ear, and sighed. His cock was getting soft, and he could feel their juices sliding between them. It was a sweet, sweaty mess, and he loved it. Loved how wild she got, how wet. He unclasped his hands from her ass and carefully let her legs down.

  They were both wobbly. And they held each other for another minute, before the sound of clapping pulled them from their lusty haze.

  “That’ll teach me for falling asleep on the couch,” Travis groaned as he tossed his blanket aside. He’d woken up when the door banged shut, and was going to say something until he’d been caught up in the sight of them together. The hunger palpable between them.

  “For fuck’s sake, Trav,” Matt complained, as he shielded Fi, and zipped up his trousers. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “You said you wanted to talk,” Trav reminded him as he turned on the light next to the sofa.

  “And you said you were working.” Matt responded. Fiona wrapped her hands around Matt’s waist.

  “I got off early,” Trav said with a slight twist to his smile. “It’s okay, Fi, I didn’t see much, and what I did see you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  Fiona’s fierce gaze met Travis’. “I’m not embarrassed,” she told him. “I like getting fucked.” She lifted a finely arched brow in challenge.

  Travis would give her that, she was a haughty little thing. She stood there with her spine straight, her shoulders squared, and her chin up just a bit. As if tempting him to shame her. Something he would never do.

  “And I liked hearing you both together, since I could hear more than I could see.”

  “Travis,” Matt warned.

  “What?” Travis asked. “She should know that, shouldn’t she? After all, she knows I want her, and that you want me to be with her.”

  Matt shook his head, clearly exasperated, and stalked off toward the kitchen. Fiona went to follow, but Travis caught her arm, stopping her.

  “You know what he wants, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she said, not looking at him. “At least in part. I think there is more that neither of you are telling me.”

  Travis smiled at that. He crowded her, because she was so much smaller, and because he could. “Do you know he and I used to share women?”

  “He’s mentioned it.”

  “Mentioned it? Maybe when he’s in bed with you?” Travis bent his head to hers. “Did he feed you fantasies about what it would be like to be with us, to be with me?”

  Even in the dim light, he could see her flush, and see the rapid pulse in her neck. “Or maybe you already had that fantasy. Two men, sharing you, giving you pleasure. Or did you dream of servicing two men, is that it?”

  He stepped back and she lifted her gaze to his. He read something there, in the tight clench of her jaw, the flare of her nostrils. Another reason Matt had chosen her. She had naughty fantasies of her own.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Go get cleaned up, Fi.” He sighed. “I’m not going to ask you to get down on your knees and suck me right now.”

  “Bastard,” she ground out as she pushed past him. She was probably right.

  Travis could hear Matt in the kitchen and followed the noise of beer bottles being opened. When he rounded the corner, he saw Matt had opened one for himself and left one for Travis on the counter. Thoughtful.

  “It’s not like I snuck in to your room to watch you fuck her.” Travis shrugged before snatching the bottle off the island. “If you had bothered to look at your texts tonight you’d have known I was here.”

  Matt said nothing.

  “What?” Travis asked angrily and took a long swig of the beer. He swallowed hard.

  “So you thought it was okay to just come out with it like that.”

  “You weren’t planning to tell her I wanted to screw her? How was that going to work? Was I supposed to slip into bed next to the two of you and take her by surprise?”

  “That definitely wouldn’t have worked,” Fiona told them.

  Craptastic! Travis sighed. He didn’t think honey, I can explain was going to get Matt or him out of this situation.

  “And I should go,” Travis said.

  “No,” she told him and turned to stop him from leaving. “You shouldn’t. You are as much a part of this as we are and probably for longer than I have been.”

  He said nothing, just stared at her.

  “Stay. Please.” She looked at them both and gestured to the dining room table. “Sit.”

  When it came to awkward conversations, this was right up there. Both men sat down on opposite sides of the table, but she didn’t miss how Travis’ hand had brushed over Matt’s shoulder reassuringly as he went around to the far side.

  They were looking at her expectantly. This had played out in her head so many times over the last week as she put the pieces together, but now her mind was blank. She had no idea how to start this.

  “So what,” she started, surprised to feel a little angry with Travis, for Matt’s sake. “You get transferred out west but left Matt here, why? ‘Cause it would have looked a little gay to have your straight roommate move across the country for you?”

  Way to go for the jugular, she thought. The guys looked a little shocked that she started with that.

  “Whoa,” Matt said, holding up a hand.

  “No,” Travis interrupted. “She’s right. You would have come out there if I’d asked. You would have dropped everything here. Even your clinic, which you were only just starting. It would have been per
fect timing for you to leave. If I’d asked.”

  “But you didn’t,” Fiona said quietly. “You didn’t ask.”

  Travis looked at her. “No. I didn’t. That doesn’t mean I was right. It just means I was stupid.”

  “You know, when I first started dating Matt, all of your friends couldn’t help but tell me how happy they were that he was dating again and how sad and holed up in his practice he’d been since you left. It was good to see him get out of his own head for a while.”

  Matt reached out and pulled her hand to his lips. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why? Because they told me how hard the breakup was on you. Or because you pretended it didn’t happen.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” Matt insisted.

  “Yes. It was,” Travis acknowledged. “We all like to say how far we’ve come, but how do you think it would have looked? Our friends here may have turned a blind eye on the unusual nature of our friendship, but I couldn’t take that risk out there.”

  “So whose idea was the sharing to start with?” Fiona turned back to Travis. She was pretty sure she knew the answer.

  “Fiona, don’t,” Matt pleaded.

  “Mine,” Travis said, shrugging. “Matt had a disastrous breakup with his girlfriend. She insinuated he was bad in bed. I found a girl for us to share, thought I would give him a few pointers, maybe some practice.”

  “But you liked it.”

  “Yes. I liked having him there. I liked watching him fuck her. I liked him doing what I told him to do. We became quite good at sharing and the women we were with never seemed to mind.”

  “But the dynamic changed, didn’t it?”

  “What do you know about it, coach?” Travis asked angrily, ready to push away from the table. Matt’s hand covered his.

  “She’s more than a coach, remember. She’s a counselor; has a degree in this sort of shit,” Matt reminded him.

  Travis stared at him. “Fuck.”

  “I changed the dynamic,” Matt told her, still looking at Trav. “I accidentally kissed him.” His lip quirked and his eyes shot over to Fiona, who was trying not to smile. “On purpose.”

  Fiona couldn’t help the grin. “You are a very good kisser.” She wanted Matt to kiss her now. To tell her everything was going to be okay and she wasn’t about to lose him to Travis, which had been her fear ever since she heard he was coming back.

  And as if he had read her mind, he was pushing her chair away from the table and was on his knees before her, pulling her head down to meet his. His lips were soft but insistent, prying her lips open. His tongue parried with hers and he swallowed her long sigh. He only let her go when they needed to come up for air.

  “So have we done enough couples counseling for the night?” Travis asked. He got up and took his beer bottle to the sink, rinsing it and placing it on the counter.

  “You know who’s also a really good kisser?” Matt asked Fi, tilting his head toward Travis in the kitchen.

  Fiona didn’t want to think about how Matt knew this was okay with her, but she nodded, and got up from her chair. When Travis turned around from the sink, she was there. She pressed her hands against his abdomen, resting her forehead against his chest. She sighed deeply.

  Travis wrapped one arm around her shoulders, stroking her hair. “Fuck it, Fi, I never meant to hurt you, to hurt either of you.”

  Fiona looked up at him. “In the months since you returned, you never once tried to split us up or get him back, though I know it had to be killing you. I’ve moved into the house you shared with him, but you said nothing. You watched. Happy to be one of our friends.”

  “Not happy.” He shook his head. “Resigned.”

  She nodded. She understood that, and part of her understood the feelings she had developed for him in recent weeks. “Kiss me, Travis. Kiss me and maybe we’ll know if this ever has a chance of turning out the way it does in Matt’s head.”

  Travis dipped his lips to hers, hovering there. “It has more than a chance.” He covered her mouth with his. It wasn’t what she’d describe as an easy kiss. It was slow and hot. He feasted on her, his tongue dancing with hers, as he pressed her closer to his body.

  A shudder rolled through her. She wasn’t immune to him, and his cock, suddenly hard in his sweats, said he felt the same way.

  When his lips lifted from hers, Matt was standing beside them. He looked hopeful. Like a puppy who had been told it’s time for walkies.

  “I’m not easy, you know.” Her lips quirked in a little smile, and she pushed away from him. “But that’s definitely earned you the chance to woo me.”

  She winked at her lover, then sashayed out of the kitchen with more bravado than she felt.

  Chapter Three

  Travis didn’t know the first thing about courting another man’s girlfriend, but was resigned to the fact that Fiona wasn’t going to let this be all about what happened between the sheets. She was in it for the long haul with Matt, and that meant she had to judge him worthy to be part of that long haul.

  Over the last two weeks, he’d spent all his down time with Matt and Fiona, but instead of holding back on the subtle touches, the light flirtation, as he had before, he let it out in spades. At least when they were alone.

  Not that Fi had complained about the way he would touch her in public too. He would squeeze her hand, kiss her cheek, or stroke her arm if she walked by. He touched her almost as much as Matt did. If their friends considered it odd, they hadn’t said so, even after seeing him pull her to him for a kiss. Kristine and Jon had merely winked and carried on ahead of them.

  He was early for dinner, and knocked on their condo door. When Fiona got to the door, she was out of breath and laughing. Her skin was flushed, and her hands were wet. “Since when do you knock?”

  “Since I have a surprise for you?” He pulled the bouquet of crazy daisies from behind his back.

  “Oh, that’s so sweet.” She wrapped a wet hand around his neck and kissed him. “Get in here. We were just playing dishwater wars.”

  She dragged him along to the kitchen.

  “Do I want to know what that is?”

  “I was trying to get her to do the dishes. It’s her turn,” Matt said, turning from where he was washing pots in the sink. “But the lady of the house didn’t want to get her hands dirty.”

  “I’m cooking,” she retorted. “That’s the deal. I cook tonight while you clean up last night’s dishes.” She cut off the ends of the stems and stood them in a vase.

  “So why didn’t you just do the dishes last night?” Travis asked curiously. He knew better than to leave dishes in the sink. It drove Fi crazy.

  “Because someone,” Matt looked at Fiona and waggled his brows, “distracted me from the chores with new underwear she bought.”

  “We could make all of us happy,” Travis suggested, “and just order pizza.”

  “Hallelujah!” Matt began drying his hands. “A sensible idea!”

  She stood there, looking at them both, with her hands on her hips. “Whatever am I supposed to do with the two of you?”

  Matt and Travis looked at each other and then Travis made a grab at Fiona. “You could show me the new panties.” Travis laughed as he lifted her onto the island, setting her on the edge. Laying her back, he covered her upper body with his own and slanted his lips over hers. He held her down when she tried to move as Matt stepped between her thighs to remove her shorts and panties. He held the panties up triumphantly, and she squealed.

  “Let our boy taste you,” Travis whispered to her. “Let him have dessert first tonight and I promise he’ll do the dishes later.”

  Fiona sighed but closed her eyes, giving herself over to them. Travis was humbled by the trust she had in them. In him.

  Now that she had submitted, Travis released his hold. He slid up her T-shirt and flicked open the clasp at the front of her bra. He looked down on her hungrily. “You like that, don’t you?”

  His hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs teas
ing her plump nipples, peaking them further. “You can’t hide that pretty flush. Your neck and chest get all pink when you are aroused. Your nipples are rosy and hard. Let’s see if we can’t get them harder.”

  She mewled, as he bent his head to her breasts, laving one, then the other. He sucked one taut nipple into his mouth, pinching it in his teeth as he tweaked the other between his fingers.

  She arched against his mouth and twisted her hips.

  Matt placed both of his hands on her hips and held her down. “Whatever you fucking just did, do it again. She loved it.”

  “Don’t tell him that, Matt,” she said, even as she pressed one hand against the back of Travis’ head, holding him to her breast.

  Travis chuckled. She had no idea what it meant to be loved by the two of them. They would let the other know exactly what she wanted, needed, all the time. He lifted his head and pulled her hands away from him, holding them over her head. He looked down at Matt. “If she can talk, then you’re not doing a good enough job distracting her.”

  Matt stopped watching them and brought his lips back down to her pussy. She was dripping wet, her arousal sliding through the valley between her ass cheeks. His tongue traced the same line, dipping into her then creeping nearly to the tight rosebud of her ass. On the return trip, he encountered Travis’ fingers, which were teasing at her clit. He rolled his tongue around them both, and heard them moan in reply.

  He could eat her for hours, and would like to do that someday. Have her tied to their bed to play with, but right now he wanted Travis to see how beautiful she was when she came.

  Matt sat back, watching them. My god but he had been waiting to see them together. She was so tiny compared to Travis. Delicate next to his raw masculinity. He watched as his friend skimmed his fingers past her clit, sinking one inside her.

  Matt smirked, knowing that was only a tease for his girl. He added a finger of his own. “I told you how wet she’d get, thinking about being with the both of us,” he told Travis. Travis let go of her breasts long enough to step back and watch where his finger sank into her next to Matt’s.


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