The Phoenix Wars: Book I, Reprieve

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The Phoenix Wars: Book I, Reprieve Page 19

by C. R. Daems

  I used my Sleeve to contact Simon's. "Wing Leader, in fifteen minutes I want you to drop your fighters and in thirty for them to cut their engines. That will put you approximately one million three hundred thousand fifty kilometers above the Tullizor and roughly twenty-four minutes from their position. I would suggest you get well behind them before activating your engines. You should see the missiles hit on your holograms. Any questions?" I asked.

  "No, Captain. I've briefed the men on the attack strategy, and we are ready to hunt lizards."

  "Good hunting, Simon. Don't forget the victory party," I said and cut the connection.

  Chapter 48

  The Moment Of Truth

  The half-hour wait seemed like days, as I had nothing to do after issuing my orders. I mentally laughed. Here is where we find out whether letting an eighteen-year-old command a warship is a good or very bad idea. On a whim, I put my hand on the glass ball. Oracle, could you calculate the angles and times I have asked Hanna and Konrad to calculate, I thought.

  Yes. I am monitoring their numbers, and they look accurate. You will have to explain the strategy and tactics for the Griffons and K-box fighters in more detail for me to do the calculations. Right now, I understand the general idea, but I require more information to get the calculations exact to the second.

  Thank you, Oracle, I thought, not sure whether being polite to an AI entity was necessary, but it…she felt like a real person.

  Thank you, Captain Kayla. I find you refreshing and competent.

  I jerked my hand off the glass ball in surprise, then smiled. She had read my thoughts and responded.

  "Captain, we are coming up on the halfway point," Hyun said, sounding very official. Probably scared to death like me and everyone on the Bridge, although no one looked scared. Anxious, but not scared. I decided that my primary Bridge crew could compete with any professional military group.

  "Captain, the K-box fighters have cut their engines," Hyun announced. There was another group who could compete with any Air Force on Earth. "Captain, the Griffons have been dropped."

  "Weapons, you are free to fire a few standard missiles," I said. "We need to keep the Tullizor entertained." At this distance, they were as dangerous as ducks at a carnival shooting gallery, but hopefully, it would keep the lizards' eyes off the cold metal hurtling through space.

  "Captain, eight standard missiles away at lizards T1 and T2," Konrad said. And five minutes later, "Eight standard missiles away at lizards T3 and T4." And five minutes later, "Eight standard missiles away at lizards T5 and T6."

  As we approached one million six hundred thousand kilometers to the Tullizor, the silence was broken by Abie's voice.

  "Captain, forty missiles incoming. Time to impact eighty-six seconds," Abie said like she was reading the lunch menu. "Oops," she quipped as the Black Eagle shuddered from two missile hits, one after the other.

  "One shuttle bay open to space, two dead," Hyun said, reading from the damage monitor. I put my hand back onto the glass ball, knowing I would learn more listening to Oracle. "Crew quarters has partial damage, one dead."

  "Another forty incoming," Abie said, almost absentmindedly, as her finger flew over her instrument panel. "Damn, sneaky," she muttered as the Black Eagle shook from another hit.

  "Captain, eight standard missiles away at lizards T1 and T2."

  "K-box fighter bay damaged, one dead, two injured," Hyun said.

  "Captain, the Griffons scored six…no, nine hits," Hyun's voice rose two octaves. "A couple appear to have serious damage."

  My sensors indicate T3 is disabled, T5 and T2 have serious damage but are functional, and the remaining three are fully functional with only minor damage.

  "Captain, it looks like the K-box fighters struck, causing heavy damage to two cruisers."

  My sensors indicate that T4 and T1 now have serious damage. Judging by the explosions, the fighters used only half of their on-board Griffons.

  Bradley was right. Simon is capable and flexible. He is trying for two runs by using only half his Griffons each time, hoping to cripple all of the functional Tullizor cruisers left after the Black Eagle's Griffon attack.

  "Twenty-two incoming," Abie said, obviously pleased. "No stamina." Followed by,

  "All gone. Those phosphorous bombs really drive those missiles crazy." She laughed, focused on her boards like she was watching her own little theatrical play.

  "Captain, we reached the halfway mark and are now moving up behind the Tullizor," Hyun said. "The fighters struck again. This time in the front of their line."

  My sensors indicate that T6 and T1 have been disabled. You might be able to pick up your fighters now that they are on the backside of the Tullizor formation.

  "Weapons, target T5, T4, and T2 with Griffons," I said using Oracle's assessment of the Tullizor cruisers.

  "Four Griffons at T5." He paused as he worked his panel. "Four Griffons at T2." Konrad's forehead was frowning and had beads of sweat. "Four Griffons at T4."

  "Two hits on T5," Hyun said, followed by, "One hit on T2, and…three hits on T4."

  My sensors indicate that T4 has been disabled. T5 is serious. T2 is minor and functional. K-box fighters are approaching. Bay four is non-operational.

  "Ten missiles incoming, crap–" Abie shouted as two missiles struck the Black Eagle. "We are close enough to throw rocks at the lizards. Not enough time to react."

  "Hyun, open bay three and have crews standing by to restock the fighters," I said. "Weapons, target whoever is firing at us."

  "That's T5 and T2," Abie said. "Eight incoming." She had just finished saying when two more explosions rocked the Black Eagle.

  "Four away at T5," Konrad shouted.

  Two missile tubes destroyed, further damage to crew quarters, partial damage to the mess facility, two dead, eight injured. Four fighters leaving with four Griffons each.

  "T5 exploded," Hyun said and grinned with teeth bared.

  "Four incoming–" as one hit, rocking the ship and causing the Bridge to shake like a rag doll.

  Major damage to the maintenance shop, recreation area and Bay two. Two dead, eight injured. Fighters making their run on T2.

  "T2 has exploded," Hyun said. "We have major damage…" she went on to detail what Oracle had already informed me.

  "Hyun, steer us away from the Tullizor ships so we can collect our fighters and evaluate the situation," I said, then thought, Oracle, what is the status of the Tullizor cruisers?

  Only T4 is functional, although it is seriously damaged.

  "Bridge crew of the Black Eagle," I said as I rose from the captain's chair. "That was a remarkable performance. XO, you have the watch. I need to visit the infirmary and the fighter unit. See that everyone gets fed and gets some rest. You included." I exited the Bridge, deciding to visit the infirmary first.

  "Good evening, Doctor Liang," I said when I saw an elderly woman with graying hair staring at me. Her white coat was covered with blood, and she looked exhausted. "I'm Captain Kayla. I'm just checking the ship to assess the damage and help if I can."

  "Too late now. Earlier, you could have run." Liang's voice sounded angry, but she was too exhausted to give it any meaningful punch. She had been a well-respected infectious-disease doctor who contracted a rare virus and was literally wasting away. When the Anixians discovered her, her bones were showing everywhere, and she was less than a week from dying.

  "To where?" I asked almost in reflex. She stood silent for a long time.

  "Sorry, Captain…Kayla," she said, shaking her head as if to clear it. "Thanks to the Anixian's excellent medical knowledge and equipment, I've only lost six. We have treated over thirty people to date. If you need an exact number–"

  I shook my head. "Sometimes, there are no good options. Then like you, we must choose the option we believe will save the most people, never knowing if we were right or wrong."

  "Is it over, or is this a lull in the battle?"

  "It is over, doctor. You might see more pat
ients, but their injuries should be less serious. Those who chose to keep working although injured. The ones who enabled us to survive," I said, thinking how true that was. "We will be heading back to Anixia after we confirm the Tullizors' cruisers are no longer functional."

  "Are you all right, Captain?" Liang asked while giving me a quick evaluation.

  "Yes, the Bridge was never breached. I am saving my nervous breakdown until we reach Anixia."

  Liang laughed and gave me a warm smile. "No time for that while it's raining dross."

  "If you need anything, let me know," I said and left for the fighter wing area. When I arrived, I saw Simon and six men gathered around the Pitohui, with hot mugs of something, talking and joking.

  "Fantastic performance, Simon," I said as I entered the area. Everyone straightened up, some spilling their drinks. "I don't know if the Anixians award medals, but you and your hotshots certainly earned several."

  "Captain, we all thought you crazy, and we were going to die," Todd said to nodding heads. "But you pulled a miracle out of nowhere."

  "No, Todd, you people pulled the miracle out of nowhere. You followed the plan and improvised to make it a success. Where is Tyler and Edward?" I asked, looking around.

  "Tyler's fighter exploded," Simon said. "Not sure what happened. There was a lot of automatic laser fire on our second run. Over half of the fighters need repairs. Edward is at the infirmary. His cockpit was breached. I'm told he will recover."

  "I'm waiting to ensure the Tullizor cruisers are no longer functional. As soon as I do, we are heading back to base for our victory party." That generated loud shouts of approval.

  I went back to my office as I needed to talk to Oracle.

  "Oracle, do you believe any of the Tullizor cruisers are functional? I asked, hoping we were done and someone else could take charge of the cleanup.

  My sensors can find no sign of energy emissions, which would indicate life support is off and the cruisers are nonfunctional.

  "Can you contact Anixia and let them know I would like someone to relieve the Black Eagle?"

  Not necessary, the Crowned Eagle and the Haast are on a vector to intercept us.

  I made my way to the Bridge feeling better. When I entered, Hyun shouted, "Captain on the Bridge." Everyone looked in my direction, but no one stood.

  "I'm told that the Crowned Eagle and the Haast are coming to join us," I said. Hyun gave me a look of surprise. "Later," I mouthed. This was not the time or the place for clarification. I thought Oracle was a secret but not one I couldn't share with my XO and navigator. "Hyun, Hanna, have you had a break and food?"

  "No, we were waiting–"

  "Go!" I said. "I have the watch." I waved for them to leave.

  Oracle, I thought with my hand on the glass ball. What level secret are you?

  You are not forbidden to tell a non-Anixian of my existence, since you are Anixian. However, you should have a good reason, and they should understand they cannot share the information without your permission.

  Chapter 49

  The Party Is Over

  I waited until the two shuttles were in the bay and the green lite indicated it was safe to enter.

  "Welcome to the Black Eagle," I said to the assembled group, which included a red robed Anixian whose coloring looked like a bald eagle, Captain Basson and another captain judging by his yellow Hawk and three stars, Joseph, and Bradley. "Would you like to meet in my conference room?"

  "I am Sees All and would like a tour first," the red-robed Anixian said. Since he didn't use his voice box, it was a deliberate reminder that I was Anixian and senior to the others.

  "Certainly, we can tour the ship on the way to my conference room," I said so that everyone understood what the Anixian wanted. "Let's start in the fighter bay with the K-box pilots. As last time, they were instrumental in the defeat of the Tullizor. We lost one pilot during the engagement, but over half of the fighters will need repairs. Simon, would you explain your fighter wing's action?"

  Simon spent an hour explaining the scenarios we developed, my strategy, and the action from his perspective. Afterward, we stopped at the engine room, checked the bays, maintenance, weapons, and infirmary. Then we stopped at the police area, where Armin described the attempted hijacking before going to the Bridge where I had assembled the three shifts. There, Hyun described the attempted hijacking on the Bridge and the cruiser's part in the battle. Finally, we made it to my conference room, where Hyun had food delivered.

  "Black Eagle will be crowing for years for selecting you and making you an Anixian," Sees All chirped in the Anixian language. "We the people of Anixia are grateful for the courage you and your crew demonstrated against the Tullizor," Sees All's voice box said.

  "I'm Captain Borvo. Why didn't you lead the Tullizor to Anixia, where we would have had five cruisers and close to fifty fighters?" Borvo was a wiry tall man, with a mustache, goatee, and short-cut hair. Although his face didn't show it, his voice sounded angry.

  "I thought the Tullizor would not use their fighters this far from Anixia and against one cruiser. If, however, they were allowed to get close to the planet, they would have had the overwhelming numbers and ability to attack our cruisers. We had too few K-box fighters to cripple their six cruisers, and it would, therefore, become a cruiser battle." I held up my hand when it appeared Borvo was going to interrupt. "We have the new Griffon missiles, but they would be less effective used as normal missiles as ECM would eliminate most. We would probably win the battle, but if we had less than a decisive win or a draw, we would have lost the war. The Tullizor undoubtedly have cruisers and people to replace what we destroy. It would take us years. Alone, I thought I had the advantage of surprise, and even if I couldn't win, I thought I could give you better odds if I failed."

  "Captain Kayla is young but as devious as they come," Basson said. "She had battle scenarios prepared, a tricky way to use the cruiser Griffons, and was right about the Tullizor's command laughing at one Anixia cruiser attacking him, so not inclined to use his fighters or to expect any surprises." He nodded to me.

  "Captain Kayla," Sees All's voice box spoke, "acted in what she thought was in Anixia's best interest. As a captain, the decision was hers. Since her decision proved correct, we have no right to question what might have happened if she had done something different. Kayla, I believe Black Eagle will want you to conduct classes on the techniques you used against the Tullizor fleet before you depart Anixia and to consult with the Anixian weapon researchers on any improvements you see based on your most recent action against the Tullizor."

  "Kayla, do you have proof against the six who attempted to hijack the Black Eagle?" Joseph asked.

  I nodded. "Yes, Armin's camcorder should have a recording of the attack on him, and the Bridge recorder should have a record of their actions after they enter the Bridge. I'm sure Bald Eagle could review the Bridge recording and you can review Armin's camcorder." I knew Sees All would know I was alluding to Oracle and could verify Oracle's records. I wasn't sure whether the other captain had access to an Oracle or could assess it or whether to use Sees All's real name since we usually refer to them by their species. Since the captains accompanied Sees All to the Bridge and everyone was asked to leave, the captains were aware of Oracle but unable to access it. When they left for the Bridge, I was left alone with Bradley and Joseph.

  "I can see Borvo's concern," Bradley said. "Since neither he nor anyone else would have tried to go against six Tullizor cruisers, he felt it was reckless. I'm sure you thought it a reasonable gambit, and it's hard to criticize when it works."

  "Simon was a good choice," I said. "He did everything I asked and even improvised and got better results."

  Bradley snorted. "When we were leaving the bay, he whispered to me, Kayla's crazy, but me and the boys would follow her anywhere. I'll fill your vacancy before you depart Anixia."

  Chapter 50


  When we arrived back, I had a message from Black Eagle:

  See me.

  I found the lift waiting, jumped on, and was only a bit nervous. He had been pleasant each time I met with him, and I was coming off a great victory. I suddenly realized the lift had stopped. No telling how long I had been standing there oblivious. I hopped off and made my way into his residence and found him in the same place as before.

  "I actually underestimated you, Kayla, but we will keep that a secret between us." He laughed. "You had a very eventful shake-down cruise. Foiled a hijacking, destroyed six Tullizor cruisers, and without losing the Black Eagle, although you did get her scratched up a bit."

  "Yes, sir. I was a bit reckless with the cruiser," I said, not sure if he was joking or not. He gave a longer laugh this time.

  "Sees All was right. Before you depart Anixia, you must conduct a class for our captains and XOs describing your encounter with the Tullizor and your reasoning, and a second class for Bridge crew with weapons and navigators' specialties on your vertical loop and cruiser Griffons. We might need those skills if the Tullizor return when my alternate isn't available."

  "Alternate?" I mumbled, apparently loud enough for him to hear.

  "Yes, the closest word in English would be updraft, but that would be meaningless to you. It is a wind that aids us to go higher." As he talked, my Sleeve vibrated. I took a quick peek, and my heart quickened, and I couldn't breathe. A third star appeared over the red falcon.

  "Relax, child. I am expecting no more from you than for you to be yourself. That has proven more than sufficient. The third star means you speak for me and not to be questioned."


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