Double Dom Fantasies

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Double Dom Fantasies Page 24

by Cassidy Browning

  When no one said anything, he continued. “Okay then, on to your original question. The short answer is targeting, wrapping, and of course lots and lots of practice. The targeting we have already touched on, and practice is a no-brainer. Wrapping, on the other hand, requires some explanation. Susan, do you mind if I hit you now? I won’t do it hard.” Phoenix picked up a normal-sized flogger and swung it lightly, so that it landed across her back with a soft thumping noise.

  She staggered a little but said nothing, and Phoenix patted her shoulder. “See, that wasn’t too bad. Now, for the rest of you, did you notice where the tips of the falls hit, as opposed to the body of them? It’s the tips you want to pay attention to. If you try to hit with the middle part, then your tips are going to wrap around their body and hit places you didn’t intend to hit.” He did a mock throw to demonstrate his point.

  “Now, would you like to actually experience a very light flogging?”

  She took a deep breath and nodded.

  “Okay. You can leave your shirt on if you want, but the effect will be completely different.”

  She hesitated for a second, then took it off and tossed it back to Lucy. Phoenix instructed her to brace herself against the wall, and he exchanged the piece in his hand for one that seemed to be made of fur.

  “You don’t want to just start wailing on somebody,” he told the group. “They will take a lot heavier beating, and enjoy it much more, if you warm them up properly first.”

  He began hitting Susan very lightly, stopping every few throws to rub a hand over her back. “After a few minutes their skin will begin to feel like velvet—to them. Once they’ve gotten into that area, you can increase the pressure and the intensity. I’ll switch to a medium weight now, made of suede and deer.”

  He began hitting harder, still stopping frequently to make sure she was okay. After a few minutes Susan began moving back and forth and moaning softly. Phoenix stopped and leaned in to her. “Are you okay?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she murmured. “Don’t stop.”

  He switched to an even heavier one and began hitting her rhythmically. Crash stared in amazement that such a small, fragile-looking woman would enjoy an activity like that. Beside him he could see that AJ’s hands were curled into fists and he looked as if he wanted nothing more than to go running to the front of the room and save her.

  Crash leaned over. “Kind of cool, isn’t it?”

  AJ turned wide eyes on him, shaking his head. “How could you do that to a lady? Why would they allow it?”

  “Because they enjoy it, I assume. Besides, you heard her. This is consensual, remember?” Crash asked. He thought for a minute and then raised his hand.

  “Excuse me,” he said when Phoenix had stopped and turned to him. “Maybe this question is more for Susan, but what do people get out of that? Why would they let someone do this to them?”

  Phoenix took a fur glove out of his bag and began caressing Susan’s back as he answered. “Many people find that it allows them to release pent-up emotions or blocked energy. Others say that it makes them feel alive. Some just like the fact that it releases endorphins, and they get off on that. You have to find the things that do something for your partner—hopefully for both of you, but especially for your partner. There’s no joy for most people in hitting someone who doesn’t want to be hit. Does that help?”

  Crash snuck a glance at AJ, who looked a little less likely to mount a white steed and charge to the rescue. “Yeah, I think so. Thanks.”

  “How about you, Susan?” Phoenix asked, turning her around and helping her to her chair. “Did you get anything out of it?”

  “I—Yeah. It was great.” She looked almost confused as Lucy helped her back into her blouse, as if she’d had a couple of drinks instead of being hit with a flogger.

  Phoenix and Allie began sorting them into groups, and Crash immediately went to stand next to Phoenix.

  “So you really want to try this one? Why?”

  “They keep telling us we need to know how all of these things feel so we can be responsible tops. That way we can design the best scenes for our partners, right?”

  “Yes, that’s true.” Phoenix nodded.

  “I figure if I’m going to learn this I might as well know what the extremes are like. That looks about as extreme as they come.”

  Phoenix gave him an appraising once-over and then led him to an empty corner of the room and instructed him to take off his shirt and brace himself, taking care to keep an arm between his head and the wall.

  “I’m going to warm you up a little before we jump into the big one so you know how to do that as well.” As he spoke, Crash felt a soft flogger land on his back. It was laughably light, and he almost turned to ask Phoenix if he was joking.

  But then there was a thud, and his attention was yanked back to the flogger. This blow had surprised him. He lost the desire to prod Phoenix into hitting him harder. It wasn’t painful, exactly, but the strikes were definitely increasing in intensity.

  After a minute, Phoenix stopped and ran a hand over his skin. “Feel the difference?”

  Crash opened his mouth to ask if the other man had put on gloves, but then, to his amazement, he realized that it was his back that felt soft. He moved his shoulder blades a little, testing the feeling.

  “Wow,” he said finally. “That’s kind of cool.”

  Phoenix chuckled. “It’s going to get even more interesting.” He moved away for a second, and then there was suddenly a harder thump that shook Crash’s whole frame.

  “Is that it?”

  “Nope.” The new flogger thumped again, and Crash felt the vibration go all the way through him. Holy shit, they were right. It wasn’t unlike a massage, he thought, but with invisible fingers going deep inside, allowing him to experience the sensation throughout his entire body.

  The blows continued to increase, and Crash understood now what Phoenix had meant by warming him up. If someone had walked up and hit him this hard without warning, he’d have simply turned around and returned the favor, with interest. But now he could feel himself acclimating to the sensations, his skin almost welcoming the attack.

  There was a pause. “Those were all pretty thuddy,” Phoenix said from behind him, holding the flogger he’d been using in Crash’s line of sight. “It was a moderately heavy flogger, cow leather, as opposed to the softer elk I started out with. Now, just for comparison, I’m going to use a stingier one. Then we’ll move on to the big boy.”

  Crash tried to open his mouth, but somehow it didn’t seem to be connected to his brain anymore. He nodded instead and waited, wondering if he was going to like the “stingier” experience.

  Something that felt small, focused, and sharp landed below his right shoulder. Crash jumped and yelped, his vocal cords suddenly functional again.

  “Wait a second,” Phoenix advised.

  Crash stifled the urge to turn and grab whatever the hell it was that he’d been hit with to begin hitting back. He realized gradually that Phoenix was right. The initial blow had hurt like hell, but now there was a heat radiating through him that was surprisingly pleasant. He stilled.

  After a moment Phoenix hit him again. Crash didn’t react this time, waiting for the initial pain to subside and the warmth to begin. He was surprised to find that a wave of emotion washed over him, too. It wasn’t anger specifically directed at anyone, and he was able to allow it to flow completely through and out of him. It was as if the flogger had touched some interior reservoir and released some pent-up feeling. It drained away as quickly as it had come, leaving him a little confused. He couldn’t remember ever feeling angry before without it being generated by a thought or incident. This was just a random emotion, unconnected to anything, and he seemed to be able to watch it floating away, leaving an odd, empty feeling in its place. He felt lighter, somehow.

  “Wow.” He slumped a little, and Phoenix rubbed his back again, lightly. It occurred to him to wonder if the man was gay, but for once it struck him
as a completely irrelevant question. Phoenix was showing him a technique, teaching him, and part of a flogging was to check in with the bottom. Not touching him because they were both men would have been irresponsible and rude. Crash had never been comfortable with non-sports related male-male touching, but now that just seemed ridiculous.

  Phoenix seemed to know without asking that it wasn’t the right time for a full scene. He gave Crash a minute to process what had happened, then from the feel of a breeze brushing past, he took out the big flogger and began preparing to throw it.

  “Usually the words ‘Brace yourself’ are basically foreplay to me,” he told Crash, “but in your case let’s just take them at face value. Ready?”

  “Ready.” Crash put one forearm against the wall and turned his head to lean into it. For someone who was routinely plowed into by large groups of men, all at least as large as he was, he was surprisingly apprehensive. The sting and its aftereffects had taken him somewhat by surprise.

  It felt for a moment as if someone had turned on a fan behind him, and he guessed that Phoenix was doing a practice run. Then he heard a grunt.

  The next thing he felt was his whole body trying to get out of the house through the drywall and siding. He wondered if, like in a cartoon, there would be a Crash-shaped indentation left behind and, foolishly, whether he should offer to fix the damage. The next thought was to wonder if a truck had accidentally driven into the room and straight into him.

  His back was ringing. Every organ seemed to have had been dislodged, he thought, although from what he could tell, nothing was actually destroyed. Still, he tentatively pushed at the wall to see if his body would respond in one piece.

  It did. Phoenix was panting slightly as he stepped up beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I always wanted to try throwing that as hard as I could, but I’ve never met anyone I thought could take it before. Thanks, man. That was quite an experience.”

  Crash opened his mouth but discovered that there was no air in his lungs. He sucked some back in and nodded, starting to cough.

  “Really something,” he agreed in a rasping voice as he made his way to a chair and lowered himself into it. “Glad I could help.”

  AJ had been standing behind Phoenix watching, and Crash saw he was doubled over with laughter. “You try it!” he called over, even though it meant that he began coughing and had to stop and catch his breath again. Then he turned to Phoenix and said, “You make those? I want one!”

  AJ walked up, wiping his eyes. “Yes, we’re definitely going to need that. We’ll hang it on the wall in the dining room. Coach will have us thrown off the team and in jail within a week. Besides, who are—” He broke off, his smile fading.

  “I don’t know who I’m going to use it on,” Crash said, standing so he could stare down his friend. “Even if it’s not with Buffy, I am going to learn to do this stuff. Phoenix, what other toys do you have for sale?”

  Chapter 22

  “Get in there, you coward.” Sami parked Carly’s car in front of Clifftop and sat for a moment, staring at the building and trying to make herself move.

  She knew she had to stop being a coward and just go in to apologize to Allie and the guys. She felt bad about missing the flogging class yesterday without even calling. She had spent the afternoon and evening talking to Carly and trying to get back to the person she’d been in school. Even if Crash and AJ didn’t want her, she had to face the fact that she’d acted like an ass and make it right with Allie at least. If it hadn’t been for the way she’d behaved, none of them would have been up all night working on the diner.

  Part of her still believed she should have known better than to go after the guys. She still didn’t believe they’d been serious about a real relationship with her. There was still the fact that their suitcases had been half full when they’d gotten Carly’s message. After what had happened before, Sami wasn’t sure she could handle dating either one of them, and together it would have been…

  It would have been wonderful. She remembered their hands on her, touching and caressing, making her feel so small and warm and encased by them and their love. Falling asleep between them had been the sweetest experience she’d ever had. There was no chance of anything like that ever happening to her again, of that she was sure.

  With a sigh, she dragged herself out of the car and up the front steps. How could such a beautiful, welcoming house have become so intimidating?

  She found herself tiptoeing through the entryway and made an effort to stop and listen to see who might be around. The house felt as if there were people somewhere. There was a distant hum of noise, but she saw no one, so she went through the dining room and stuck her head in at the kitchen door.

  “Buffy!” Allie put down her wooden spoon and came over to give her a hug.

  “Hi.” She felt incredibly sheepish, like a child who’s run away from home but comes slinking back when the sun goes down.

  “I’m sorry I disappeared like that,” Sami said, giving a worried glance toward the huge, bubbling pot on the stove. “Don’t let me keep you from anything.”

  “Oh, no. It’s fine.” Allie waved a hand at whatever it was. “I’m glad you stopped by. I put your cell phone in your nightstand.”

  “Oh, thanks. I wanted to say I’m sorry—” Her voice began to tremble, and Sami stopped, appalled.

  Allie pushed her down into a kitchen chair and went to check the coffee pot, giving Sami time to collect herself.

  “The coffee is empty, but I could make some more, or some tea. What would you like?” Allie fussed around for a minute, filling the electric kettle and pulling out mugs.

  “Oh, I’m okay. I don’t want to take up your time.” Sami forced back the tears that she could feel threatening and stood up. She was just going to embarrass herself if she tried to talk to Allie about what had happened.

  “Don’t be silly. You don’t need to drink anything if you don’t want to, but you obviously need to talk to someone.” Allie’s voice became firm, and she sat down at the table, facing Sami with an authoritative air that Sami knew would not be denied. She suddenly understood better how the other woman could be dominant to Brad but still submissive to Karl.

  Sighing, she took her chair again. “Okay. But really, there’s nothing to say. I made a fool of myself over the guys, and I don’t think they’re going to forgive me.”

  Allie looked at her searchingly. “What makes you think you made a fool of yourself?”

  “You were there the other night at the diner. How would you describe my behavior?”

  “Okay, I’ll give you that. But you do know that was all a misunderstanding, right?”

  Unable to look Allie in the eye, Sami stared down at her hands. “Yes, I talked to Carly and I realize she wasn’t running away with the guys. Still, they were just playing around, and I took it too seriously.”

  “Do you know they were just playing around, or are you assuming again?”

  Sami stared at her. “Of course they were. They didn’t want an actual relationship with me.”

  “How do you know that? Did they tell you?”

  “Well, no, not in so many words. But it’s obvious. They did get up and start packing the next morning. What does that say?”

  Allie sighed. “It says they were planning to move into your room. You do have the biggest bed, after all.” At Sami’s expression, Allie smiled and patted her hand. “I think it’s obvious you’ve underestimated them. Why are you afraid to give them a chance?”

  “Why am I afraid to give them a chance?” Sami repeated Allie’s words, but they made no sense to her. “Why should they give me another chance? I screwed up big-time. I’m sure they just want to go back to their lives in Oakland and forget I ever existed.”

  “Oh, no. You’re wrong about that. Stay here a minute, and I’ll prove it to you.” Allie stood up and went out of the room, reappearing in a few minutes with two wrapped bundles. She put them on the table in front of Sami and said, “Those are
for you. They were delivered yesterday afternoon. They were supposed to be for the party last night, but thanks to Lou it was postponed. You might as well go ahead and open them, since the guys aren’t going to be able to give them to you themselves.”

  “They’re from Crash and AJ?” Sami stared at the two packages in disbelief. What could the guys have possibly gotten for her, and why would it prove anything? Slowly she reached out a hand and picked up the first one, finding the edge of the paper and pulling it apart carefully. There was a thought in the back of her mind that they would no doubt want her to return whatever this was so she should try not to tear anything.

  The paper opened to reveal a silky black corset with green embroidered flowers and a short leather skirt. Sami gasped as she recognized the garment she’d tried on the previous Sunday. “It’s–it’s beautiful,” she whispered. “Why did they buy it? How did they know?”

  “They came to me during that class and asked me to arrange getting you a couple of outfits that you liked.” Allie pushed the other package in front of her and nodded at it. “Keep going.”

  Sami tore her gaze away from the beautiful silky material of the corset and picked up the smaller bundle. It proved to have a red chain-mail top and a shorter skirt made of some light, stretchy material. “I can’t accept these,” she said in amazement, turning to stare at Allie. “Where would I wear them?”

  “To the dungeon, I would assume.” Allie laughed. “I don’t think I’d recommend wearing that to the grocery store.”

  “But I’m not part of—I don’t even know where I’m going to live,” Sami protested. “I probably won’t have the chance to go to any dungeons.”


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