“What do you mean?” Crash asked.
“Well, we helped get that asshole Lou taken care of, went on the most unusual shopping spree that I have ever had, and then made all of these toys. That’s quite an afternoon where I come from.”
“True, but it isn’t over yet. We still have to renegotiate tonight’s scene, get dressed, and then go to the barn to play,” AJ replied seriously. “When we were negotiating during that class, it was all kind of tongue in cheek. Now that you are ours and we are really going to do it, it should be redone so we are all on the same page and no misunderstandings ruin things.”
Crash rolled his eyes. “Wow, dude, way to sweep her onto her feet. Even I am more romantic than that. See, I told you he was raised by wolves.”
“All of the instructors stressed how important this part is,” AJ countered. “Don’t you want to do it right?”
Buffy looked between them. “Hey guys, no need to get upset. You’re both right. It is important but lacks a certain erotic quality. What if we agree on a few important points, and you two fill in the rest and surprise me?”
“Yeah, that would work,” Crash said. “It still leaves us some mystery.” He gave an evil chuckle, rubbing his hands together and leering at Buffy.
“You’re an idiot. You know that, right?” AJ turned back to Buffy. “You’d be okay with that? You trust us enough to do it that way?”
Buffy stared at them for several long moments before answering. “I do. I know it’s foolish. Hell, we’ve only really known each other a few days, but I feel like you are the parts of my life that have been missing. I never consciously knew those giant holes were inside me until this last week, and now I can’t stand the thought of you two not filling them. Looking back at my life, it all seems hollow, like an unfinished dream. I know that not only will you not intentionally hurt me but that you have both put yourselves at risk already to keep me from harm. How can I not trust you?”
Crash stared back at her, his mouth opening as if he were going to say something. But then he closed it again.
“Holy shit! You made him completely speechless! I never thought I would live to see the day that the great and mighty Crash didn’t have a witty comeback,” AJ crowed.
Buffy frowned at him. “Don’t pick on Crash.”
Crash gave him a triumphant scowl before turning a sheepish grin on Buffy. “Thank you. That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
“You’re welcome, you big lug. I know mistakes will be made, and misunderstandings, too, but I think we now know to talk to one another before reacting too badly, don’t you?”
“Uh, yeah.” Both of the men answered in unison and then smiled at each other.
“Good. Now, if I remember correctly, there was a discussion about a scene tonight that we needed to get through before I can take my bath and get dressed in my new corset. Shall we begin?”
“If you’re ready, yes.”
“If my memory serves me correctly, we had agreed to a more sensual scene involving scratching, vibrators, oral sex, and some nudity. Is that how you two remember it?”
“Yep, that summed it up pretty well. Are you going to be comfortable with the nudity and engaging in sex, oral or other, in public? This is going to be out in the barn, remember, not in our room,” AJ asked seriously.
Taking a deep breath, she answered, “If I am ever going to completely regain my inner Buffiness, then yes, comfortable or not I need to try it. As long as it makes you two happy, I don’t really care what other people think.”
“You are the most beautiful submissive in the world. You know that, right?” AJ whispered. He came around the table and took her right hand, running his thumb over her skin and smiling at her.
A sudden awareness hit her of the happiness she’d given them by the simple act of agreeing to be theirs. It filled her with an inner peace she hadn’t known in a long time. Her own smile burst across her face as she dropped to her knees in front of him, and she knew from the startled look on his face that the move had surprised him. Looking up into his face, she said, “If you say so, Sir. I love you.” She turned her head toward where Crash was still standing on the other side of the table. “I love you both.”
* * * *
“Come on, Buffy, we’re going to be late.” Crash’s voice came from outside the closed bathroom door, along with a tentative knock.
“Men. They never understand that you don’t have to leave two hours early in order to be on time when the barn is just on the other side of the yard.” Buffy met Allie’s eyes in the bathroom mirror, and they exchanged smiles. She knew they were just anxious to see how she looked in the new dark-green corset that Allie was cinching her into. Once the initial claustrophobia had passed, Buffy was pleasantly surprised at the burst of confidence it gave her about her appearance. Tugging at the short leather skirt, she wished that confidence had lasted instead of the nagging doubts that now replaced it.
“You know, as a good submissive it isn’t nice to torture your Masters.” Allie seemed to be trying to sound stern, but her lips were still twitching.
“Yes, but do I look okay?”
“You look fine. Now open the door before the big guy accidentally breaks it down.”
Giving Allie a final look, Buffy reached for the handle and turned it. Then she had to jump back to keep from being knocked over as Crash fell through the now-open door. Obviously he had been leaning on it, waiting for her.
She marveled again at the athletic ability and grace as the huge man caught his balance almost immediately and managed to turn the stumble into a courtly bow. “My lady, are you ready?”
Looking past him, she saw AJ just outside of the door waiting more patiently. “Yes, Sir. I mean, both Sirs.”
Seeing AJ’s answering smile reassured her, and with a last glance at Allie, she squared her shoulders and followed her Masters as they led the way from the house to the barn.
* * * *
Brad had just finished helping the other submissives arrange all the food on a long table placed against one of the walls of the barn. Grinning to himself, he was once again filled with a sense of pride at his Mistress’s ability to arrange things like tonight’s party on such short notice. It was genius to make it a potluck since so many members of the community had RSVP’d that they would be attending tonight. Looking up, he saw Crash walk through the main door followed by Buffy and then AJ. Chuckling, he wondered if even this enormous spread would be enough for the football players. Crash stared toward the food table, seemingly on instinct, while Buffy glanced around, tapping her foot to the music, and AJ looked at the equipment scattered around the play space.
Walking up to the trio, he heard AJ’s hushed comment, “Holy cow, I didn’t know there were going to be so many people. The whole community must be here.”
“I think you may be right, AJ. After the grief Lou put everyone through, it looks like they all want to celebrate his downfall,” Brad said, coming to stand next to them. “Besides, they all want the chance to meet the first-ever graduates of the Clifftop BDSM Boot Camp. I just wish it had gone more smoothly and we didn’t have all of the interruptions. Oh well, live and learn I guess.”
“It’s okay, man. We had a great time.” Crash grinned at him, then his face turned more serious. “Besides, it let us find the woman of our fantasies.”
Buffy blushed furiously as both Crash and AJ simultaneously reached out and each took a hand. She stared down at their joined hands, and Brad saw the rush of emotions play across her face. “Buffy, if you would like to get your men a snack, the table is ready, I think.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” AJ said quickly. “We can get our own.”
Buffy’s face fell. She turned a reproachful look on her Dom. “But—”
Before she could say any more, Brad interjected. “Gentlemen, I don’t know if this was covered during your classes or not, but service is one of the things we submissives really enjoy. I’m pretty sure your girl here
will be disappointed if you deny her that privilege. You don’t want that, do you?”
AJ’s eyebrows lowered. “No, of course we don’t want to upset her. But she’s our girlfriend, not our servant.”
“Trust me on this, guys. Let her go get you some snacks while I clear up something, okay?”
“Come on, man. We need to know this stuff. If we’re fucking it up and Brad here can help, let’s not drop the ball.” Crash turned to Buffy. “Go ahead, babe, and thank you.”
Brad waited until she had walked off before nodding to the guys. “Okay, here’s how it often works. Now, keep in mind there are no hard and fast rules, but this is common behavior in this lifestyle, at least at clubs. When you get there, small talk and socializing is the norm. The Dominants generally find seats and start chatting while their slaves or submissives get them snacks. It’s not uncommon for the submissives to sit on cushions on the floor and be fed tidbits from their Masters’ plates.”
“But don’t they feel mistreated?” AJ asked.
Brad smiled. “Not at all, as long as the Dominant makes sure they understand how much their service is appreciated. Remember, service is something we submissives enjoy. Not all of us, of course, but it is common enough to be a good rule of thumb. For many of us, service, undressing in public at our Master’s command, or participating in public scenes provides a huge submissive rush. It lets us honor those we have given our service to and show our devotion. It’s really a big deal and could potentially damage your relationship if you don’t learn to accept her service.”
“I see what you’re saying, but how does getting naked in public, for example, give her a submissive thrill?” AJ asked, confusion evident on his face.
“It’s like this. If you tell her to do something that a normal person would absolutely refuse to do, and she does it without hesitation or argument, knowing it will make you happy, she has provided you something few others could, right?”
“I suppose so,” AJ answered hesitantly.
“Okay then, doing things most people wouldn’t do allows us to provide our chosen Master or Dominant with a service that they can’t get elsewhere. It shows them how much we care, helps us sink into subspace, and gets a good submissive buzz going. Those feelings are our reward for making you look good and giving you what other can’t. Does that make sense?”
“I think so, but it’s going to take some practice,” AJ answered.
“I think I get it, but then I don’t have AJ’s old-fashioned Southern ideals to overcome,” Crash said. “If I understand you, though, shouldn’t we be finding a seat and a cushion? It looks like she’s on her way back.”
“You’re right, Crash. AJ, think about what I said. It really is very important.” Brad started to walk away but then turned back. “By the way, your girl looks great. Have some fun and relax, for goodness’ sake. This is a party.”
* * * *
Buffy was surprised when Brad walked away just as she got to where the guys were. “What was that all about?”
“Nothing, beautiful,” AJ said, leading her to a nearby couch and helping her down to the cushion on the floor. “Just helping me to get over some old-fashioned ideas and into this new lifestyle.”
“Here, let me take those from you so you can get comfortable.” Crash reached for the heavily laden plates she held.
She let him take them from her hands as AJ helped her adjust herself on the cushion they had placed on the floor between them. It was going to take some time and practice to get used to doing this without flashing her bits to the world. A momentary rush of embarrassment went through her again at the knowledge that she had nothing on under the short skirt. As if chasing the thought away, there was a flood of submissive joy at having followed Crash’s and AJ’s instructions. She was surprised at the sense of anticipation she felt while waiting for them to discover her obedience in how to dress for the evening.
It suddenly felt like she had been here forever. These people had all seemed like such freaks and weirdos to her when she’d first arrived, but now as she looked around she realized she actually knew and liked a lot of the people there. Phoenix and his slave jodi were talking to Beth and april. Daddy Dave and his boys were there, looking thoroughly serious until they all burst into laughter at something Brad said. Dennis held up a soda in salute to her as he went to the door to greet Carly, who was just coming in. Lucy and Susan sat on the floor on cushions in front of each other’s husband, smiling and holding hands. Buffy shook her head a little. They were talking about going on vacation together, nudist resorts and cruises. She wasn’t quite sure how all that was going to work out for them, but it really wasn’t her business. She had no right to criticize their lifestyle choices, and she would defend their right to live however they wanted. Just like Buffy intended to do.
Sitting between Crash and AJ, who were bantering cheerfully back and forth, Buffy suddenly felt as if she’d come home. Even the silly nickname felt different now. She’d suspected that Crash and AJ had only used it to make fun of her before, but she realized that she was actually proud of it now. Here she could be anybody she wanted to be, and everyone would accept her for the person she made herself into. She wanted to be Buffy again. She wanted to know what her life was about and what she was meant to do.
She was meant to love and take care of Crash and AJ. There was no doubt in her mind about that. They belonged to her as much as she belonged to them. She wiggled a little, enjoying the feeling of being so small and delicate between two such large and solid bodies. It might be unconventional, but it was completely right and normal. None of them would be complete without the other two. As if they could read her thoughts, a hand from each side came to rest on her shoulders, and they both turned and smiled at her. They were slow, sweet smiles that promised a lifetime of love, affection, spankings when she needed them or they felt like it—and great sex.
Phoenix and his girl came over and sat down, and they all began chatting. Buffy snuggled closer to the guys’ knees and felt their hands on her shoulders and hair. She grinned at the attention and sank deeper into the growing submissive mindset and intense feelings she was becoming hooked on. Then she was jerked out of her thoughts by Karl’s booming voice.
“If you will all join me here in the center of the room for a minute, please.”
Karl was standing on one of the tables in the middle of the dungeon. It was one of those tables with tie-down points mounted along its sides. She thought she remembered hearing them called bondage tables. She took Crash’s offered hand to help her to her feet, and then they joined the crowd in front of him.
He smiled around the group. “As all of you know, we were privileged to have a remarkable group of people with us for all of the adventures of the last week or so—the pioneer group of our first-ever BDSM Boot Camp. Every one of them was new to the BDSM lifestyle, but we think they’ve all uniquely found their places in it.”
He reached down and took some papers from Allie, who was standing next to the table. “If you seven would please join me up here.”
Buffy shuffled through the crowd with the rest until she was standing in front of the table between Crash and AJ. She glanced over and saw the other four coming to join them.
“Thank you. I’d like to present you with these acknowledgments of the growth you’ve all experienced over the last week and a half. This week has been hectic and filled with interruptions but hopefully has allowed you to learn a little more about our lifestyles, yourself, and each other. All of you are now honorary members of the Grandpointe leather community and welcome to come back for another Boot Camp free of charge if you’re interested. We are including a coupon for half off any other event we hold to make up for some of those interruptions.”
sky climbed up next to him and held out six small cards. “You’re also affiliate members of The Keep. Since you don’t live nearby, I won’t charge you membership fees, but you’re welcome to come here whenever you’re in the area. It’s been an honor and a pleasure g
etting to know you all.”
There was applause as they all took their cards from sky and hugged her in turn. Then Karl stepped forward again. “We’ve interrupted dungeon time long enough. Let’s get to the party!”
Smiling first at Karl and then at Allie and Brad, Buffy clutched the certificate to her chest. As she made eye contact with Allie, she mouthed, “Thank you for everything.”
Karl went on. “As you all have probably heard, the man persecuting our community with the abuse of his office in the building inspection department has been arrested. The mayor has assured us that they support our right to be a part of this town and its community. So, with that all laid to rest, let’s enjoy the evening. The dungeon is open!”
Chapter 28
Sami jumped when Crash grabbed her hand and began pulling her to the cubbyholes mounted to the wall next to the door. “I stashed our toys here earlier when we were helping the guys move the equipment into place for tonight.”
She eyed the medium-size duffle bag he was retrieving from one of the storage spaces. “I’m surprised. I would have thought it would take a U-Haul for all the stuff you bought.”
“It probably would, but I only brought the stuff AJ and I decided to use tonight.” He led her back to where AJ was using paper towels and a disinfectant to clean a table.
“Was it dirty?” Crash asked when they arrived.
“No, but we were told that it’s a good habit to clean your play space both before and after you use a piece of equipment.”
“Oh, okay.” Crash rubbed his hands together. “Now, beautiful, are you ready to start?”
Buffy’s stomach was suddenly full of a crowd of butterflies, but she bent her head and put her hands behind her back. “Yes, Sir.”
“Are you still okay with what we discussed this afternoon?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“All righty, then. Are you still okay with leaving most of it up to us? Would you like to talk about it before we start?”
Double Dom Fantasies Page 29