The Billionaire's Sextape: An Adult Billionaire Romance

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The Billionaire's Sextape: An Adult Billionaire Romance Page 1

by Cj Howard




  CJ Howard

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  I never planned on becoming a stripper and I definitely never planned on ever selling myself to rich strangers but desperate times call for desperate measures.

  He told me his name was James and he didn't need to tell me that he was filthy rich. I could tell. You can always tell when you get in this game.

  He wanted to spend the night with me and the money was too good to turn down.

  Then when he offered extra to film it... well, I was not going to say no to that either.

  Little did I know, the sex tape me and the billionaire made that night would soon be seen by millions of people all across the world and both our lives would never, ever be the same again....

  Copyright Notice

  CJ Howard

  The Billionaire's Sextape © 2016, CJ Howard


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.









  chapter 8

  chapter 9

  chapter 10

  chapter 11

  chapter 12

  chapter 13

  chapter 14


  “Come on, guys -- this is so boring. Let’s go out!” James moaned as he took in the group around him. He was sitting with his three best friends in the living room, and they were all staring transfixed at the television set as if their life depended on it. Some old western was playing, and about fifteen minutes in, James had found himself getting restless. If they didn’t go out soon, he was going to fall asleep. And sleeping was not how he planned on spending his Saturday night.

  “It’s not boring! It’s a classic,” Marco whined, not even bothering to look at James when he spoke. In his lap was a big bag of chips, and his hand moved constantly between it and his mouth.

  “Marco! Look at you. You look like a disgrace to mankind. You’re sitting at home on a Saturday night, watching movies and stuffing your face. You’re going to turn into some fat grease ball who wastes his life away in front of the TV screen if you’re not careful.”

  Marco finally turned to look his way. “Actually, I’m at your house watching movies. So technically, you’re the only one who is sitting at home.”

  James reached for the remote and switched off the movie. That got their attention.

  “Dude, seriously? What’s wrong with you tonight?” Elton asked him and pushed up his glasses, which had started to slide down his nose. Elton had positioned himself on the floor with pillows behind him for support. He looked incredibly comfortable and ready to spend an entire night lying in the same spot. He and Marco were by far the laziest ones in the group.

  James looked at Tom, possibly the only guy who was going to agree with him, for support. “Come on Tom, do you really want to spend your Saturday watching this crap? We’re wasting our youth away.”

  “Well, where did you want to go then?” Tom asked. He had already propped himself up and seemed interested in whatever James had to say. James knew that not only was Tom not a fan of Western movies, but that he would also do anything that James said.

  The other guys often teased him, and Tom would laugh and say it wasn’t true. But they all knew that it was. James always gave Tom special attention – simply because he loved that Tom would always do what he said.

  “Well, I’m glad to see that I at least have one fun friend here,” James said and eyed the rest of the guys. They rolled their eyes, and Marco grabbed another handful of chips. “I just really feel like going out tonight instead of staying in. Come on, we’re young, we’re rich, and we’re good-looking – we’re wasting away here.”

  “Uh…” Elton interrupted. “Don’t you mean you’re rich and good-looking? We’re just young. Although I’m turning twenty-six next month, which is far too close to thirty for my liking. My name might be the same as your surname, but that’s the only thing that we have in common.”

  James laughed. It was true. He was the good-looking one in the group, and he was certainly the one with the money. In fact, these days he had so much money, he didn’t quite know what to do with it all.

  He grinned at them. “Please, you’re not old. But I certainly don’t want to sit and look at your ugly mugs all night. I think we need a bit of female energy injected into this group. Why don’t we just go for a few beers at our local? Then we can see where the night takes us.”

  Their local – as he liked to call it – was a bar down the road where they often met up for drinks. Probably not often enough to really call it a local, but it was by far the place that they went to the most. More than likely for its convenience. Also, James was well aware that Elton liked one of the bar ladies. The moment he suggested it, he saw Elton’s eyes light up at the thought of seeing her.

  “I’m keen,” Elton said.

  “I’m sure you are,” Marco said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. They all knew about Elton’s obsession with this girl – who so far had not given him the time of day.

  “But you better not flirt with her!” Elton wagged his finger at James.

  “You know I won’t, man. I’ve already told you that she’s not my type. Plus, I wouldn’t do that to you. Now come on, get up, let’s go.”

  “I don’t know, man.” It was Marco who was still standing his ground and shaking his head. “Elton and I were just saying that we don’t have money like you do. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful or anything, but your world is very different than our world. There’s nothing wrong with that, but we have to be a bit more careful.

  The only reason we’re doing movies at your place tonight is because we don’t have the money to throw around right now. I seriously have to start putting some money away. I can’t keep going out and spending it on drinks. I’m never going to get anywhere in my life if I keep doing that.”

  James felt a wash of guilt come over him. He liked having money, but he’d been friends with these guys since elementary school, and they had always promised that money wouldn’t get in the way of their friendship. James had always lived in a rich household, but back then he didn’t actually have the money himself.

  “Marco! Don’t be silly now. I’m the one who wants to go out, so I’m the one who is paying. I swear, you guys will not have to open up your wallets once tonight. It’s all on me.”

  “No way --
you can’t pay for us all night. That’s not fair,” Marco said, his pride obviously getting in the way of saying yes immediately. But James knew that they’d eventually do as he said.

  “Well, I want to. Seriously – I have the money, and I want us to go out and have fun. Now, if I see you even trying to pay for anything, I’ll boot you out. Tonight, my friends, is on me! Now let’s go.”

  James could see Marco going through different emotions as he tried to decide whether or not he wanted to let James pay. Finally his shoulders relaxed and a big smile came over his face. “Thanks, man. Okay, let’s go have some fun.”

  They made their way by foot to the local, which was actually called ‘Bob’s Bar’ – a name that nobody had yet figured out because, as far as everyone knew, there was no Bob around. They’d asked the manager and the wait staff, but nobody seemed to know a Bob. Even the owner was not called Bob. Someone had once added an extra ‘o’ to the sign so that it was called ‘Boob’s Bar,’ but that had since been taken off.

  Bob’s Bar was already swarming with people – as it always was – and the four of them only just managed to find a table in the far corner. James left them there and went up to order them all a round of drinks.

  “Can we have four shots of whatever you feel like giving us and then four beers?”

  The barman grinned at him. He loved it when James came because he always tipped well. “Are you sure you want me to choose your shots for you?”

  James grinned back at him. “I trust you. Actually, it took a lot of persuading to get my boring-ass friends here, so I need something strong to wake them up.”

  “Well then, I can definitely arrange that.”

  James watched as Barman Bob – again his name was not Bob but James had called him that once and it had stuck - poured a few different drinks together in a glass and mixed them up. Then he poured the liquid into four shots.

  “I actually have no idea what I just made for you. But it should do the trick. Hang on, there’s a bit left – let me try it.” This was another reason why James enjoyed coming to the bar so much. The barmen were allowed to drink. Barman Bob tipped the drink back and then gagged. “Well… it certainly does the trick.” He placed the shots on a tray, along with four beers, and handed it to James.

  “Actually,” James said, “could you get that waitress to bring it over for us?” He pointed to the waitress that Elton had his eye on. She was behind the counter and pulling off a rather impressive maneuver with some cocktail glasses.

  Barman Bob smiled slyly at him, “Oh really? You like her?”

  “Not me. My friend Elton. The one with the glasses.”

  “I’ll send her right over then.”

  James went back to the table.

  “Where are the drinks?” everyone asked.

  “They’re coming. Barman Bob was just a bit busy, but he’s sending them over soon.”

  Five minutes later, James heard Elton gasp.

  “Oh no! Was that your idea?” Elton’s eyes had gone huge through his glasses, and James turned around, pretending to look for what Elton was talking about. Of course, he knew that the waitress was coming over, but he acted surprised.

  “No, it wasn’t! I thought Barman Bob would be coming.”

  The waitress was very cute but definitely not the type that James would normally go for. She looked like someone who would look just as comfortable working behind a computer all day as working at a bar. She wasn’t as sexy as the other waitresses around, but she had a wholesome prettiness that was hard not to like. She smiled at them when she came over and placed down their drinks.

  “Hey guys. John asked me to drop these off for you.”

  “John?” James asked.

  “Yeah, the barman. You were talking to him earlier?”

  James laughed, “Oh! His name is John? That seems so wrong.”

  The waitress looked confused. “Why?”

  “We didn’t know his name, so we called him Barman Bob. And it’s stuck. He’s never bothered to correct us or tell us his real name.”

  She giggled. “Barman Bob? Actually, that does suit him more. I tell you what; I’m going to tell the rest of the staff to start calling him that. Well, it seems that Barman Bob has created something very strange for you all today. I’ve never seen shots that color before. So… good luck with that.”

  She was just about to leave when she suddenly looked down and then looked up again. She was looking at Elton. “Uh… I like your glasses,” she said, then quickly hurried off.

  Elton could not stop smiling.

  “Elton! She likes your glasses! I told you one day some chick would find them attractive. Looks like you’ve found your match.”

  Elton’s smile started to falter. “Wait, did you tell her to say that?”

  “I swear on my life, Elton, I did not. That was all her. Now, you better go talk to her tonight, or else. This is your time. So… how about some Dutch courage then?” James picked up the shot glass and held it into the air. They all knocked the glasses together and threw the liquid back down their throats. All four of them gagged, then laughed.

  “What the hell was in that?” Marco asked, reaching out to take a sip of his beer.

  “I honestly have no idea. Barman Bob just threw a whole bunch of stuff together. That was disgusting. Come on Elton, you ready to speak to her yet?”

  “Not yet. Let me finish this beer first. Damn… she likes my glasses… I can’t believe it. You know, I’ve never seen a girl as cute as that before.”



  James wondered if he had ever felt that way about anyone before. He didn’t think so. He’d been with lots of women, and he’d never once thought of them as the best or the most beautiful. Was that because he had just not found the right woman? Or was he always going to think that way?

  James was just about to say something when Elton suddenly got up from the table and walked over to the waitress. They watched in shock as he leaned in and whispered something to her. Then he walked back with a huge smile on his face.

  “Okay, what the hell was in that drink? Did you seriously just go up and talk to her, or did I just imagine that?”

  “I did it.” Elton was still grinning.

  “What did you say?”

  “I asked her if she wanted to go out for coffee after her shift.”

  “COFFEE?! Why coffee?” James grimaced.

  “Because she works at a bar surrounded by drunk men. I figured she’d like a break from that type of environment. And I personally don’t care what we’re drinking as long as I’m drinking it with her.”

  James pulled a face, “Gross.” Then he laughed. “But good for you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so determined. So… what did she say?”

  “She says that she finishes in half an hour. She said yes.”

  They all cheered. Tom patted him on the back so hard that he almost choked. “So you’re leaving us then?”

  Elton looked sheepish, “Uh… sorry. Yeah, I am.”

  James laughed, “That’s okay. It’s for a worthy cause. You’re certainly doing better than the rest of us tonight. And to think, if it wasn’t for me, you’d be sitting down watching a western right now.”

  Half an hour later, Elton spotted the waitress -- Ashley her name was -- take off her apron and hang it up. She smiled over at him, and Elton got up to join her. As they left, Barman Bob came over.

  “So… your man Elton has done well tonight.”

  “Better than the rest of us,” Tom moaned.

  “But seriously… where are all the women tonight? I feel like we’re just surrounded by men today.” It was true -- the place was swarming with far too many men. It seemed almost pointless to James.

  “Yeah, I have no idea. Some days are just like that here. Hey, why don’t you guys go over to Betsy’s? You’ll definitely find some women there. Personally, I’m going over once I’m done here.”

  Betsy’s was a strip joint just a few blocks
up – known for its good music and good-looking women. The entrance fee was high, which is why James had never been before. Not that he minded – but his friends had always talked him out of it.

  “Actually… that’s a good idea. I’ve never been, and Elton has emboldened me. You guys in?” He looked over at Marco and Tom, expecting at least Marco to complain.

  But Marco just grinned, “Do we have a choice?”

  “That’s my man! I’m paying tonight – so you definitely don’t have a choice.”

  “Good! I’m totally in!” Marco said, and James felt his eyes widen in surprise. He looked over at Barman Bob.

  “Seriously, what was in those drinks?”

  Barman Bob laughed and shrugged, “I have no idea. So… I’ll see you guys there a bit later tonight then? I still have a few more hours to get through here.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see you there. Come join us. Drinks on me.”

  They finished up their beer and then headed out to Betsy’s. James felt excited at the prospect of going somewhere new with his friends, and he was glad that, for the first time, they actually seemed just as excited as him.

  “I like this new Marco,” he said to Marco.

  “Me too. You’re right…. This is way better than sitting at home watching a western.”

  “Man, I told you. And don’t feel bad about the money. I know that if the roles were reversed, you would do the same for me. It’s good to get out and have fun. That’s what the money is all about. I wouldn’t want to do this by myself.”

  The sign ‘Betsy’s’ flickered on and off in the distance. It was certainly not a club that tried to hide away, and James liked that about it. When they got to the door, the doorman patted them up and down and then asked them to pay.

  James took out the money and paid for all three of them and, just like that, they were let inside. The corridor was long and dark, with small lights on the floor leading the way. Right at the end there were two doors. The one said ‘Private’ and the other said ‘Club’ – so they opened the club door and walked inside.


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