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Last Christmas (Bound Together)

Page 2

by Coulson, Marie

  “Get this inside you rock star. You’ll feel better. You were hammered last night.” I grimaced as she handed me the scorching hot mug. “I wasn’t hammered. I was just a bit drunk. Mel started it.” Amy snorted a laugh.

  “Yes and you just had to match her drink for drink. You know she was spitting the tequila back into a beer bottle right?” I snapped my head up at her. “That dirty cheat! I thought she was washing it back with a cool one.”

  “Morning!” I glanced toward the bedroom and arched my eyebrow at Mel as she emerged looking fresh and considerably too happy for my liking. “You cheated me last night ginger pubes. I demand a rematch.” She chuckled and wrapped her arms around Amy’s neck, kissing her cheek.

  “You think you can handle it in your state spunk punk?” I would have hit her back with a witty remark or insult but my head hurt too much. She won this round. She gave me a victorious grin and snagged my mug from me.


  She continued to grin at me. “You don’t wanna drink this shit. Let’s go to Long Beach, pick up the guys and have one at Lorraine’s.” I stared at her in disbelief. She was kidding right?

  “Don’t give me that look Green. They make the best coffee and she’s definitely not going to be there. I’ll drive us all or you can take the beast you call your baby.” I shot her a squinty eyed glare. “Call me what you like but never insult the monster.” She laughed and headed for the bedroom. “Ready to go in an hour rock star.” I gave Amy a pleading look.

  “I’m not going Amy. Why the hell would I want to spend money in that place? We both know where it goes and he’s not getting a damn cent from me. He’s taken more than enough from me. I’m not going.” She placed her hand on mine and sighed deeply.

  “Ollie, I get it. I do. But you can’t keep carrying around this resentment. It’s not healthy. Just have one cup. I’ll pay and then, technically, you haven’t given him a thing. Please?”

  She was giving me that look she always did when she wanted something. It’s all puppies, lost little girl and heartstring pulling. I rolled my eyes and we both knew she’d get her way.

  “Alright. Fine. But one cup. I’m only doing this for you. No other reason okay?” She nodded and hugged me tightly. I had a feeling this was going to be a painful experience but I was a glutton for punishment.


  The coffee shop was pretty empty and I was glad. I didn’t want to be there and I would have given anything for the ground to open and swallow me whole. The guys and girls were throwing ideas around for our set list at Benny’s but I couldn’t focus on music. My head was spinning with all the thoughts that Lorraine’s possessed for me. I’d walked her here; I’d brought her coffee from here on her birthday. Hell, I’d even followed her here that day she had a fight with Amy. I really had played the chump.

  I glanced up from my cup and met the gaze of a familiar face. The girl behind the counter gave me a shy wave and I looked around to make sure it definitely was me she was gesturing to. Yep, she was looking right at me. I know her. Where the fuck do I know this chick from? She waved me over and glancing back at my friends, I shrugged and made my way over. She beamed at me as I approached. “Uh, hi.” Oh real smooth Ollie, dude. Really, the most outstanding line ever. I wasn’t picking her up. I was making polite conversation but still, I must have looked like an idiot. “Ollie right? We met at Layla’s birthday party?” My brain was scanning through that entire evening and it was gut twistingly painful. But I did remember her. Kitty, Kathy, Kimberly…Kate!

  “It’s Kate right?” She nodded and bit down on her lip. It immediately reminded me of Layla. It was her go to move when she was anxious, nervous or excited. Running my fingers through my hair, I banished the thoughts from my mind. Kate leaned forward on the counter, resting her elbows on the top.

  “So you live in Utah right? I remember Layla telling me you were moving there. What are you doing down this way?” I winced. Didn’t she know I did not want to talk about Layla? I mean, Christ! The girl ripped my heart out and plunged a heel through it as she stamped out every last beat.

  She must have seen the look on my face and realized her mistake because she was soon back tracking, stumbling over her words and apologizing profusely.

  “I am so sorry. You must think I’m an idiot. Well, evidently I am. Of course he doesn’t wanna talk about Layla Kate. Real sensitive.” A chuckle escaped me and she visibly relaxed.

  “It’s okay. Forget about it. Yes, I do live in Utah but I’m visiting my friends for the holidays.” I pointed to our table where my friends were laughing loudly. Kate blushed and smiled. She was kind of cute when she blushed like that.

  “Well, it was good to see you again. Happy holidays Ollie.” She turned around and began sorting cups on the stand behind her and I was certain I heard her cursing. I stifled a laugh. She was embarrassed, shy and coy all of a sudden. She was nothing like I remembered at the party. Maybe she’s into you? Great theory. Only one way to test it. I cleared my throat loudly and she spun around to face me. I smiled at her. “So, the guys and I are going to be at Benny’s tonight. It’s open mic night but we kinda have a spot every week. Well, they do. I don’t so much anymore but I’ll be there tonight. Wanna join us?”

  She thought for a moment before grinning and nodding here head. “Sure. That sounds awesome. I don’t have to sing though right? Because believe me, no one deserves to be subjected to that.” I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair. She was staring at me and still biting that lip. Don’t think about it dude. Forget her. This girl is totally checking you out. Focus!

  “So meet us there around eight?” She nodded enthusiastically and grinned. She was real cute right now and those green eyes of hers were fixed on my lips.

  “You like the piercing huh?” She darted her eyes away and flushed. Oh this was fun. Pressing her fingers to her eyes, she tried to cover her embarrassed face. She tried to recover quickly. “Um, yeah, they’re just so…interesting. You know? Did it hurt?” I shrugged.

  “Not really. But then again, I’m pretty bad ass with pain. See.” I turned to show her my snake and she hitched a breath. “Wow. That is awesome. I’m too chicken to get one. I’ve seen so many I like and I even almost went through with it once. They guy sat me down; pulled out the machine and the moment I saw that needle…I was out. I bolted so fast my sneakers were smoking.” I laughed. Girl has a sense of humor too. One more point to Kate.

  “They’re a little scary but they don’t hurt. I think you could handle it. You seem like a tough chick.”

  I winked at her and her blush deepened from a pink flush to fire hydrant red instantly. “I’m a huge wuss when it comes to pain.”

  I gave her a half smile and reached across the counter, placing my hand on hers. “I tell you what; I’ll make you a deal. I’m getting some new ink tomorrow. A friend of mine is an artist. Come with me, check it out and if you think you can take it, I’ll hold your hand all the way through and even fan you if you pass out.” She gazed at me, shocked maybe?

  “You would do that for me?”

  I shrugged.

  “Sure. I think, if you actually saw what it’s like, you wouldn’t be scared anymore. No point being afraid of what you don’t know or understand. What were you thinking of getting anyway?”

  “I don’t know. I thought a butterfly maybe.” I rolled my eyes and removed my hand from hers. Total chick ink.

  She giggled. “Well what would you suggest then?”

  I stood back and scanned her. Raising my hand I gestured for her to twirl around. She chuckled but humored me.

  Pressing my index finger to my lips, I arched a brow at her. “I’m picturing…flames.” Her eyes widened and she gave me a confused look. Leaning across the counter I grinned. “They’d look hot on you.” She looked away a moment, clearly embarrassed further by my compliment. Still got it Ollie. I smiled at her as she met my gaze again.

  Glancing back at our table I saw Amy giving me the stink eye and I shrugged. I
rolled my eyes and returned my attention to Kate. “I better get back over there before she lynches me. I’ll catch you later.”

  She nodded.

  “Definitely. See ya.”

  I walked away feeling quietly confident and totally stoked. Just like that, I was back in the game.

  Amy glared at me as I sat down next to her. Mel, Nick and Eric were so engrossed in a debate over last night’s game that they were oblivious to the fact that I had even left the table. Amy however, had seen the whole thing go down. I mouthed back at her “what?” Shaking her head, she turned her attention to her coffee.

  “What!? Why are you giving me that fucking look?” She leaned in close and growled at me. “You are not in a good place to be dating right now Ollie.” I snorted at her.

  “Dating? Who the fuck said I was dating? She’s hot and I’m male. I invited her to Benny’s not the Ritz! Besides, I’m single; I can date, fuck and talk to whoever I want.” Her jaw clenched, Amy continued to stare me down.

  “And she knows that does she? That it’s not a date. She looked pretty sweet on you over there.” I shrugged.

  “Like I care. She can think whatever she wants. It’s not a date. She’s just hanging out with us and tomorrow she’s coming with me to get inked.” Amy choked on her coffee.

  “She’s what!? Oh for crying out loud Ollie. You need to make sure she understands before any more hearts get broken. Make it clear tonight. I mean it.” What the fuck? Since when did I take orders from her? I shook my head and took a sip of my coffee. Mel caught Amy’s eye and gave her a questioning look. Amy nodded toward me and as Mel gave me her judging stare, I snapped.

  Slamming my cup on the table, I snarled at them. “You know what Amy? Once again, my love life is none of your damn business! That bitch broke my heart, took off and sent me a fucking text! So excuse me if I’m not really feeling the whole love, dating and romance scene. I’ve had my fucking fill. I played that game and lost. I lost it all. I’m never putting myself through that shit again. I was better off screwing, fucking and walking away. And that is exactly what I’m gonna do now. Screw you guys. I’m leaving. I’ll see you back at the apartment later. I need some fucking air.”

  Nick caught my elbow in a tight grip. “Dude what the fuck? Calm down. She’s just looking out for you. I think she’s wrong and you need to get back on the fucking pussy, but still.”

  I glared at him and snatched my arm from his grasp. “Because you guys would know all about how I feel right? You all know what’s best for me and what I should do? Well where the fuck were all of you when I was falling for a bitch who didn’t give a fuck about my feelings? Who was there to stop me?” I turned my attention to Amy. “Where were you and your patronizing advice when I needed you to tell me it’s a bad idea and that it would be my heart getting broken?” Silence.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  I stood abruptly, grabbed my jacket and headed for the door; leaving them staring at me as I stormed away. I risked a glance at Kate and she quickly darted her eyes away to the counter top. I rolled my eyes again. Great. I bet she heard the whole thing and now I’m the asshole again.

  Reaching the monster, I pulled on my helmet and mounted the beast. I turned the key and let out a satisfied groan as the engine roared to life. She really did make the most beautiful noises for me. I pulled down my visor and took off. I needed to clear my head and let my pissy mood evaporate before we played later. I was a performer and I could definitely put on a show but if Amy and Mel were gonna grill me all night, I was going to need to calm down. I’m not an angry person but if someone keeps scratching at my wounds and picking the scabs of my broken heart, I’m gonna go fucking nuclear.

  I know what they were saying and I would never lead Kate on. I’m just so fucking tired of being sad and angry all the time. How long can you wait before you have to say ‘fuck it, fuck her’ and move on? Is there some kind of time limit or socially acceptable grieving period I’m supposed to wait for? Because that was not happening.

  I needed to get myself back out there and back in the game. I meant what I said and dating is strictly off the agenda but sex was definitely not! It’s been months since I got laid and I’m a red blooded man after all. Sex is a key part of existence!

  I wouldn’t say I’m a player or ever have been, but I certainly had my share of women over the years. I never had to try too hard to get what I needed. Layla was the first girl I ever actually chased. Though why I fucking bothered in the first place; I have no idea. I should have just invited her back to the dorm that night at the bar, screwed her brains out and said thanks. I should have, but I didn’t. Regret it?

  I wanted to regret it. I wanted to hate her with every part of my being. But I couldn’t. I can’t. I loved her. I still love her even after all the shit she put me through. But I wasn’t the choice she made. I need to get over her and as a plan began forming in my head, one that Mel and Amy were not going to like, I knew I would drown thoughts of Layla out for good. I’d drown them out with the begging, panting and screaming of some hot pieces of ass. Oh yeah, I’m back.

  Chapter 4

  Putting On A Show

  Amy had pretty much ignored me when I got back to the apartment. She slammed doors, stomped around but never actually spoke to me. Mel rolled her eyes at it all.

  “Baby calm down. Wanna watch a movie with us?”

  Amy shot me an angry glare. “I’ll pass.”

  Oh for crying out-fucking-loud!

  Getting to my feet, I walked over to her. “Okay, Amy, Let’s have it. What the hell is it I’ve done now that you’re so pissed at me about?”

  Fisting her hands on her hips she huffed and snorted at me.

  “Seriously? You have no idea? You called my friend a bitch! And you even had the nerve to call me patronizing! I wasn’t patronizing you Ollie. I was trying to protect you. You’re lashing out and trying to sprint before you can even walk. We both know that fucking around won’t mend your broken heart but if that’s what you think you have to do…fine! Do it! Fall apart and hurt a whole bunch of other people in the process. Misery loves company and yours is having a fucking party!”

  I kept forgetting that Amy and Mel were still Layla’s friends. Now I actually did feel like an asshole. I got up and walked over to her, taking her hands from her hips and holding them in mine.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called her that but you have to understand where I’m coming from Amy. I know she’s your friend but I can’t just forget what she’s put me through. I feel fucking broken and torn apart here.

  You have to let me handle this my way. I don’t want to hurt anyone and I would never let anyone believe there was a chance for more if there wasn’t. I know exactly how that feels. It sucks ass. I need to do this my way. Just be there for me when I fuck it all up and come to my senses again. Okay?”

  Her expression softened and I knew she understood.

  “I know. I hate what she did but it wasn’t easy for her. You have every reason and right to be mad but could you try to not be so mad around us? She’s still our friend Ollie. I’ll always be there for you, even when you fuck up. I don’t want to see you get hurt again and I’m worried that’s all you’re going to end up doing. Kate doesn’t deserve that either. You have to be clear tonight that you’re not looking for anything serious. Let her decide.”

  I nodded in agreement and wrapped my arms around her. “Okay boss. I’ll make sure she gets it.” She smiled against my chest and let out a long sigh. I gave Mel a glance and as our eyes met she understood the message.

  “Hey Ollie, think you could get your hands off my girl? I’m starving and she makes the best lasagna.”

  I chuckled and removed my arms from around Amy, who giggled and bounced over to Mel. She gazed lovingly at her before kissing her deeply. Mel’s hands slid over the curve of Amy’s hip and down to her behind. I could see their tongues slipping and gliding into each other’s mouths. Shit that’s hot. I w
as their friend, not their gay friend and watching the two of them make out was turning me on. I felt my cock twitch in my pants.

  “Uh, I’m gonna leave you guys to it. I’ll just take a shower and…” Mel signaled for me to leave and I did, begrudgingly. I was gonna miss a hell of a show.

  I stood beneath the hot stream of water and sighed. My hand ran over my tattoo and I flinched at the memory. My new ink would mean much more. Running my fingers through my hair I groaned as the pleasurable heat of the water eased my aching body. I was always so tense lately. I pressed my palms against the cold tiles on the wall and leaned into them, letting the water run down and over my back. The sound of giggling and moaning caught my attention. Amy and Mel had taken their make out session into the bedroom which was directly next door to the bathroom. The walls were paper thin and even with the whir of the shower going, I could hear every sound.

  My cock wasn’t just twitching anymore; I was now standing there, listening to my two friends have sex with a raging hard on! I know, they’re my friends and I know it was wrong but come on…

  Wrapping my fingers around the shaft, I slid my hand up and down my throbbing dick. Slowly, I moved back and forth, rocking my hips and thrusting my cock into the firm grip of my palm. The ragged breaths and heavenly sound of two women in the throes of ecstasy were an instant aphrodisiac. The noises and images that flashed through my mind were driving me to the edge as my hand continued to stroke and pump my solid ache away. A voice I immediately recognized as Amy’s, yelled out and cried for more. She was begging Mel to give her what she needed and in that moment my own mind wandered to the person I thought would be the last to enter my mind.

  Her long sleek blond hair sprawled over the bed. The stunningly, curvaceous lines and contours of her body made me weak with need and dizzy with desire. I could still remember the scent of her skin as I had trailed kisses over her body to the gorgeous temptation between her thighs. She was a goddess and I was happy to pray there for hours.


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