The Dragon's Den

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The Dragon's Den Page 12

by Katy Katz

  "Haley." The name came from across the room. It floated across from near where Anders was working. He was working silently for once concentrating.

  Isabela held out a bloody hand…Haley slid off the bed and took it. She held the bloody hand close to her own heart. "Yes."

  "What did we do? How did we end up here?" Isabela's breathing was labored. Her pulse was erratic. This wasn't just one incident. This had been years in the making. It wasn't linear. It was past, present, and future. It was something Flemmeth had tried to explain when they were at the Eluvian.

  They were out of place and time, even now.

  Everything was mixed together, the Red Iron, her sister in the Deep Roads, her mother alive, the Inquisitor, being left behind in the Fade once, Ser Stroud another time, Alistair, and Logain another, yet those were names she hadn't met yet.

  Their child was gone, but in one place it hadn't even been conceived yet. There was to be a second child that was conceived with Isabela. It was a bit different than the first, but so were the circumstances.

  Haley knew one thing. Isabela didn't die.

  Flemmeth said it.

  History wasn't done with Haley. It needed her. It wasn't going to be kind. There were no fluffy bunnies and ponies, but she needed Isabela. As long as history needed her, Isabela would live.

  Time worked in an odd fashion. It seemed like Isabela's heartbeat stopped Anders stopped. Only Haley could see or move. She went to kiss Isabela, but there was no time, only her, and a laugh in the darkness.

  "We really do have to stop meeting like this. People will start to talk." Flemmeth spoke.

  "You have to stop this." Haley said.

  "Believe me when I say, I would if I could, but I can't." Flemmeth smirked. "You seemed to have weathered the storm though.

  "It's time magic." Haley turned away form Isabela and stood up to her full height staring at Flemeth.

  Her white hair glistening she gave a long slow clap. "Beautifully played. But I have nothing to do with it. I'm just along for the ride. Just like you. History does like you. You realize, of course, your girlfriend should be dead about a dozen times over by the time all this is said and done."

  "And your point?" Haley stewed at what was going on.

  "I'm amazed. Your pirate queen knows how to pick a good woman." Flemmeth laughed haughtily.

  "I can see the Inquisition. The hole in the Fade. My death on one side, my life on the other."

  "It's annoying, but you get used to it." At least you only have one lifetime. You can see so many possibilities, but only one path shall you walk in your life. Only one set of choices will you make." Flemmeth laughed. "My money is on the girlfriend. She's got potential to comeback every time."

  "Will this ever stop?" Haley asked.

  "This?" Flemmeth looked around. "The time rifts? " She picked up a peach of questionable origin off the table and bit into it. "Yes. They will stop or tear Thedas apart. My bet is on the former." You're near the epicenter of one. It will go away." The random choice the Inquisitor makes between you and the Grey Warden…it just that…random…it is as random as the Inquisitor…dwarf, elf, Quanari, male, female, it's whatever is rolled at the exact moment.

  "Just like not all the Haleys are alike. I prefer this one. I like the funny, banter, witty one. There is a version of you that ends up with Merrill, BTW. "

  "Merrill?" Haley scoffs.

  "I know it's hard to believe, but there are versions of you who are a sucker for the big eyes. There are even versions of you that are straight." Flemmeth looks at her mocking a gasp.

  "Stop it." Haley says.

  "Fenris seems to be pretty fun, but what you see in that Anders."

  "I do have to eat again, in this lifetime, you know." It's not going to stop for you Haley, but know this, after the Inquisition, at least it gets better, and you might get the joys of being a parent, yet. Look at the wonders it did me…by the way, I wouldn't assume through magical conception that Isabela would be the only one who could carry a baby to term."

  "Please, stop right there."

  "Yes, it is too soon." Flemmeth said. "I am off again. I hope to not see you again too soon, if I'm lucky and your lucky ever again in this lifetime Haley. Go to her. Your pirate queen will live."

  Flemmeth always one for an exit dashed on a hint of roguish smoke and Haley retuned to Isabela's side taking Isabela's hand in her own. Isabela weakly held on with her hand until she passed out from pain.

  Isabela's labored breathing settled down as she passed out and regained a little color.

  Anders started to speak, but Haley waved him off and she lifted Isabela onto the bed across the room.

  Varric took his cue and he ushered Blondie out the door and left Isabela and Haley alone in the room.

  Haley was pretty sure Isabela would remember very little of what happened. Haley opened a shoulder and Isabela snuggled in unaware of most of the past few weeks. It was a dull stabbing pain, nothing more.

  Unfortunately for Haley, she remembered every minute detail of everything now. The good and the bad: even how happy Isabela had been.

  How Isabela had come with the others when Haley and Varric had been captured for a simple ransom. The idiot mage who had tried blood magic to turn the tides when Haleys people easily cut a swath through the would-be kidnappers.

  He had slashed blindly and caught Isabela in the gut. Fetal blood: a premium in blood magic. It was one hell of a demon, Haley's own personal child/demon. It hadn't been pretty. It had killed it's master instantly and all the other ransomers. It thought Haley might let it live.

  It had taken an appearance that looked quite like hers. It had been powerful, artful, deadly, and had nearly taken Isabela with it when it died.

  The ending result had been Isabela at the tavern weeks later and Haley paying a visit tonight. Everyone had been shaken to the core by that one.

  Terminating the pregnancy and demon at the same time had all but destroyed Haley and Isabela for different reasons. The loss was different. The baby would have been viable, outside the womb.

  Time magic seemed a relief.

  Isabela stirred next to Haley. This Isabela knew who Haley was, but thankfully didn't seem to have the memories of last night.

  "What happened?" Isabela seemed truly confused.

  "Something bad. It's Kirkwall. We all live to fight another day." She would mention to Varric and Anders to say nothing. Sometimes it was best not to remember the nightmares. Haley had enough for them both.

  Isabela looked at the bandages covering her wounds. I've been gutted like a fish.

  "Be glad you're not a fish. They may not have tried to throw you back." Haley smiled.

  "Ass." Isabela shoved her and immediately wished she hadn't. "Holy crap."

  "More like holy Macarole." Haley couldn't help but giggle.

  "That's it. Get out of here…Ow" She swore under her breath.

  "When you're strong enough to throw me out; I'll leave. Until then, I promise to nurse you back to health, against your will of course."

  "I can't tell if it sounds awful or feels worse." Isabela swore at her bandaged stomach and Haley offered her a health potion. "Better." She muttered.

  "What the hell happened to my head? This doesn't feel like drink." Isabela started.

  "Also don't let strange men poison you. It's bad for the metabolism." Haley smirked.

  "I suppose you are my knight in shining armor." Isabela grumbled. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to tell you I don't deserve you, or some crap like that?"


  "Ugh. You're encouragable." She shoved at Haley and missed throwing herself across Haley's body instead.

  "I could make this work. Been looking throw the dictionary, again?" Haley said wrapping her arms around her. Glad that with her memory gone, she had the illusion of being able to keep her safe.

  "Let's see if we can find a way to get you transport across town to my estate." Haley said.

  "I'm a shit. I'm goi
ng to lay here and die in the Hanged Man as all shits do." Isabela muttered. She snuggled herself over Haley's body.

  Then we die by my cooking or the Hanged Man's…or we can have Bodan's cooking.

  "Right. I'll work on that. Maker, I think I'm going to die." Isabela whimpered into Haley's chest.

  It was only three weeks ago Isabela had said the same thing under very different circumstances.

  "Not today, my love. Not today."

  It was only three weeks ago Isabela managed to look radiant even after puking for ten minutes straight.

  Inside Haley's Estate the sun was moving into the late morning. Isabela staggered her way out of the privy and collapsed across Haley's bed.

  "I think I'm going to die."

  Haley was trying out a new greave made of dragon bone with new two-handed hilt. Haley wasn't one to preen in the mirror but Isabela was watching Haley go through different stances watching her maneuver a favorite blade in her hand.

  Isabela mindfully chomped on fresh mint Bodan had brought in from the garden. It was soothing and quite tasty. Not quite as tasty as watching Haley who was quite consumed in the way the hilt was moving in the greave and the balance of the weapon was changing with the new hilt.

  Unlike Haley's regular performance in battle she was wearing only a light shirt and halter, greaves and small clothes. Isabela was enjoying the full performance of Haleys muscles.

  If Haley had noticed she might have been annoyed or even embarrassed. Isabela was hungrily drinking in the sight. Haley had worked up quite a sweat even without full gear. She always put everything into her performance, something Isabela always enjoyed.

  Haley was working the blade on either side of her body trying to get a feel for the new balance and seeing if she really felt she could commit to a set of new armor. Sure it looked fantastic, but the real trick was the performance.

  Isabela was all about the performance. When Haley timed out one of her signature stabilizing moves Isabela knew she would hold it for 15 seconds, she always did.

  Haley's short hair was drenched with sweat, but Isabela didn't mind. She moved up behind her sliding her body behind Haley's. Pushing her face next to Haley's looking at her in the mirror.

  Haley had been thinking about anything but sex; however, that was before Isabela moved her hands from behind Haley down her abs pushing past her small clothes.

  "Haven't you ever wanted to watch the performance I get every time? It is an awfully nice mirror. Think you can hold that pose?" Isabela without a moment's hesitation slipped from behind between Haley's legs and cut off her small clothes with a handy dagger

  "Isabela." Haley was clearly taken by surprise, but too intrigued to move. Scratch that, too turned on to move.

  "Yes" Isabela purred back. "Why don't you hold that pose? It'll give you something to do while I enjoy my work. I have always loved to watch your abs get a good workout, but a good work out during an orgasm, what could be better?"

  Haley obliged keeping the heavy weapon perfectly still as Isabela flicked her tongue across her clit. Haley moaned and she could feel a rush of wetness practically pour down on Isabela.

  "Tasty, but Haley, I'd really like it if you'd enjoy the show. I mean the mirror is right there. Think you can manage to enjoy watching me work for a change?" Haley finally let her gaze drop to Isabela's tongue, and she was putting on quite a show for Haley. The demonstration didn't need to be so elaborate to be felt, but if did look amazing watching Isabela's tongue dance across her in the most intimate way a woman could taste and touch another woman.

  Isabela got a little extra surprise she wanted, a tremor from a Haley. Just the slightest tremor from her leg and her abs. Yes, she was wet and excited, but to have her on the verge of losing control.

  "No touching." Isabela teased. Just keep your hands where I can see them. Positioned on the sword Haley was having a slight trouble concentrating. The pull from her core and her overriding need to touch Isabela made it more than a bit difficult to hold this position. Isabela was enjoying every moment of it.

  "It's harder than it looks, huh? Only because you are you Haley. Trust me, most people would have no trouble just being serviced, but you, you want to touch and kiss and reciprocate. It's practically killing you.

  "I could keep you like this all day. It could be a really fun day."

  "Please." Haley spat. She was shaking with effort, and Isabela was doing having a hard time not letting her lover come. It was just too much fun to tease her. By the Maker she was hot. Still she did ask nicely.

  "Well…you did ask so sweetly." Isabela lapped noisily at Haley's clit, which would be enough to send her over the edge on her own, Haley was sensitive to anything when she didn't have anything to distract her, say anything to do to Isabela's body. Still, Isabela reached inside her slowly pushing a steady pace at her g spot why lapping at her clit increasing the pressure ever so slightly.

  Haley roared in response to all the stimulation and felt like she was coming from every possible direction. Isabela let her ridge through her clitoral orgasm and finally ditch the sword for the comfort of the back of her head and kept keeping pace with the deeper orgasm she knew she could get from her g-spot if she wasn't wound too tight, and even if she was she might trust her enough to ride through a few.

  Haley just let herself come in sheet after sheet of unexpected orgasm, finishing on the bed somehow with Isabela on top of her walls gripping rhythmically at Isabela. Haley was spent in a boneless heap.

  Isabela didn't really know which of the two of them was the more pleased.

  As Haley's body gave way to the last rack of orgasmic twitch she fell backwards against the bed dragging the Rivani pirate on top of her.

  Isabela loved it when Haley just wanted to feel her and just be with her. Haley would be sated for sometime. Isabela couldn't have been happier. She didn't know what family was. In reality, she had never really been part of one as far as she was concerned, but if being in one meant being with Haley, it was a hell of a way to start.


  Haley mind was reeling and mostly trying to forget the events of the last 24 hours. These attempts never works and only stained her memory with perfect recall.

  At least Isabela seemed robbed of her memory. Haley couldn't say she wasn't grateful that the nightmare was mostly gone. She'd have to tell Varric and the boys, though she noticed even they would forget things from time to time. Varric seemed the least effected, but everyone was being effected by something.

  The events had been horrible, and she decided she didn't care if she was the only one that bore the brunt of them. Usually it was her and another. She would remember and Varric, or she and Aveline, but Merrill would have no idea what she was talking about even if she had been in the thickest of the firefights with them.

  Haley didn't know what it meant. She knew things like this always came back to bite her in the ass, but for now, she was happy that Isabela seemed to remember little.

  Isabela trustingly snuggled onto Haley's chest. She was sure it couldn't have been that comfortable because Haley hadn't fully disrobed, but after the last few weeks it might have felt like paradise for all she knew.

  The Rivani didn't even have a crease in her brow. She seemed perfectly at peace. Haley been through enough of Isabela's nightmare's of childhood rapes, beatings, and general misfortunes to know that a good night's sleep was a rarity to be enjoyed.

  Dueling had helped, but at night, every weakness you ever had plagued you. Over the years Isabela's nightmares had subsided until…the last three weeks had been bad.

  If they were forgotten for some reason…

  Isabela nuzzled in and Haley gave in to fatigue and collapse. As luck would have it, Haley fell into a dreamless sleep, which was the best she had learned to hope for.

  Chapter 11: The Ending

  Haley sat across from Dorian. He looked comfortable in one of her well-appointed chairs from her estate. For all his flash and flourish, nothing he said made sense. Really

  "You can acting like you waiting for applause." Haley said as Dorian finished his tale of time magic.

  "Funny, that's what Inquisitor said when she met me." Dorian smiled."

  "Must be your unending charm." Haley said without missing a beat. "What's an Inquisitor?""

  "Ahhh well, yes, that's in your future. I'm in your future actually." Dorian picked at a piece of link on his clothes."

  "Lovely." Haley just fell back on the bed exhausted. Time magic sounded worse than blood magic and this pedantic little fruit was driving her mad. No direct answers just flippant little sidesteps. "My future is filled with Tiventer cream cakes, I'm sorry does that affront? Tiventer cream cakes with an extreme sense of fashion."

  "Well, there you go then." Dorian seemed pleased with the final response. "It will be fine in the end. It sorts itself out. It gets worse the closer you get to the rift, but we do manage to close it. Problem solved."

  Haley roared flipping an idle piece of furniture out of the way and covering the ground between Dorian and herself in the three steps. Dorian didn't quite have time to reach for his staff before she easily kicked it away."

  "In the last year, do you know how many of my friends I've watched died and reappear as though nothing has happened. My lover skewered herself on my own blade. No memory. Not even the people that healed her. Not even the people that were there. I am the only one who remembers anything. You say time magic and laugh it off as if it were nothing. If the future needs me so badly that your Inquisitor sent me back, or Varric, or whoever the fuck, I suggest you explain that discrepancy now." Haley was short of breath but her mind was ragged, and the blade wasn't exactly steady either. Dorian was nicked and bleeding."

  "Those events. The main events, like the one you described with your lover. They probably never happened in the main time-stream, or the one where one of your companions died, but shows back up to fight with you, and no one has a memory of it but you. It was an off-shoot. An alternate reality. It never happened to anyone else. You remember what might have been, a tangent. They ride the rifts. You remember them. All of them. Time magic is new. It is also dangerous. There seems to be one person that either exists or will exist with an intact working knowledge of what is or should be. I can explain no further, there is no more to explain."


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