Legend of the Touched

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Legend of the Touched Page 9

by JF Jenkins

  "So you have a school dance," Tai said, blinking a couple of times. Things were a lot different in the city than on Little Oceina Island where she grew up. Though, maybe the island dwellers took the task more seriously since they were the source of the dragons demanded sacrifice. Just like her, other girls had been chosen to be placed on the altar as a method of appeasing the Dragon Lord. What the priests and islanders didn't know was that this ritual was actually a method created by the Oceina Dragons to help them gain a bride.

  Back home everyone thought she was dead, not married to a wonderful, handsome man. She understood why the dragons had to do things this way. There were a lot of factors to consider. They aged differently, slower, and they had powerful magic. It would have been hard for her to blend in with the people she'd known her whole life, watch them get old, then die, and have her hardly change. They wouldn't understand it.

  Her family would mourn her this winter, a thought that made her sad. More than anything, she wanted to tell her family she was okay and safe, happy. Over the summer, Darien had used his magic to send her mother a message trying to convey this, but she wasn't sure if it got through or if it was believed. At least she tried though, right?

  "I can't believe you didn't know though. I mean, there are posters up and it's what, two weeks away? Didn't Darien ask you?" Alivia raised an eyebrow.

  Tai shook her head slowly. "No, he's not mentioned it once."

  "Weird. Like, okay, I get he's always been a social recluse and all, but I would think after finally getting a girlfriend he'd be jumping all over this chance."

  "You'd think," Tai mumbled trying to not show just how disappointed she was by it. A dance was petty, but it also was a great excuse to do something fun. She didn't even like to dance necessarily. But they needed to get out, him especially, and she'd give anything to feel pretty instead of bloated and frumpy. It might not have showed, but on the inside, Tai felt disgusting.

  "I'm sorry," Alivia whispered. She put a hand on Tai's and gave it a small squeeze. "If you don't want to come with us to shop, I understand. Everyone else has a date. Even Alex."

  "You say that like he wouldn't get one." Tai laughed at the idea. Alex was a tall, blond stud. He could probably have any girl he wanted even if he did have a tendency to be immature, but he had sweet moments. The guy didn't cause any problems for her outside of his unneeded flirtations.

  Alivia sighed, smiling and shaking her head. "Never mind. The point is, if you don't want to come with, it's fine."

  "I still want to. Getting out with everyone would be fun." Tai tried to remember Darien's schedule. Her memory was starting to go. Another nasty pregnancy symptom she hadn't been warned about. He should have been in study hall, so the interruption wouldn't be minded too much if she contacted him.

  The girls want to go out after school with me. Can I go?

  He must have been bored because his reply was prompt. Go where?

  To the mall. They want to go shopping.

  Sounds fun. We can do that.

  It's a girl thing. They're buying dresses. She wouldn't flat out say why, curious to see if he'd pick up on it or not.

  He was quiet for a minute. Just the girls?

  Yes, who else would want to buy clothes? Not any guys I know.

  Good point. I know I'd rather not be there if I don't have to be.

  So does that mean I can go?

  Another long pause. Yeah, it sounds good to me. Do you need a ride there?

  Tai couldn't help but beam. Him letting her go some place on her own was a huge step. For a while, he wouldn't because he didn't want her to run away or get hurt. Did he finally trust her? She knew she hadn't done much to earn it. She'd left over the summer, thinking about escaping and going home. Once the realization came that she couldn't exactly leave him, not without a lot of negative consequences at least, she'd come back. They were a part of each other's lives forever. She loved him. There was no reason for her to do anything so stupid anymore. As much as she missed home, she didn't want to leave him either.

  "How are we getting there? Do I need to find my own way?" Tai asked.

  "We can carpool."

  I'll ride there with the girls and you can pick me up later? she suggested to him.

  Okay. I need to do some shopping myself, so I'll meet you there, he said.

  She wanted him to let her friends drop her back off at home too, or to even be allowed to take herself, but she didn't want to push her luck either. There was a reason no one knew where Darien lived, and a reason he didn't let himself get close to others. Being at the school was a social experiment for him and nothing more. He was there to observe the humans before going off to get a job somewhere in the city. That was what the men in his family did. It didn't bother him as much as it did her that the students thought he was weird. If she let her new friends know where she lived, it could put a lot of their secrets at risk. The city was still large and confusing. Tai would probably get lost if left to her own devices anyway.

  It was a step though, and a huge one.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The Inero

  When are you coming home again? You promised, Matt asked his brother. Kat's time to deliver was coming up soon, and he'd yet to hear any confirmation on when Jason would be back.

  It took a few minutes for a reply, and for a moment Matt wondered if he was being ignored. What could his twin possibly be busy with? He was on an island on a vacation. There were only a handful of things he could think of. Maybe Jason was finally busy with his wife. If so, he felt bad for interrupting.

  We'll be back at the beginning of next week. Only for a little while of course, Jason said. There was no agitation in his tone, so he must have not been busy after all.

  Matt closed his eyes. Okay, thank you. It's at the point where it's any day now, but there's more to it. I want you back for other reasons.

  Like? Jason asked.

  I miss you, for one. And I need you to do something for me, but we can talk about it later. This is stuff I'd rather say in person anyway. Matt scowled, wondering why his brother sounded so cold. Didn't he miss Matt as well?

  Again, Jason didn't reply for a few minutes. I was wondering if you had a job for me, a task.

  I'm not sure I appreciate your sarcastic tone. Matt's fists clenched. Why aren't you taking this seriously?

  I am. It's been a while since you've contacted me just to talk to me. Usually you have something you want.

  An agenda you mean?

  If that's the word you'd rather use, then sure. I wasn't going to go that far though.

  Your implication does it for you. Matt growled a little which caught the attention of a brother he passed by.

  Jason went quiet, again. Well that wasn't quite what I meant. You don't contact me to just chat though, and I haven't been doing it much either. You seem busy all of the time, and I don't like being a disturbance to you. I've never liked it much. What you do is too important. This is clear.

  Ugh, stop making me feel guilty. Matt groaned and walked into the nearest empty room. There was no way he could focus on getting back to his room while having this conversation. Plus, he didn't want Kat to see him upset. It was important for him to stay strong and collected for her as she got ready to go into labor.

  I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, Jason said. Never mind. I wasn't trying to pick a fight. If you'd talk to me more, maybe you wouldn't feel so on edge.

  Well, I don't want to talk via mind link all of the time.

  The phone works too.

  I want to talk to you in person. I don't like you being so far away physically. I can feel it constantly and nothing can make it end. He shook his head, closing his eyes and wishing he didn't have to admit that in order for his brother to realize how much he was needed back home. Maybe not so much for the cause, but for his own sanity and completeness. They were brothers, twins; they needed to stay inseparable. He felt like someone or something was trying to keep them together.

ld on to everything good. Keep sight of your faith. That's what his gut told him. Matt had heard those words spoken to him once before, but he couldn't for the life of him remember where. It felt far too important to let slip away.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The Oceina

  Advanced Biology was the most complicated of Darien's classes, but still easy. At least it was interesting and not something he was already completely familiar with. There were things for him to learn still unlike most of his other classes. Being alive for as long as he had, most of what he had left to discover was either something specialized in one area or something he had to figure out through life experience. He didn't like biology much either. It fascinated him in that he liked to know how everything worked, but dissecting and memorizing complicated names for simple body parts was not his cup of tea. At least he got to work alone most of the time. He hated doing group projects.

  At that moment in time, he was memorizing muscles on a dead cat as part of his final. Not something he was excited about, and the smell was horrible. The class had the whole week to poke at the thing before their final exam. He couldn't wait for it to be over with just to get the smell out of his nostrils for good.

  So what kind of shopping are you going to do with the girls? he asked Tai, looking for something to entertain himself with. She should have been in an art class if he remembered her schedule correctly, or a study hall. Tai had a lot of those. Her schedule was a lot lighter than his since he figured she'd only be there for socializing purposes.

  Dresses, I told you that, she said. Aren't you busy?

  Studying. Bored. Figured I'd do my favorite thing in the world and talk to you. He couldn't help but give a cheesy smile even if she couldn't see it. Dresses huh? That is a very girlie thing. Glad I don't need to be there.

  We've established you wouldn't enjoy it too much.

  Right. He mentally kicked himself to pay better attention. So why dresses? Didn't she have a lot of those? Maybe her friends didn't and she was only going for moral support. He knew she wanted to get out more. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel like she was trapped. Tai was his wife, not his prisoner. Letting her go and wander the city was something he'd been meaning to suggest for her to do. Learning her way around was important, especially with how often the city changed over the years. The timing didn't ever work out, but this was a good alternative because then she wouldn't be alone. He wouldn't have to worry. As much as he could give her a tour, she did need the time away from him too. Finding the balance of giving her enough attention and too much was hard. He didn't think he'd ever be able to win.

  Tai? If you're busy I can leave you alone, he said after she didn't reply.

  Sorry, too busy laughing at Alex.

  He gripped his pencil more tightly as he wrote a few notes and doodles in his notebook, irritated. I see.

  Relax. It's not a big deal.

  I know, but he still bugs me. He grumbled quietly to himself as he thought it.

  She was probably rolling her eyes at him for even suggesting it. What did I tell you about being so paranoid?

  It's not paranoia. I don't think you're going to leave me for him. I just notice you're being receptive to his more traditional way of doing things. He sighed. I don't want to fight. It's okay if you think he's funny. Everything with Tony has me on edge. The smells coming off of Alex, off of you, it all combines to something I'm not enjoying. Just keep my feelings in mind. I don't want to keep you from your friends, but I notice things. Why couldn't she see that? Wouldn't she feel the same way if a girl did the same thing to him?

  Ugh, yes I would feel the same way if some girl was all over you, but I'm supposed to get irrational because I'm pregnant. I'm not Ashley first of all, and second, Alex isn't interested in me like that.

  He scowled wishing he'd not said anything. But did he? No she started the fight. He didn't do anything wrong. No, you're not her. And I'll believe you after you tell me what he smells like right now.

  What he...smells like? I'm not going to sniff him for you, she quipped. I guess he smells like something that makes me think of cinnamon apple coffee cake? Which Ethan thinks sounds really good now, by the way, so thanks for that. Now it's like a cinnamon roll, which sounds even better. I'm getting so hungry.

  Yeah, I have every right to be worried about him. Cinnamon is lust. I thought I told you that. It's not you I don't trust, it's him. He doesn't respect our relationship. I'm trying to protect him as much as I am you. Even if it seems harmless please don't flirt with him anymore. I can't stand it right now. He put his head on the table for a moment, squeezing his eyes shut with frustration.

  And I told you before, I'm not flirting with him at all. But if it bothers you this much, I'll just not talk to him for a while.

  I'm not saying—.

  I need a break anyway because if he's going to smell so delicious, I'm going to get fat fast with these cravings, she teased.

  Darien growled a little, and it must have been loud enough for others to hear because a few students gave him sideways glances. Delicious? Really? That was the last thing he wanted to hear when he thought about her and Alex. Your attempt at humor isn't all that funny for me.

  Loosen up then. Or maybe I should tell you about all of the nummy smells coming off of you that already make me crazy?

  His eyebrows perked up. Oh really?

  Figured you'd like that. Caramel rolls, cinnamon tea, and hash browns are what I ate for breakfast this morning, and that was all your fault.

  I get the first two, but not the last one.

  They're my comfort food. They make me feel safe and at home. That's how I feel when I'm with you. And since I'm too tired to indulge in you, I have to settle for the food version. A lot.

  I didn't realize....

  We'd only be interrupted anyway.

  Probably. Though he hated to say it. He'd give anything for one good night with his wife where they could be together and do more besides talk for ten minutes and then try and sleep.

  I want that too. Those things.

  I'm trying. The balancing act was hard. You never told me what the dresses were for.

  Not anything that matters to me, she said a little too sharply and it made him wonder if she was lying.

  Darien poked at the dead cat some more. He'd let the issue drop for now. Just asking.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The Inero

  Jason had been busy researching when his brother decided to contact him. Normally, he had more patience when dealing with his twin, but not so much at that moment in time. Something about this Leo living in his head wasn't sitting right with him. The way he worded their deal felt sneaky to him, and Jason was already regretting having made it without thinking it through more carefully. It did buy him some time and some quiet. How conscious was this other entity in his head though? How powerful? Leo couldn't take control of him through force could he?

  First Jason looked up everything he could find on possession. The library on Shanrea wasn't anywhere near as large as the one back at the castle. There weren't a lot of books on the topic. Most were ancient and hard to read. Some were even written in the dragon tongue, something that surprised Jason. Why would the island have a book made for dragons in its collection?

  "Possession occurs when weakness is detected in the human soul," Jason read aloud. He kept his voice low in case anyone else happened to pass by. Unlike the castle library, the islanders enjoyed spending time there. Gwen was off in another section looking for things to read. He made sure to tell her he needed his space.

  Weakness in my soul? My soul isn't weak. He scowled a little and continued to read. "Only dark spirits have been recorded as possessing a human. While spirits of light have the same abilities as those of dark, they will not enter a human and violate their right to free will. They have been known to speak through dreams and visions."

  Jason's voice shook when he spoke next. "Only dark spirits...." He continued a little further. "Pure huma
ns have been known to be possessed and transformed into beings of darkness. They are preferred hosts because their transition from light to dark is so drastic. Once a human falls to the darkness, it is hard to bring them back out again. Only a spirit of light can evict a spirit of the dark." He closed the book, not liking what he was finding.

  "So," he wondered out loud. "I'm either a weak spirit or a pure one. What would be more beneficial to a dark host though? A pure one? Maybe?" He frowned as he thought that over. It made sense, but it didn't seem quite right to him. Something in his gut was telling him otherwise. "Maybe I'm both?" Was that even possible? To be weak, but pure? "I don't see why not...." He was trying to keep his thought process verbal and out of his internal monologue in case this thing possessing him decided to start listening in. "He said to call him Leo...." He started to skim through the book for that name and found nothing, and did the same for all of the others he had gathered. Nothing was coming up.

  Frustrated, Jason went to go and find a computer so he could search the library database. "Leo, dark." He typed into the search field and then hit enter. A few articles appeared, but nothing that seemed relevant to his project. "What's another name for dark spirit?" He chewed on his lower lip, and typed in "Leo, demon." A number of results showed up, but the one catching his attention the most was a newspaper article from twelve human years ago. Four dragon years.

  Clicking the link, he swallowed, readying himself for anything. "Valerie, aged fifteen, plead guilty to four counts of murder...." He skimmed through the article and stopped, taking in a deep breath at what he found. "The girl made claims that she was influenced by a demon named Leo. While priests attempted to exercise the demon from out of her, she died from a heart attack. The only survivor of the attacks, an eight-year-old boy named Seth...."

  The same Seth that's my father's prophet of God? The name and the age lined up. Seth was twelve now. It couldn't have been merely a coincidence. "No, not the prophet of God...." That felt wrong to him. "False Prophet...." He went back to his stack of books and grabbed the Holy Book, going on gut intuition alone, or maybe it was a faded memory still trying to linger in his mind. He turned to the book of the Great Prophet Iguial, the First Great Inero Lord. The man was best known for his writings about the coming of the Great Dragon, as dictated to him by God Himself, supposedly.


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