Legend of the Touched

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Legend of the Touched Page 25

by JF Jenkins

  The Inero

  Flying on the Oceina dragon's back was much more frightening than flying on a Terran. The earth dragons had more on their bodies to hold on to. Darien's back was more comfortable for sitting, but Jason had nothing more than a few scales to grip. The water dragons flew much more smoothly than the Terran though. It helped ease Jason's mind.

  The three men going to the Aero nation had all packed a backpack and left early in the morning. The flight to the wind dragons' home was longer than their flight from the Inero nation even though there wasn't quite as far to travel. Darien flew at a slower pace, but he also had to avoid more harsh weather conditions as well as the most impressive mountain range Jason had ever seen in his entire life. His breath caught in awe at the snow capped tops and sharp angles making up the peaks.

  This is a mistake, the demon said.

  Jason ignored it. The creature speaking did remind him that he needed to talk to Darien and Chris about his possession before something else happened. The time didn't feel right earlier, but it never did, and finding the right words was difficult.

  "Chris," Jason said softly.

  The young man glanced his way briefly before going back to looking straight ahead. Like always, he was stoic and strong. There were few times when Jason had ever seen Chris express much of an emotion.

  "Yes?" Chris asked.

  "I need you to watch me carefully, and if you see me do anything strange, make sure you stop me," Jason said.

  "I can hear you, you know," Darien said. "What's going on?"

  Both of Chris's eyebrows raised. "That's what I want to know. Can you please elaborate more? 'Strange' is a vague term. A lot of what you do is strange."

  Jason snorted quietly. Of all the times to make a joke. But that's how Chris was, dry.

  "Around when you and Navi left, my father had Matt and I perform a ceremony for him. In it, we helped the prophet tap into the spiritual realm to help him see some kind of amazing vision or whatever. When this happened though, it exposed all of our souls to everything in this realm. Recently, I had a dream that I was in a deep, dark cave. In it was a monster. Shapeless and black, he began to take on the form of a man who looked similar to my people—to me. He calls himself Leo, but he has many other names. One of them is the Great Evil. For some reason, he picked me to be his host to try and walk his dark path of destruction. I don't want to be that." Jason tried to rush through his speech as quickly as possible, hating that he had to admit it to begin with. His dream and reliving the nightmare of when it all first happened made him feel so weak.

  After a long silence, Darien was the one who spoke next. "And what does this demon want? If it's possessing you, how do we know you're telling us the truth?"

  Jason sighed. "I guess you have to decide if you want to trust me or not. But I don't see why it would want to tell you everything if you can stop its plans? For some reason, it never stays inside of me for long. Like there's some kind of channel between us, and it pops in and out. If I mate with my wife, then the possession becomes permanent. I believe all of this ties in with our mission anyway."

  "Why you?"

  "Because I was there and because it could. I don't know. You can either help me or—." He stopped and rubbed at his head as pain began to form right between his eyes.

  Chris put a hand on his shoulder, and Jason was surprised by the gentleness.

  "I will keep watch," Chris said.

  "Same," Darien said, but there was some apprehension in his tone.

  A large, white Aero dragon appeared before them then. Jason's jaw dropped. He'd only seen paintings of the Aero before. They were elusive, and weren't easy to photograph. The dragon before them was a beautiful creature. The pale scales shimmered in the sun, and when the light hit them at just the right angle, a tiny rainbow appeared. His body was graceful and beautiful with a slender neck, a rounded lizard body, and magnificent wings.

  "Welcome to our airspace, but I have been sent to ask why you have come to our nation," the Aero dragon said.

  If Darien was nervous or afraid, it didn't show in his voice when he spoke. He sounded much more diplomatic than Jason would have expected. "I am the Lord of the Oceina, and I have come to speak with your Lord Patlih. I apologize for not contacting him to tell him of my coming in advance, but things have been complicated in my nation as I'm sure you know. I didn't want to risk another attack, especially on the border of my friends."

  "My Lord has brought me to welcome you into his home, and has asked me to escort you. He was worried perhaps you were seeking refuge."

  "I'm thankful for his kindness, please, lead the way."

  The Aero dragon turned and flew lower. Darien followed.

  Chapter Eighty-One

  The Inero

  "Thank you for coming on such short notice Lord Taylor," Matt said and greeted the Great Terran Lord with a handshake. He waved for the man to sit down in a chair across from him. Matt was sitting at his father's desk. It felt strange and empowering all at once. Like he was made to fill the shoes Lynx had left behind.

  "I'm sorry for your loss," Lord Taylor said as he sat down. His handshake had been a little stronger than the last time Matt had met with him, but not by much. The man was clearly easy to intimidate.

  Matt nodded, grateful for the condolences. "I don't think I need to explain how this proves what the Oceina are capable of, do I?"

  "No, you do not."

  "If my daughter is to be promised to your grandson, then I need to make sure that you aren't playing for the wrong side. I don't want her to be mixed up in corruption, to be hurt. She deserves to be respected. She's a miracle."

  "I agree with all of those statements."

  "Good," Matt said with a smile and leaned back in the chair. He even dared to kick his feet up on top of it like he had seen his father do a few times. Probably not the most professional of moves, but he wanted Lord Taylor to understand that he could be a friend too. If they were going to be future in-laws, they needed to bond on a more personal level as well.

  Matt let out a soft sigh. "So tell me about your son. Your grandson. I'd like to know more about your family in general."

  Taylor relaxed in his seat some and for the first time, Matt saw the man smile. He must have been proud of his family. That was a good trait in a man. "My son is Touched, as you know. He's about three or four years older than you, twenty."

  "Three years then," Matt confirmed.

  "He works in a restaurant, and is a chef. He's very talented. I know in your culture that your line of power is based on blood and greatness. Where I am from, we are elected, as you know. We come from all walks of life. My family has always lived comfortably, but not excessively. I don't believe in flaunting our money, and my son is the same way. So while he is successful with his business, he lives in a decently sized apartment. He's completely self sufficient."

  "Impressive!" And unexpected. Matt wouldn't have thought the Great Lord's son, a Touched one at that, would be a simple chef. Still, it was nice in a way. The way this son was being described made it evident that Taylor taught good family values.

  "I am pleased with him. He's my only son."

  "Only one?" Matt blinked, startled by this. Almost all dragons had multiple sons. The Terran were known to wed later in life on occasion, but that never stopped them from having a good-sized family. For a dragon of any kind to have less than five was a bit of a shock. Given the long dragon lifespan, it just made sense.

  Taylor's eyes averted Matt's gaze. "There were complications with the birth. He's Touched, so his magic is strong. It left my wife unable to have any more children, but I consider myself lucky given what I've heard has happened to other women who have given birth to similar sons."

  Matt's expression softened with slight pity for the man. That had to be rough, but it was a miracle all the same he got to keep his bride. "Yes, this is true. I don't think I know of a woman who's lived through it. My...my mother died when she gave birth to my brother and me." Menti
oning Jason in passing made him sad and angry all at once.

  "The Aero Lord's wife survived, but it left her crippled for the rest of her life. It's a high price to pay for such a powerful son. It's an honor and humbling at the same time. It's taught me a lot about the balance of life."

  "Tell me more?" Matt asked quietly. He put his feet down and leaned forward in his chair.

  "My son is a widower. It's a tragic story. His wife had left for the store while he tended to the little one and some business things, and she never came home. Three days later, they found her body. She'd been robbed, raped, and killed. They'd only been wed for a year," Taylor said.

  "I'm sorry to hear," Matt said softly.

  "It's been a rough year since that happened. I am sure when he feels ready, Taj, my son, will fall in love again."

  Matt didn't know what to say, so he only nodded in agreement. Living a life without love would be brutal. "I'm eager to meet him myself some day. Hopefully someday soon." He wanted to bring up the war with Oceina again, and talk plans on how to finish this once and for all. It didn't seem like a good time to do so. Lord Taylor had to have known that was the main reason why Matt had called him. The Terran Lord bowed his head, and went back to business.

  "Hopefully," Taylor said. "And let me reassure you one more time that my people will be on the side of right. Justice will prevail. We're family now. Maybe not officially, but our words have made it so. I know you are a good man, Matthias. I have no qualms with doing what is needed."

  Chapter Eighty-Two

  The Oceina

  Tai was restless with the men gone. Darien had made sure to tell her that they arrived safely in the Aero nation. She couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a day when he would be by her side for longer than a day or two. Patience, she told herself. When everything was over, there would be more than enough time to make up for all of their lost moments.

  While she waited for him to return, she took the time to help clean up from their makeshift Festival of Tears celebration. It'd been low-key, but somehow Tony had made sure to put silver tinsel in places she'd never expected to find when he decorated the entryway of the palace. There hadn't been many gifts. Usually it was customary to give the members of the family something to show them how much they were appreciated. She hadn't gotten around to purchasing any gifts before the attack on Oceina City either. In fact, she'd forgotten to find a way to do so. Tai felt bad because Darien had gotten her a pair of beautiful earrings that he'd left behind at the apartment. He vowed to someday go back for them.

  As she did her best to collect all of the tinsel from the ceiling rafters, Tai tried to think of something she could give him. It needed to be amazing. He'd put up with a lot from her and treated her like a princess despite how she'd been mean to him.

  She sighed and sat down on the stone steps that lead up to the bedrooms. Maybe the best thing she could do for him was offer up a prayer that everything would end soon.

  "Working hard, or hardly working?" Alex asked from behind. She heard his heavy steps echo as he came down the stairs.

  There was no running away now. She'd been trying to avoid him from the moment she realized he was there. Darien had filled her in right away. Finding the right words to say to Alex was hard.

  "Oh, uh, hardly working. Break time."

  "You don't have to do all of that. I can, or Allegra can, or well, someone else." He sat next to her.

  "I need something to do besides sitting around."

  He nodded as though he understood then bit his lower lip. "So you weren't kidding about it being complicated."

  Tai blinked away a few tears. "I wanted to tell you..."

  "But you couldn't, yeah I know. I get it, a lot more than I think anyone realizes."

  "I heard about what happened to your parents. I'm sorry. This must be a hard transition for you both."

  He shrugged. "Allegra is taking it harder than me. I haven't been trying to think about what happened to them, diving into being useful, so I can get my revenge. She's freaking out. It's good you're here because I think it'll help calm her down to be around someone her age who's a girl."

  "It's not an easy one to make." Tai understood full well what her friend was going through. She'd felt that way for most of her time with Darien.

  "What's funny about being here is I feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be. Maybe it's because I've been able to speak the dragon tongue my whole life. Some people are just born with the gift, you know? I'm not sure. I always knew they'd be a part of my future though. Have you ever felt that same pull of destiny?"

  "I think so? It's why I've stayed."

  "Not because of one true love?" He raised an eyebrow.

  She gave a tiny smile. "That was part of the discovery of my destiny. I'm not sure I've ever been a firm believer of it. The idea that I'm not in control of my future is kind of silly."

  "You are in control of your destiny, but I think people are prewired to do certain things. Whether they do them or not is their choice. I was meant to get close to you, so I could become one of the Guardian. And that's why I didn't join the priesthood at a young age." He stated it so matter of factly that Tai was jealous. She wanted to be so sure of everything. Alex glanced her way briefly, before continuing. "I knew I was supposed to protect you from something. He told me that was my job while he was gone, to make sure you stay okay. And if anything happens to make sure you're still taken care of. It's a Guardian duty, so don't fight me on it."

  "Nothing is going to happen," she said firmly.

  "Well if something does, that's how it is." He shrugged.

  Tai finally looked at him, really looked at him, taking in his handsome chiseled face and the softness in his blue eyes. She let out a soft sigh. "You don't think anything will...do you?"

  "No, because if there's one thing I know about Darien, it's that he doesn't just lie down. He fights, and he's hard to beat."

  Chapter Eighty-Three

  The Inero

  Kat rocked the egg like she would if it were an actual child. Inside was her baby, so she technically was. She couldn't wait to touch her daughter's flesh, to cuddle and care for her. Her daughter was about the only thing she was sure of anymore.

  She stopped her rocking when the door to the nursery opened. Turning to the doorway, she saw a tall, middle-aged, dark-skinned man who she'd never met before.

  "I'm sorry, I did not mean to interrupt," he said in a soft voice.

  "It's quite all right," she said, wanting to be polite. He wasn't of the Inero, she was sure of it. She pulled the egg closer to her chest. News of the baby being a girl was slowly starting to trickle through the gossip channels. Matt swore their family was safe, but with the war, anyone could be a possible enemy.

  "May I help you?" she asked.

  The man stepped into the room, smiling. It seemed genuine, and that helped ease any of her fears. He didn't enter more than a few feet. "I heard the first female dragon was here. She is to wed my grandson, and I wanted to be introduced to her formally. And also to her mother." He offered her a hand to shake. She did so, and she liked how warm his touch was. "My name is Taylor."

  "Katarina, most call me Kat." She held the egg out so he could have a good view. Her protective hold over it remained.

  "And does she have a name?" His hands began to glow with a soft olive-green. "This is amazing. I have spoken with your husband, and I know he has shared some skepticism just like me. But I can sense her inside. Before I was the Great Lord of my people, I was a doctor you see."

  Taylor's smile was contagious, and she couldn't help but reciprocate it. A good man, he must have raised a good son too, and his grandson would make a wonderful husband. Kat especially loved that he wanted to know her child's name.

  "Danielle," Kat said. "You can feel her too? Like the other doctors? They can see her. I felt her inside of me and knew then."

  "One of the most beautiful things about motherhood is your ability to bond with the child before anyone els
e gets to meet him. Or in your case, her. Yes, I can feel her. Not just see, but feel. My medical specialty was not only in the physical but the spiritual as well."

  "That's incredible."

  "You are kind and good hearted," Taylor said. "So is your husband."

  "I'm glad you think so. A lot has happened, and I know he has been angry and confused lately. That you can still see his goodness is a relief to me."

  "You're both young, and I'm sure this whole situation is causing a lot of stress for everyone."

  "Yes." She gazed down at the floor. And a lot of sadness. When Matt didn't think she was paying attention, he cried over the loss of his father. Lenora had barely eaten since Lynx had passed. Her family felt broken, and she wished there was something she could do to make it whole again, especially since she felt as though it were partly her fault. If she hadn't kept Matt to herself that night, or told Navi about the Oceina prisoners, maybe everything could have been prevented. While Matt told Kat to not blame herself, she still felt guilty. There was no way for her to have known, but she could have been smarter as well.

  Taylor looked at the egg in her hands and his smile faded, but his expression remained soft. "Believe me when I say, I am doing everything I can to help this end soon. Chin up, and stay strong. Your smile will help him the most. It was good to meet you Katarina. I'm happy to be in an agreement with your family."

  Chapter Eighty-Four

  The Oceina

  Upon landing in the Aero nation, Darien and the others still had to travel another mile by foot through a forest before they were brought to a car to take them into Aero City. They were brought to the Great Lord's home, a beautiful modern castle of silver and crystal. It wasn't quite as large as Darien would have expected, at least not in length, but the height was impressive. It towered over several of the other buildings in the city. Much like the Inero City, the buildings in the Aero nation were not skyscrapers like in Oceina City. There was a more modern quality to Aero City than what he remembered of Inero, however. It was a lot calmer as well.


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