Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance)

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Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance) Page 9

by Checketts, Cami

  Zack entered the room. He smelled really nice and fresh, like he’d showered. “Brooks will probably beat me for slacking on the lookout job, but I really needed a shower and the surveillance equipment does a great job. Brooks checks it every time he visits.”

  “I thought you smelled yummy already.” Maddie bit her lip and glanced away.

  Zack took a few steps closer. “Are you hungry, thirsty?”

  Thirsty for your kiss. “Water would be great.” She smiled to herself.

  He got them each a glass of water and then motioned to the couches. “Do you want to sit?”

  Maddie hated that it’d gotten awkward between them. Had she overstepped boundaries snuggling him on the ride back or said something with Brooks that had turned him off from her? Maybe he was sick of his life being in upheaval for a woman he barely knew.

  She sank into the couch in the living room, enjoying the cool water sliding past her lips and down her throat. Setting her glass on a side table, she laced her hands together. “And now we wait.”

  Zack nodded. “Luckily we’re both a little more patient than Brooks.”

  Maddie laughed. “So you met him in London, and, after he fought for you, it was instant friendship?”

  “He came to London in 2012 and was the only one who wanted to be seen with me after the debacle. When I returned home to New York, things were … uncomfortable for me.” He cleared his throat and looked away. “So I went to visit Brooks in Cozumel. He helped me find this island.”

  Maddie swallowed at the pain on his face. “Were people rude to you after the Olympics?”

  He shrugged. “Not rude. It was more … I don’t know, disappointed. Awkward.”

  She clasped her hands together and asked something she probably shouldn’t. “What happened?”

  His head whipped up. “What do you mean?”

  “You’d never made a mistake before. I remember all the hype about it.” She looked down. “I used to trip all the time, but I’ve worked really hard to be coordinated. I thought maybe we were kindred spirits until I read up about how you’d never tripped, always smooth and in control.”

  “I like how you worked so hard to be fit and coordinated.”

  Maddie blushed. “Thank you.” They sat in silence for a few moments. “Now I’ve revealed my awkwardness to you. Your turn.”

  Zack circled his glass with his hand, rubbing away the condensation with his thumb. “Please don’t share this with anyone.”

  Maddie leaned slightly forward, much too interested, because Zack was willing to share something with her that not many people knew.

  “I was injured in the fight the night before. My ankle got twisted. It was just a sprain, but it was enough to affect my performance.” He stared directly at her. “Only Brooks and one of my coaches know the truth about it.”

  Maddie shook her head. “But why? Why didn’t you tell the world? Everyone blamed you instead of understanding.”

  “If I told the world about the fight, you know they’d demand to know why I was in that fight in the first place. I’ve been on my share of morning talk shows. I know how they are.” His eyes darkened. He set the glass down on the side table and clasped his hands together. Tense seconds passed. Finally, he said, “Well, aren’t you going to ask why I was in that fight?”

  “Um.” Maddie chewed at her cheek. She wanted to know, but was it her right? He’d already shared so much with her. “If you want to tell me.”

  He stood and paced the room, looking out at the dark night instead of at her. “My father and I fought for years over ‘my silly running obsession,’ as he called it.”

  “Silly!” Maddie exclaimed. “You were the best in the world.”

  He nodded his thanks before continuing, “We never got along—both too hardheaded, my sister would say—but my Olympic dreams made it even worse. Especially because my mom supported me in it. As a teenager, he forced me to work long hours for him when I should’ve been training. I actually liked the work and excelled at it, but being an Olympian was my dream. My mom hired the best trainers, and they worked with me whenever I had a spare minute. I’d go to the gym at five a.m. and train until school started at seven-thirty.” He smiled. “Dad never knew.”

  Maddie stayed silent, watching him pace and talk.

  “My dad’s mistake was paying me too well and teaching me too much. By the time I graduated college, I had a huge portfolio of investments that were doing so well I could pursue my dream without any support from him. My mom continued to hire trainers and travel with me; I think just to show that she supported me.”

  Maddie was fully invested in his story, but not sure how it led to his fight. “Your parents are still together?”

  “Oh, yeah. They love each other. My dad adores my mom, and she has no clue about … what he did.”

  “The fight?” she guessed.

  “Yep.” He clenched and unclenched his fist. “I was just leaving a team dinner and went for a walk to stretch my legs. Those guys grabbed me and hauled me into a van, took me to the alley where Brooks found me. I thought they were going to try to get ransom or something. They never said a word, just started beating on me.”

  As horrible as Maddie’s father was, he’d never hurt her directly or on purpose. “How’d you know it was your dad?”

  “I wouldn’t have if Brooks hadn’t shown up and turned the fight around.” Zack gave her an embarrassed smile. “He beat the truth out of one of them. They claimed a tall black man who looked a lot like me but with darker skin had paid them to ambush me so I’d be forced to quit competing.”

  “Wow.” Maddie reclined into the cushions and mulled it all over. Zack settled next to her, though his fists were still clenched. “You weren’t just running from the women and the Olympics disaster when you came here?”

  Zack met her gaze. “No.”

  “Do you and your dad talk now?”

  He shrugged. “We had it out after my sister’s funeral. He tried to guilt me into coming back to work for him, worried about me wasting all my talent. The only talent he’s ever thought I had was with business and marketing. I told him I knew he orchestrated the attack. He fully admitted to it, but claimed the idiots were supposed to rough me up after my Olympic performance. Then I’d get my chance to shine but would for sure retire, having just finished an Olympics. He wanted them to rough me up enough so I wouldn’t be healthy enough to continue training, and he hoped while I recovered I’d fall in love with working with him again and never go back to running competitively. He apologized for the mistake.” Zack let out a loud breath and shook his head. “But of course, he claimed it was in my best interest, and I needed to forget about it and move on.”

  Maddie’s hand covered her mouth. “He wanted them to hurt you bad enough you couldn’t train?” she repeated. “Wow. Here I thought having a pirate for a father was bad.”

  Zack gave a surprised laugh. “We both lucked out in the father department, eh?”

  “Seems like it. So you don’t see him at all?”

  “We came to a truce. I wouldn’t reveal to my mom what he’d done, and he wouldn’t keep Chalise from me. It works for us.”

  Maddie’s heart went out to him. She still wondered why her father had put her in danger. Zack’s father had him beat up so he couldn’t fulfill his dream. Crazy.

  “Now you know all my dirt; tell me about yourself.”

  Maddie smiled at him. She’d kissed this man a few times, but they really didn’t know each other very well. “Well, besides this adventure, I’m just a regular girl from the metropolis of Bozeman, Montana.” She gave the name her best hick-lilt, and Zack rewarded her with a smile. “Lived with my mom until I graduated from high school. Then I got my own apartment with some close friends and spent the past six years at Montana State studying, playing volleyball, and enjoying college.”

  “And now you’re graduated and ready to take on the world.”

  “That’s right.” She felt sad for Zack. In a way, his father
was right. He’d had unreal talent in hurdles and running and what sounded like a brilliant business mind, and he was just enjoying life on this island. She knew that a lot of people would say he was living the dream, but the vacation life would get boring after a while, especially for someone as smart and talented as Zack.

  “What’s your degree in?” he asked.

  “Speech pathology, with a focus on early intervention and preschool-aged children.”

  “Really?” He studied her intently, opened his mouth, and then closed it. Finally, he said, “That’s great. You must love children.”

  “For sure. They’re so funny, and they love me no matter if I’m having a bad hair day or don’t have on makeup.”

  “You don’t have on makeup right now and you look fabulous.”

  “Thanks,” she murmured.

  The silence sat between them for a few seconds. Then Zack said, “My niece is like that, always hugging me, but she can’t talk, so …”

  “Her speech is delayed?” Maddie asked carefully, not wanting to pry.

  “Way past delayed. They don’t know when she’ll talk, if ever. Nobody can come up with the right term for it. They don’t know if she’s just slow or if the trauma of her parents dying when she was two messed her up.”

  Maddie glanced at a picture of Zack hugging Chalise on the side table. “There’s too much intelligence in her eyes. She’s definitely not slow.”

  Zack leaned toward her. “That’s what I say. My mom and dad have her in all these special programs and with all these therapists, but I think she needs a break. I keep begging them to let me keep her for a few months. I think she just needs love and understanding. No one pushing her to talk.”

  “I think that’s a great plan.” It might not be a by-the-book plan, but in a trauma situation, the book sometimes had to go out the window. Zack was so full of love and patience, she almost wondered if he was too good to be true.

  Zack smiled at her, and they sat without saying anything for a few seconds. Then he took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry that I implied with Brooks earlier today that we were a couple or something.”

  He was going there? Well, that stank. Why had he kissed her repeatedly if he didn’t want to be with her? He was probably just enjoying a fling. She’d be gone in another day. She swallowed and could hardly trust her voice. “You’re sorry?”

  “I was trying to protect you from Brooks. He’s a huge player and … I mean, I love him like a brother, but I didn’t want you to fall for him or him to try his tricky charm on you or …” He rubbed his shaved head with his palm. “This is not coming out right.”

  Maddie wasn’t sure whether to be hurt or flattered. “You were trying to protect me from your friend?”

  He nodded.

  Maddie’s eyes narrowed. She knew she shouldn’t say what she was thinking, but she couldn’t hold it in. “So to protect me from your friend, you kissed me on the way to his house this morning, on your yacht when we got to Cozumel, and a third time when Bello’s men were closing in on us? I hadn’t even met Brooks when you kissed me those times.”

  “Oh, um, well, I wasn’t thinking very clearly, and I guess …” Zack’s eyes met hers; then he focused out the picture windows. “I don’t want anyone to take advantage of you.”

  “What if I wanted you to take advantage of me?” Maddie’s face felt hot. That had not come out the way she intended. Far too bold.

  Zack’s dark skin broke into a grin of white teeth. “Are you serious?”

  “Well, not take advantage, but I sure wouldn’t complain about getting to know you better and maybe a few more kisses.” She was being really forward. This wasn’t like her, but then again, maybe it was. She’d never had a man she was interested in like this before. The boys she’d dated in college were no match for Zack in any capacity.

  Zack scooted closer on the sofa. He gently took her hand. “Maddie.” His tongue darted over his lips, and she couldn’t help but focus on his well-formed mouth. “Before the Olympics, I dated a lot and—” He swallowed. “—got burned by women who were only after my money or my status as America’s Most Beautiful Man.”

  He studied her, and Maddie wanted to tell him she was interested in him for him; she couldn’t care less about the money or his looks … okay, his looks were really nice, but not for the status of it.

  “But I’d really like to get to know you better, see where this leads.”

  “Hmm. I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” His eyes widened and he leaned back.

  “It’s all depends.” Maddie tilted her head to the side and batted her lashes.

  “On what?” His forehead wrinkled.

  “If kissing is going to be included.” Her stomach smoldered from the idea, and the embers burned into a roaring fire when he grinned and pulled her closer.

  “There is definitely going to be kissing.”

  Zack lowered his head to hers and took possession of her mouth. Maddie turned into his arms. He lifted her off the couch and onto his lap. She pressed against his muscled chest, enjoying each motion of his lips and his hands.

  “Holy brother of the Buddha!” Brooks’ voice was loud enough that it came right through the romantic moment, ripping them apart.

  Maddie slid onto her own couch cushion and looked guiltily at Zack. He laughed and stroked her arm. “What do you want, Brooks?”

  “What do I want? You to actually act like a proper sentry. The pirates could’ve sailed into the port and be circling the house, and you two wouldn’t have a clue until your heads were severed from your shoulders!” Brooks blustered around in front of them, gesturing angrily to the dark world outside.

  “The alarms would’ve sounded. Besides, we haven’t been kissing that long.” Zack leaned into Maddie, and they exchanged a glance. “Not nearly long enough.”

  “I’ve been watching you make out for ten minutes.”

  Maddie’s entire face was on fire. Hopefully her dark skin would hide any blush from the men.

  “Liar,” Zack said drily. “You barely walked in here.”

  “How do you know?”

  “You couldn’t keep quiet for ten seconds, much less ten minutes.”

  Maddie laughed, but she was suddenly exhausted, and she knew she couldn’t keep up with Brooks’ banter or energy much longer. She tugged away from Zack’s hold and stood. Her body felt empty without him next to her. The sad expression on his face almost had her jumping back into his arms, even with Brooks watching. “I’m going to go lie down for a little bit.”

  Zack nodded. “Good idea.” He stood.

  “Don’t even think about it, lover lips.” Brooks folded his arms across his chest, his large biceps bulging. “You’re going to stay up with me, watch for the pirates, and bake me a cheesecake.”

  “Cheesecake?” Maddie couldn’t help but laugh.

  “No one can make it like Zack.” Brooks winked at her.

  Zack shook his head. “I’ll just walk her to her room, then be right back to deal with you.”

  Brooks held up his hands and let them pass. “As long as there’s cheesecake. I might save you some,” he called after Maddie, “if you share those lips with everyone in the house.”

  Maddie laughed. “Never been a cheesecake fan,” she called back. Brooks’ deep chuckle followed them down the hall.

  They reached her room and stopped outside the door. Zack traced his thumb down her cheek. “I’m making the cheesecake; you can have as much as you like.”

  Maddie giggled. “You could tell I was lying to him, then? I adore cheesecake.”

  “I’m just glad you don’t want to kiss him.”

  “Only you.” She gazed up at him, impressed with her boldness. If she ever saw her friends again, she’d have a lot of great stories.

  Zack lowered his head and kissed her gently. Maddie wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted herself on tiptoes. He deepened the kiss, and they were in their own world when Brooks bellow interrupted. “Enoug
h of this mac-daddying. Get in here and bake, boy!”

  Maddie fell back onto her heels, feeling a little unsteady. Zack released her and nodded at the bed. “I hope you can sleep.”

  “With two big old studs watching out for me, I can.”

  “I’m the only stud here.”

  “Guess I can agree with that.”

  Zack traced a hand down her face and then backed up a step. Maddie smiled and walked to the bathroom. All of her worries over Zack being annoyed that she’d shown up on his island and him being forced to help her were unfounded. He wanted to be with her. She wished for a cell phone to scream her joy to one of her friends.

  She was still smiling when she lay down to sleep ten minutes later. Her smile grew when she heard Brooks’ loud protests. “I am not jealous! The woman must be thickheaded to want you instead of me.”

  Maddie burrowed into the soft bed and didn’t care if she was thickheaded. Zack was more of a man than she’d ever dreamed of being with, and he seemed to want to be with her as much as she wanted him.


  Maddie’s eyes popped open as her room lightened with the rising sun. She jumped out of bed and hurriedly showered, brushed her hair, and got dressed in the same red-and-white-striped sundress Zack had bought her. It fit her better than his sister’s clothes, and he’d seemed to like it on her. She smiled, thinking of the appreciative look in his eyes. He seemed to really like it on her.

  She was excited to see Zack again this morning, and anxious to find the packet of papers from her father. Would she finally know why her father had never had time for her? Maybe there was something in the papers that would exonerate him in her eyes. A girl could hope.

  Rushing down the hallway, she stopped short when she entered the great room. Zack and Brooks were each on a couch, sprawled out and sleeping like the dead. She laughed. Glancing around at the ocean, she was relieved not to see any sign of her father’s yacht. She didn’t think Bello would come back here, but who knew?


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