Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance)

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Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance) Page 15

by Checketts, Cami

  His dad grinned.

  “If you’ll let me have custody of Chalise.”

  His mother’s lips tightened. Sterling put an arm around his wife’s waist. She leaned heavily against him. Zack felt awful to cause them pain and rip their granddaughter from them, but he knew this was right.

  He rushed on before his dad could start rebutting. “You’ll get to see her anytime you want, but I think she needs to be with me. She told me not to leave, Dad.”

  Sterling’s jaw worked, and he shook his head.

  “I need her with me,” Zack said.

  “Here in New York.” His father’s words were never a question, but a demand.

  Zack wouldn’t commit to that. He loved his mom and could see his dad was trying with Chalise, but he and Chalise needed to be away from the pressure and demands. “No. I want to work from the island so I can be with Chalise rather than put her in day care.”

  His mother gave him a measuring look. She didn’t put Chalise in day care, but Chalise spent far too many hours with therapists and the nanny.

  That look crossed his dad’s face like they were about to have a battle, but Zack held up a hand. “You know I can get everything done through my computer and phone. I’ll fly in one week a month to work from the office and so you can both spend time with Chalise. When I travel for work, you can keep her … and, of course, you’re both welcome to come visit us anytime.”

  The silence was thick as everyone waited for his father’s response. Seconds ticked by, and Zack didn’t know if he should keep arguing or just pray.

  Chalise lifted her head off Zack’s shoulder. “Please let me live with Uncle Zack, Grandpa.”

  They all gasped. The words were so clear, so perfect. Zack brushed away the tears that formed at the corners of his eyes. He squeezed her tighter.

  His father’s jaw slackened. He smiled tenderly at Chalise. “If that’s what you want.”

  Zack swallowed hard and blinked to hide the emotion that was racing through him. He got to keep Chalise. She was talking. He wanted to dance and scream. He really wanted to tell Maddie.

  Sterling stepped toward them and opened his arms wide. “But you’re going to have to give me lots of hugs and kisses.”

  Chalise leaned toward him, and Zack let her leap into her grandpa’s arms. Sterling held her close as she hugged him and kissed his cheek. Zack had never seen his dad like this. He had shut the man out of his life the past two years and was shocked at this soft side. It gave him hope that they could learn to work together in a better way than they had before. Even if they couldn’t, it was worth hard days with his father to have Chalise with him.

  Sterling smiled at Zack over the top of Chalise’s head. “I need a week here, bringing you up to speed at the office first; then you can go to your island for a couple weeks.”

  “Three-to-one ratio,” Zack reminded him, rubbing at his head. This was going to be tough. “And I need to make a little detour to Montana first.”


  Brooks hooted. His mother shook her head and gave Zack a sly wink. Chalise stared at him. “What’s Montana?”

  Zack grinned. “We’re going to see a lady that I think you will like very much.”

  His dad and mom exchanged a look. “Well,” Sterling said, “if the boy is finally ready to settle down, maybe a trip to Montana is okay.”

  “Thanks.” Zack didn’t know if he could trust this new and improved version of his father, but he wouldn’t complain. He was going to have custody of Chalise, and soon they’d both be with Maddie.


  Maddie had done some research and found a couple different options for chartered yachts docked in Belize. She was most intrigued by an older gentleman named Captain Sam, who seemed very competent and had been sailing near Belize for almost twenty years. If anyone could find Zack’s island, it would be him.

  The thought of seeing Zack again had her insides quivering. Would he be excited to see her or think she was much too forward to come after him? At least she’d have Abby with her. That would help ease the awkwardness. If he didn’t act thrilled to see her, she could claim they’d just chartered the boat to show Abby where she’d been and say hi. She laughed to herself. That was lame and she knew it.

  The doorbell rang, and she closed her laptop. She needed to stop researching and go enjoy the beautiful summer night, anyway. Later tonight she’d put down her deposit with Captain Sam, and by next week she’d be in the Caribbean, possibly seeing Zack. It would be a dream come true, but she still loved her Montana home and wanted to spend as much time outside as possible before she left.

  She flung open the front door, and her eyes dropped to a darling little girl with crazy black curls. She’d seen her before, but where?

  “My Uncle Zack would like to request your presence at dinner tonight,” the tiny cutie said quickly, then gasped for a breath.

  Maddie’s heart seemed to stop, then thundered in her chest. She searched the road but didn’t see anyone. Bending down, she smiled at the little girl. “I would love to. Where is your Uncle Zack?” Just saying his name brought tremors to her spine.

  The preschooler pointed behind her. Zack stepped out from behind the pine tree in the front yard. Maddie gasped, and then her feet were in motion before her brain caught up. She pounded down the stairs, across the grass, and threw herself into Zack’s arms. He easily caught her and swung her in a circle before lowering her onto her feet and giving her a kiss for the memory books.

  “And to think he was worried how you might react to seeing him,” Brooks said drily from behind them.

  Maddie broke away from Zack’s kiss and stared up into his handsome face. “I was going to track you down.”

  “You were?” He quirked an eyebrow, rubbing his thumb along her cheek before stealing another quick kiss.

  Maddie giggled. “I’ve been researching boats to charter. My friend, Abby, and I were going to sail the Caribbean until we could invade your island.”

  Zack chuckled, and she felt it against her own chest. “I’m glad we came. It might’ve taken you months to find me.”

  Months? She couldn’t have handled that. “I’m glad you came too.” More than she could express, especially with Brooks watching them with a wry grin on his face and Chalise tugging on Zack’s shirt.

  “Uncle Zack? Is this my new friend Maddie?”

  Maddie bent down and gave the little girl a hug. “I am, sweetheart.” She glanced up at Zack with the question in her eyes.

  Zack picked up the little girl and Maddie straightened to face them. “My parents gave me custody of Chalise after she started speaking to me.”

  Maddie gasped and placed her hand over her lips. “That’s wonderful, Zack.”

  “And Chalise and I have a proposition for you. We worked out a little compromise with my father, spending time in New York and the island.”

  “Wait. You’re working for him?” Maddie’s mind whirled. Zack’s father was still putting conditions on him, but Zack seemed okay with it. What was Zack and Chalise’s proposition? He’d included the information about New York and the island in the same breath. Did he want her to come with them? They didn’t know each other well enough to decide to be together, but the thought of being apart from him was horrid.

  “Yes.” Zack set Chalise down. “Can you go with Brooks and get the car?” he asked his niece.

  Brooks rolled his eyes. “Come on, love, they need their privacy. If you reject his offer, you can come to Cozumel with me,” he called to Maddie.

  “If only you were so lucky.”

  “Someday, you’ll want a slice of this,” Brooks returned.

  “Maybe in the next life,” Maddie teased him, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Zack.

  “Ouch, that’s a long time to wait.” Brooks and Chalise walked hand in hand to a Lexus parked a couple of houses down.

  “I have a proposal for you.” Zack pressed his hands together and shifted his weight.

  Maddie lik
ed that he was nervous, because she felt the same. She pulled the side of her lip between her teeth and waited, but he didn’t continue. She nodded to him. “Yes?”

  Zack chuckled uneasily. “Sorry. I just want you to say yes, so I’ve been struggling for the past couple of hours deciding how to phrase it best.”

  He looked so cute when he was uncertain like this. “I can’t promise I’ll say yes, but I won’t beat you up for phrasing it wrong.” Maddie’s heart thumped uncontrollably. When he said propose, did he mean propose? She couldn’t say yes to that right now, but maybe if they got to know each other better—and oh, how she wanted to get to know him better.

  “Good point.” He rubbed a hand over his bald head. “What would you think of coming with me to New York and then back to the island and being Chalise’s nanny?”

  Maddie blinked at him. She had a master’s degree and he wanted her to be a nanny?

  “You’re completely overqualified, I know that, but I want to be with you, to get to know you, and who better to work with and teach Chalise than someone with your expertise? I’ll pay you double, triple, what you were going to make in your job, and I’ll cover all your expenses.”

  Maddie’s jaw dropped open. The money didn’t matter to her, considering what her father had given her. She wanted the chance to help children, but she wanted the chance to be with Zack, too. She took a long breath as he watched her, his eyes filled with a plea. The longer she waited, the more his dark eyes dimmed.

  Maddie pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side. “How long is this shindig?”

  “Until you’re sick of us.”

  Maddie wanted to tell him she’d never get sick of him, but she didn’t know that. She did know she wanted this chance to get to know him and be with that darling little girl. An idea came that would allow her to help other children like she’d dreamed. She swallowed and said, “I have a few requests.”

  Zack pushed out a loud breath and took a step closer to her. “Name them,” he whispered in a husky voice that made her tremble.

  “When we’re in New York, I want to find a way to work with underprivileged children with speech difficulties. And when we’re at the island, I want to do the same thing in Belize a few days a month.”

  Zack grinned. “I thought you were going to have a hard request.”

  “What would a hard request be?”

  “No kissing or something like that.”

  Maddie laughed. “That would be a crazy idea.”

  Zack trailed a hand up her arm along her shoulder and to her neck. He gently pulled her closer to him. “Would it?”

  Maddie licked her lips and stared up at his handsome face. She wrapped her arms around his strong back. “It would be insane.”

  Zack lowered his head. His breath brushed her mouth, warm and tinged with peppermint. “Let’s agree to lots of kissing.”

  “I’m in.”

  Zack grinned and covered the distance to her mouth. His kiss was warm and full of desire and promise. Maddie savored each moment of his touch and knew she’d made the right decision.


  Several months had passed, and Maddie couldn’t say every day was perfect, but it was the best time she’d ever had in her life. She was head over heels in love with Chalise and even more so with Zack. They’d spent time in New York, Montana, Belize, toured Europe when Zack had work there, and—best of all—his island.

  Maddie glanced around at the beautiful pool and gardens, palm trees, the beach, and the ocean beyond.

  Chalise came running into the great room from her bedroom. “Auntie Maddie, when is Uncle Zack going to be back?”

  “Hopefully soon, love.” Zack had run to Belize for a few supplies. They usually went with him, but he’d been insistent that he would be quick and needed to go alone. It was so off for him to not want them to come with him that Maddie didn’t argue, though Chalise wasn’t happy to be left behind. She wanted to visit her best friend, Isabella, at the Start of Life Orphanage. Isabella was three years old and absolutely gorgeous with her short dark hair in tight cornrows. They all loved her and her chubby little brother, Alex.

  “Shall we read while we wait for him?” She’d tried to keep Chalise busy all day with preschool sheets and a painting project. After lunch they’d played in the ocean and sand and swam in the pool. They should probably start dinner, but it wasn’t much fun without Zack around to help her cook.

  “Okay, but I wish Uncle Zack would hurry.” Chalise stuck out her lower lip in a pout so cute Maddie couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Me, too.”

  Chalise cuddled into her arms, and Maddie grabbed a Junie B. Jones book. A little humor would be good for both of them right now. She was into the third chapter when suddenly Chalise screamed, “The boat! Uncle Zack’s coming!”

  Chalise scrambled off her lap and dashed out the patio door. Maddie kept pace with the little girl as they ran to the dock and along to the yacht. Maddie’s face was split in a grin bigger than Chalise’s. Zack was coming. The boat sailed into the harbor, and Maddie could see Zack’s bald head and handsome face. He was really here. It was pathetic how much she missed him when he’d only left early that morning.

  He came out and tossed the lines over. Maddie went to grab one, but stopped when a small dark head appeared at Zack’s knee.

  “Uncle Zack!” Chalise called happily to him. Then her mouth dropped open. “Izzy! You came to my house to play?”

  Isabella giggled. “I’m gonna be your sista!”

  “Yay!” Chalise cheered, jumping in the air.

  Isabella popped off the yacht and hugged Chalise, then went into Maddie’s open arms. Zack tied the boat off and came to her side. He wrapped his arms around Maddie and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “I missed you.”

  “You have no idea how much we’ve missed you.”

  “We or you?”

  “Both, but mostly me.” She kissed him longer.

  Isabella squirmed from Maddie’s arms. “I wanna see my new house.”

  Chalise took her hand, and the two girls bounced up the dock and onto the stairs. Maddie and Zack followed, his arm around her waist. She worried that Isabella was going to be disappointed when she had to go back to the orphanage. Should she correct her now or let her enjoy her stay? Heaven knows the little angel hadn’t been away from the orphanage very often.

  “Oh, the supplies.” Maddie stopped.

  “I’ll get them in a minute.”

  “You got me Dr. Pepper?”

  “I’d never dare forget that.”

  Maddie grinned. He took such good care of her. “How did you talk them into letting you bring Isabella for a visit?”

  They’d been begging the director of the orphanage for the past month to let them bring Isabella here. Maddie secretly wished they could adopt her, but she wanted to be married to Zack first. Her face heated up. She was about ready to propose. Being with Zack and Chalise was all she wanted now, and the opportunities Zack had created for her and Chalise to help children were everything she’d dreamed of.

  “Well …” They stopped at the top of the stairs, where Chalise was showing Isabella the pool toys.

  “Can we swim?” Chalise asked.

  “After dinner,” Zack said. “Can you go show Izzy your room?”

  “Can we share my room?” Chalise clasped Izzy’s hand tighter, and they both jumped up and down and squealed.


  The girls streaked into the house.

  Maddie put her hand on Zack’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t let them get their hopes up. It’ll just hurt more when they find out Izzy has to go back.”

  Zack turned to Maddie. He trailed his hand along her cheek. “They agreed that we could adopt Izzy.”

  “Seriously? Oh, Zack, thank you.” Maddie’s heart leapt into her throat. She loved Izzy so much.

  “On one condition.” Zack grinned and dropped onto one knee. He pulled out a ring box and flipped it open. A huge round diamond was set i
n a wide gold band.

  Maddie gasped and put a hand over her mouth.

  “We have to be married.”

  “Have to be?” Maddie tossed her hair, narrowing her eyes at him. “What kind of a crappy proposal is that?”

  Zack chuckled and reached for her hand. “Maddie, I want to marry you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I figured if I brought Izzy along, you wouldn’t say no.”

  Maddie tugged on his hand, and he stood. She kissed him for several wonderful minutes, then pulled back. “I would’ve married you without Izzy, but it’s the best wedding present in the world.”

  Zack cupped her face with his hands. “There is one other small condition.”

  “Oh no, here it comes.” Maddie couldn’t stop smiling.

  “We have to take Izzy back tomorrow and get married before they’ll let us make it official.”

  “So I have one day to plan a wedding?”

  Zack ducked his head. “Yeah, sorry. I know it’s every girl’s dream to plan a big wedding.”

  “Not mine. I do wish your parents, my mom, Brooks, and Abby could be here.” She’d spent several different weeks with his parents and really grown to love his mom. His dad was trying in his own way, and his and Zack’s relationship was slowly improving.

  “They’re all on their way.”

  “A little overconfident that I’d say yes?” Maddie grinned and covered his hand with hers.

  “I’ve been a wreck all day worrying.” He winked. “Are you really okay without a big wedding?”

  “Yes. I just want you, Chalise, Izzy … oh, and I really want Alex.” Isabella’s baby brother was almost six months old now, all chub and smiles. Maddie ached for that little boy when they weren’t with him.

  Zack pulled the ring out of the box and gently slid it on her finger. “You’re amazing, Madeline Panetto. It’s already worked out. We pick Alex and Izzy up right after the honeymoon.”

  Maddie screamed, then kissed him again. “I love you!”


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