Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 3

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Hello, me baby boy.” She pets his cheek after planting a kiss on it and closing the door. The older woman turns her five foot self around and plays with her gray haired bun, putting it back in place. I have a hard time imagining her as a panther because she reminds me of Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast. Her eyes twinkle at me with delight as I look questioningly to Asher.

  “One of Fiona’s shape shifting abilities is to read female minds,” he offers, amused.

  Crap. I smile politely at her and she quirks an eyebrow up. “Now don’t ye go tellin’ all o’ me secrets, lad,” she teases and swats Asher with her hand.

  He places his hands up in defeat. “I wouldn’t dream of it, Fi. Just keeping Eve up to speed.”

  She narrows her eyes playfully at him. “Well now, are ye all hungry? I have supper waitin’ fer ye,” she says, her accent heavy.

  “That would be delightful. Thanks, Fi,” Abby answers as we’re escorted through the bright home into a burgundy colored dining room. There are two large windows highlighted with silk drapes and a modest fireplace with a gold gilded mirror above it.

  We each take a seat at the long wooden table. It’s covered in dishes as Fiona flitters around. She seems happy in her element as she pulls the covers off each platter.

  “Fi, you’ve outdone yourself. This all looks delicious,” Callan says, rubbing his hands together. The gargoyle certainly loves food. I release a soft laugh.

  Glowing from the praise, she walks over to Callan and kisses him on the top of the head. I’m guessing she’s the reason Callan is so down-to-earth and loving.

  “I made all ye favorites, lad. Cumberland sausage soup, shepherd’s pie, roast beef, and Yorkshire puddin’ and fer dessert an apple pie with custard.” The panther smiles at us excitedly.

  “Thanks, Fiona,” Abby says.

  “Good.” Fiona claps her hands together. “Ye kids eat up. Ye’re lookin’ too thin,” she reprimands as she glares at McKenna. “When ye’re all done, we’ll have a chat in da sittin’ room ‘bout the trouble yer all facin’.” She taps Keegan’s shoulder then leaves the dining room.

  I turn to Abby. “She doesn’t join you?”

  Abby shakes her head. “No. Fiona likes to ‘take care’ of us. Always has. She can’t sit still.

  According to her, it makes her nuts.”

  “Mmmm. By. The. Grace. Eves, you’ve gotta try the soup. It’s the best ever,” Callan says, moaning in cuisine ecstasy.

  I smile at his foodie enthusiasm. Leave it to Callan to cause my smile to resurface. I sit back and watch everyone eating and joking. I’m once again reminded how lucky I am to be under the protection of this family.


  Wants and Needs

  After the very large dinner and the most delicious dessert I’ve ever tasted, we make our way into the sitting room with Fiona. Everyone plops down on one of the two large, plush couches that form an L-shape in front of the fireplace. Each sofa piece is adorned with silk throw pillows.

  Fiona brings in a tray of tea. Everyone grabs a cup while Keegan starts a fire in the brick hearth and everyone gets settled in.

  “Eve, dear, please sit wit me, luv.” Fiona pats the seat next to her, coaxing me over.

  I go willingly, appreciating the kind gesture. I wonder if this is what it would be like to have a grandmother. Both my grandparents died when my mother and father were younger. I guess history repeats itself since both my parents passed away when I was a baby too. My aunt doesn’t have any living relatives. At my thoughts, my nose scrunches, remembering Fiona can read minds. Crap. My eyes shift to her in embarrassment.

  Her response is gentle. “Tis all right, dear. I hope dat ye come ta think ‘o me as family.” She brushes my cheek as I sit.

  “So, you can shape shift into a panther? Forgive me but you seem a little...sweet...for that,” I question as Fiona releases a hearty laugh.

  “Don’t let me soft nature fool ye, child. I can be feral and vicious when need be,” she assures.

  “Fiona is the alpha female of the Pishyakan Tribe. They’re one of the oldest families of werecat shape shifters in the world,” Abby explains as her eyes sparkle.

  “Dat ‘tis correct. My clowder’s generations span a long time,” Fiona confirms proudly.

  “Clowder?” I look to Fiona, unfamiliar with the word.

  “A female family of cats is called a clowder. Similar to werewolves who are called a pack,” Asher clarifies so I can follow the conversation.

  “Are werecats similar to werewolves? I mean, other than shifting into cats versus dogs,” I inquire, hopefully not sounding too ignorant.

  “Yes and no. In werecat clowders, the females are in charge, specifically in the alpha and beta roles instead of the males. That’s why Fiona can only read the minds of women. Other than that, most of the other aspects are the same,” Asher answers.

  “Werecats think wit der head instead o’ der hearts, like those smelly mongrels,” Fiona adds, causing me to laugh out loud. Guess she isn’t a dog lover. That makes two of us. My mind momentarily drifts to Leo, Aria’s werewolf boyfriend, and I wonder how he’s doing without her.

  My eyes shift to Asher then back to Fiona. “Do you have a mate?” I ask.

  She dips her head once. “Aye. A long time ago I had a tom. He’s no longer wit me.” She sighs.

  “Tom?” I question.

  “A male cat. His name was Barclay. Our daughter, Galena, ‘tis my second in command or beta,” she continues. “He left us many moons ago. We live nine times longer den humans.” The shifter’s voice carries an air of sadness.

  “Hence the term, nine lives,” McKenna adds with a snort. Holy shit. Did she just attempt a joke?

  Fiona pats my hand with fondness. “Enough ‘bout me. I am happy ta answer all yer questions lata. Fer now, I want ta know what ‘tis going on wit da demons.” Yellow cat eyes shift to Keegan for an explanation.

  “It seems that the Declan clan of gargoyles is working with Lucifer. Deacon, the leader, has entered some sort of deal to turn Eve over to the Dark Army, in exchange for what, we don’t know yet. Whatever it is, Lucifer has sent his entire demonic legion after Eve to assist the Declan clan. It’s quite a serious situation,” Keegan explains in detail.

  Fiona nods her head once, pondering this information. “What o’ Michael?”

  “He is aware,” McKenna offers flatly as if bored.

  “That’s not all.” Callan looks to me then back to Fiona. “It seems Gage is also working with the Declan clan,” he says, waiting for her response.

  Fiona’s eyebrows lift to her forehead. “Are ye sayin’ dat Gage Gallagher ‘tis cohortin wit da enemy, lad?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Asher answers firmly.

  “By de grace,” Fiona says, moving her hand over her heart as if Asher wounded her.

  I turn to Fiona. “You know Gage?”

  Her shocked eyes shift to me. “Know ‘em? I practically raised da lad wit dese here hoodlums. ‘Twas like part o’ da family.”

  Now it’s my turn to be surprised as I transfer my focus to Asher. “Really?”

  He shrugs. “We mentioned knowing Gage for a long time.”

  “I see,” I say, slightly put off at this new bit of information he withheld.

  “Dat lad ‘tis always gettin’ himself in ta trouble.” She breathes out in disappointment. “Now ye tellin’ me he’s workin’ fer da half-breed?”

  “Yes. Still, we’re unsure why, Fiona,” McKenna informs her.

  “Ye’re sure da fallen know ‘bout Eve?” she questions Keegan.

  He nods once. “Editha, the banshee, delivered the message personally.”

  “By de grace.” Fiona blows out a wave of air.

  “I’m afraid there’s more. Eve has begun her ascension. Every demon and supernatural creature in the world should be able to detect her existence by now. We felt, with Michael’s approval, it best to continue her training here in England under the enchantments while she’s still on break fro
m university. There are more of us here to protect her if we need to call in other clans,” Asher says.

  I sigh. “That, and I turned Kaiden, Deacon’s brother, into stone dust before Deacon killed my friend, Aria.”

  Fiona looks at me with nothing but compassion. She takes my hand in hers, offering comfort. It doesn’t make the sting go away.

  “What was it you always said, Fiona? In life, sometimes the most courageous thing we do is the unthinkable to prevail in moments of other’s cowardliness.” Callan looks pointedly at me.

  “Aye, ‘tis true child. Yer bravery showed in dat moment.” Fiona squeezes my hand.

  “She did as we trained her and she executed it perfectly,” Keegan says.

  I swallow and turn my focus onto the fire, choking back the tears. “Tell Aria that.”

  The room becomes silent.

  “Michael will be here tomorrow, Fiona,” Asher says, altering the subject matter.

  “All right. Ye kids go and get yerselves settled. Kenna, be a good lass and show Eve ta her room. ‘Tis all tidied up fer her. Breakfast ‘tis at eight in da mornin’. Sharp!” Fiona says in a firm tone before bidding us goodnight.

  McKenna walks over to me and tilts her head toward the door. “Come on, blood of Eden. I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.”

  I follow her up the ten large steps to the second floor before my eyes lift and focus on the landing’s skylight, framing the night sky.

  McKenna turns to me before following my line of sight to the blackness sprinkled with shimmering stars. “The dark Heavens almost remind you that there’s something even greater than us out there.”

  My eyes fasten on the twinkling fireballs. “It does.”

  The gorgeous warrior sighs. “I know I haven’t been easy on you, but you did good with Kaiden. With focus and hard work, you can do this.”

  My eyes slowly remove themselves from the night sky and lock onto her sapphire gaze. “Thanks.”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “Don’t allow what happened with Aria to be another distraction.”

  “Another distraction?” I question, keeping my features void of emotion. “I didn’t realize I was unfocused in the first place, McKenna.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Asher.” His name is an accusation on her cool tone.

  My mouth turns down. “I see.” I just stare at her because she’s right. He’s all consuming. But is he really a preoccupation that’s sidetracking me from the ascension? Damn her insight.

  McKenna watches me, and for a moment I think I see her face soften before she clears her throat and places her hard mask back on. “Come on. Let’s go see your quarters. Try not to get lost.”

  With that, she’s back to business as usual. I brush off the moment and continue to shadow her into a peaceful bedroom. My eyes roam to where the queen bed is positioned. It’s tranquil and calm.

  “This was Vivian’s favorite room,” she says softly.

  “Vivian?” I frown.

  “The guys’ mom, Vivian St. Michael. She loved it because it overlooks the gardens,” McKenna offers quietly, looking out the window toward the patch of sparse flowers and greenery wrapped in darkness. “It’s not much to look at in the winter, but Garrick, Asher’s dad, bought the manor because each room has a view of them.” As if coming out of a trance, she turns to me, schooling her features. “There’s a full bathroom attached and Asher’s room is across from this one. Abby and I are down toward the end of the hallway with Keegan and Callan, if you need anything. Fiona is on the lower level.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it,” I say, mustering up sincerity.

  McKenna turns and faces me. “It’s been a long day so try giving everyone a reprieve tonight and don’t astral project or realm jump.” With the snide remark left hanging in the air, she leaves.

  I exhale. Surprisingly, it’s comforting to have McKenna treat me rudely. It feels normal. My eyes glance around the cozy room. I walk over to the window to view the gardens, but they’re blanketed in black. I promise myself to visit them tomorrow. Maybe it will help me feel closer to my aunt. I notice my luggage and decide to get organized.

  After I unpack, I soak in a hot bath and change into my pajamas, preparing for bed. I plop down on the bed and close my eyes for a moment before there’s a soft knock. I know it’s him before the door even opens. I can feel his presence in every fiber of my body.

  “Come in.” I acknowledge the knock with a quiet invitation.

  Having just showered, Asher walks in with his hair still wet. He’s wearing black flannel pajama bottoms and his gray Property of London t-shirt. I smile inside knowing it’s the shirt he likes me to wear.

  “Hey. I just wanted to check in on you to see if you need anything before I go to sleep,” he offers.

  I shake my head. “All set. Thanks though.” My voice sounds distant and tired.

  He knits his brows. “You okay?”

  I keep my eyes fixed on Asher as my mind wanders. Whenever he’s around, I seem to get sidetracked. Right now, all I can think about is throwing myself at him. Maybe McKenna is right. What if Asher is too much of a distraction? Scanning his face, I’m reminded that my focus was on him right before Aria ran past me. If I had been concentrating my attention, like McKenna suggested, would Aria still be here?

  While lost in my own head, I don’t notice that Asher has moved closer and is now sitting on the bed. He leans in and my body instinctively tilts toward him, my veins heating from the bond. Damn, he smells so good. My eyes flutter at his scent.

  “Talk to me, siren.” It’s a quiet plead. Those deep layers in his eyes search my face. He moves his right hand over my legs, caging me in with both arms as his breath fans my face.

  With a wicked grin, he bends forward and nips at my lower lip. All my previous thoughts escape me, expelled by the feel of his soft lips now caressing mine. The small flame that burns inside me ignites into a full-blown inferno, as is the case whenever he touches me.

  I curve further into him and run my hands into his damp hair, tugging him down on top of me. Asher releases a deep, low rumble from the back of his throat. His hands wrap around my waist, guiding me to lie back before positioning himself over me, never parting our lips. With our bodies pressed against one another, I get lost in the depth of Asher’s kiss. His lips move to my neck, dropping the softest kisses in a trail leading to the sensitive area under my ear where he allows his tongue to dart out and meet my skin. I whimper at the sensation.

  Warm hands slide under my tank top, caressing my bare stomach. My muscles clench from his touch. I gasp when he presses his lower body into mine. My back arches and my chest pushes into his. His skillful hands continue to explore my body, moving over the swell of my breast. Asher sucks in a sharp breath at the contact when he realizes I’m not wearing a bra.

  The loud intake of air returns me to reality. My mind, which shut off a moment ago, starts to regain focus from the fog. Suddenly, I’m aware we shouldn’t be doing this. This proves we distract one another and it’s not good.

  I stop moving and open my eyes. When I don’t respond to his touch, he stills immediately. Asher watches me with concern. “What is it, siren?” he asks while his hand brushes my cheek.

  I close my eyes and try to catch my breath. “U-um…we…we should stop.”

  He studies me for a brief moment before moving off me, pulling us to a sitting position. “Okay.” He breathes out in an almost pant, his face void of disappointment or anger.

  My body is so keyed up it’s hard to focus. “I-I’m sorry, Ash.”

  Asher’s tone becomes serious. “Don’t ever be sorry for stopping. We go at a pace you’re comfortable with, yeah?” he says with a small smile, misunderstanding the reason I stopped.

  “That’s not why.” The words sound choppy coming out.

  Confusion crosses his face. “Then what’s going on?”

  My voice is so soft. “I was just thinking, before you came in...” I look away in hesitation.

>   He takes my chin between his fingers and lifts my face to meet his. “Are you upset because I didn’t tell you we grew up with Gage?” Asher’s voice is weary.

  I lift my brows to my hairline and look at him. “What?”

  “I did tell you my family has known him for a long time and he’s an old friend.”

  I close my eyes. “It’s fine. I’m not mad about Gage.” I pull my chin away.

  “Fine?” He plays with the word, unsure what I mean by it. “If you’re not upset, then what’s going on, Eve?”

  I pick pretend lint off my blanket. “It’s nothing, really. I guess I’m just tired.” So. Lame. Eve.

  He watches me, waiting to see if I’ll cave and tell him all the crazy, ridiculous thoughts and ideas running through my head. I know he can feel my emotions through our bond. I’m already not handling this conversation very well. Crap.

  Asher sighs when I don’t expand. “Okay, your way then, siren. Get some rest.” He plants a soft kiss on top of my head before standing and making his way to the door. Before he turns the knob, he stops. My heart is in my throat and I swallow the lump that has formed.

  “Abby will be guarding you tonight and will alert me if anything happens. She also put up the charms so you’re safe and sound,” he explains over his shoulder, reassuring us both about my protection.

  I keep my eyes focused on the wall in front of me, hating what I’m about to do, even if it’s necessary. Michael seems adamant that we need to draw professional lines. Perhaps everyone’s right. Just do it, Eve. Stop being indecisive.

  “Michael was right, you know,” I blurt out, just above a whisper, before I lose my nerve.

  Asher’s back is to me but he tenses. “About?” He drops his hand from the doorknob but doesn’t turn around.

  “Us. Staying away from one another. That we shouldn’t breach the oath you took or the reason I was created for selfish reasons,” I say, but I don’t mean it.

  He turns and faces me, crossing his arms and standing tall, like a fierce warrior ready to go into battle. “Is that what you want?” His voice is trained, not giving any emotions away.


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