Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)

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Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) Page 17

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  Asher returns his attention to my stomach, planting another heart-wrenching kiss on it. He caresses the area back and forth with the tip of his tongue. I moan while he nips and sucks before tightening the grip he has on my hips.

  At the sound of my contentment, he smiles against my skin. “Ash?” I pant out.

  “What do you need, siren?” The words are spoken against my stomach. The heat from his breath ignites the fire he’s started.

  I can’t answer him, unsure of what I need. I just know my body is on fire and the flames burn. An answer in the form of his deep rumble vibrates through me, imprinting my soul. “I have to taste you, now.” His voice is deep and raw with need.

  Without giving me a chance to change my mind, he runs his hands down my sides and hooks each thumb in the sides of my panties, pulling them down at a slow pace. I suck in a sharp breath at the feel of his hot breath against my now very bare lower body. His right shoulder finds its way underneath my knee so my left leg is draped over his shoulder and resting on his back.

  “Fuck,” he gasps out as he leans forward and takes my body into his mouth.

  “Oh. My. God. Asher.” I breathe heavily as my head falls back into the pillows on the couch.

  He growls deeply against my skin, causing the flames to rise. Just when I think I’m going to fall apart, his tongue begins to sweep the area. “You taste so fucking amazing,” he says against me as the pressure begins to build inside.

  My hands find his hair and clench, pulling it gently as he increases the pace of his movements. Asher’s tongue moves with expert precision, greedily savoring my body.

  I close my eyes and bask in the additional sensation of his fingers moving in a stroking rhythm that takes the flames higher. With a final flick of his tongue to the spot holding all my nerves, my entire body tightens. I almost pass out with its release as I scream out Asher’s name.

  A few moments later, when I finally compose myself enough to open my eyes, I see Asher watching me with a smugness over him. “Watching you come for me will never get old, siren.” If he keeps talking like that, I might do it again from his words alone.

  I just stare at him, sitting between my limp legs, shirtless. He’s so striking. My heart leaps out of my chest with every inch of him that I soak in with my eyes. I push myself up with my palms and move toward him like a predator.

  Asher pulls his brows together in confusion as I sink onto my knees in front of him. I lean in slowly and plant a soft kiss on his mouth. “I want to touch you,” I whisper against his lips.

  He swallows, the catch in his throat evident. “You don’t have to do that. It’s not what this was about.”

  I look him directly in the eyes. “I know,” I say as the tips of my fingers skim his taut stomach and land on the button of his jeans. I wait for him to stop me, but he doesn’t. Holding his gaze, I clumsily unbutton his jeans and push the sides down with both of my hands, boxers and all. He leans back with a firm grip on the sides of the table behind him.

  His breath hitches as my eyes drop, taking in the impressiveness of him. That’s when I see the little silver ball. My brow arches as he informs me in a deep, sexy voice, “That’s an apadravya piercing.” Holy Hell, I did not see that coming. Returning my eyes to his, I run my hand over the silky skin the piercing decorates.

  Asher’s eyes close as he groans. “Fuck, Eve.”

  I smile at his reaction to my touch and move my thumb along the top silver ball in a circular motion while my other hand runs the length of him. He gasps and arches his back, white knuckling the table before grabbing me by the back of the neck and yanking me to his lips, releasing a raw growl into my mouth.

  “You’ll have to explain this later,” I say against his mouth as his lips curve into a seductive smirk.

  “With pleasure, siren.”

  My lips brush his again, soft but firmly as I allow my hands to explore every inch of Asher in slow, steady motions.



  I’m trying to control the urge to smack him. It’s hard. He’s driving me up the fucking wall. We’ve been in a staring contest for the past twenty minutes over our cereal bowls. Neither of us budges. I release a long, exaggerated breath. It doesn’t even faze him. He just keeps crunching on his breakfast, loudly, to irritate me. I push my breakfast forward with a heavy sigh.



  “I can’t do it.”

  “You can.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  He shrugs. “You have to.”

  “They’re dangerous,” I say firmly.

  “They’re weapons. They’re supposed to be dangerous,” he retorts in a casual tone.

  “They pierced your heart. I almost lost you because of them,” I explain, hoping he’ll see reason.

  His face softens as he reaches for my hands. “I’m not going anywhere, siren. My death won’t be at the hands of your daggers, I promise. Besides, you don’t get it.”

  I arch my brow. “Get what?”

  He cocks his head to the side, gives me his sexy smirk and uses the most annoying and cocky voice I’ve heard from him to date. “I’m awesome.”

  I narrow my eyes, rip my hands away and push off the stool. “You suck, gargoyle.”

  His eyes twinkle with mischief as he drops his voice. “You know I do, siren.”

  My body constricts at his suggestive words. “Ass.” I stomp off, mumbling as his light chuckle follows me down the hall.

  We’re in the basement. Even the flats have a training room. Three hours of weapon and hand-to-hand instruction later, I’m covered in sweat and my muscles ache. Callan launches himself at me, wielding his knife. I spin and block the thrust with a kick.

  “Excellent,” Keegan encourages from the corner.

  Tadhg steps forward, replacing Callan. The change catches me off guard. Something flashes over Callan’s face but he immediately turns to stand between Asher and Keegan. Asher’s face pales. Keegan watches me with an odd focus. What the hell?

  Tadhg smirks before lunging at me with supernatural speed. The rapid movement causes me to stumble back before catching my footing. The large gargoyle’s movements are so fast I’m having trouble absorbing them all. He produces a sword and plunges it at me, forcing me to twist away so hard I pull a back muscle in the process. Wincing, I hesitate for just a moment. It’s just long enough for Tadhg to grab my throat and throw me hard against the wall before dropping the sword. It clanks at our feet.

  He brings his other hand to my neck so both are squeezing tightly, cutting off the circulation of oxygen. I snap my hands up and around each of his wrists. My surprised eyes dart over his shoulder to Callan who’s holding a very pissed off Asher back.

  Tadhg leans into my ear and uses a low voice, his Irish brogue thick. “Ye’re in a bad position, lass.” He tsks, increasing his chokehold on my throat and causing my eyes to water. “How would ye get outta dis if I was a demon?” His solid body presses my back against the wall as I grunt. “I asked ye a question.” Tadhg’s grip tightens and my hands claw at his wrists.

  “Enough,” Asher shouts as he watches with helpless fury.

  “Let him do this. She needs to be adept at defending herself,” Keegan orders calmly.

  I close my eyes, praying I won’t pass out. “Come on, lass, tink,” Tadhg demands, his voice urgent.

  My eyes open and my hands go to my legs where my daggers would normally be sheathed.

  Tadhg’s eyes meet mine. “Aye, good girl.” At that, he removes the hold on my neck. The release causes me to gasp in air as I slide down the wall, my ass hitting the concrete floor.

  Asher doesn’t take his eyes off me as he storms over, brushing past Tadhg who is backing away with caution. “If she has bruises, I’ll fucking kill you,” Asher warns as he comes closer to me. I plaster myself to the wall, still in shock. Asher stands at his full height and snaps around to Tadhg.

  His voice is a menacing bark as he points
at Tadhg. “Get the fuck away from her.”

  Tadhg backs up with his palms out in a show of surrender and moves closer to Callan and Keegan who are watching Asher with interest. Asher returns to me and crouches. At the sight of my neck and the water dripping from my eyes, his face became callous.

  “EVERYONE LEAVE NOW!” Asher roars, startling me.

  “Ash, you know this had to be done,” Callan says, trying to pacify him.

  Asher’s nostrils flare and in a low snarl he says, “OUT!”

  At the angry order, everyone leaves in silence. Once the room is clear, Asher sits on the floor in front of me, his face softening. He reaches out and catches my chin. “Siren, look at me.” His voice is demanding.

  I snap my eyes at him, fuming. “What the fuck,” I croak out, stunned.

  “I’m sorry,” he offers in a pained apology.

  “Why would you allow them do that?” I shout but it’s raspy from my scratchy throat.

  He closes his eyes and releases my chin. Running his hands through his hair and rubbing the back of his neck in agitation, he says, “We thought it would help get you to understand the importance of your daggers when defending yourself. Your refusal to engage with them…we figured if we caught you off guard, you—” I cut him off.

  “Tough love doesn’t work on me, you asshole.” A sudden rush of tears sting my eyes.

  His eyes flash a furious blue before glowing. “I see that. I’m sorry.”

  I slap his hands away as he reaches for me. “No. You don’t get to touch me.” I snivel.

  He curses under his breath before cupping my face firmly so I can’t move or fight him. “Don’t,” he pleads. Once I stop struggling, he plants kisses on both of my eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry, siren.”

  My sob finally escapes as I cling to his solid form. “You have no idea what it did to me to see you laying on the ground, bleeding out.”

  Asher pulls back and looks into my eyes, commanding my attention. “I do get it. There is nothing I want more than to shelter you from all this, Eve, but there’s nowhere for us to hide. You’re human. I need to know you can protect yourself so that at the end of this fucked up story, it’s you and me left standing, together.”

  My body shrinks at the desperation in his plea. It’s like his life force is woven within my soul. He’s afraid. Not that he won’t survive the war…but that I won’t. “Give them to me.” I cave.

  At my directive, Asher pulls me onto his lap and holds on to me like the world is on fire.

  “Hold out your hands,” he orders in a soothing voice.

  I do and he places the smooth black onyx handles of the silver daggers into them. I look down as my thumbs brush the silver dragon symbol etched into them. They match Asher’s tattoo, our bond mark. He folds his hands over mine.

  “These belong to you, siren.” He places a feather-light kiss across each of my knuckles before dropping one final searing kiss on my lips. “Tomorrow you’ll practice with them.”

  Trying to block my apprehension, I feign strength. “I’ve got this.”

  Asher calls everyone back into the training room. It looks as though he’d given them a stern warning before they returned. Tadhg walks in last. He’s standing by the wall, watching me with apprehension. My anger gets the best of me and I turn quickly to him, throwing both the daggers at him. They land in the wall, one on each side of his head, a breath away from nicking him.

  Tadhg’s eyes widen with surprise. I lurk toward him, stopping when we’re nose-to-nose. As I pull the weapons from the wall, I narrow my eyes, lean in and whisper, “An eye for an eye, gargoyle.”

  “Nice to see you following gargoyle laws, cutie.” Callan chuckles.

  Asher’s loud laugh radiates through me. “I think Tadhg might have peed his pants a little.”

  Tadhg raises his middle finger at Asher. “Sod off, brother.” Though he does look rattled.

  Internally, I high-five myself. Guess my ego got the best of me in that situation. I give Keegan a side-glance. He’s smirking too. Wow, I cracked the always stoic Keegan. I rock!

  Asher’s arms wrap around my waist, pulling my back to his chest before he kisses the top of my head in pride. “Come on, killer. It’s late. Let’s get you fed and rested.”

  We leave the training room, but before we completely make our way out, Keegan stops me. “You did good today.” My eyes lock onto his and he offers me a brief smile.


  I’m brushing my teeth when Asher swaggers into the bathroom. He leans his hip against the counter and just watches me. It’s starting to freak me out. I squint at him before spitting.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Huh?” he asks.

  “You’re staring.” I tip my toothbrush at him.

  “Am I?” He tilts his head to the side and crosses his arms.

  I spit one last time and start my flossing routine and gargle my mouth rinse, all while Asher just stands there, observing me. Seriously, what’s he doing?

  “Curious about dental care?”

  “Curious about you,” he shoots back.


  He shrugs. “I like watching you do normal, everyday things.”

  I blink. “Did you get clocked in training today?”

  “No.” He slides his hands into the pockets of his pajama bottoms. “Want to have a sleep over?”

  “Sleepover?” I repeat, less than enthused.

  “Pajamas, pillow fights, gossip. You know, sleepover,” he clarifies, like I’m an idiot.

  I sigh. “You’re freaking me out. What the hell is going on?”

  He reaches for me and grabs the hem of my tank top, pulling me towards him. I stumble a bit and have to place my hands on his shoulders for balance as he tugs me closer. “I want you in my bed tonight. I was hoping you’d fall asleep in my arms.” His eyes lock onto mine.

  “Oh. That sounds.” I exhale. “Blissful.”


  “It means—” Asher cuts me off by picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He smacks my ass, enjoying my squeal before I giggle.

  “I know what it means, siren.” He walks us to his bedroom and drops me on the large bed.

  I crawl up to the pillows and get under the covers, making myself comfortable and at home while he watches me, smiling the entire time. Then he gets himself settled in before he turns a serious face to me.

  “How do you know the right side isn’t my usual side?” he asks with genuine bewilderment.

  “Oh God. Asher, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think. Is this your side?” I point to where I’m lying.

  He laughs quietly. “It’s not. I just wanted to fuck with you.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Mean.”

  That earns me his signature sexy smile before grabbing the back of my neck and bringing me in for a very long and sensual goodnight kiss.

  “Mmm, cinnamony and clean. I like oral care in a human.” The comment is lined with a wicked undertone.

  I snort before snuggling into him and closing my eyes as he shuts off the lights. Strong arms tighten around me, keeping me safe and content, tucked into him.

  “Want me to sing you a lullaby?” he asks in the darkness.

  “Um, no. Thanks. I’m good. And eighteen.” I laugh softly.

  “Good night, siren.”

  “Good night, pretty boy.”

  The sounds of my footsteps on the marble floor echo off the tall arched ceiling surrounding me in the dark corridor. Aside from my even breathing, it’s the only noise I hear.

  To my left are dark gray stone castle walls with alcoves that draw your attention to huge granite gargoyle statues. On my right are several large cathedral windows that overlook the inky night sky.

  My gaze lifts to the enormous, medieval double doors in front of me. Both pieces of dark wood are intricately carved with symbols I’ve never seen before. Each entry is flanked with two massive gargoyle statues. Both have an urn resting on the top of their heads. The
fire burning in them emits the only light.

  Cautiously, I approach the doors and take a deep breath then run my fingers over the beautiful carvings before dropping my hands to the iron loops. Once pulled, they allow me access to what’s behind the entrance. I’m surprised to discover the double doors are actually light and effortless to open. They make no sound as I step through the archway.

  I’m in what I assume is an assembly room of some sort. It’s shadowy, chilled and dungeon-like with dark gray and black hued stone walls, floors and ceilings. Light discharges from thousands of lit black candles that are melting, allowing the wax to drip and run over the stone before turning solid again. Urns filled with fire line each side of an aisle that runs all the way to the front of the chamber before stopping at a raised platform.

  “Well, this is a new one,” I say to myself, taking the environment in. My head snaps up at the booming sound of a voice rumbling off the stones.

  “Today is judgment day for you. You are here in the council chamber because of your disregard for your oath and our laws. Do you understand?” An older man’s voice cascades through me, leaving chills in its wake.

  I turn my focus to the front of the hall and attempt to make out what I see in the shadows. I think a man is chained, two guards on each side of him, and he seems to be kneeling in front of an extremely tall elderly man, dressed in black robes. The man in black must be at least seven feet tall. With his dark brown wings out, he seems even larger.

  At the question posed, the guy kneeling just bobs his head once. I’m not sure how I’m attuned to him, but he’s in a great deal of pain. I suddenly become aware they’ve been torturing him. His pride is strong though, which is why he is chained and being forced to kneel.

  Behind the tall, robed man are two stairs that lead to a stone throne. On each side of the throne are gargoyle statues and more arched alcoves. This almost feels like a place of worship for the supernatural beings.

  There are five more unnaturally tall beings on the left side of the throne and only four on the right. Each is seated on the granite stage, holding their heads high with an air of authority. There’s one chair empty though at the end of the right side. Odd.


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