Into the Light (Dark #2)

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Into the Light (Dark #2) Page 12

by J. G. Sumner

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary, dear. We’ll be bringing in a new doctor today to take over her care. I’m just waiting to get a call back.”

  Wait! A new doctor? What happened to Josh?

  “Mrs. Pearson, I don’t really think that’s necessary. Dr. Stone is taking great care of Laney. There’s no one I would recommend more. He’s doing everything in his power to make sure she recovers quickly.”

  Mom…Dad? Why would you want to get rid of Josh? He’s the best surgeon in the hospital. I need him.

  Eileen rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, dear. I understand your loyalty toward him. You’ve got to side with him because you work together. I have to make the decisions that are best for my daughter and that includes finding a doctor who is going to help me get her home where she belongs.”

  I am home, Mom! This is where I belong!

  “Mrs. Pearson, my loyalty lies with Laney. She’s my best friend. If you feel she needs a new doctor, I’d be happy to provide you a list of trauma surgeons who work in this area. However, I know for a fact changing doctors would not make Laney happy. She respects Dr. Stone as a surgeon. She wouldn’t want anyone else taking care of her.”

  Peyton, don’t give into her. Don’t let her push Josh away.

  “I appreciate your concern. I’ve done my homework already and have found a couple of doctors I feel are better options to take care of my precious baby. I’m sure I’ll be hearing from them shortly.”

  Good luck with that one. No one is just going to come in and take over for Josh. He won’t let them!

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how are you getting them to return your call so quickly?”

  “Well, honey. I offered them a hearty cash advance for their prompt service. Who can say no to a large sum of money?”

  Oh no, Mom. You didn’t! What’s wrong with you? Jesus, when are you going to stop controlling my life?

  “You’re bribing the doctors?”

  “Bribing is such an ugly word. I’m paying them handsomely for their prompt service.”

  “With all due respect, if you’re using money to get their service, how do you know they’re going to give the best treatment possible? They may do what they think you want so they can get the money. Just because it’s what you want to hear, doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for Laney. I mean, Doctor Stone is probably not even charging for his services. He’s doing it because he genuinely cares about Laney’s wellbeing.”

  “There’s where you are wrong, my dear. He’s expecting payment. His payment is getting my daughter in the sack. That’s just not going to happen.”

  Are you fricking kidding me? You waltz in out of nowhere, and now all the sudden you think you have my life figured out? You can’t do this.

  “It sounds to me like Laney hasn’t filled you in on the seriousness of their relationship.”

  “Really? They have only been dating a few weeks. How serious could it possibly be? It’s just infatuation. It’s just one big slut fest in the hospital. Everyone sleeps with everyone.”

  Thanks, Mom. Now you’re insinuating I sleep around. I’m glad you have such a positive impression of me. Way to be understanding and supportive.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to put this out there. I’m a little offended. No, I’m a lot offended by what you’re saying. I’ve never dated or slept with anyone in this hospital. I think that could be said about the majority of the staff. As far as Laney and Josh go, they have something special. Please don’t belittle it until you get to know them together. You might actually really like Josh. He’s a good guy.”

  You go, girl! That right there is why we are friends.

  “Well, I don’t think we’re going to have to worry about that. Will we, honey?”

  Eileen brushed Laney’s cheek. What was once a comforting act was now like sandpaper being rubbed against her face. Laney wanted to move her head away, but was trapped.

  “I’ll have Laney home before those two can conjure up any real feelings toward one another.”

  Over my dead body.

  “Don’t you care about Laney’s feelings regarding Josh and moving half way across the country? I’m sure if she wakes up in Missouri, she’s going to be livid.”

  “Peyton, let’s be realistic. Laney doesn’t know what she wants. She’s made some really bad decisions in her life. It’s time I took the wheel and started making the right ones for her. She’ll appreciate it in the end.”

  Gee, thanks. Thank you for having some faith in me as an adult. I spend most of my days saving people’s lives and you treat me like I’m some inept child.

  “Where’s Mr. Pearson this morning?”

  “Oh, he’s at the bank withdrawing the cash for the doctor.”

  This is unbelievable. I can’t believe Dad is going along with this.

  Laney’s heart suddenly skipped a beat. Her skin tingled with his presence. She didn’t have to see Josh to know he was in the room. The smell of his cologne caused the blood to surge through her veins warming every inch of her body. Josh, don’t let them do this to me. Please…stand up to them.

  “Mrs. Pearson, I’d like you to meet a colleague.”

  “Oh? To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “This is Dr. Russell. He’s a colleague from the university hospital downtown. He happens to be one of the best trauma surgeons in the country.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Pearson.”

  “By all means, Doctor. Please call me Eileen.”

  Eileen’s high-pitched voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Laney knew that voice. It was the one Eileen used to charm people.

  Unscathed, Josh continued. “Mrs. Pearson, I brought Dr. Russell here today because I was afraid my feelings for Laney may be clouding my judgment in her care. I want to make sure she receives the best care possible even if it’s from someone else. Knowing the experience and the recognition Dr. Russell has received for excellence in trauma surgery, I felt he was the best person for the job. He’s definitely the man I would choose to care for any of my family members.”

  What the heck are you talking about, Josh? You are the only one who can take care of me. I don’t want anyone else!

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Stone, but did you say you asked him to come here?” Eileen’s voice squawked an octave higher.

  “Yes, ma’am, I did.”

  “That’s strange. Because I called and left a message last night asking him to come see Laney. I wanted to get a second opinion. Did you get my message, Dr. Russell?”

  “I’m sorry. I haven’t checked my messages today. The answering service called this morning stating Dr. Stone needed to speak to me urgently. He was very persuasive, and I couldn’t help but see if there was any way I could assist.”

  “I see.”

  Josh continued. “I’ve updated Dr. Russell on Laney’s case, explained my treatment plan and the rationale behind it. If you’re okay with it, I can have him look over her chart and he can discuss his opinions with you.”

  “Why yes. I would love for you to do that. When you’re done, I would like to talk to you in private about options for her care.”

  “Certainly. That won’t be a problem at all. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to care for your daughter.”

  Josh cleared his throat. “If you’ll excuse us, I’m going to take Dr. Russell and help him navigate through Laney’s records.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate you for recognizing your weaknesses and seeking help.”

  God, she did not just say that! Someone get me out of this bed! I need to stop this madness.

  “Can you believe Josh brought that doctor in?” Eileen said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do I mean? I mean he finally realized he wasn’t taking good enough care of my daughter. He brought the best trauma surgeon in the country to replace him. I’m not sure if I should kiss the man or kick him the heck out of my daughter’s room. My only concern now is he may try and use some of his doctor connecti
ons and keep her from going home with me.”

  “Mrs. Pearson, I’m sure Dr. Stone has the best of intentions. He’s not the enemy here. Try and keep an open mind. This was the doctor you were waiting to call you back. Take advantage of the fact he’s here. Talk to him and see if he’s the one you want. You need to be comfortable with whoever it is taking care of Laney.”

  “You’re right. I can be very persuasive if he’s the right candidate.” Eileen looked down at her watch. “Where’s Herb? He should have been here by now. That man couldn’t be on time if his life depended on it.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be here any minute. Sometimes it’s hard to find parking here.”

  “You aren’t kidding! We searched for a place for a good fifteen minutes the last time we were here. It seems a little ridiculous they haven’t done anything to fix it. You need to have a place for families to park so they aren’t circling for hours. I’m sure there isn’t enough parking for all the employees who must be working in this building.”

  “Those are my thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, the higher ups don’t listen to the people who actually take care of the patients. I suppose they have their own…”

  “There you are! What on earth took you so long? Did you get lost?” Eileen got up from her chair and approached Herb.

  Daddy, don’t let Mom do this. I don’t want anyone else taking care of me. Please don’t push Josh away.

  “No. I went to the bank just as you told me to. It took a little time for them to get me the amount of cash you wanted.”

  “Why is that? They are a bank and we have the money in our account. They should just hand it over.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. They had to check my identification to make sure I am who I said I was, and they had to go in the back to gather all the cash together. Then, they pulled me into a room to count it with them. I went as fast as I could. I told them we were on a time crunch.”

  “I see. It would seem they have some efficiency issues they need to work through.”


  Dad, don’t let her do this. Please don’t give into her this time.

  “Well, you wouldn’t believe what has happened since I’ve been here.” Eileen told Herb all about Dr. Russell and how they would be meeting with him as soon as he finished reviewing Laney’s records.

  “This is our chance to bring him over to our side and have him transfer Laney.”

  More like the Dark Side.

  Herb was hesitant. “I don’t know that we need to give him cash to make that decision. I’m sure he’ll transfer Laney if he feels it’s the right thing to do. The transfer is going to take a lot of money in itself. Don’t you think we should use this for other purposes?”

  “We don’t know what Dr. Stone has told this gentleman. He may need a little convincing.”

  “I’ll tell you what. How about we listen to what he has to say? If we feel he needs a little incentive, then we’ll offer it to him. If not, we’ll keep it and use it for her transfer.”

  “Don’t back down now, Herb. Our daughter needs us.”

  “I’m not backing down. I just think it’s important to see what the man has to say first. Give him a chance.”

  It’s not backing down, Dad. It’s standing up for what I want. Why is that so difficult for you two to understand?

  Loud blaring came from next to Laney’s bed.

  “Crap! Her heart rate is elevated again. I wonder if she can hear what’s going on. Perhaps you should talk about her transfer elsewhere.”

  No, Peyton. I want to hear what they are planning. I need to know!

  “What’s going on?” Josh came barreling through the door.

  “Her heart rate jumped. I think she’s getting worked up over everything.”

  Josh, don’t give up on me. Don’t let that other guy take your place. You are the only one who knows what I need. Pleaassee, Josh.

  “Up her sedation! Everyone needs to leave the room now. Her heart can’t take the stress.”

  “Josh, perhaps now would be a good time for me to discuss my plan of care with the Pearsons.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. There’s a conference room around the corner. You can do it in there.”

  “Dr. Stone, I don’t really think it’s your place to be ordering us around. You’re not going to be on this case much longer.” Eileen’s voice changed from high pitched to condescending.

  “As of right now, I am Laney’s physician. I make the decision on how best to treat her. She is in distress. I will do what’s needed to make sure she’s okay—that includes asking you to leave. So, please, go have your discussion with Dr. Russell and let me fix the damage you’ve caused.”

  Go, Josh. Get her out of my room.

  “How dare you talk to me that way! Who do you think you are?”

  “I’m the guy who saved your daughter’s life. Without me, she wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “Let’s go have that chat and give Laney a chance to settle down.” Dr. Russell urged Herb and Eileen to follow him.

  They all shuffled out of the room. The alarm had silenced. Laney’s anger slowly subsided.

  “I’m sorry you had to hear all that. Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of everything. You get your rest.”

  Josh pressed his warm lips against Laney’s forehead. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through her body. Her nerve endings came alive. His presence calmed her soul but lit her body up like a nuclear energy plant. He could get her through this. She would fight for him. Laney relaxed and gave into the medication being pumped into her veins.

  Chapter 20


  Eileen stared at the man standing before her. He was tall at slightly over six feet. He had a full head of curly brown hair mixed with a good amount of gray. His goatee also hosted some gray, bringing out the blue in his eyes. He was very trim and tan. It was obvious he had been a real looker in his younger years.

  “I’ve reviewed your daughter’s case. As you know, her injuries are pretty significant. She’s very lucky to have survived the shooting much less to have made it through surgery.” Dr. Russell placed his hands flat on the table as he leaned in to ensure the Pearsons understood what he was saying.

  “Yes, Doctor,” Herb acknowledged.

  “Dr. Stone and Dr. George performed surgery swiftly and expertly on your daughter, which allowed her to survive this long. Those doctors should be commended for saving her life.”

  Eileen flashed Herb a look of displeasure.

  Dr. Russell continued. “As I’m sure you also know, the need for dialysis is the direct result of Miss Pearson not receiving enough blood flow to her kidneys after she was shot. It’s my expert opinion there was no way to avoid the hit to the kidneys. Further, I believe Dr. Stone made the right decision to contact the nephrologist and have Miss Pearson placed on CRRT dialysis rather than hemodialysis. It would seem, up to this point, Dr. Stone has handled your daughter’s case expertly, dotting every i and crossing every t. There’s nothing I’d do differently.

  “It is however, the concern of Dr. Stone that he may be too close to the situation. While I feel he has done an excellent job, I’m more than willing to lend my services to mentor and guide him through the care of your daughter to ensure nothing is missed. Now, you informed me earlier, you had phoned me for a second opinion. May I ask specifically what you were looking for?”

  Herb nodded for Eileen to continue. Eileen was all smiles. “Well, Doctor. First let me say how much I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to look at our daughter. It’s an honor to have someone who’s so renowned in his field provide his expertise. Next, I’d like to say how big it was of Dr. Stone to recognize his shortcomings. However, our concern here is our daughter’s treatment plan.”

  Dr. Russell sat back in his chair. “I’m not sure I’m following.”

  Eileen continued. “We’d like our daughter transferred to St. Louis and continue her treatment there. We live in a small t
own about an hour and a half outside of the city. Things are slower paced there. We feel it is the ideal healing environment for Laney. In addition, there are some recent problems in her personal life which make us believe she would be better off away from here.”

  “I see. So when did you want her moved?”

  “Today.” Eileen placed her hands on the table, tilted her head to the side, and smiled.

  Dr. Russell choked on her words. “Let me just clarify, you want her transferred to a hospital two-thousand miles away today?”

  “Yes. That’s what I said.”

  “With all due respect, Mrs. Pearson, I think it’s impossible to transfer her today.”

  Eileen grabbed the bag located at her side. “We’re willing to provide you with five thousand dollars in cash to make it happen today.”

  Dr. Russell was rendered speechless. He shifted his gaze back and forth from the money to Eileen. She hoped it was a good thing.

  He quickly recovered. “While I appreciate the sense of urgency, no amount of money can make that happen today. First of all, there needs to be an accepting physician willing to take over her care. Dr. Stone hadn’t mentioned working with any doctors in the St. Louis area. Second, due to the distance, she’d need to be airlifted to Missouri. That takes some time to arrange, at least twenty-four hours. Thirdly, but probably the most important reason she can’t be transferred is because she’s too unstable. There’s not a company out there who would move her while she is receiving CRRT. If they did, it would only be for a lifesaving procedure. That’s not your daughter’s case. Your daughter could die in transport.

  “There is one more thing I must make clear. I cannot and will not be bought. I’m here as a favor to a colleague. I have an ethical responsibility to take care of any patient to the best of my ability regardless of receiving payment or not. Please don’t offer money as an incentive again.”

  Eileen frowned and shifted in her seat. She couldn’t believe he was offended. She was just trying to make the process smoother. Surely she could convince this doctor to transfer Laney sooner. There must be a way around it. “Does she still need the dialysis? I mean her vital signs have been good. Maybe she could be off it for the transfer.”


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