Babysitter's Club Alyssa

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Babysitter's Club Alyssa Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  Mr. Killion was pretty good about shielding them from stuff but his ex was never one to be careful. I snuck out the bathroom and headed for the family room. I could no longer hear them but who knows if she was still here.

  I looked out the picture window for the bus. The kids only had one more week of school before they were out for the summer. I had a lot of fun things planned for our time together.

  I've been babysitting them on and off for the past two years, since my sixteenth birthday. It started out as once in a while when they needed a night out, or when Mr. Killion was away playing ball and the wife, now ex wife wanted to hit the town.

  Had I known what she was getting up to maybe I wouldn't have made myself available, maybe she wouldn't have done the things she had done. But she had.

  Mr. Killion had asked me to watch the kids full time this summer. It would be my first time as their full time nanny, well nanny –housekeeper, since I had to cook and clean as well.

  He’d fired all the help from before because no one had told him that his kids were being neglected or that his wife was making a fool of him. He said he knew he could trust me because even though I was young, I’d always played it straight with him.

  I wasn’t sure about the housekeeping thing, or even the fulltime babysitting, but there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to be around him. Especially now that he was single again.

  For those infrequent times over the years that I’d seen him, I’d been able to hide my true feelings. We were never in each other’s presence that much back then, since I mostly dealt with her.

  So when he called me up and offered me the job, I jumped at it. Not only would he be paying me better than the fast food place which was my only other option before going off to college, but I would also be staying here the whole summer.

  In his house, his big beautiful mansion with the indoor swimming pool, the hot tub that I have very X-rated dreams of sharing with him and most of all with him.

  My mom was only too glad to get me out of her hair since she could now take that trip with her new boyfriend that she wanted to. And besides, I was eighteen so the decision had pretty much been mine.

  His football camp would be starting a few weeks after school let out for the kids and since I was out already it worked out fine. Plus like I said, he was paying me a mint.

  The kids were wonderful, they took after their father obviously, one of each. Junior was eight and Chelsea was five, they were gorgeous little well behaved cuties who I loved to death.

  I'd been watching them since Junior was six and Chelsea was about three, they were my little munchkins. When all the madness had gone down between their parents it was me they turned to for reassurance.

  Of course they had their grandma Val who was an angel if I ever saw one, and their aunt Paulette and uncle Joseph and grandpa Charles, but I guess they were accustomed to seeing me just a little more than they did the others.

  I'd never really gotten along with the ex Mrs. Killion, she always seemed a bit aloof to me. It was a wonder I kept the job so long with her attitude; she hated anything female...

  "You still here? I want you gone." Oh boy, round two is about to start I guess.

  "You can't treat me this way Gage, I won't stand for it."

  "You've finally lost your damn mind. I don't care what you will or won't stand for.”

  “I stopped caring before the ink was dry on the divorce papers. In case you haven't gotten it yet, I despise you, you mean nothing to me.” Ouch, way to get a point across. I was almost afraid. Would he treat me this way if we were together?

  If you cheated on him and made him a laughingstock I don’t see why not. Every time I have even an inkling of pity for her plight, all I have to do is remember that she’d brought this on herself.

  “Furthermore, you are not allowed around my kids and after today if you even try to contact me or them I will have you arrested. Now for the last time, get the hell out of my house." I was tense as a piece of wood waiting for her reaction.


  I’m not sure which is worst. That cold hard statement, or the fiery temper. This up and down rollercoaster of emotions was making me tired. I kept running hot and cold from one moment to the next.

  "This isn't over, not by a long shot.” There was something in her voice that made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. I saw why when the next words fell from her lips.

  The voices were getting louder and my heart rate was picking up speed, and that’s when she dropped the hammer so to speak. Dragging me into her madness.

  “Just imagine what the judge and the good people of this community would say if they knew you were fucking the teenage babysitter."

  Gulp! It would suck if I got him into trouble like that, since I’m the one who was lusting after him while he barely knew I was alive. But if her words were surprising, what he said next threw me for six.

  "Alyssa how old are you?"

  He yelled into the room after me. I could’ve sworn he’d forgotten I was here.

  "Uhm, eighteen sir." That’s a strange question. One of the reasons he’d asked me to live-in for the summer was because I was of age.

  "Eighteen, that means she’s an adult. I can fuck her six ways from Sunday and there isn't a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it. It would be an upgrade as far as I'm concerned."

  Oh really now, is that so? Do tell. Looks like it was a good thing I was here after all. Or was he just saying that to get a rise out of her? I wish I could see his face. Damn!

  He’d told me to come into the room with him earlier but I hadn’t quite made it there since she’d barged in there ahead of me. And now that the danger had passed I thought it wise to stay out of the line of fire.

  No sense in stirring up things when she’s in this mood. I don’t want anything to interfere with me moving in here in the next week or so once the children are out of school.

  The voices went low again and I had to strain to hear but it was no use. From the deep timbre of the tone I guessed he was the one doing the talking. I knew I was right when she cried out, not in pain but outrage.

  I started to get nervous when I heard what sounded like the school bus engine pulling onto the street and looked out the huge bay window at the front of the house.

  These poor kids have had enough, what with their peers knowing about the divorce and what led up to it, from their parents gossiping in front of them.

  I’ve dried many a tear after one or the other of them had come to me crying because of some mean thing someone had said about their mother.

  I guess people never think of how their selfish acts might affect others, especially their kids. She sure hadn’t if the rumors were to be believed.

  Oh shit, I heard breaking glass just as the school bus came to a stop outside. “That’s it you have to leave, my kids are here.” I could’ve told him that wasn’t gonna work, but I’m pretty sure he knew. This was just what she was after, selfish hag.

  I watched as she rushed outside and intercepted the kids. He stood off to the side and watched and I stayed put, both of us thinking the same thing I’m sure. Not in front of the kids.

  I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but from the looks on their little faces they weren’t too happy to see her. Little Chelsea ran to her daddy crying and that was it for him.

  He lifted her in his arms, walked over and took Junior by the hand, and the three of them walked past her without glancing back.

  As if she sensed me watching, her eyes came my way and the venom I saw there had me taking a step back. She flounced off to her car and burned rubber leaving. After all that she didn’t even fight to see her kids.

  I stood in the doorway to Chelsea’s room as her daddy sat on the edge of her bed drying her tears and assuring her that no, she didn’t have to go be with mommy.

  Junior was standing next to me breathing fire and I put my hand on his shoulder. Poor kid, he tries so hard to be a grownup and protect his little sis

  I squeezed his shoulder and smiled down at him when he looked up at me. “Hey kiddos, I was thinking, after homework and dinner why don’t we work on that obstacle course?”

  “Yeahhhhh…”Chelsea got down off the bed with her daddy and came over to join her brother and I. Gage looked at me questioningly and I explained.

  “It’s something they said they wanted to try so I picked up a kit online. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “You bought my kids an obstacle course kit?” There was no censorship in his tone, more like surprise.

  “Yeah it wasn’t that expensive, only like seventy bucks.”

  “Why didn’t you take it out of the petty cash I left you?”

  “Oh, because I didn’t tell you about it before hand.” And because you take care of everything so well I forgot it was even there.

  He thought about it for a while, studying me as if he’d never seen me before. Then he stood from the bed and walked towards the door.

  “Fine, but you remember to take it later. How about it kids? You want to play in the backyard later?”

  “Yes daddy.”

  “Yes dad.” He ruffled both their heads as he looked at me, still with that strange look on his face. “Okay then, I guess I’ll get dinner started.”

  “I’ve already defrosted chicken for dinner, why don’t you help them with their homework while I take care of that?”

  I wasn’t supposed to start my complete duties for another week, but I figured I needed the practice. His kitchen was about three times the size of ours at home and it took some getting used to.

  I’ve never seen so many high tech gadgets in a kitchen before and didn’t want to look like a complete boob in front of him.

  He nodded his agreement and headed down to his room telling the kids to get out of their uniforms and meet him in the kitchen in ten.

  Oh dear, I thought he’d take them into the den to do their homework. How was I supposed to cook with all his hotness just feet away?

  I helped the kids, well Chelsea anyway, get changed out of her school uniform and then headed down to the kitchen while they went in search of their father.

  All while I was chopping and dicing to prepare dinner my mind kept going back to him telling his ex-wife that he could fuck me and there’s nothing she could do about it.

  As if that wasn’t enough, once he came into the kitchen and sat at the little table in the breakfast nook, I kept feeling his eyes on me.

  I thought it was just my imagination at first, but when I got up the nerve to look, sure enough his eyes met mine. I think I forgot how to breathe.

  He was answering something one of the children said, but his eyes never left mine. My whole body went up in flames and I turned embarrassingly red.

  But it was when his eyes travelled down the front of my soft cotton shirt to where my nipples were trying their best to burst through my bra that I almost dropped the knife on my foot.

  Why was he doing this now? Was he as turned on by his own words as I was? It was obvious that something had changed, he’d never looked at me quite in that way before.

  When he looked between my legs at my camel toe in the tight leggings I wore I felt my pussy seep. His nostrils flared and I had the insane thought that he could smell me. I didn’t know if to be mortified or excited.

  He took pity on me and went back to the book he was helping his son understand, while his daughter worked out the math problem he’d just helped her with.

  “Dinner’s ready.” My voice sounded tinny even to my own ears. And now I wanted him to go before I did something even more embarrassing. Of course he chose this evening to join us.

  “Did you make enough for daddy too or is this kids only?” He gave me another one of those earth shattering smiles and I wondered not for the first time what kind of idiot his ex-wife had to be to give up someone like him.

  Maybe she’d been lonely while he was on the road? Or maybe she was one of those women who had a high sex drive or something? Because as far as I can tell, it wasn’t due to any lack in him.

  The man was perfect. At least if there was something wrong with him I had yet to find it. He was so attentive to his kids. Patient, kind, protective.

  And I’d seen him with her in the past before all this happened and he’d always been what I thought was a dreamy husband.

  Maybe that’s why I’d started fantasizing about him. I used to feel such guilt. Especially alone in my bed at night with the covers drawn as I worked my fingers in and out of my pussy.

  I never had a stronger climax than when I imagined it was him fucking me. None of the boys at school had ever been able to get a rise out of me, and since taking the job to work for them two years earlier, I’d pretty much been off dating.

  He was all I could think about, even with the heavy pressure of guilt I felt for wanting her man. It’s not like I could help it, but I never even thought of trying to steal him away from his family.

  Now he’s free, free of her anyway. And after today I no longer fear him taking her back. It was more than obvious, to everyone but her anyway, that he was well and truly done.

  So I shored myself up and found my courage. I decided that the next time he looks at me like that, I’ll just go on ahead and give him a look to let him know the door was open.

  And what if he laughs in your face? Well then I’ll just have to leave town, change my name, and never return again.

  I took one last look at him as I placed his plate in front of him on the table. He made sure to look me in the face with that smile of his that made my heart skip a beat. “Thanks sweetheart, this looks great.”


  I didn’t miss the blush this time, or the way the pulse raced in her throat. So I was right, she was interested. I’d kind of suspected for a while, even before the divorce, but she’s so good at hiding it I was never too sure.

  Of course back then I never dwelt on such things. I was a married man, happily so I thought, and she was a kid besides. I’ve never been one to be swayed by a young tight body.

  I know most people think that because I’m a professional athlete who spends a lot of time away from home, that I must be a player, but nothing could be farther from the truth. We’re not all made that way.

  I’d fallen in love with Tanya when we were both kids, and had kept my promise to come back for her if I made it big some day.

  After I was drafted my first year in college, I’d kept my word and came back home to play for my home team and marry the girl I loved.

  Most people don’t know, but the life of an NFL player is boring as hell. Outside of marriage and a steady stable lifestyle, most of your time is spent studying the game when you’re not on the field.

  I’d thought I had it made. A beautiful wife, two amazing kids and a steady paycheck with a portfolio that said I was set for life due to some timely investments.

  But it all went to hell when I caught my wife cheating. I’d suspected something for the last two years of our marriage, that’s about the time I stopped climbing into her bed.

  I’d tried to ignore the rumors in the beginning, but there were too many signs that I just couldn’t ignore. I’d been more hurt for my kids than anything else.

  Like I said, once I suspected something was going on, I’d taken myself out of the marriage so to speak. But from the outside looking in, everything stayed the same.

  I didn’t want my kids to suffer the loss of their mother, so I kept my mouth shut and did what I had to do. That was before she brought that shit to my home where my children sleep.

  That was the last fucking straw and I didn’t think twice before finding a lawyer and getting her ass out of my house.

  I’d been willing to give her half of what I owned in the beginning. But the more shit came to light, the nastier I became and I’m not ashamed to say it.

  Lucky for me my manager had made her sign a prenuptial agreement before we got hitched. At the time I was pissed at him for that, my stupid ass was in
love. Now I’m eternally grateful for his foresight.

  After the shit that she’d been up to was brought up in court by my lawyer who’d hired a private investigator, she was left with nothing. Not even visitation rights.

  The judge had deemed her behavior a danger to the kids and that was that. We all knew it was up to me to allow her to see them if I chose to, and I had no intentions on being petty.

  That was before the last shoe dropped and I learned that my little girl had actually walked in on her and one of her fuck boys getting down and dirty while sniffing coke.

  Instead of stopping, this bitch had laughed and carried on with what she was doing. After hearing that shit I wanted nothing to do with her and I sure as fuck didn’t want her anywhere near my kids again.

  I’d been so pissed I’d fired everyone that worked in the house. It was tough at first, having to care for the children on my own, but I couldn’t have people I could no longer trust around me.

  Then I remembered the sweet kid who sometimes babysat for us. I remembered that the kids had always liked her especially out of all the other sitters that we’d used on occasion.

  I knew she had to be around eighteen by then, since she’d started working for us a little after her sixteenth birthday.

  It was a lot to ask of someone that young, to cook, clean and look after my kids once training camp started, but I wanted to take my time and hire new staff.

  I remember the day she came to the house for that interview. It was the first time I’d really looked at her and I was surprised that my body had actually reacted.

  I’d been abstaining from sex going on two and a half years. Not because I couldn’t find pussy, there was plenty of that to go around in this town. But I was so disgusted with the turn my marriage had taken, it just hadn’t been that high on my to do list.

  That was surprising because I was not known for going without for any length of time. I think I was able to do it because I wanted to set an example for my kids.


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