Goldwater went even further in his anti-Brown position, citing the Virginia Plan’s argument: “Freedom of association is a double-edged freedom or it is nothing at all.” Liberty entailed “the freedom not to associate,” a justification for another innovation in the GOP platform: support for state subsidies for private schools.11
Today Goldwater is best remembered for one line in his acceptance speech, the most uncompromising in major-party history, until recently. Critics of “our cause,” he suggested, could leave the GOP and take their “fuzzy” Republicanism with them. “I would remind you,” the nominee announced in his climax, “that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!” Contemporaries and historians interpreted the line in light of the candidate’s opposition to the Civil Rights Act that had just been enacted and his suggestion that nuclear weapons could win the war in Vietnam. Those were reasonable inferences, given the candidate’s avid backing from segregationists and his many followers in the John Birch Society, known for its bellicose anti-Communism and fierce opposition to the Warren Court and civil rights.12
But for Goldwater himself and the team who crafted the passage, Nutter among them, “extremism in the defense of liberty” referred to his stand for “a free society” in the Mont Pelerin Society sense. The speech was a proud rebuff of what they perceived as a “smear,” to use Ayn Rand’s word. She argued, with some justification, that liberals deployed the label “extremism” to evade head-on engagement with Goldwater’s uncompromising “advocacy of capitalism.” By implying an association with fascism, Rand said, the critics dodged what libertarians considered “the basic and crucial political issue of our age . . . capitalism versus socialism, or freedom versus statism.”13 Nearly a half century later, Milton Friedman still called the speech “splendid. I recall particularly relishing the sentence that came back to haunt Goldwater: ‘Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.’”14
When Election Day came, the cause’s standard-bearer suffered the worst defeat of any major-party presidential candidate in a century and a half. Goldwater won the Electoral College votes of only six states: his home state and five states of the Deep South that practiced acute voter suppression, among them Mississippi, where he garnered 87 percent of the almost entirely white vote.15 By contrast, Goldwater lost the Rim South—Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia—where a new economy was arising. The Arizona senator repelled voters in the growing southern suburbs, gaining less support there than Eisenhower and Nixon had before him.16
The regional concentration of his vote pointed to a larger truth about the Mont Pelerin Society worldview. As bright as some of the libertarian economists were, their ideas made the headway they did in the South because, in their essence, their stands were so familiar. Goldwater did best in the part of Virginia—like that of the nation as a whole—most resistant to civil rights reform: the old plantation counties that were most eager to, as officials of Prince Edward County had put it, get “out of the business of public education.”17 White southerners who opposed racial equality and economic justice knew from their own region’s history that the only way they could protect their desired way of life was to keep federal power at bay, so that majoritarian democracy could not reach into the region. That is why Harry Byrd was Barry Goldwater’s “philosophical soul mate,” in the words of Byrd’s biographer.18
As the Republican establishment scrambled to cope with the near wreckage of their party, the election affected the leaders of the Chicago school of economics and the Virginia school of political economy in starkly different ways. For Milton Friedman, the exposure he gained as a Goldwater spokesman was a career booster. Newsweek magazine invited him to write a regular column, an arrangement that lasted nearly two decades and yielded hundreds of pieces on matters from the minimum wage to financial deregulation. “By the end of the 1960s,” a biographer notes, “Friedman was the most prominent conservative public intellectual at least in the United States and probably in the world.”19 As he made the case for libertarian economics, he assumed that the cause would eventually triumph by conversion—voter by voter, as long as it took.
Buchanan, characteristically, drew less sunny conclusions than Friedman. The fate of his institution was now, as it had been from the beginning, tied to the grip of the Byrd machine on Virginia. As citizen organizing, the Supreme Court, and Congress pried that grip open, Buchanan’s institutional base became less secure. It did not help his mood that Goldwater pulled down so many other GOP candidates that Lyndon Johnson, one of the most skilled political tacticians ever to sit in the Oval Office, was able to gloat that the incoming Congress “could be better, but not [on] this side of heaven.”20 This Congress would pass everything from work-study programs to help students work their way through college to Medicare and Medicaid, a War on Poverty, and laws to ensure clean air and water. Its crowning achievement was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, designed to allow every American citizen, at last, to participate in the political process.21
The once omnipotent Harry Byrd, who had refused to endorse Johnson, decided to retire in 1965. Howard Smith, Byrd’s long-serving and similarly archconservative counterpart in the House, was not so savvy; staying in the running, he was swept out of the 1966 Democratic primary by a combination of black voters and white urban and suburban voters. “Many whites and blacks in the new district,” his biographer summarizes, “wanted the federal programs and civil rights guarantees that Smith had long fought.” Able, finally, to wield power in proportion to their numbers, they delivered “one of the most stunning defeats ever sustained by a Byrd Organization candidate.”22
With such stalwarts of economic liberty out of power and an era of grand expectations opening, the Virginia General Assembly, in a nod to the new growth-minded business class and residents of the growing cities and suburbs, repealed the “pay as you go” requirements in the state constitution, which had put the Virginia of their day fiftieth in the nation in capital spending for health and welfare. Borrowing money to invest in public schooling and infrastructure in a way that would have been unimaginable with Byrd still in power, they turned Northern Virginia, especially, into a cornucopia of economic growth.23
• • •
As the state and the nation changed, it would not be long before the University of Virginia did as well. In the early 1960s, President Darden acknowledged that academic excellence at UVA would require more federal research grants, a more distinguished faculty, and a larger and higher-achieving student body recruited from broader sources than the white, country-club South.24 What he had not foreseen is what it would take to open the campus to such improvement.
Nothing did more to bring the new world to campus than the sit-ins that began in March 1961. “The segregated restaurants, barber shops, and movie theater” in the midst of the campus, reported one former student, had become “an embarrassment to fair-minded white students and faculty and a source of despair and frustration for black students,” tiny as their numbers were. Patient efforts to persuade the business owners to stop turning away African Americans proved unavailing. So a hardy band of four black students and two dozen white students and faculty, stirred by the larger sit-in movement then sweeping the South, began a petition-and-picket campaign to open local public accommodations to all. Campus conservatives railed against them, insisting on the business owners’ right, as property owners, to discriminate as they wished.25
The clash polarized the campus: as the advocates of the Golden Rule founded an interracial group, the defenders of the right to discriminate built a chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF), with encouragement from Gordon Tullock.26 Things grew tenser still when opponents of racism persuaded the Student Council to declare “all segregated businesses off-limits to University organizations and threaten [campus] violators with censure.” This prohibition would include the Farmington Country Club, used by many university programs, among them the Thomas Jefferson Center, to host visitors. Hundreds of critics
signed a petition, started by Leon Dure, against “any rule that would dictate to groups or persons where they may or may not go,” on the grounds that “individual liberty is a higher good than racial equality.”27
The new university president, Edgar F. Shannon Jr., relished controversy over desegregation no more than his predecessor had. But Shannon also knew that nondiscriminatory admission, coming quietly if possible, was both right and necessary for academic excellence. In 1965, responding to changing constituents and mindful of running afoul of the new federal ban on discrimination, President Shannon informed university administrators that no further evasions of the antisegregation policy would be allowed.28
When the city of Charlottesville that same year abandoned the segregation-enabling “freedom of choice” for a public school policy that would allow more integration, Buchanan grumbled to Tullock that now “the leftists will be attracted” to the University of Virginia.29 His crankiness hid justified fear. That year, Tullock was denied promotion by the upper administration, something that would never have happened under the old regime. Tullock told Milton Friedman he sensed that “the University administration feels much the same about Nutter [and] Buchanan . . . as it does about me.” Buchanan, too, felt a chill wind rising. “If we are forced out,” he said darkly, the “knaves and fools” at the helm of the university should know that “we shall not go without stirring up a few people”—presumably his own elite backers.30 But the threat was idle: his backers no longer held sway as they once had.
With generous funding from anonymous Virginia business donors, university administrators had just authorized a new institute to study the state’s economy, so as to guide them in developing “the kind of Virginia we want in 1980.” The creation of the new institute, with its vision of using public policy and tax dollars to enhance economic development, signaled a direct rejection of the approach of Buchanan’s center by the state elite represented on the university’s Board of Visitors.31 For the first time, business pragmatists not beholden to the Byrd Organization were in the saddle. Among them were such civic leaders as the corporate lawyer (and future U.S. Supreme Court Justice) Lewis F. Powell Jr. and the banker J. Harvie Wilkinson Jr., both of whom had opposed the 1958 school shutdowns and believed it legally and morally wrong to defy the federal courts as Byrd’s men had. Wilkinson called himself a “constructive conservative.” He wanted to lure outside investment to build the state’s economy, and he knew that they would want good public schools at every level and other public investments to make it happen. “With good business practices, you’ve got to invest,” President Shannon explained. “You’ve got to borrow some money that you know is going to pay off.”32
The cofounders of the Thomas Jefferson Center had known from the outset that their secret political mission carried intellectual risk. “The obvious danger,” Nutter had once confided to Milton Friedman, with a plan to create a political “rallying point” for the like-minded, “is that of slipping from scholarship to propaganda.”33 He and Buchanan also knew that they must eventually attract “reputable” scholarly grants—not just the right-wing corporate funding they had to date, but what Nutter called “‘clean’ and respectable” money.34
What they had not realized until it was too late was that those around them were also beginning to notice a troubling contradiction. Buchanan and his fellows trumpeted “the free society,” yet they brooked no dissent from their assumptions. University leaders had first become troubled about the ideological intensity of the enterprise in 1960, when the program came up empty-handed in a major application to the Ford Foundation, and a follow-up visit only confirmed Ford’s fears of dogmatism.35 Ensuing episodes worsened the worries back home in Charlottesville.36
In June 1963, the dean of the faculty alerted the president to “a condition in the Department of Economics that has worried me for quite a while. Doctrinalism tends to breed authoritarianism,” he warned. “And absolute doctrinalism breeds absolute authoritarianism absolutely.”37 The zeal of the Thomas Jefferson Center’s faculty was scaring others. Colleagues not in the inner circle complained of “the department as being too far to the right.” The university opened a secret study, a highly unusual practice. The inquiry found that the center and the economics department were indeed “rigidly committed to a single point of view”: the “‘Virginia School,’ an outlook described by its friends as ‘Neo-Liberalism’ and its critics as ‘Nineteenth-Century Ultra-Conservatism.’” Interviews with untenured faculty exposed a “disquieting” atmosphere: one way of thinking so controlled the department “as to make it difficult or impossible for other views to find expression, whether in instruction or research.” The climate was such that two mainstream conservatives had left for other institutions.38
In addition, the exclusively private funding of the autonomous center suggested external influence on the scholars’ mission, a reference to right-wing corporate donors funding an academic program to advance their political agenda. Hiring some faculty outside the mold, and soon, the study concluded, was vital for introducing “an element of pluralism into an otherwise closed society.”39
It was a sad circumstance for an enterprise founded “to preserve liberty” to be tarred with the “closed society” label then used for totalitarian states. And it would not be the last time it happened.
• • •
Oblivious to the growing uneasiness among administrators answerable to a more inclusive electorate, Buchanan still pushed his approach aggressively at every opportunity. Like his maternal relatives, he became a preacher. Elected president of the Southern Economic Association in 1964, he used his bully pulpit to prescribe “what economists should do.” They should cease focusing on problems of resource distribution—what the field called “allocation problems”—because the very idea that inequality was a bad thing led to looking for remedies, which in turn led the discipline toward an applied “mathematics of social engineering.” Instead, they should adopt his radical methodological individualism in all that they studied, and assume that individuals always sought personal gain, whether in the economy or in politics. But, he opined, markets were good, whereas politics was bad. In the economy, individuals engaged in voluntary exchange; politics, by contrast, was a “whole system of coercive or potentially coercive relationships,” because it relied on government force. Buchanan insisted that his hyper-individualistic method was ideologically “neutral.”40
But it was not. It took effort to deny that “the market” was not a real thing but rather an intellectual abstraction. In the real world, throughout history, people had created markets, and governments had shaped those markets in various ways, always benefiting some groups more than others. History and the daily news alike showed how hard it was for people with vastly unequal wealth to come to a mutually satisfying solution. One had only to read Charles Dickens to grasp the reality of unregulated capitalism; the unchecked economic power of some enabled the domination of others.
What Buchanan was doing was leveraging the prestige of economic “science” to reject what several generations of scholarship in the social sciences, humanities, and law had exposed: that the late-nineteenth-century notion of a pure market was a fiction. That fiction helped emerging corporate elites to shape law and governance to their advantage while devastating the societies over which they held sway by virtue of their wealth and the control over others it could purchase. Founders of the discipline of modern economics, among them Richard T. Ely and John R. Commons, had demonstrated that social power shaped markets, and they debunked the thinkers such as Herbert Spencer who pretended otherwise. Ely, who had led in the 1885 founding of the American Economic Association, was blunt about the laissez-faire economics his generation aimed to supplant. “This younger political economy,” Ely said, “no longer permits the science to be used as a tool in the hands of the greedy and the avaricious for keeping down and oppressing the laboring classes.” No one who claimed the mantle of science shoul
d advocate “doing nothing while people starve.”41
It was views like these that Buchanan aimed to defeat with his new school of thought. Take, for example, one of the central concepts of public choice analysis: “rent-seeking.” Mainstream economists enlisted the concept of “rents” to describe the additional profits a firm might secure without creating additional value for the economy by productive activity—say, by lobbying to extend the patent on an existing product. Buchanan’s team, though, gave the concept a new and distinctive meaning, one in wide use on the right today. They depicted as “rent-seeking” any collective efforts by citizens or public servants to prompt government action that involved tax revenues. And, in their assumption that individuals always acted to advance their personal economic self-interest rather than collective goals or the common good, Buchanan’s school went further, projecting unseemly motives onto strangers about whom they knew nothing. Similarly, Virginia school economists deployed the existing term “special interests” to refer primarily to organized citizens seeking government action and occasionally to corporations seeking legislative favor. Their usage of the phrase implied that these people were scheming, trying to extract money from the economic producers through vote gathering and lobbying rather than earning it from personal labor. The scholars were conducting, in effect, thought experiments, or hypothetical scenarios with no true research—no facts—to support them, while the very terms of their analysis denied such motives as compassion, fairness, solidarity, generosity, justice, and sustainability.42
A case in point: Tullock argued that Lyndon Johnson had undertaken the War on Poverty because “he probably foresaw a fairly direct exchange of political favors for votes.”43 The allegation was the more absurd because the president had known his policies would cost his party its former hold on the white South from the time he signed the Civil Rights Act. Tullock simply presented his own biases about how the world works to discredit those he opposed. It was an old saw on the American right that the people were so dull and inert that any call for government action could come only from self-interested third parties, outside agitators—whether abolitionists, “labor bosses,” Communists, or politicians—seeking to make personal hay.44
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