My Love Break

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My Love Break Page 6

by Antonia, Anna

I froze in place.

  Satisfaction radiated from him as he turned on his heel and left me naked and aching on the bed. I heard the rustle of clothes and then the padding of feet as he came back.

  Damian knelt over me on the bed. Gently he murmured, “Head up.” As soon as I lifted my head, he tied a blindfold.

  I only caught a glimpse of the black material before everything went dark.


  “W-What are you doing?”

  “Shh, good girl. It’s okay.”

  Damian’s sweet words along with his hand stroking my flushed cheeks was enough to calm me. I leaned into his strong touch, letting my nervousness fall away with each pass of Damian’s hand. I whispered his name.

  He answered the question lurking beneath.

  “I’m doing this for you, little girl, so you can be free.” His lips pressed sweetly against my brow. “It’s hard for you to let go, especially because you’ve never done it before. That’s why it has to be like this. I’m going to take everything from you tonight, Risa, and you’re going to let me do it. It won’t be easy but you’ll see in the end that it’s better this way.”

  Oh God. What would be better? Did he mean about tonight or all of it?

  I couldn’t read his face. The darkness suddenly seemed unbearable. I reached up to take the blindfold off. Damian stopped me.

  “Talk to me, Risa. Tell me why you’re scared.”

  “I’m not scared!”

  I lied.

  I was scared out of my mind but I didn’t know exactly why. Scratch that. I knew things felt uncomfortable. I was way out of control and if I couldn’t see Damian’s face, how was I going to read him?

  Damian’s chiding sounded like a countdown. “Lying is unacceptable, little girl. You’ve already earned a lengthy discipline. Do you truly want to add to it like this?”

  I avoided the question and the wicked longing stirring inside me at the quiet threat. “You never explained your rules for discipline. It’s not fair to apply it without going over the rules first.”

  I felt Damian’s dry chuckle more than heard it as he lifted me off the bed. “Knowing the rules won’t help you in going around them, naughty girl. Besides, they’re incredibly simple. Do as I tell you. Don’t lie. Always use your words. See? Simple.”

  Damian still held me up as he sat down. He sat me upright. I automatically linked my arms around his neck. It was strange but erotic to sit on his lap. I knew I wouldn’t mind repeating the experience many times over.

  “I think I can follow those easily.”

  “Do you now? Then why are you on my lap, little girl?”

  The world tumbled over as I found myself face down over his thighs. My heart pounded, sending the drumming of my heartbeat to echo loudly in my ears. “What are you going to do?”

  “Discipline you.”

  I licked my lips. A pounding of a different sort appeared low in my belly and between my thighs.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Exactly what the position implies. I’m going to spank you soundly, my girl. Only when your beautiful ass is red with my marks will I know that you’ve gotten the message.”

  Oh my God.

  I’d never been spanked before. Not as an adult at least. And definitely not during sex.

  “What if I don’t want you to do it?”

  Damian took no time in answering. “Then I leave and this is as far as it goes.”

  I received the message loud and clear. I just couldn’t believe what it meant.

  “If I don’t let you spank me then you won’t see me again? Is that what you’re saying?”


  Dread joined to beat a tattoo in my brain. “That doesn’t seem fair. You get all the power and I get nothing.”

  “I already told you, Risa, I wasn’t going to be easy. I don’t do easy and if you’re with me, neither will you.”

  “This isn’t about easy. It’s about fair. You’re controlling everything and that’s not fair.”

  Damian’s large hand settled between my shoulder blades. “You’re getting worked up because you’re scared. I can’t help you with that, Risa. I won’t play games with you and then lie about what I really want from you. I’m not going to trick you or seduce you into compliance. What you do with me you do of your own free will. But if a game is what you truly need then I’m sorry to say you’ll never find happiness with me. Is that what you need?”

  Need and want splintered. I didn’t know what I needed or wanted anymore. Other than Damian. He was the one constant I could count on craving.

  I laid there over his lap silently. Damian did nothing to push me along. His hand stayed motionless.

  The seconds ticked by as my mind, heart, and pride battled over what to do. Damian wasn’t going to accept anything less than complete capitulation. I wasn’t sure if I could survive it, especially since I’d just promised myself to keep my heart intact.

  “I don’t need the game, Damian. I just need to know...” My throat closed up. I tried again. “I just need to know that you want me.”

  “Oh Risa.” It was a sigh that went through both of us. “I can’t help but want you, little girl. I can’t imagine anything that will make it stop anytime soon.”

  The silence ate me alive. I yearned to hear more from him but Damian, stingy as ever, kept me dangling.

  “Damian, I...ah...” I was suddenly grateful for the blindfold. “I am scared about losing control to you. I’m scared about a lot of things actually. But I do want this...I want you.”

  And I want everything I can get from you—even the things that scare me.

  He exhaled. “Do you submit to me?”

  I tensed my muscles as if to spring off his lap. I felt the subtle shift beneath me. But would Damian keep me or let me go? I knew what would come next would change the course of us—good or bad.

  Answering him would strip me naked, far more than I already was. But I knew my answer.


  Damian carefully moved my hair off my shoulder. He kissed the nape of my neck gently. The tenderness of his gesture brought me a sense of contentment. Everything would be worth it. I would do anything for him just so that he’d continue kissing me like I was the only woman that mattered.

  Lost in a tide of pure emotion, I could barely rein in the soft words of devotion yearning to tumble from my lips.

  I love you. I love you so much. I’ve never felt this for anyone ever before. I’ve never done this with anyone before. Please take care of me. Please don’t break me.

  “You’re such a good girl to trust me this much, Risa. Thank you.” Damian left a hot, lingering kiss on my shoulder. I could feel him sit up. “I’m going to discipline you now, Risa. It will hurt, but you are not to fight me. You are to take it and be my good girl.”

  His expectant air compelled me to answer. “Yes, Damian.”

  “So sweet.” He gathered my wrists and crossed them at the small of my back in one hand. I instinctively tested his hold. It wasn’t painful or tight, but I wasn’t going anywhere.

  There was a part of me that wondered if I was insane to go along with this. I wasn’t ignorant of BDSM, but only through books. Not in practice. Panic shot to the surface.

  “Damian, wait!”


  He didn’t sound annoyed or impatient. “Yes?”

  “What happens if I cry?”

  “It’s not a question of ‘if’, my pretty girl. You will cry.”

  Dread knotted in my stomach. “Is that because you’re going to beat me, Damian?”

  “Absolutely not. I’m not an abuser, Risa.”

  Hysterical laughter bubbled out. “Pardon me for being so offensive about the terminology concerning a lover who has me on his lap and is going to spank me until I cry!”

  Damian didn’t reply. He simply stroked me all the way from the top of my head to my wrists. I calmed down bit by bit. It was unspoken but clear nonetheless—Damian would wait for me as long as I needed him to
. He wouldn’t do a thing unless I gave him my consent.

  The flipside of it was I’d also make him leave if I didn’t give into him. Unfair.

  I wanted to trust that I wasn’t making a mistake. Damian already entranced me with the unspoken promise of carnal delights that was sure to come.

  I could do this.

  It was only a spanking. It couldn’t be too bad. This was simply part of the process I didn’t yet understand. I didn’t have to fear it. I could choose to embrace it instead.

  Being vulnerable, losing control…being messy.

  Even though my blood pounded throughout my body, I managed to keep my voice steady.

  “I’m ready, Damian.”


  He didn’t ask me if I was sure. He simply tightened his hold on my wrists and said, “You earned three from before. You then lied to me in this room. That is an offense punishable by twenty. I won’t go easy on you just because this is our first session. It would be unkind to you otherwise. Understand?”

  “Not really.”

  “Good girl.”

  His praise made me happy until I realized he’d set a trap for me. As if he’d heard the outrage of my thoughts, Damian said, “You’re right. It was a trick. I’m happy to see you were paying attention and being honest.”

  “Do I get a reward?”

  It was only after I asked the question that I wondered if being flippant would also earn another set of strikes. Thankfully, Damian took it in stride.

  “Later, little girl. Any other questions?”

  This was it. My tummy tingled and my heart quickened. It was like being on a rollercoaster right as the car started its ascent. There was no turning back.



  Damian’s hand cracked down across my ass and I let out a yelp. I couldn’t believe how much it already hurt!

  Another one fell. And then another. I pressed my body harder against his muscled thighs, seeking comfort and an irrational way to escape the heavy pressure of his hand.

  Damian didn’t pause in his correction of me and my offenses even though I squirmed. He remained steady and solid. I took odd comfort from it.

  Still by the time we reached to number ten, my legs started kicking out. My eyes burned about as badly as my ass did. He had to stop. I couldn’t handle this much.

  “Damian! I can’t!”

  He didn’t stop. He simply said, “Yes, you can and you will.”

  I yelled loudly. “I can’t! Please.”

  “You’re halfway there, Risa. You can do this. I know you can.”

  “Damian...” His name came out as a strangled whine.

  “Do it for me, Risa.”

  Ah. The magic words to switch everything. I was no longer struggling over having something done to me. I was struggling to do something for him.

  I gritted my teeth and focused on a mental point. My breathing slowed even as the fire in my tail burned out of control and my legs involuntarily kicked up a storm.

  Pain fractured my concentration more than once, but somehow I held on until the very last crack.


  My breath came out in a loud sigh of relief. I survived. Then the floodgates broke.

  Ugly tears erupted from me in a humiliating torrent. Gasping sobs threatened to choke me.

  Damian immediately sat me up and cuddled me close. I was afraid he’d remove the blindfold, so I buried my face against his chest. I didn’t want him to look at me. Not yet.

  My ass throbbed with each breath. Damian’s warm hand pet my back, paying special attention to the hot and achy parts of me he could reach.

  “There, there. Cry it all out, little girl. Let it all go. You’ll feel so much better once it’s over.”

  Gentle and sweet. Two words I would’ve never imagined giving to the man who’d just spanked me like a naughty child.

  Shifting gingerly in his lap, I felt the hardness of his cock straining beneath my thigh. He hadn’t been unmoved by me at all. Desire slammed into me, drenching my folds until I was sure he’d feel it.

  My bottom may have been spanked thoroughly but my feelings for Damian was definitely not those of a child.

  Trapped in the darkness, my thoughts circled about.

  What’s happening to me? Am I wrong to go along with this? What does it say about me that I was even willing to try this?

  Confused by the conflicting emotions firing off between my body, brain, and heart, I let out a ragged sob.

  “Why did I let you do this?” I warbled pitifully into his naked chest.

  “You let me do this because it would please me.”

  “A blowjob would please you too.”

  I expected him to dump me on the bed or at the very least, pull off my blindfold to give me a chilling glare. Instead, he laughed and kissed my ear.

  “Yes, that would please me too. But not as much as this.”

  Damian’s arms tightened immediately around me. I felt safe and secure, treasured and adored. I also received my answer. I would suffer a hundred smacks of his hand if I could get this afterwards.

  “Did I…did I do well?”

  Damian didn’t take his time and stretch my nerves to their breaking point. Neither was he coy.

  “You took your discipline so well. You submitted to me beautifully. Risa, I’m so proud of you.”

  I hugged him tightly, sobbing loudly against his chest. I did it. I made him proud of me. I proved to him through my sacrifice that I wasn’t a mistake. I could make him happy.

  I was a good girl.

  Damian didn’t seem unnerved or uncomfortable by my loss of emotion. His comfort was there. His voice remained a gentle beacon for me to sway towards.

  “Shh, Risa. I’ve got you for as long as you want. I’m here, little girl. I’m here just for you. Always.”

  Overcome, I let out another choked cry. He was right. It felt good to cry, to release all the tension in my body. Damian kept his word, hugging me as if I had all the time in the world to receive his comfort.

  Eventually, I wound down. The pain had already dulled even though my skin felt hot and splotchy. This was definitely a new experience and one I’d never dreamed I would accept, much less actively agree to.

  Frightening. Strange. Arousing.

  Blindly, I rubbed my cheek against his skin. Soon I kissed the spot beneath. I felt Damian’s response like a jolt. It was electric. Entranced by his response, I did it again, this time letting my tongue curl out to taste his skin.

  He groaned softly in my ear.

  I opened my mouth wider. Damian’s skin tasted so good. My tears stopped. Everything was all right. In fact, it was better than all right. I was here with Damian.

  I’d won him over with my pain and I liked it.

  If that made me fucked up, well, so be it.


  Feeling confident in myself once more, I arched closer to him, letting my hands roam over his wide shoulders and down his strong arms.

  Damian tunneled his fingers through my hair. He tilted my head back and possessed me through his kiss. We both moaned loudly as our tongues slid against each other. The sensuous movement of his kiss promised sensual delights.

  I didn’t want to wait any longer for his cock. I wanted it in me. I wanted to come all over it and then I wanted him to make me do it again.

  I whispered as much to Damian. His fingers tightened painfully in my hair. The reminder of his power over me drove me wild.

  I rubbed my tits against his chest and lost myself to the tease of his skin against my sensitive nipples. I was so turned on that I nearly came right then and there.

  Which didn’t go unnoticed by Damian.

  He pulled back and cupped my face. “Remember, Risa. All of your pleasure belongs to me.”

  I pressed myself against him, wanton and free. Would I have been so bold without the blindfold? Maybe, but I was glad to not have to think about it then. I was safe behind my stricture and I embraced it fully.
/>   “Damian, I’m so hot for you. I want to come. Please make me come. Please?”

  He chuckled, obviously more than a little turned out by my shamelessness. “Such a good girl.”

  I imagined the look on his face, lusty, domineering, and pleased with me. I wanted to see him. I wanted that pleasure for myself. My cruel lover was already taking everything else for himself.

  “Damian, please take off the blindfold. I want to look at you.”

  He lips feathered across mine. I licked them, moaning when his tongue played with mine. What would he do with that tongue? Would he lick my body from head to toe? I couldn’t wait to find out.

  “Anything for you, my sweet girl.”

  The blindfold came off. Damian’s gaze was inches from mine. I could see every fleck in his wonderfully mismatched orbs. Need for me burned bright. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I arched against him and spread my thighs over him.

  Damian’s hands gripped my hips. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He promised he wouldn’t play games with me, but what else could this be? Damian had to know I was hot and aching for him.

  “I want you.”

  He bent his head and tongued my nipple. Each rhythmic stroke sent a shard of painful need straight to my clit. I gasped my pleasure while digging my nails into his back.

  He then bit down, not gently either.

  “Watch your claws, Risa.”

  The warning should’ve dampened my desire. Instead, it set me aflame. I bowed over him when his lips fastened around my other nipple. His fingers plucked and rubbed at the recently freed breast, ensuring it wouldn’t feel abandoned.

  I heard my moans as a distant thing. I was helpless to Damian’s will. My neglected pussy clenched and released with each drugging pull of his talented mouth. I wanted to rub myself before shoving my fingers as far as they could go.

  With any other man I wouldn’t have hesitated. But Damian had been more than clear. I would obey him or he would leave.

  It wasn’t fair.

  How could I have become so malleable so quickly? The answer didn’t take long. My confidence was built on a foundation of sand when it came to Damian Black. I wanted to please him as I’d never pleased any other man before.


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